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16745129 No.16745129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let´s get a good scam thread going.
If you know a good online scam, no matter if new or old, then describe it for other anons.

I start with a loophole which I dsicovered to get money out of a big company:
There is this bookmaker called "betfair"
They offer for a few countries a special promotion when you sign up as a new customer.
It´s called "beat the drop".
You can play it 30 days for free as much as you want.
>What is it all about?
You have to answer 10 questions, with a "yes" or a "no" in a row.
If you get all 10 right you get 1000€
9 questions -> 500€
8 questions -> 250€
You get the point.
>How do I profit from this?
Create 8 accounts with fakenamegenerator and a cheap VPN. (German accounts work the best, as they don´t do a background check there)
Then if you get two questions right and play your 8 accounts all 50/50 "yes" and "no" for the next questions you end up having 6 questions right automatically with one account.
From there on you can answer the other 4 questions with your last account "I don´t know". That means that your money will be split every time. At the end you have 62.50€ for just answering two questions more or less.
If you can get three right with all accounts you make 125€, and so on. Rinse and repeat for 30 days.
>But anon how do I cash out?
They are part of the ipoker network. Transfer the money to their poker client and "lose it" to yourself in some Sit´n Go`s there.
If you aren´t European or afraid theat they catch you: You can buy european bookie accounts on bitcointalk for cashing out.

>> No.16745140

>hur dur i will scam da bookmaker! xD


>> No.16745172

Did you even understand what I wrote?

>> No.16745173

If that worked you wouldn't be disclosing it. If you disclose a working scam you're fucking braindead.

>> No.16745197

A friend is pulling this off automated, after I told him this and is making a shitton of money out of it currently. It was our thing, worked on it for several hunderd hours, but then he ran off and stopped talking to me. So that is my revenge. Take it, or don´t. I don´t care. Fucking retard.

>> No.16745242

It sounds like a good scam desu, i’m sure there are many similar methods to make some sites bleed

>> No.16745281

Oh there are.
Fiverr is also a pure fucking goldmine, if you know how to scam them big time. And it really doesn´t take much of an effort neither.
And no, I am not talking about selling fucking fiverr gigs or refunding money or shit like that.
I might share the method if other anons provide something of value here, instead of bashing around

>> No.16745332

Then lets get this thread going cos that sounds interesting
Sadly i’m a law abiding shitizen waiting to blow up my wage cage

>> No.16745352

I’m interested drop breadcrumbs please, I absolute despite Fiverr and want to hurt their business lol

>> No.16745379

residential proxy

>> No.16745416

Interesting, it looks like easy money though a bit tedious. Worth it to bleed money from them tho. Thanks anon.

>> No.16745436

Lol sounds like you're just mad. If it was so easy and you had no moral qualms you'd just set up your own without revealing it as thus would cut into your own scam.

So who are you? CIA, FBI, NSA?

>> No.16745513

>If it was so easy
It´s not nigger.
As I said:
>worked on it for several hunderd hours
If you believe I don´t have anything else to do than do everything all over again, then you´re wrong. Especially because my friend did like 90% of the coding and is way more talented than me. All I can say that it takes a shitload of workarounds untill you can automate it successfuly. And if yo´re <120 IQ it isn´t even worth starting. I´m just trying to help anons here. It is very well doable for a few bucks, like I described it. And frankly I don´t give a fuck. It´s not that this would make me rich anyway and 95% won´t try it anyway. But maybe there is one poor fag who can profit from it

>> No.16745614

Ex betfair employee here (Hertfordshire, England). They will know, and you won't get your money. Probably won't prosecute you as it costs them time/money but expect a lifetime ban and a load of stress/wasted time.

>> No.16745638

Im just sent the FBI this thread, see you in prison you fucking losers lol

>> No.16745640

I ring the organic produce up as their regular equivalent

>> No.16745693

Implying they give a shit

>> No.16745699

I label the regular produce for sale at my store as organic

>> No.16745754

lol. Label swapping is probably the easiest and safest 'scam' though, jokes aside. I'd never, ever do a nig tier one like putting an avocado label on an xbox, that's just stupid. But swapping around lobster/cod stickers, organic tomatoes with value ones etc is a reliable way to shave money off your weekly shop and it all adds up.

