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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 723x639, IMG_20200224_203336_777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17423494 No.17423494 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't seen Idena shilled anywhere and I'm not sure how it's been so under the radar especially given it's only at a $600k marketcap. Maybe it's just general alt bear market malaise, but to me this is the most prominent innovation in crypto since MimbleWimble 2016. In a nutshell Idena is a first of it's kind human centric blockchain using a unique type of consensus mechanism called Proof of Person. In brainlet terms Idena validates that behind each identity or online account securing the network is a real person without using kyc of any sort. All you need is a shitty pc and an internet connection. What this means is that we could finally, potentially have a fair and truly decentralized network instead of power centralizing its way into the hands of a few like we're currently seeing with PoW and PoS projects. The way this is done is by having miners solve a set of AI resistant problems called flips at a designated time periodically. Now for you lazy fucks this could involve waking up at 4:00am in the morning to make heads or tails of some random assortment of pictures, but the rewards are handsome if you're able to do so. Mining is currently by invite only. I'm sure you can find some people in the Telegram group willing to give some out though. Idena is also currently listed only on qTrade. If anyone is familiar with the exchange Isaac and Eric, the cofounders, are true OGs of the space and are extremely selective about what they list. Additionally Idena's Github is nice and active with plenty of commits and good clean code. Rumor has it that the anon team includes devs from Ethereum which makes sense given Vitalik has shilled the need for this type of consensus in the past.

>> No.17423545

Is it another copy of BTC with a different consensus mechanism? An erc 2 token? A consensus mechanism that you can apply to other chains? In other words what's the point?

>> No.17423567
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znn is the next antshares

>> No.17423582
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There are many potential use cases for Idena, but in the immediate the team wants to eventually have ads in flips for monetization. You can see how this works in the graphic. Bullish as hell given the burn.

>> No.17423612

A cute way to distribute coins. Wow so innovative. Who fucking cares

>> No.17423614
File: 59 KB, 1280x353, IMG_20200224_204845_074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not another copy pasta. It's completely unique, not an erc20 and built from the ground up. Also as you can see from the screenshot it can also be implemented in other chains.

>> No.17423629

Going to zero once the Jack Dorsey shit gets exposed as a lie.

>> No.17423640

It's a fairer and truly decentralized system you fucking retard.

>> No.17423850

Is this a currency or a platform?

>> No.17423908

kleros is doing proof of humanity already

>> No.17424037

Lmao get fucked. Zero anonymity and not even live yet.


>> No.17424069

where to buy

>> No.17424115


>> No.17424177

Maybe Kleros should focus on doing one thing well instead of arming their paid pajeets with nothing but vaporware and technobabble.

>> No.17424332

Of course Ramesh and Manesh will always find a way to shill their massive steaming shitcoins in any thread even one about tech as legit as Idena's.

>> No.17424345

I know for a fact there’s 2010 bitcoin OG’s that are involved. The only problem is liquidity on q trade, but the pump will be worth market buying now. Easy 10x coming

>> No.17424448

qTrade is my fave exchange right now easily. Idena, Amoveo, Nyzo alone are better than most of the steaming pile of shits that get shilled here on a daily basis like ZNN and Kleros.

>> No.17424502

Omg wtf

>> No.17424547
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this is such a huge gamble but I'm in.

>> No.17424550

teach me how to buy, im a retard

>> No.17424551

By the way running a node is so smooth. Probably the simplest experience I've ever had doing this on something legit.

>> No.17424584

Just set up qTrade account. No KYC with up to $2000 daily withdrawal or if you're a poorfag you can simply go to the Telegram group and see if anyone is willing to give you a mining invite. Mining is about as easy as registering on an exchange.

>> No.17424592

is the pairing for DNA/BTC?

>> No.17424625

oh so its crap...neat

>> No.17424640

This is... Interesting. Where are you getting the 600k number from and apparently there is no limit to the total supply though?

>> No.17424674

This. I want to throw a soft $1k at this but I need someone to redpill me further. Rumors about Ethereum team working on this despite being anon ain’t going to cut it lel

>> No.17424701

Where can i buy this. Impressive

>> No.17424818

Ok faggot shill OP, the telegram is surprisingly white. Everything seems good to be true. Please ease my mind

>> No.17424824 [DELETED] 

Maybe do due diligence lol

>> No.17424911

Very impressed, haven’t been this excited in a long time.

