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18361906 No.18361906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This economy is literally fucking bullshit. We have not changed a single thing since 2008, in fact we've kept doing the same thing but with more forms of debt that just mortgages. Instead of crashing like we were supposed to during this corona chan attack, the FED printed us even higher stilts to walk on.

We're almost 28 trillion dollars in debt. I remeber when nigbama was president we were around 12 trillion in debt and serious economists (economists are stupid as fuck and almost always wrong, but their math is generally correct) were predicting a massive disaster caused by debt insolvency.

Well, it happened, and nothing changed, and now it's going to happen again. Keep in mind that the FED just printed FOUR FUCKING TRILLION DOLLARS in 2 weeks to keep this paper economy afloat. Does that not make people sick to their stomach?

Here's a great analysis from a WSB fag predicting a massive fucking crash. This is one huge dead pangolin bounce.


What's the move? I think the dumbest thing you can do right now is be going all into stocks and crypto. Or is it? Is the fed just going to keep brrrrr'ing the fuck out of USD and prolong our inevitable financial ruin?

I mean fucking really? This is a joke, history is repeating itself right in front of our eyes and this time I wanna be Christian bale and make millions.

>> No.18361918

That's not a man

>> No.18361923

What the actual fuck is that thing from the video

>> No.18361925


Wow he is cute who is he?

Absolutely STUNNING!

>> No.18361932

you need to go back

>> No.18361945

No way. The real big short was successful because every Tom , dick and Harry didn’t see it coming.
Not this time. Just about everyone calling for a massive recession and doomsday propaganda.
Fade public sentiment is a $ making system.

>> No.18361965

this, unfortunately. We're all in on it. that's part of why the market is behaving so weird. Unprecedented amounts of FOMO.

>> No.18362079

What makes you think a few trillion is a lot of money? Most of it isn't even paper money anymore, just digits in a spreadsheet. I'll be walking around with million dollar bills stuffed in my wallet soon. Printer never gonna stop, and the debt means nothing.

>> No.18362217

>How the fuck do I "big short" what's coming
did you not watch the movie, retard?
they are nearly liquidated before the price crashes down, shit is completely fraudulent and manipulated
you are not going to make money shorting anything with a high enough leverage without being rich before, so you can afford enough collateral

>> No.18362221


It was called "the big short" though, not "the big buy low sell high". What we're seeing now isn't people trying to use financial instruments to bet against a crumbling, fake system, they're buying because of optimism.

>> No.18362234

I have 80k which I can leverage for another 80k.

160k is enough, can easily turn that into 4MM+ if I short correctly

>> No.18362243

>Is the fed just going to keep brrrrr'ing the fuck out of USD and prolong our inevitable financial ruin?

Yes, they are. It either collapses in on itself and we crash like nobodies' business or we watch our currency inflate to the point that it won't matter what any stock is worth. As far as pulling off the "big short," find your entry point on SPY or something. Hell, use SDOW or SQQQ if you aren't afraid of leveraged ETFs.

>> No.18362286

I hate the facial expressions of these zoomer tiktoks so fucking much. Every time I see one of these things they have these bizarre affectations that puts me off on an instinctual level.

>> No.18362299

she cute

>> No.18362302

Shorters are banking on corona virus spreading out of control, but I don't think that will trigger the massive crash.

I think it's more likely that a massive depression will be triggered by the libs to try and take down Trump. They know that basically the only thing that can hurt him is if there's a huge depression before the election. There aren't as many magatards as people think, it's mostly people voting with their wallets and think the general person has had enough of Trump as president, even if they don't necessarily dislike him.

I think it'll trigger soon, maybe we'll build up for another month then they'll pull the pin.

>> No.18362396

You buy calls.

>> No.18362579

42% of small businesses are expected to close permanently.

>> No.18362596

>he wants to go head to head with Jerome
Whatever man, it's your money. Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.18362609

Thinks libs can trigger a depression, and not Federal government self sucking itself to pump up the markets.
Read: Federal Reserve.
Also, corona has got fuck all to do with the coming depression, it was only the catalyst. Just a convenient scapegoat for both parties to place blame on. Easy to blame the dirty chinks, not our greedy slavemasters; our masters are on the same continent, and we are the most heavily armed population on earth. Why do you think this fucking "chinese" virus has so much news coverage? Did you even think any of our "betters" would live another day if their depravity were common knowledge? They would have been wiped out long ago. This shit is beyond fuckin"libs" and fuckin Trump. This scam existed before trump was even born.
To answer your question on shorting the market:

>> No.18362652

I would gently smash her face until it turns into mud

>> No.18362690
File: 959 KB, 816x942, Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 7.37.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy physical silver. It's most likely going to double in the next year.