>> No.16745772

Good stuff homie and thanks for the fiverr crumbs. It reminds me of adsense click rings back in the day. Also the betfair scam is pretty based. I did something similar to microsoft back in the day and made a killing selling w7 keys lol.

>> No.16745823

Godd stuff man!

>> No.16745844

I sometimes send bills to companies for money-transfer services. In most cases they don't pay, but when they do, I get free money.
My company's website clearly states that it offers services of you transfering money to me by paying my unsolicited bills. Thats the service, if you pay the bill you got the service and thus can't complain. I do offer a 1 month full-refund, just to avoid most lawsuits.
I get a lot of repeat orders from large companies with shitty accountants.

Technically not a scam however, cause I've already been challenged in court and I got off with lawyer fees paid.

>> No.16745879

this is fucking hilarious

>> No.16745935

Nice 1 anon

>> No.16745940

What's your website?

>> No.16745949

great job anon

>> No.16745953

lol this is good, it is so simple and effective. how much do you make out of it like in a month?

>> No.16746008

incredible if real

>> No.16746012


>> No.16746019

I'm not sharing that.
I write it here once, someone screenshots it and puts it on leddit to get upboats, some shitty internet news site eventually picks it up, and suddenly instead of my sleek corporate website, an article explaining my hustle is the first thing that comes up when people search for the company name.
No thank you, my business model relies on obscurity.

At present I only have 4 repeat customers at the moment (IE those who haven't realized whats going on) for each an amount equivalent to about $50 US in my local currency, so about $200. Highest I've been was 9 in one month.
Its not making me rich, but its a fun side-gig.

>> No.16746038

Should also mention that when I said in >>16745844 "a lot of repeat orders" I mean that those 4 I have that are repeating are really consistent in paying me. All have been customers for over a year, one for nearly 3 years.

>> No.16746053


Probably the most based post I’ve seen in years

>> No.16746077


>> No.16746089

you say you got challenged in court; what was their case against you? Sure, you're an audacious piece of shit but it's clear from your post that you are doing nothing wrong legally.

>> No.16746139

please elaborate
i am not familiar with the site

>> No.16746153

tell me a good scam first
Won´t spoonfeed you here otherwise

>> No.16746263

It was a not too large company with a single lazy accountant who basically paid anything that came across his desk. He retired and they got an outside accountant instead, one who sadly was competent and actually went through the bills they paid and after some inquires found out that nobody knew what financial services I provided.

When they figured out what was going on, they tried to get their money back and accused me of fraud when I wouldn't give back more than the last month's payment.
Fraud? Me? Can you believe the nerve of some people!?

It was a quick case, it never even made it to trial. Their case was flimsy at best, their lawyer knew but the owner was just out for revenge. My lawyer and the company lawyer talked them into settling for fees, in return for a non disclosure agreement so I wouldn't try to ruin their reputation with the tale of how I got them to pay random bills.

>> No.16746326
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>in return for a non disclosure agreement so I wouldn't try to ruin their reputation with the tale of how I got them to pay random bills.
You are unironically extremely smart

>> No.16746422

That shit is great!
When you said you have "repeat customers", does that mean you send them each month a letter again? Or do they pay by themselves and think it´s some kind of monthly fee?

>> No.16746437

A God amongst men.

>> No.16746468
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I can't take credit for that, it was my lawyer's idea. Best friend you could want.

>> No.16746473

Doubt its good money, but I'll pull up Excel if you say otherwise

>> No.16746553


>Their case was flimsy at best

I don't think it's flimsy at all.

>My company's website clearly states that it offers services of you transfering money to me by paying my unsolicited bills.

The law seeks to prevent unjust enrichment. This is clearly and blatantly a scam to anyone with eyes. It's obvious you're seeking to defraud companies on the premise of them not catching the error.

