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File: 3 KB, 300x300, 5cd4ead690d2de5d99a7d5d7_RSV-stamp-black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16885664 No.16885664 [Reply] [Original]

Bought some more on this dip and now I have a bit more than 20 million RSR.
Should I accumulate more or switch to some other coin?

>> No.16885681

prolly enough if it works. I stopped and am accumulating ADA again. inb4 whatever.

>> No.16885863

I thought this was a proven PnD scam coin totally manipulated by satsgang.

>> No.16885906

Satsgang damage control BINGO

1. He bought the top, hes just jealous
2. This is all made up Satsgang isn’t real (even though tons of evidence posted)
3. Satsgang is a small group of friendly pajeets, they only have a couple BTC they are harmless (how the fuck would you know)
4. Imagine missing out on (insert Satsgang scamcoin COTI, FRM, DAG, QNT, OCEAN)
5. I was in Satsgang and they were all good people everyone please leave them alone.
6. Some faggot paki Raphael is responsible for everything.
7. He’s just one person using a VPN
8. We invented/discord created Satsgang to FUD so we can get (insert Satsgang shitcoin) cheaper
9. Youre a retard
10. The Satsgang fudders are so annoying im buying 100k today
11. This much FUD is must be bullish
12. They said the same thing about ETH, dont miss out
13. im going to buy now and get in on the pump (even though they get dumped on)
14. I doubt Satsgang can really manipulate a coin with this MM
15. Hes seething at our gains
16. Satsgang is a forced meme to scare bizlets from huge gains

Just saved all you pajeets some time, no need to post in this thread.

>> No.16885916

>10 new accounts suddenly appear from nowhere after the group accumulates at historical bottom and start buying up orders to create fabricated hype that they can shill in social media
>start spamming rocket gifs and spreading misinformation on TG
>start spamming twitter with misinformation without understanding the fundamentals of the project
>overtake both TG groups with their spam, begging everybody to market buy and autistically get triggered when anybody mentions selling
>when they’re selling off their bags, they change the rocket spam to “some of you have weak hands, don’t get caught trading, this is a long term project” or any other sperging out when anybody mentions selling

Their tactics work because failing projects need artificial community engagement and since satsgang exclusively consists of only street shitting pajeets, their labour is cheap and perfect for low effort TG/biz/reddit/Twitter shilling.

You may recognize these TG handles: Bitcoin Brown, Crypto Junkie, Headroom, Lucky, RNO3xx, Moonshot John, Manifest Johnny, Steven Toast, /tik_tok47, monkeyface

>> No.16885944

Like all tokens it gets pumped by groups sometimes, but that doesn't change the core proposition or tokenomics. If RSV gains traction, RSR will moon. That's all there is to it.

>> No.16886007 [DELETED] 


Currently circulating: 6,847,804,000 (6.84%)
Unlocked foundation tokens: 2,850,000,000 (2,85%) meaning effective circulating supply is 3,997,804,000 (3,99%)
Team/advisor tokens (unlock after main net): 20,000,000,000 (20%)
Seed investor tokens (bought for $0.004/rsr, unlock after main net): 12,392,000,000 (12,39%)
Strategic partner tokens (free, unlock after mian net) 5,000,000,000 (5%)
Rest is foundation tokens (55.75%) that can be used at the team’s discretion for additional fundraising or other purposes and can only be withdrawn with four-week delay.

>> No.16886074

TOKENOMICS (100,000,000,000 rsr)

Currently circulating in retail market: 3,997,804,000 (3,99%)
Unlocked foundation tokens that can be used at the team’s discretion for additional fundraising or other purposes: 2,850,000,000 (2,85%)
Team/advisor tokens (free, unlock after main net): 20,000,000,000 (20%)
Seed investor tokens (bought for $0.0004/rsr, unlock after main net): 12,392,000,000 (12,39%)
Strategic partner tokens (free, unlock after main net) 5,000,000,000 (5%)
Rest is foundation tokens (55.75%) that can be used at the team’s discretion for additional fundraising or other purposes and can only be withdrawn with four-week delay.

