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24318289 No.24318289 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck didn't i buy any XRP yet?

and why the fuck are there so many anons saying this is a P&D scam and all other shit?

XRP seems like it could surpass bitcoin in the future in terms of market cap.

>> No.24318357

centralized shitcoin.

>> No.24318374


>> No.24318402

I don't see anything amazing about it. 40 billion supply and the owner owns like half the supply so he can dump it at will, and has a history of doing just that.

>> No.24318460

Explain in your own big brained words what an escrow account is

>> No.24318480

desu priced out nbd

>> No.24318510

its not too late

>> No.24318513

holding cell per diem relesium contrarion nonsequitr entanglemints

>> No.24318521

Think about it, if XRP keeps growing, It'll lead to bitcoinholders to switch to XRP, this might crash down Bitcoin so hard that almost everyone starts switching over because of Bitcoin continuously loosing Marketcap. Tings might normalize after some time and people come back to bitcoin but i can see that happening. Not to mention the US dollar infation + Crypto didn't really reach the masses yet so theres a huge potential newcomers investing in it.

>> No.24318523


XRP is a KNOWN scam. I don't understand it's marketcap and have never bothered reading the white paper because I missed its pump and dump.

>> No.24318579
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>> No.24318580

Maybe its Jews behind it. They intentionally create a scamcoin,back it up withtheir banks, so if ti comes crushing down everyone blames Unregulated cryptos, and voila the jew has taken control of crytocurrencies

>> No.24318601

>t. sirgay butanerin

>> No.24318659

Think about it, Gvts and richfags pump moneyin scamcoin, scamgoin goeshuge, scamcon goes toshit, alot of XRPfags withdraw money from Scamcoin, Hyperinflation happens, Govts can get rid of debts, and jews take control of cryptos.

>> No.24318725

this beeing followed up by a great reset, where they implement Cryptos as a new economic way. And oh boy we are only 9 years away from 2029, exactly 100 years after the Great depression, wuld be a perfecttiming, aint it?

>> No.24318778

XRP is leveling out right now at about next year's price floor according to some of the more accurate predictive models. Granted nobody can predict nothin' but the fundamentals are really good, especially lately with the ledger and proven institutional use and investing. According to the models that said this was the price floor for next year, some predict a price ceiling of 5-7 dollars. Some schizos including actual crypto experts think it could be hundreds of dollars. Imo it's just kind of stupid to not hodl some at this rate.

If it were centralized you couldn't trade it when their servers go down, which has happened more than once with no interruption to trade. If it were a shitcoin it wouldn't have institutional use, like Bank of America which was announced last week. It was at worse a stablecoin at around a shitty and miserable .20-.30 but I think that's changing. I have only been holding since this summer and my bag is less than 10k XRP. Closer to 5k I bought during the coofing so it's not like I'm being partial here.

>> No.24318816

I mean its Ironic because we allso got a pandemic almost 100 years ago fromthe Spanish flu.

It's as if history repeats 1:1 itself

>> No.24318889

It could happen, but XRP will never hit a price anywhere near BTC. Still keeping my fingers crossed though that it will get to some significant price.

>> No.24318922

>plaintiff, Ryan Coffey, purchased 650 XRP on Jan. 5 and sold it on Jan. 18 of last year for USDT. He then exchanged it for U.S. dollars, purportedly sustaining a loss of around 32 percent, or $551.89
buy high, sell low, sue, case gets thrown out

>> No.24318956

The highest this coin can go is maybe 20 dollars max.

>> No.24318960

What retard sues over 650xrp? How poor do you have to be to waste time doing that?

>> No.24318984

One thing the schizos could be right about, that I'm willing to listen to at least are their ideas about market cap being more or less a meme.

>> No.24318992

You say that like it means anything.

>> No.24319018

Uhhh...would you like to explain your logic behind your extremely stupid statement, or would you like to just insert it into a discussion and say nothing else?

>> No.24319041

Buy now my dude. Fuck the haters.

>> No.24319056

Not him, but I think he's referring to the idea that despite there supposedly being billions of coins out in the wild, most of them are tied up in escrow accounts or something, so the total amount in circulation is actually much smaller?

