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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 400x400, dxdao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19149834 No.19149834 [Reply] [Original]

dyor 2 lazy to post just search archives

>> No.19150227


>if only you knew how comfy things really are for a project this legit.

>> No.19150254

please keep it a secret until the price x20
Already stacked up 2+eth

>> No.19150302


Clement from Kleros talking in the weekly meeting for the dxdao

this could be the beginning of a great governance protocol for the ethereum network including multiple current and future products.

Value comes from the 10% of revenue returned to dxd holders

>> No.19150304


you deleted your thread fuckers.
to all anons, these fuckers are minting endlessly, any positive price movements and they unload their bags while minting endlessly, take heed anons.

>> No.19150350

Can you explain the minting? Seems to only be 100.000+ coins + 100 holders right now

>> No.19150366

Lmao I disproved you like three times last thread, at this point I have no idea what you’re talking about. There is no endless mint, it’s 100k already minted and capped at 20k max for funding (now). 120k total. All written plain and clear on their site, ethscan, and the contract.
Done talking about this, I saw people fudding ESH two weeks ago but never realised biz was truly this retarded until now.

>> No.19150391


Please do more research before spouting absolute nonsense you are preventing people from making informed decisions gtfo cuck.

Tokens are being minted at the moment via a bonding curve (similar to an ico but you can sell the tokens back)

Of course supply is increasing retard it's because people are buying. Max supply is 108 611 and won't change. 100K is vested over 3 years.

have fun being priced out of dapps paying dividends and being governed by a dao at the same time.

>> No.19150424

It's a bonding curve where price to mint goes up as more DXD are bought. If you wanted to redeem DXD, you'd do it at about 10c on the dollar, because 10% of funds raised go to a reserve for investors who want to undoubtedly exit no matter what.

Don't think of it as an exchange to trade on. The bonding curve is more like an investment application. Use Uniswap for trading.

>> No.19150457

the uniswap liquidity pool is awful and I can't even find info on how much is available in the pool

>> No.19150468

Uniswap is currently lagging behind the curve's price. Doesn't matter, considering the shilling ETH Twitter is gonna do for us.

>> No.19150482

where do I buy this, cannot find it

>> No.19150495

uniswap contract or at their site
however the uniswap pool has slippage of 11% at 1 eth

>> No.19150499

Only 56 DXD rn. https://etherscan.io/address/0x745c1e2417455814c9359366d281b4a650a6ac61

It needs just 2.2 ETH to catch up with the bonding curve's price.

>> No.19150503

You can go to dxdao.eth.link if you want to mint new tokens (meaning DXdao directly receives your investment) or you can go to Uniswap and see if people are trading.

>> No.19150539

hey thanks
that liquidity pool is indeed awful

>> No.19150559


You can find some here. Mesa is actually one of their products.

>> No.19150566

goddammit they just remove 55 DXD lmao.

>> No.19150619


>> No.19150646


>> No.19150654

it sure looks like they bought them up. Don't know what to feel about that

>> No.19150713

i didn't look at the contract since he posted that but the slippage was insane. If they bought all 55 the slippage would have been over 50%. it was 11% for 1eth worth

>> No.19150724

Huge demand. Not often you see literally 98%of investors holding their tokens.

>> No.19150741

Don't think it was a buy, otherwise I'd be able to sell my DXD for so much more right? The price has dropped tho.
55 DXD was removed, leaving behind 0.85 or so

>> No.19150791

otoh the price on the bonding curve has slightly risen.

>> No.19151497

hopefully someone adds liquidity to uniswap so there are more than 1 source for buying and selling

>> No.19151527

People buying up the liq on uniswap faster than they added. HUGE demand

>> No.19151631

can i buy with bitcoin?

>> No.19151634

where do I buy on their site?

>> No.19151655

dxdao.eth.link then click Invest

can only be done with ETH

>> No.19152238

how can you even miss that button. are you even looking?

>> No.19152488

tfw the logo is a swastika...
Is this /our/ DAO?

>> No.19152544
File: 2.79 MB, 640x800, 1589349538166.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got myself 1 DXD

>> No.19152557

oh no... when we finally get a serious product we also get hidden swasticas

>> No.19152766

source... and please tell me thats no trap

>> No.19152960

Will this replace MakerDao?

>> No.19153104

BINGO! Yes, that and many more products. And it's totally decentralised

>> No.19153903

went with 100 stack here

>> No.19154337

someone just bought 162 DXD. Madman

>> No.19154400

At .2 ETH a coin mcap is already $4 million.
Why will this go any higher?

>> No.19154461

well, it was pretty sideways for like 2 days when we raised about 600 ETH and we said, "cool, we can work with this budget. maybe it's good that things are quiet so we can just work."

and then today,

>> No.19154505


I started shilling this project a few days ago but it didn't gain any traction buntil yesterday's thread.


>> No.19154515

What exactly do you mean by redeem?

>> No.19154679

when you redeem tokens back into the reserve, the tokens are burned and you're given back a percentage of the ETH you invested. but most of the time you'll want to go to uniswap or something to get a better price.

>> No.19154806

Oh got it, okay you scared me thinking the token sale tokens were also on a vesting schedule.
Are you afilliated with the project?

>> No.19154824


>> No.19154872

so fuckin early frens

>> No.19155323

actually. feel too good to be true

>> No.19155395

What is the timeline on this?

>> No.19155483

moon mission is go.

>> No.19155801

Someone just added liquidity on Uniswap and the price is cheaper there compared to the website

>> No.19155827

as i understand it the products are live and they are working on some really nice partnerships

>> No.19156040

I mean when are real exchange listings coming in and a propper price tracking and so on.

>> No.19156174

Mega early, DXdao is an easy 100x

>> No.19156188


>> No.19157152

you guys seing the price increase? :)

>> No.19157241

yea it increases each time someone buys from the curve, this is on a mission to mars!

>> No.19157395

let's go niggas

>> No.19157545


New thread about the future of /biz/
Lets get control over DEFI guys. Get in early.

>> No.19158042

where tf are you seeing the price tho

>> No.19158409