>> No.16886164

And? I know about the circulating supply. Doesn't change anything.
>If RSV gains traction, RSR will moon. That's all there is to it.

>> No.16886208

Hurrr durrr muh satsgang hurrr

>> No.16886264

This is what happens when you can’t fud a project on its own merits so you have to push a narrative about some pnd group taking it over instead of looking for flaws in RSR itself. As you can see the only other fud this brainlet can bring up is the supply fud, he assumes he’s figured out some amazing secret when everyone knows about the supply and how it works. The only proper response to such a low effort and low iq individual is to mock him.

>hurrr durrr muh satsgang hurr

>> No.16886284

Are you saying the current tokenomics of the project is somehow a FUD? These numbers have been confirmed to be true by the co-founder.

>> No.16886421

Bro, fud is a by signal.
The more you hold the more chances you have at getting closer to the freedom you seek. Remember always do the opposite of what /biz/ says.....

>> No.16886486

>what is arbitrage

>> No.16886519


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.16886551

I just copy-pasted the token break-down. Why do you feel the need to paint it as some sort of FUD? Why do you get so defensive about stating facts?

>> No.16886561

i just told you, you're missing arbitrage

>> No.16886583

arbitrage doesn't change the current token supply breakdown, it's just a token burning/minting mechanism that will get used once the protocol goes live.

>> No.16886595

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you suggest?

>> No.16886608


> but that doesn't change the core proposition or tokenomics
>TOKENOMICS (100,000,000,000 rsr)

you're responding to someone who is talking about tokenomics of RSR and the proposition thereof by posting the breakdown of the supply and excluding the tokenomics side which includes arbitrage

you're missing half of the equation and only bringing up one side of things, therefore this is an attempt to obscure the full picture which includes arbitrage as part of the tokenomics and im calling it fud since you're doing so at the same time that you're posting about satsgang taking over RSR and making it appear like some kind of scam.

the fact that you're now playing dumb and innocent tells me that your motivation is anything but...

>> No.16886619

dropped a hard eth thanks

>> No.16886633

thanks anon

>> No.16886639

I see this copypasted everywhere, just as a heads up to anyone thinking it seems good to be true

>> No.16886641

Google it dude

>> No.16886642

>playing dumb and innocent

How do you come to a conclusion that stating confirmed facts should by your standards be considered as playing dumb and innocent? You're projecting your implied bias on my posts and not being objective about what's being said.

>> No.16886660

I do recognise some of those filthy shills!

das a scam

>> No.16886678

I'm a bit jealous OP, I'm a poorfag so I can't afford more than 600k rsr. Hopefully enough to make it.

>> No.16886686

I’m using your previous posts as evidence of your motivations.

>> No.16886707


>> No.16886727

Shut up you pakistani dog we have rents in need of pay

>> No.16886733

Flipped .2 btc desu nice

>> No.16886779

Satsgang PND

>> No.16886823

Desu buying FRM here desu

Get out. Leave.

>> No.16886834

Why FRM sirs
Many shidcoin say ssme

>> No.16886888


>> No.16886911
File: 2.10 MB, 1275x852, unfuddable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16886941

Based and RSRpilled

>> No.16887125

All of you pakistani dogs we will nuke you pedos

>> No.16887138


>> No.16887147

How? I just did it

>> No.16887269

>How? I just did it
You realize the trade history is public and it has been more than a week since someone last fell for this scam? You must be as dumb as >>16886642.

>> No.16887286

Orderbook didn't update yet

>> No.16887305

Not buying your bags ranjeesh

>> No.16887642


>> No.16887880


>> No.16887898
File: 34 KB, 466x432, police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here to remind people its a scam or at best something which wont go anywhere.

>> No.16887912


>> No.16887917

I bough a suicide stack just because all the FUD on here.

>> No.16888062

shit 20m? i was proud to buy 1.5mil considering everyone else was grabbing 100k stacks... now i gotta rethink this.

>> No.16888102

Jelly I have 200k hope I make it

>> No.16888312

theres always some rich kid who has more than you. dont underestimate your stack, consider to the world % of owners you already belong to the top 1% of hodlers.