Easiest case ever in my opinion, you're on borrowed time legally.

"The law seeks to prevent unjust enrichment". If there was ever an obvious case of unjust enrichment (receiving money for doing absolutely nothing), this is it.

>> No.16746582

First bill is an invoice and a giro card, the ones that stay usually automates the bill through the bank's payment service after a couple of payments. Then it just debits their account with whatever I tell it their bill is this month. The 4 current ones have done this.

I could abuse the fuck out of it, but I don't cause thats how people notice.

Its not unjust, they're getting exactly the service they pay for. I am just a bit aggressive in my marketing, sending the first bill and a giro to pay it with the advertisement. Charities do the exact same thing here.

>> No.16746602

Ok ill tell you one

So, there are some sites that offer csgo items that you can rent for a small price a day. You just put some fake credentials and a fake id number in the form and voila you can steal their skins (mostly over 1000$) and resell them for say ,,20%sale‘‘ so you can get away quickly with the possible trouble

>> No.16746643

I can-t understand this shit, can someone explain how this works?

>> No.16746656

I send bills to companies, billing them for the privilege of paying the bills.

>> No.16746692

Thanks for clarifying. Keep up the good hustle.

>> No.16746867

>Easiest case ever in my opinion, you're on borrowed time legally.

He's not in the US. Not all lawcodes are written to be fair, or even be enforced.

>> No.16746927

I utilize a rebate site and found a way to get double profits, sometimes even triple. I've made over $1000 last year and spent maybe $100 towards it. Not much, but it was fun.

>> No.16747051

Want a proper scam? Start a nonprofit.

>> No.16747156

What kind?

>> No.16747176

hint: You need to be rich already

>> No.16747329

I'm an active seller on Fiverr, can u elaborate on the fiverr scam? Are you referring to arbitrage opportunities where people buy low elsewhere? (Not really a scam) Or something cooler?

>> No.16747336

Ive heard of this game before it happens a lot, was on the news in Canada not long ago. People send bullshit invoices to companies, many have overworked accountants who just push shit through without really looking too closely.

>> No.16747365

One question is your "company" actually registered/trademarked or legitimate in any way?

>> No.16747428
File: 12 KB, 1320x524, flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any php devs interested in helping me build a fake cryptocurrency exchange, for a prank? There's an extremely wealthy and stupid chinese national in my college class who could be targeted with it. I would only use this to prank him and not to scam him out of thousands of dollars which would then be shared with the dev. This would only be for a prank

I don't even need to have it built from scratch- I know exactly how I want it to function, and I'm learning php. I just need some guidance. I could probably plow through the learning curve myself but in a month the opportunity will be gone and my progress may not catch up in time. Also, I want the code to be running encrypted and behind cloudflare so the host can't look at what's going on and think that I'm scamming people or operating an illegal exchange, when in fact I will just be making epic pranks.

You hear about fake crypto exchanges being used for simple scams, but the users describing them report a buggy, glitch-riddled mess. You can also find halfway decent looking bank account scripts on github, which mostly seem to be the result of software projects by indians in high school. There is a brief list of resources I have identified which I don't want to post here, from which I believe a functional system could be pieced together either by the methods of spaghetti copypasting or by looking at the other author's implimentation methods and reworking in a better way.

The fact that nothing will have to actually interact with the blockchain (he won't be able to deposit crypto, or withdraw crypto) makes it infinitely easier, beyond using an API to pull current prices

>> No.16747466

look into what the fiverr affiliate program pays you, if you get someone new to signup and buy your service (or any other)
That is basically it.
We are talking from 50$ and up partly. But partly also less. Depending on the category they buy from.
No, not "refer a friend". Their proper affiliate program

>> No.16747470

They made this thread fool. You just downloaded their spyware by even going to their page.

>> No.16747473

My service is to shitpost on 4chin.

>> No.16747487


>> No.16747509

hmm depending on how hard it is to game "pro" verification that referral system might actually be quite juicy

>> No.16747513

so you're talking about offering the dumbest shit and affiliating yourself to buy your own service?