>> No.17424912


God I can't wait for Kleros to go to zero. Makes me so hard thinking about it.


10 million coins in circulation currently. 36 million fixed supply and 48 million total supply. It's inflationary just like Bitcoin is inflationary, but there is an awesome burn mechanic they use. Just depends on how much the network is used.

ETH shit is just fun breadcrumbs. That being said I suggest you read the concept paper and pitch deck. Quick breezy reads that should give you an idea of how based this project is.


>> No.17424973

do you store in a regular mew wallet?

>> No.17425013

Ok thanks. I've read a bit of their website. I like the concept but it seems they are struggling with a use case. They want people to get tokens by consuming ads? It seems like its Brave mixed in with that Pi app that gets shilled here (feel free to correct me). What is it that will make this grow?

>> No.17425034

And I get that this Proof of Person concept would not be like the click farming of Pi but you get what I mean with the "check in once a day to validate" thing

>> No.17425044

You can tell a project is good when the community is just a bunch of nerds tackling difficult development stuff and theory. Some holy grail shit going on here.

>> No.17425079

The other based project I’m in with an anon team has 0 marketing, 2M mcap and $40k volume aka dead shitcoin (despite good fundamentals, mainnet on the way, working testnet etc). However that means there’s still time for a 3x in this. Idk how to feel about it but I’m gonna probably throw some suicide stack money on this. I’ll read about it, reevaluate whether I want to ride this for the pump or stay in with the fundamentals and go from there. Thanks for (hopefully) printing money, I genuinely hope this is as based you say and perhaps gets on an exchange with more liquidity. I’ll be sure to only fud from here on out as any based /biz/nessman should.
would also like this de-FUDed as it rings true, even if DNA has the far superior product and has coding autist wizards working

>> No.17425120

lol so what? someone gets an ERC-20 token for proving they're a human, so i can just send it to a bot and they cna pretend they're human?

what the fuck kind of idiot makes this a token LMAO

>> No.17425136
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I wonder what kind of poo the jeets cooked up today

>> No.17425222
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Pi is centralized shit with KYC. Nothing like Idena at all outside there being some form of validation (is it even AI resistant?). Additionally Idena is a platform. It's impossible to know what use cases can come about so early on. That being said monetizing the flips is brilliant idea by the team and can bring demand for DNA fairly quick imo.

>> No.17425254

The jeets don’t cook it up, Amerifags and Eurofags do. The sole objective of the pajeet is to drive up hype after mainstream recognition, similar to what happened to VIDT, and then to dump steaming curry shits into the mouths of newfags after a price push. If you got in early on that, it was whities convincingly shilling at 7 cents. Anyone who listened made a 3-5x. It works that way with every coin, newfag. Even shitcoins like that that manage to attract hype get pushed to 5-10M mcap.

>> No.17425264

It's not ERC20

They have their own wallet.

>> No.17425267

This might be the most retarded concept to date.

>> No.17425272

neat project, but i can't see this becoming anything greater than autistic tech-hipster captcha solving. it sounds cool and "fresh" for blockchain, but it might be an urbit and not go anywhere due to limited practicality

>> No.17425305

Faggot this is a truly decentralized and fairer take on consensus. You can also build dapps on this shit. It can even be deployed on other blockchains. PoS and PoW only lead to centralization this is more than established at this point. KYS

>> No.17425383
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Even if that's all it becomes. The token can and will gain value on that alone. Price can go up due to demand from advertising. Pic related

>> No.17425399

Enjoy that incoming 99% drop in Kleros faggot.

>> No.17425413

Im still struggling to see exactly how the token could be used but I like mostly everything else about the project. PoP is pretty good. I only brought up Pi cause i didnt want this to be like that or Kin where you do something once a day to bring your balance up to a meaningless number because the token doesn't get used beyond that. I'm willing to put in a bit because like i said PoP and the tech looks great. Here is to hoping you make it.

>> No.17425447

The pajeet meme was cooked up by the Chainlink pump and dump discord thats been haunting this board since 2017 to destroy any attempts at usurping LINK as the top biz coin.