>> No.18362696

You think shorting VIX is a good move?

How much more fucking money can they print? We're going to reach record levels of unemployment in a couple of weeks, and corona will rebound once the quarantine is lifted.

>> No.18362732

>dead pangolin bounce
Welp this is what it's called now

>> No.18362828

>Price has attempted, three times, to break resistance at SPY 264. 264 is a super significant number, and it's very typical for price to get stuck at a significant number and reverse at said super significant number.
>Price is already 274
>264 is now a support
W-What now?

>> No.18362886

They are mentally ill and mimic cartoons and anime shit instead of true human behavior. Completely uncanny.

>> No.18362912

As soon as the MACD for the SP500 starts to goes negative, Im buying all in.
VIXY in Jan 30: 12.67 held to Mar 19: 63.00=4.9x profit.
Check the MACD for the SP500, and pay attention to the simple moving averages in the VIXY.
I sit with glee everyday as this bullshit market "recovers" from the government self sucking to save the economy. This shit lowers the VIX index day by day. Reload the short cannon. The economy is on an epinephrine drip, it's already been dying a slow death since 2009. It's only a matter of time until the music ends , and we realize it was only a wake for the USD.
Take your massive shorts profits and move them out of the dollar. Me personally, Im going to dance around the ashes of this funeral pyre like a fucking savage and watch these inbred idiots eat each other. I hate these toilet paper buying idiots. Every. One. Of. Them.

>> No.18362972

I want that mound

>> No.18363008
File: 122 KB, 1080x1080, thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine actually being a woman? What is this "person" thinking? Like what are their thought patterns as they record this video?

>> No.18363022

The VIX is the "fear index", you cant short any index itself: you would need a market vehicle that mimics such indexes. VIXY is a leveraged etf meant to mimic the VIX index, but also as a multiplier. It's white phosphorus; can burn you bad if you dont know what youre doing, but can be so effective when used at the right times. This country is good at being afraid, and irrational. Our government reflects the people, just as confused and idiotic. It's a beautiful representation, really.

>> No.18363028

Just wait for the market to jump +10% and then buy SQQQ. And a movie will be made about you later.

>> No.18363123

>Like what are their thought patterns as they record this video?
There are none. They operate on instinct

>> No.18363124

"Me like attention"

That's literally it anon

>> No.18363189

The female of the species is programmed to attract a mate. Watch a nature documentary sometime, its no different.

>> No.18363230

Based. The chinks are obvious enemies, but the monsters that allowed the chinks to rise are within our own borders. We've let too many sheeps-in-wolves clothing into our flock. Why VIXY and not UVXY?

>> No.18363248

I'm in love. How many linkies for her?

>> No.18363319

>can easily turn into 4mm
do it then pussy

>> No.18363320

Stocks only go up. Retard.

>> No.18363350

Thot patterns

>> No.18363602

UVXY just moves way to fast, and its hard for me determine the near peak. If I delay my exit by one day too long, whether because the Stock exchange halts trading or because Im a greedy bastard, my gains would have been comparable to if I had just used VIXY.
The moving averages start to lose even more meaning with this level of leverage as well. Im just not that good, but I would love to make a 10x multiplier of my money.
Either way, if this country goes into this autumn without a vaccine, we will have monumental gains with any short vehicle when we get Corona:Part 2.
Imagine what will happen when people realize we got hit at the tail end of the winter season. The states will probably be on lockdown, and grocery stores will be tapped out in no time with their just-in-time delivery system.No amount of fed res cash can save us when the grocery stores are out. The agricultural sector is failing to harvest this years crop because of the absence of the "perennial" migrant labor uhm..."Brown People slaves"
There are massive gains to be made, but the bigger question is staying alive when all these toilet paper hoarding mouthbreathers start to eat each other. I got the perfect remedy for these ignorant fucks that want to fuck with me. A liberal dosage of 5.56 and 7.62 per doctors orders. The average IQ in this country is gonna spike, and its about fucking time.

>> No.18363619


>> No.18363628

needs more ricardo

>> No.18364000


>> No.18364089
File: 694 KB, 800x600, 1517158728613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts redditard link
>capitalizes fed
>is bearish on america
>muh debt clock muh repo wah

Its not even funny how stupid you are, Kill yourself

>> No.18364128
File: 51 KB, 624x1280, IMG_20190312_145143_299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could do it, you wouldnt be asking. Fuck off faggot.

>> No.18364253

Fundamentally based and also redpilled, good sir. Will research your tip, thanks.

>> No.18364559


>> No.18364588
File: 176 KB, 1238x596, FedIsDONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got that pic of the Spiritual White Boy Trust fund?

>> No.18364595

You realize there was already a huge crash right retard? You even look at charts? Keep holding puts loser.