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1700332 No.1700332 [Reply] [Original]

hey /biz/nessmen,

im german, 24yo, last year of university (law school)

i finally realized im an idiot for having all my savings (around 8000€) lying in a savings account with next to no interest.

so im planning on doing the following:

1. keep 2000€ for now as emergency fund (this easily covers 3-5 months of living expenses)

2. invest the remaining 6000€ over 6 months into a world index fund

3. atm most of the money im getting is scholarship of parents, so its pointless to save my parents money, so ill keep saving a symbolic 100€/month in the world index fund just to get the habit of saving

4. as soon as i start working, ill save at least 50% of my net income. ill put a certain amount in bonds/bank account (my age times 2/3 in percent, so eg 16% this year), the rest will go in the index fund.

5. having my finances in check, i can focus on doings various projects that will generate as big an income as possible, while keeping my expenses as low as possible (id prefer financial independence living in a small flat at 45 than having a luxorious "life" as a demented cripple in my 60s)

6. retire when i feel like it

>> No.1700333
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my questions are

1. is it dumb to invest in a single world index fund, because it could simply go "bankrupt" a day? i dont mean normal market fluctuations or financial crises, i mean if literally iShares or someting goes bankrupt, or if germany becomes a islamo-marxist distopia, can they take it from me? it feels kinda weird putting my entire wealth in the hands of what is pretty much a website from my point of view, i mean ok if the broker goes bankrupt (which is technically possible since its a company), the shares still "belong" to me, but how do i prove this? all i have are numbers on their website when i log in. what if the website is gone?

2. i read that its possible the developed world has reached max size, they cannot grow anymore, i mean there are things like mass-migration, AI, robotization, etc going on, how can you be sure the world has not reached a stock market ceiling and from now on it will stagnate until we find a new planet or something?

>> No.1700383

>world index
Invest American

>> No.1700409

I came.

>> No.1700411


What would possess you to invest in the EU?

>> No.1700456

It's dumb but not because of the bankrupt thing. If you signed up with a legit broker then you most likely got shit tons of legal paperwork/terms that you skipped when creating the account that covers broker issues. When you bought shares of a fund like the iShares world one, your broker bought these on your behalf, so iShares gets your name, and they know you own it.

2. You can never be sure. It's always a gamble.

>> No.1700466

it's not like murrican index founds are available for eu citizens...

>> No.1700483

so why is it dumb then?

ok, but should i incorporate this into my strategy then?

>> No.1701663

bump you subhumans

>> No.1701666

Investing EU isn't a meme, investing Western Europe is a meme.

>> No.1701676

Austrian bro here.

I'm in the same situation. I have also 8000€ in a fund lying around with no interest.

- I study and have enough money on the side (worked many years before)
- these 8k won't be used in the next 3-5 years

What is the best and safest way to invest it?
Doing nothing with is not really an option.

>> No.1701695

S&P 500 index funds sind unkompliziert und recht sorglos. Such dir einen Broker der gute Konditionen bietet. Degiro als custody Kunde wenn du auf der sicheren Seite sein willst z.B..

@OP du gehst von apokalyptischen Szenarios aus...

>> No.1701708

tl dr;
> fapped at pic

>> No.1701722

at least 10% profit.
I'll have a look into it.

Anyone got more suggestions?

>> No.1701723

Go to investopedia. Read, learn come back. Stop being lazy. Best advice you'll ever get

>> No.1702022


>> No.1703326

10 percent every year is not realistic imho. There are good years and there are bad ones but with passive investing you will probably end up under 10 percent.

>> No.1704322

>passive investing
you mean buying e.g. msci world every month with what i can?

honest q