>> No.17425448

why would any advertiser pick this coin, with limited liquidity, over a bigger "brand" chain like ETH or even XTZ? they would only be able to target blockchain-tech people, and it would be more cost-effective to target active ETH addresses by dropping an NFT or shit-token

also, how can you see this network growing to 100m nodes in 5 years, when BTC barely has a fraction of that and is the largest, and most well known, crypto ever?

genuinely curious, not shitting on the project, i just don't see it developing beyond "cool idea"

>> No.17425459
File: 32 KB, 372x470, Fresh OC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire market belongs to BSV, retarded niggerfaggot.

>> No.17425502

That’s where you’re both based and wrong. We need flags, there are an undesirable amount of streetshitters on this board. But any coin flipping LINK would be okay with me.
I know this is what everyone says for bagholder bingo but half of the top 100 are “cool ideas” with autistic teams and no product, just a whitepaper

>> No.17425506

Still early days. Things can change very quickly once this project gains traction. I'm sure there are a few crypto related projects with sizeable marketing budgets like XYO or Celsius who would love to take advantage of something like this.


>> No.17425508

Where can i find more info on this sir?

>> No.17425516

This actually has a working product though. I'm not even sure why they're referring to what they have as a testnet at this point.

>> No.17425536

Ok, so it's consensus mechanism is based in users solving captchas. How exactly does that verify transactions. Secondly, how does solving captchas correlate with trasnaction volume, i.e. does each captcha correlate with a single transaction? How does this thing scale?

>> No.17425560


Here's a comprehensive review

>> No.17425624

and partnerships... without knowing much about the team (besides the contributors on the github), there is effectively no biz-dev or marketing teams, so how can they reach potential advertisers to add to their ecosystem?

once the project gains traction, let's say a few thousand nodes +, won't the devs be concerned about sybil attacks? what's to stop chinese or indian click farms from taking over the network?

>> No.17425642
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>> No.17425787

As I've stated it's still early days. It's only been on an exchange for not even 2 weeks. If the project can gain traction I'm sure there will be some interest from some low hanging fruit within crypto at the minimum. Also the flips might be pretty hard for a click farm to solve correctly in unison given the time constraints and complexity of the problems. These are not simple captchas.

>> No.17425808

couldn't the click farm take over a bunch of nodes, create their own flips, "rig" the flips so that their employees can figure them out, and fuck up the network? if it becomes profitable to do so, why wouldn't they?

i suppose if that happens, you should've made your money and gotten out...

either way, thanks for sharing OP, neat idea even if it's not for me

>> No.17425850

No it wasn't newfag, it was around way befor shitlink

>> No.17425912

Even newfags still remember when flags were still here kek
Genuinely playing devil's advocate as I'm interested in why I should or shouldn't put money into a sub $1M mcap that hasn't been on exchange for a week (that's almost 100% guaranteed profit barring disaster). Couldn't you have argued this with almost any shitcoin that has /made it/? There were especially concerns about a 51% attack on the King back in the day.

>> No.17425968
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>> No.17425997

Im in love

>> No.17426024

check out KDA if you're looking for a diamond in the sub $1m mc rough - it has partnerships, solid devs with good education histories, and biz/marketing teams with contacts in relevant industries. it also has a clever way to avoid 51% attacks

this is a cool "cypherpunk" coin, but i don't see it developing beyond that - the ecosystem has outgrown its roots whether you like it or not

>> No.17426160

I still think there's a place for these "cypherpunk" type projects in 2020 especially when consider the success of Grin. Sometimes a project is solid enough to transcend all the lame marketing stunts polluting the space.

>> No.17426265

It kinda reminds me of Elastos, only without being chinky and everything that comes with that

>> No.17426383

Genuinely useless idea. No more than a novelty. People will only buy into it because they're too greedy to see how useless it is, not because it solves any real world problems. And you fud kleros and Link? Pathetic. I look forward to seeing you lose all your money.

>> No.17426693

I think idena will start a new movement in human-centric infrastructures

>> No.17427314

Bro the whole point of crypto is decentralized and it solving that lol.

>> No.17427470
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Reminder that Idena will also do sharding.

>> No.17427706

Tachyon is another gem to look at, their technology approach is mad and they are solving real life issue

>> No.17427824

Sir its solving the decentralization problem

>> No.17427918


>> No.17427996

Circulating supply: 48,060,000 DNA
Max supply: Unlimited
Premine: 36,000,000 DNA

thanks but no thanks

>> No.17428002

The premine is locked so it's not circulating, retard.

