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18776295 No.18776295 [Reply] [Original]

Could anyone explain to me the relationship between LINK adoption and token price?

I read some posts saying LINK could see adoption without having any implication on the price, is this true?

>> No.18776298

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.18776311

The price is based on whether or not sergay dumps his big loads on you today or tomorrow.

Don’t buy this shit. It’s pumped for 3 years. Find something that’s at the bottom.

>> No.18776422

Never trust a pink ID. Trust gold and green ones.

>> No.18776439

>I read some posts saying LINK could see adoption without having any implication on the price, is this true?
Obviously, it is. Why do you think we never broke $5 ?
It's around a cup of Coffee.
You have to understand: A lot of anons here got in at 20 to 50 cent and hyped it up for the last two years and recently dumped their bags after a 10x profit.
Now it is just an old meme and they are trying to get newfags in on it.
Like with shit as "This will be worth more than Ethereum" for example, just to laugh at you in the end.

>> No.18776496

checked and based

>> No.18776754

If link is adopted, its supposed to earn passive income.. So ofc price will go up. If link functions as it should, don't worry about the cup of coffee meme(which is just another smokescreen fud around here). Just worry whether it actually gets adopted or not.

>> No.18776773 [DELETED] 

yeah put all your money in a low cap shitcoin that has 5% chance to make it past a few years. link is listed on fucking coinbase it's a pretty safe investment as far as altcoins go as long as you don't believe all the FUD that has been posted by discord trannies the past couple weeks.

>> No.18776778

Do not listen to this scammer

No, just kidding OP you retarded faggot. Fucking buy as much as you can, as long as it is cheap

>> No.18776855 [DELETED] 

>I read some posts saying LINK could see adoption without having any implication on the price, is this true?
600 million linkies are not in circulation and is intended to be sold OTC to banks and corporations, as stated in the whitepaper.
The big users like BSN, Federal Reserve, Swift and Oracle won't buy your bags.
The tokens in circulation will mostly be used for staking by the node operators, but since the nodes will be paid for their data from the 600 million stack the supply will slowly increase and the node operators will be selling them to cover the node operation costs.

So adoption will actually drive the price lower, the only thing that pumps in this market is hype.

>> No.18776882


there is no such thing as link adoption in the first place

nothing to talk about


>> No.18776938

The more it's used the more it moves around, meaning liquidity, meaning lower price, meaning cost savings for enterprises. This basic tokenomics can be inferred from the white paper by just skimming if you're not a brainlet. What the duck did you think the coffee standard meant to imply?

>> No.18777023

Literally no one can answer your question. That should tell you everything you need to know.

>> No.18777363

>making poor anons skim technical white papers that don't reference price or making anon Ctrl+f for "coffee standard"

>> No.18778057
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The tokenomics of the LINK token.

1. Chainlink nodes will be paid in LINK tokens only. There will be conversion tools for people that want to use fiat but will be converted to LINK. at the end of the day only LINK tokens can power the network since the nature of ERC-677 token, built specifically for LINK, is to transfer data.

2. LINK tokens are used as collateral value. Smartcontracts will use Chainlink nodes that carry a % value of LINK to the value of the Smartcontract. So yes, you can start a node without LINK but no one will use it. High value smartcontracts or any contract that has value will use nodes that carry the same or a % of value of LINK.

3. Decentralized networks that are home to smartcontracts will need decentralized data to execute. Chainlink is currently the only option. Thats why you will see everyone in this space partner with Chainlink

Smart contract creators will demand a certain level of reputation or amount of collateral, to be paid in LINK tokens, that suits the value of their smart contract. A $1million bond would require a lot more collateral, than, say a smart contract dealing with $100. You wouldn't select the low rep/low collateral available nodes for something like a huge bond. Chainlink is actually targeting these high value contracts. Sergey has discussed at length why high value contracts in the financial world require a decentralized oracle: it puts all the risk onto the oracle rather than the smart contract creator. The smart contract creator doesn't risk losing money - the node operators do. The Chainlink network is genius like that.

There is infinite amount of collateral available because the token price can rise to meet it.
Now you have to research how large ALL these markets are. derivatives, insurance etc... hint: Trillions.

>> No.18778110
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The purpose of Chainlink is a network that incentives truthful data provided by individuals running LINK nodes (aka known as mining 2.0) while also providing compensation to smartcontracts just in case false data was used to trigger an agreement.

So the price will rise not only to meet the insured needs of smartcontracts but also because the LINK node miners are making money providing this service much like the price of BTC. (there are about 3 main factors that make the price rise one of them from mining and difficulty)

It's very sinple!!

The more LINK staked in the nodes, the more profit one can make running that node.
The more LINK staked in the nodes the bigger the smartcontract economy can become.
The more LINK staked in the nodes the more stable the network/connectivity becomes.
The more LINK staked in nodes the higher the price becomes.

Also BTC and Ethereum holders had to sell their BTC/ETH to get profits/cash out. With LINK you can stake in the node and cashout your staking rewards rather than cashing out completely and putting it into a stock fund to get dividends. It's as if you were required to stake BTC/ETH to mine BTC/ETH. Basically LINK's tokenomics are designed for $1k+ per LINK.

We are witnessing something really special. The birth of the HTTP equivalent in Crypto.

The only comparable investment to LINK is when BTC or ETH first came about. Decentralized digital currency, Decentralized smartcontracts and now Decentralized oracle network. This trifecta will lead us into the next economic boom.

>> No.18778423

Here >>18778057