>> No.24319055

is noone even considering my Conspiracy theory? I think i'll have to go to /pol/ with that

>> No.24319105
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>what's bitcoin? oh you mean its like XRP?

>> No.24319139
File: 85 KB, 517x800, DA7088EB-46B0-4B7E-B894-C98AC55D5BC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based kek

>> No.24319171

DIA > XRP change my mind.

>> No.24319178

No bro go ask them. I didn't look into it really but like three guys in the schizo thread were saying that after the price doubled. I'm inclined to not ignore it at least, I can't tell if it's the peak of retardation or brilliance.

Basically a coin based on remittance efficiency almost exclusively (like XRP) can have an impossibly adaptive market cap that can be changed dramatically while the coins are tied up in escrow, if people are using it. It's not centralized really in any other capacity except market cap and coins available. The pump that started last week came more from institutional adoption in the US, but more so China and Japan, and the market cap swelled dramatically iirc. I don't understand the legality of the situation. That's perhaps why XRP is leaving for Japan or London, because the US lacks regulatory clarity on things like this especially.

>> No.24319194

I think I'm missing something here though, we need one of those schizo bros to break it down better.

>> No.24319364

Do you think it'll drop back down below .53 tonight at some point?

>> No.24319466

I came to biz looking for a way to make money in the summer, read some threads, went all in xrp, been holding since .23

>> No.24319689


>> No.24319765

Well daily volume for international settlements is 6.6 trillion. So if xrp captures all that it could pump quite a bit. Now if xrp captures domestic settlements as well...

>> No.24320593

I’ll say this once. Looks who’s backing it. It is the lefties crypto, post rapture XRP is it.

>> No.24321703

I'll give a hint:
>XRP is not a security
No breach of law

>> No.24322005

Is XRP even used by any ripplenet system that a bank is using? NO!

Money gram sure, after a SUBSIDY.

xCurrent is the financial messaging system that uses no XRP and is the one banks are only interested in.

xRapid uses XRP and no gives a shit about it because XRP is an asset that is too volatile for banks to touch with a 6’ stick.

Unless I can be proven wrong, but XRP is literal funding for Ripple because they can’t make money any other way. I’m convinced that whole thing is a scam.

>> No.24322067

Fuck outta shilling this shitcoin

>> No.24322149

its the tool everyone uses to extract scarce crypto from idiots.

>> No.24322474

>Why the fuck didn't i buy any XRP yet?
You fell for the etherium shitcoin peddlers and linkies who FUD all legit projects

>> No.24322496

>why the fuck are there so many anons saying this is a P&D scam and all other shit?
Paid nWo shills who want to keep the common man out

>> No.24322647

I'm thinking this. I posted my CB the other day and was absolutely ridiculed for making 4k on XRP.

>> No.24322664

if the NWO wanted to keep the common man out, why would they allow XRP to be sold to the general public through shoddy chink exchanges?

>> No.24322725

>coin does literally nothing for ages, gets pumped to almost 4$ in the big bullrun
>bleeds consecutively for FUCKING THREE YEARS STRAIGHT
>bleeds consecutively for FUCKING THREE YEARS STRAIGHT
>bleeds consecutively for FUCKING THREE YEARS STRAIGHT
>bleeds consecutively for FUCKING THREE YEARS STRAIGHT
>coin suddenly pumps again 300% in a matter of less than 7 days, loses immediately 40% afterwards, creating hordes of new bagholders
>"g-guys why is this not a P&D?"

I don't know anon, you tell me. Why is it not a P&D?

>> No.24322888

It always does. Also resets have happened in the past. They always floow a similar pattern.

>> No.24322912

There are actually very few holders of the largest part of the supply, I guess it's less than 0.1% of the wallets that hold about two thirds. These are big institutional wallets. they don't care much about the shoeshine boys who hold a few thousand XRP here and there.

>> No.24323103

the xrp army has to be the most retarded bunch ive come across in crypto. there are a whole lot more viable projects like BASE that seeks to hedge your funds, not like xrp that tries to liquidate you

>> No.24323159

how dumb does one have to get, to be admitted into the xrp fagots club. Scam of the century, your funds would do better in BASE ngl

>> No.24323221
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reminder that everything sub 1$ is accumulation zone

>> No.24323366

of course its dumping
I just opened long