>> No.17428569

You r aware ETH has max supply right?

>> No.17428646

similar to Chainlink

>> No.17428678

If they burn the premine, I'm all-in.
Nyzo and Idena are true gem-coins, not just fucking tokens.

>> No.17428699

This. Such an absolute scam that I dont feel bad for whoevers dumb enough to fall for it

>> No.17428715

Yes, a scam with a working product that's listed on one of the most selective exchanges around. Enjoy your Kleros bags faggot.

>> No.17428894

How is it a scam? Did you look at their Github? Did you download the node?

>> No.17428964

I have. Good clean code written in .go

>> No.17429115
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I have 5000 idena I didn't even know it was worth $300

>> No.17429284

Based. I don't understand why the retards herw wouldn't try mining at the minimum. It's still early on and rewards are good

>> No.17429584

Good to know. Saw you touched on the code in your OP.

>> No.17429837

Finally a quality project

>> No.17429902

You need at least 100K to make it.

>> No.17430032

yeah sure u need. i bought 200 for 10 bucks. not going to spend any more to these numerous shitcoins advertized in a american hate-speech forums

>> No.17430049

Idena quoted:
“We are an anonymous group of like-minded engineers and computer scientists who stand for the human right to share information and exchange value freely and privately.
We believe that there is a way to redesign the way software systems in general and blockchains in particular work to achieve greater decentralization and scalability.”

>> No.17430185
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>> No.17430256

>NKN clone

>> No.17430615

The code is actually good

>> No.17431543


>> No.17432230

only listed on rekt exchange with mandatory kyc

>> No.17432254

which one is it?

>> No.17432298


>> No.17433705


>> No.17434016

there is no mandatory KYC you have daily 2000$ limit without it.......

>> No.17434048

It's $4000 if you have enabled 2FA, which you should.

>> No.17434502

Not true at all

>> No.17434604

I have withdrawn over 2k without any problems

>> No.17435505

This needs to be seen

>> No.17435698

I agree

>> No.17436462

So where is the evidence Idena team is ETH devs?

>> No.17436606

I want this as well

>> No.17437055

I found it. Apparently Andrew Idena got doxxed and has photos with himself and Vitalik.

>> No.17437141


>> No.17437772

Pay attention people! Innovative and bizarre but simple and revolutionary at the same time. Imagine if incorporated into the current blockchain establishment, this could bring a lot of 'real decentralization' into the current PoW and PoS ecossytems

>> No.17438298

Andre denied the photo is him

>> No.17438833

Qtrade one of the best exchanges, just needs more liquidity

>> No.17438934

Yup, it has Cruzbit, VEO and Nyzo on there as well. Best small exchange imo.

>> No.17438978

This is the most epic samefagging I've ever seen in /biz/.

You do realize I'm the only one posting in this thread other than you and your multiple personalities right OP?

>> No.17439309

hey bitches, i'm also in on IDENA. great concept! really like it. nice to see it here on 4chan :-) i was there from the beginning so i have over 100k DNA which was easy to get at that time. wouldn't want to miss it.

so if someone is interested in identity projects, definitely look into it.

btw: there are some really interesting peculiarities that you only get if you are a dev. 99% don't know about it. so if you are and if you do understand Go then definitely check the code out and maybe you will spot it and make some additional money that way ;-) if not, still awesome project

>> No.17439978

I've been at work all day. No time to same fag you god damn neet.

>> No.17440697

Tell us more about these peculiarities sir

>> No.17441225

I have a pretty good handle on go. Not sure what he's referring to

>> No.17441704

Just wondering if it's good or bad

>> No.17442190


Not sure. Probably just an easter egg or some shit.

>> No.17442472


>> No.17442502
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>> No.17442795

Just be participatory in the group. I'm sure someone will give it up.

>> No.17443677


>> No.17443679

Did you message Andrew Idena directly? Might take awhile, but I got my invite that way

>> No.17443687


>> No.17443719
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>> No.17443757

I give it a year until Vitalik starts trying to implement proof of person on ETH.

>> No.17443791

whats his name on the tg? I'm about to harass the shit outta this fool

>> No.17443821

why would you shill this on biz?
more users means less mining rewards for us

>> No.17443856

Yes Manesh. Let us allow this massive project to remain under the radar forever so we can earn $0.00001 a day for the foreseeable future.