>> No.16747540

okay you want a fun and entertaining scam, here you go (since you gave the details for yours)

venmo accounts are easily compromised and have shit-tier validation against stolen CCs being used in them. get that set up, then go shopping (in a city you don't live in, using a phone you bought for cash and will be disposing of after)
buy whatever, pay via venmo, fuck off happily

>> No.16747648

My friend, you got it. 100% correct
There are some ways you have to make sure that you are still under the radar though.
Choose a service, where they (fiverr) can´t see that you delivered. Like SEO or shit like that. Basically stuff, where you don´t send the result to your customer (yourself) within Fiverr. Because they can monitor this and will also do so.
The next thing you need is conversion rate which makes sense. This should be somewhere around 5%
Meaning that your affiliate link needs to be clicked 19 times without someone buying this and the 20th user buys something.
Residential proxies are perfect for this. Everything else is shit and tiresome. Don´t even start with a VPN or Proxies.
Also you need some basic coding skills for this, but it´s not too hard.
Last but not least you have to solve the tracking pixel. Otherwise they notice that everything comes from the same person, even though you use different IP´s. And some other minor shit you have to look out for as well.
But yeah, that is basically the idea. Pay with PayPal with unverified accounts. Just load them up with 5$ each from one verified account or so. They don´t care.
It´s all a bit of work, and I haven´t done it myself yet. But that is how you can attack it.

>depending on how hard it is to game "pro" verification is
Don´t even try this. Pro gigs are very expensive and fiverr takes a big cut there. Would not pay off for you.
Also you need a lot of capital.
And last but not least you won´t get verified

>> No.16747716

not available where I´m from

>> No.16747740

>Residential proxies are perfect for this
ohhhh you could have a really good time using xfinitywifi to bot this. you might not even need more than one 'acquired' xfinitywifi account as long as you're willing to cycle around between hotspots.

I assume you are from Germany. I will try to think of something from my past that is applicable but honestly you may be running the most quintessentially Germanic scheme of all time.

>> No.16747806

I am interested in security in finance. Theoretically, what could someone who worked at a large corporation and had access to sensitive info like ssn and acct numbers, do if they turned malicious and were trying to profit.

>> No.16747828

you're saying that blocked cards payments will go through via venmo?

>> No.16747926

Can you see the deposits and withdrawals on those bank accounts as well?

>> No.16747941

>but honestly you may be running the most quintessentially Germanic scheme of all time.

I will look into it. But I doubt that it provides the same ammount of different IP´s, that a residential proxy server has. Apart from that those Res.Prox. do have an API as well, which makes stuff extremly easy

>> No.16747977

in the US, I have noticed that I can have a different IP for each connected device via an xfinitywifi hotspot. my usage method is a compromised xfinitywifi account + a router that associates with the real hotspot and then serves internet to my devices. i still notice fresh IPs regularly, while using the same hotspot.

mobile use would provide a massive selection of residential customer IPs, in theory. i will test it.

>> No.16748004

Good stuff! US IP´s would be perfectly fine to pull this off. I took a note and will look into it as soon as I have time. Thanks anon!
Also good thread so far

>> No.16748201

i don't know who you are talking about, but in the fiction above the answer is no

>> No.16748343

Someone with data as you described could make accounts on instadebit. I don´t know how it works exactly. But they seem to verify you with the last 4 digits of the SSN
Then you have a spending limit of xyz$ on your ammount, untill you verify your bankaccount.
(Therfor you would need to see what´s going on there)
Anyway: That´s not needed.
You could transfer either way the given ammount to 888 poker and then "lose it" there to somebody else. The trick: You are "somebody else" yourself.
That´s all I can think off.
But as I said, you need to look into Instadebit yourself and see how it works.
I am not from north america

>> No.16748409

>residential proxy
retarded here
and then what? affiliate and residential proxy then what?

>> No.16748654

read the whole thread.

