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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 1200x800, LCXREICH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25522652 No.25522652 [Reply] [Original]

>LCX DeFi Terminal a.k.a. “Fire Salamander” is a decentralized trading platform built on top of Uniswap. LCX has built a second layer protocol which is enabling limit orders on Uniswap DEX. Using LCX DeFi Terminal does not impose any extra registration requirements or limits, simply connect with your Metamask wallet and get started.

how the FUCK have you faggot pajeet ass shills not mentioned what is easily the biggest selling point of this entire project?

it honestly infuriates me that i'm not paid a sinecure wage to basically do the job of old out of touch pedo faggot marketing teams.

Anyone who knows, knows that Fire Salamander being a "real" trading protocol built directly into Uniswap is huge. Yet search the archives, only a few mention of Fire Salamander.

I hereby declare that Klaus Schwab and all you other reptilian faggots owe me a lot of money for basically being the only one who notices the actual unique value LCX is bringing to the table beyond pixellated aids patients and gay licenses.

>> No.25522780

yep, but why spoonfeed these fags anymore, at this point anyone who lurks /biz and hasn't bought deserves to stay poor

>> No.25522792

there's no marketing teams here m8, just anons excited about the listing tomorrow. also, a few anons have been spreading the word about uniswap limit orders. but fudders keep ruining the info per usual

>> No.25522867
File: 73 KB, 712x828, 1609798052655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just happy im making it i dont know man.. u think this is paid shilling but ive been glued to my phone for 10 hours now and i can spot few ppl that are memeing in similiar fashion.. its literally 5-8 memeing frens.. pls hire me tho i will make nazi memes for your jewish coin

>> No.25522967

does Unitrade provide the same option? I didn't use it though.

>> No.25523052
File: 49 KB, 425x283, LCXarmsdealers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does but unitrade doesn't run off of LCX like this platform does, as well as unitrade is fully dex while this is cex. this thus allows for more risk averse investors and traders to do "regular" style trading within the uniswap framework while still being protected by a fully regulated and insured company.