>> No.17444212

Maybe a couple months

>> No.17444268

Seems pretty cool, might buy a small bag

>> No.17444308

this project has potential, and it's gonna reach it regardless of what we do
but the slower it gets there, the more we accumulate on the way
the only reason to rush things is if you wanna cash out and jump ship

>> No.17444319

so FUD or STFU? I can live with that. I hope everyone else gets that memo. Don’t be pajeet faggots, niggers. sage

>> No.17444348

so yall just sit around doing puzzles all day?

>> No.17444352

Totally new model solving centralization issue and fun incentives (solving puzzles to become a node etc.) to invite new people to become a human node, totally new governance model. This can be a new paradigm.

>> No.17444361

Top lel, don’t forget that if you sleep through one you’re fucked as a validation

>> No.17444385

theres something dystopian about the thought of a group of people stuck at their computers all day solving puzzles to power a global economic and cryptographic computing system

>> No.17444401

Its only once a week literally 2 mins

>> No.17444427

So if I’m wagecucking I’m fucked out of DNA tendies and might get kicked off as a contributor to the ecosystem?

>> No.17444434


>> No.17444487

>>17444427After 3 validations you don’t have to validate any week anymore. Btw is every sunday literally 1 min of your time and you’ll make plent of DNA bags, so you won’t have to wagecuck anymore at some point.

>> No.17444507

Was Sunday literal? Is it actually on Sunday? How much time do you have to do the validation before it expires?

>> No.17444552

It's a scam:


>> No.17444654

How many idena to make it?

>> No.17444657

Brainlet article. Makes no sense whatsoever lol.

>> No.17444660

Here check out my validation session where i solve flips.

>> No.17444667

Literally every sunday at 13:30 UTC, but they are still perfectioning the system so that its more accessible to people while still mainting security.

>> No.17444670

At 600k mcap and fairly limited supply 10k seems like a fair suicide stack, 30k to make it. Then again a 30k stack is literally 50% or more of the daily volume

>> No.17444723

you guys realize this is going to KYC the fuck out of all of you in the main net right? their flips got BTFO by random bot clickers and now they are fixing that. Guess what, that's gunna get btfo too, then they're going to do what Electroneum ETN already does which is KYC in the app with selfies and makes you draw stupid shit like how you 4chan ding dong's ask for verification with shoe on head and confirming to extend rewards every week. I guarentee you there is some neckbeard with 10 accounts, doing these flips, getting paid. Where is the fairness in that? This shit does nothing new and I already see the direction of it going towards what others are already doing. it's a no from me guys

>> No.17444724
File: 95 KB, 828x596, 33326A6B-B768-4CAE-96C5-2DFE2D09AA3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like some illuminati shit

>> No.17444738

Bro maybe solve a flip before you make these false claims, literally everything what you say is incredibly wrong. Setup a node and try it out maybe yourself. Just one time..

>> No.17444744

yeah volume is shit. I'll try to set some buy orders and hope it comes through.

>> No.17444893

AAAAA i need invitation

>> No.17444964

It's too late anon. It was already over when the Bitcointalk thread was made. Now even /biz/ knows it.

You still have to participate in the validation ceremony even when you have the verified status. If you don't, you get suspended and can't receive any rewards until next epoch.

It's gonna be Monday next. The epoch length in days is identities^0.33.

>> No.17445480

You have an invitation for me for node?

>> No.17445551

If anyone has an inv code for me, jyem49a@kamismail.com or Emiel B @ telegram

>> No.17445611

I need one too thomassanders22275@gmail.com

>> No.17445628


>> No.17445642

>solving captcha all day as a way to validate tx
Seems like the quintessential streetshitter coin, probably super slow too.

>> No.17445663

>1 billion streetshitters validating tx every few secs
not bad

>> No.17445695

A streetshitter coin that proposes new models to solve the current centralization problem + new governance system. Not bad if you ask me and they also have a working testnet + impressive code in github. XD

>> No.17446206
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 3F51E2C1-BC2C-4A68-A17D-00BE34020694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine which one are you?

>> No.17446422

You're not gonna make it

>> No.17446488

was a jk :(
stacked 10k DNA

>> No.17446636

You have a node sir?

>> No.17446644

What are you talking about? It's completely anon. Also good luck handling 10 accounts. Hard enough to maintain one.