I describe it here >>16747648

>> No.16749405


>> No.16749433

You absolute fucking genius, I love you, no homo

>> No.16749443

Holy fucking based and redpilled

>> No.16749461
File: 358 KB, 851x972, 0B2B8769-B045-4727-BAF4-EE651F75E43F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one for nearly 3 years.

>> No.16749518

How much do you charge these companies for your services? I’m unironically thinking about joining this business so knowing an idea of standard industry rate would be clutch

>> No.16749528

Could you lay some breadcrumbs for us anon's, please?

I can call you a faggot if you want.

>> No.16749572

He wrote he makes 200$ a month.
So do the math. That is 50$ per Client

>> No.16749582


that shit has been fixed long ago by MAC and even SQL query filters. so, no.in corporate settings nowadays you never see more than you need to do your task.

stealing sensitive info is so 90s

>> No.16749618

Thanks I was reading too fast I guess missed that part, I think I’ll guve it a go at $50-100$ and also try $1000 to some larger companies and see if anyone falls for the bait. Setting up a website is half a days work for me so this an easy venture to test

>> No.16749674

What will you write on your website?

>> No.16749766

I work for a billionaire and our NFP is a way for our founder to get tax breaks and to funnel money illegally.

>> No.16749780

The letter of the law is what matters, not the spirit
case in point

>> No.16749801

Incorrect, I have unlimited access to multiple SSNs on the daily in my job. I would never use them fraudulently because I’m not a piece of shit but I could if I wanted to lol.

>> No.16749811

But I will add that there has been a very strong push to eliminate that. So it depends on the NFP, and I’m not sure our founder even mandated the shady borderline illegal practices

>> No.16749890

Gib wickr id

>> No.16750241


>> No.16750249

>Residential proxies are perfect for this
where do you get them? I cn't get them anywhere

>> No.16750261

>Last but not least you have to solve the tracking pixel. Otherwise they notice that everything comes from the same person, even though you use different IP´s. And some other minor shit you have to look out for as well.
how to solve it?
>Pay with PayPal with unverified accounts
how do you cash out then?
Paypal doesn't let you cash out from unveryfied accounts

>> No.16750460

>chinese national
I typically don't encourage scams, but go for it.

>> No.16750571

This is so hardcore my brain can't still get it after reading it 10 times.

You charge companies a fee for sending them a bill. that's it, nothing more?
People are really paying?
What are you writing in the bill? I mean.. what the fuck?

>> No.16750578
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>> No.16750585

Some scammers literally got millions from companies like Google doing this (before they got caught).

Plenty of decent companies seem to be keen on paying bullshit invoice.

>> No.16750785

Any php devs interested in helping me build a fake cryptocurrency exchange?
bwhahahaha, do you have idea how long take would take? To make what, 10k max off some dumb gook? You could make 100k in that time doing some actual php work for contractors lmao, fuck outta here

>> No.16750813

>just steal someone's credit card and use venmo!
This is literally what nigger teenagers do here, constantly. Stealing someone's credit card and going to the mall with it is not even remotely clever or 'fun', it's just pathetic. I hope you get caught

>> No.16750829

You realize the company can have cameras that record you using the credit card?

>> No.16750870

yes, I do realise that. I literally had my credit card stolen by a nigger that he then used in mcdonalds / shake shack etc multiple times before I froze my card. Hence why I'm a bit triggered by some fag recommending it as a 'fun and entertaining scam'. It's petty crime, up there with shoplifting and pickpocketing. Sure, do it if you want, but don't delude yourself into thinking you're some smart scammer, because you're a nigger.

>> No.16750894

It’s not really a scam but I automate LinkedIn outreach for B2B companies using bots. We scrape lists of leads from sales navigator using one bot and mass connect with them using another. The goal is to get clients onto calls with their ideal prospects and it works great.

It’s hugely complex to fight LinkedIn to make this all work and I have Russian coders handling the complexities. Working on a self service dashboard now that will basically allow people to buy LinkedIn traffic for a 10th of the price.