>> No.17446677

I validated my node and started flipping. Still trying to get a code.

>> No.17446690

synced** not validated

>> No.17446773

Sounds almost as bad as Kleros proof of humanity. Luckily everything you just posted is a complete lie.

>> No.17446865

CRUZ is the real Q-Trade moon-shot. Literally an $85,000 market-cap. Which means it will be 8x by the time it reaches this piece of shit's cap.

way more potential too.

buy cruzbit instead.

>> No.17446881
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>> No.17446933

Here's a hint for the next antshares: it's a project actually working with antshares. Suterusu partnered with Neo and just listed on Kucoin. The layer of privacy hook is pretty interesting too, but best of all are the chink pumps to come (assuming they don't all get coronavirused)

>> No.17447151

ffs just cause someone wrote code, doesn't mean the project is a gem. desu, human centered blockchain sounds dumb as fuck. some of the people in this space are way to fucking autistic.

>> No.17447218

Bruh suterusu is just your average new blockchain. Idena is something completey new, a completely new approach to something. I am more interested in that sorry.

>> No.17447234

CRUZBIT, NYZO and AMOVEO is a better buy

>> No.17447251
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Never buy something with a name as fucking retarded as Cruzbit

ffs a human centered blockchain means true decentralization and a fairer system for all. Isn't this what we should be striving toward. Hell even Vitalik has shilled this concept.

>> No.17447265

Amoveo is a gem. Nyzo is good, but not as innovative and at a higher marketcap. Cruzbit is absolute dogshit.

>> No.17447435

no, this is not at all the type of concept Vitalik is talking about. Identity issues as in, verifying log in credentials when you use apps or services. Decentralizing online authentication. ..that's not what Idena is doing.

>> No.17447500

That is not what he was referring to at all. Look at the screenshot that was posted here of him interacting with Idena team. It's clearly a point of interest to him.

>> No.17447532

Lmao get rekt Pajeets. Checkem:

>> No.17447549

sirs buy now

>> No.17447898

Pajeet get out

>> No.17447918

I'm not talking interest, I'm talking a short term flip. Suter looks like an easy 4-5x once the hype starts building, still well under the radar

>> No.17447942

Bro you are the most brainlet person i’ve seen. Its the same as saying satoshi just wrote some code.

>> No.17447961

Why bother a short term flip when you can get a long term flip with far greater returns

>> No.17448135

no it's not. building an app that people don't care about isn't valuable. this shit literally requires you to log in at a specific time every week to complete captchas. how long you think it's going to hold anyone's interest? it's fucking retarded. we have computers to automate stupid shit like this for a reason.

>> No.17448157

To have more to invest in the long term flip? Idena sounds interesting but right now I'm gonna make some easy money on Suter, flip a but back into Idena if I decide to

>> No.17448165

well, post the whole screen shot then. the one I responded to is out of context, so I have to assume he's talking about authentication issues, which is something blockchain can actually be applied to. Vitalik is a retard if he too things doing captchas on sunday to prove humans exist is a good idea.

>> No.17448219

Could be a smart strategy, but by then idena could have already token off. I get burned always on these decisions

>> No.17448234

try and explain this idea, and why it's valuable to someone who isn't a 4chan neet. just fucking try it and see what kind of reaction you get. it's some of the most retarded shit blockchain tech has produced.....which is really saying something.

>> No.17448396

Most of the participants aren't 4chan neets. Obviously the need to have the ceremony at a certain time around the world excludes some participants. If you think that's going to kill it you're wrong.

>> No.17448476


Big shills know what will moon already and it's not Cruzbit.

>> No.17448649


Because it's simple to use with low spec requirements. It may not be for everyone, but the barrier to entry is low.

>> No.17449053

The idea is golden. Just wait until new governance structures arrive. I am not even going to bother explaining what and how this is so revolutionary to you..

>> No.17449267

Yup. I know numerous Nyzo guys are loading up.

>> No.17449298

I don't need you to. I've been in crypto since the very beginning and have seen the trends. blockchain has always been a solution in search of a problem. thousands of retarded teams have thrown shit at the wall to see what sticks. I can tell you right now, this won't.

>> No.17449587

There is a problem. PoW and PoS inevitably end up being centralized. PoP solves this.

>> No.17449768

Lol why are you here in the first place saying blockchain has always been in search of a problem. Please could you explain why such a model won’t work. Btw do you even know what problem its solving? Have you even read into it?

>> No.17450285

He bought the 2017 top I'm assuming

>> No.17450586


>> No.17450734
File: 142 KB, 828x1175, 98A322A7-5BA0-41E5-9F6D-1157E9E8A895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17450821

because it has. it was a new an novel idea in 2009, but not at all a practical solution to the problem it was trying to solve. peer to peer digital cash. blockchain has always been interesting, but never effective or efficient. didn't stop every jeet from trying to apply it to everything under the sun though.

the idea is that you have to complete captchas at a specific time to make it difficult/impossible to do more than one at a time. so now we know node operators are unique. so what. it's not user friendly at all and the 'problem' it's trying to solve isn't really an issue, and to be honest, if blockchain ever comes out of the shadows and finds a valuable use case beyond speculative trading, node operators won't give a shit about verifying their credentials. see the Stellar network as an example. We know which nodes IBM operates because it's not weird at all to identify themselves in this way.

>> No.17450899

So you think this offers no benefits over a permissioned network? It takes well less than 10 minutes to do the validation, you'll be able to do it on a phone eventually.

>> No.17450906

What do you mean the problem its trying to solve really isn’t an issue? I thought crypto was created for decentralization. You have all these blockchains that are operated by a couple of nodes, it doesn’t really make them decentralized. Now Idena comes with a novel idea to solve this issue, maybe the system isn’t perfect yet i agree its still in early test net. But idea of creating a decentralized system in which every person can have a saying could have immense possibilities for our future. Also replying to what you were saying about adoption of crypto, of course we don’t have any real usable cases yet. Before the dotcom bubble almost nobody thought about using a computer and look where were at now. Its just the beginning of crypto and also for Idena, so making such statements is very easy. We are still in the early early phase of this new technology and of course there isn’t much use yet..

>> No.17450943

Exactly its idea is revolutionary in contrast with other infrastructures that are controlled by a few nodes or mining pools. And besides that definitely in the early phase, who knows what people can do with Idena’s technology.

>> No.17450962

Whats the ticker for this shit?

>> No.17450963

Computers weren’t effective and efficient in the beginning of its development either.

>> No.17451065

>captcha on blockchain
>anonymouz team
>shilled after pumping for 2weeks straight
Yeah, no

>> No.17451108

>This isn't the next XRB or Antshares
>XRB last pumped over 2 years ago

crypto is dead

>> No.17451184

you don't know shit about computing. I'm talking about blockchain as a data structure. it's incredibly inefficient. it's basically a linked list that goes on indefinitely. it has hard limits and that won't change unless something like halo gets implemented where the history can be fragmented.

>> No.17451315

Imagine being this retarded. I’m not on board with shilling this for personal reasons but it only got on an exchange less than 2 weeks ago retard, it’s still sub $1m mcap

>> No.17451355

It doesn't change the fact that it 3x'd the last 2 weeks. It might be worth buying a small bag after it dumps hard.

>> No.17451384

Not captchas. Just look like them.

Satoshi was anon

600k marketcap with no ICO

>> No.17451404

NO ICO. Free market deciding on initial price

>> No.17451891


>> No.17452812

Everyone should really check out the pitch deck and concept paper by the way

>> No.17452892

need an invitation code to get active.
I have 3 flips in draft :/

>> No.17452949

Have you asked in the telegram?

>> No.17453417

The flip keywords are generated randomly every epoch so those drafts will be unusable once you've gotten invited.

>> No.17454002
File: 30 KB, 370x483, 1582707200472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre getting better and better

>> No.17454050

Latest update https://medium.com/idena/idena-community-report-current-state-and-next-steps-dce97a0e3034

>> No.17454094

What wallet are you going to keep your DNA on? Also I have an invite now and I’m ready to make it. Stop shilling so hard on here though give it a month or two.

>> No.17454512

The DNA node client has a wallet.

>> No.17454881

I have one too now!

>> No.17455178

fancy shooting me your invite?


>> No.17455909

Join the telegram sir

>> No.17456153

Just message Andrew from Idena

>> No.17456531


>> No.17456593

Yes send him a message

>> No.17456605

been begging all day senpai
he will slap me and steal my coins

>> No.17456791

Just give it some time. Been an uptick in new requests the past couple days.