>> No.16751016

Whoops it was meant for the other guy, obviously you'd realize it.
Just nigs being nigs

>> No.16751018


>> No.16751050

>putting an avocado label on an xbox

>> No.16751060

Can you point me to this service? This is exactly what I already do manually for my own business and would be happy to pay for it

>> No.16751124

Isn't it just basic credit card scamming? Why not just make fake credit cards with stolen information?

>> No.16751131

Or just pay online and pick up in the store with the stolen CC info. This is one of the oldest scams and you will get busted sooner or later. I don't see how using venmo makes it any better.

>> No.16751138

>>Last but not least you have to solve the tracking pixel. Otherwise they notice that everything comes from the same person, even though you use different IP´s. And some other minor shit you have to look out for as well.
>how to solve it?
>>Pay with PayPal with unverified accounts
>how do you cash out then?
>Paypal doesn't let you cash out from unveryfied accounts
>Residential proxies are perfect for this
where do you get them? I can't get them anywhere

>> No.16751492

you just pay with unverified
you withdraw from your main

>> No.16751594

Yeah I got inspired by just that kind of fraud. The most profitable ones pretend to be an executive or something to make sure it get signed off, I take a lower payoff and just rely entirely on incompetence so I don't do anything illegal.

It is structured as my country's equivalent of an LLC, the name and logo are defacto trademarks by them being original and used in commerce but they're not registered. The company pays corporate taxes and I pay capital gains tax whenever I take money out of it as the owner.

>You charge companies a fee for sending them a bill. that's it, nothing more?
Basically, ye.

>People are really paying?
If I send out 100 bills to "potential clients", less than 5 will actually pay and often they'll catch on after 1-2 months if they're not staffed by idiots. But sometimes it does stick for a quarter or longer. Most will try to claim fraud but its not my fault they paid a bill they weren't supposed to and it'll be too much hassle and expense to get lawyers involved for a few months of ~$50, so they'll accept my usual offer of a month's refund and no further bills.

>What are you writing in the bill? I mean.. what the fuck?
I'm very vague, alluding to "financial" or "money transfer" services subscriptions and referring to an agreement as per my website.... The tacit agreement, consisting entirely of them giving me money for sending them bills, that they enter into by paying the bill.
When it works, it'll be someone who don't think too much and just do their job on autopilot. They just see the formal letterhead, the official means of payment, the low price and something about an agreement, and will because they assume its something their boss signed off on, and/or that nobody is bold enough to just send bogus bills.

>> No.16751602

Can you do this in the US?
Like start a website for a premier "referral network"
Bill $4.95 to stay in the referral network.
I feel like a lot of companies won't care about $5.

The website lets people submit requests like "I need a lighting company" and you provide the info on the members in your network that pay the $4.95.
At 600 companies, you no longer have to work a job. Your job is just sending info around.

>> No.16751639

Retard. Use Google.
How low is your IQ? Like seriously, get yourself tested. I bet you are black. Or just the most stupid person on this fucking board.
Firstquestion use Google. Second one read my answer again. Why would you want to cash out on those accounts? They are for paying!
You absolute fucking retard.
I gave you the script to make bank with fiverr and you still don't get it.

>> No.16751640

>you just pay with unverified
>you withdraw from your main
they won't let you send money to your paypal from unverified account

>> No.16751701

Just stop helping him. Retards like him don't deserve spoonfeeding.

>> No.16751712

your paypal acc is unverified
you send $5 from your original acc to that new paypal acc
then you buy shit on fiverr via unverified acc

>> No.16751733 [DELETED] 

>Residential proxies are perfect for this
where do you get them? I can't get them anywhere
Google it you retard, how do you think people learn anything

>> No.16751849

I write to WaWas, Sheetz and Royal Farms about how dirty their stores are and how disappointing it is to see it fall apart since I’ve been going there for YEARS!

I normally get $10 gift cards.

Then there’s the ole self checkout potato for the ole food bar trick.

>> No.16751874

I mean sure, In fact I think that would be more legal than my modus operandi in most jurisdictions. But at that point you're providing an actual service, whether useful or not, apart from just taking people's money.

>> No.16751929

How do you find the right emails to send requests too? and what method of transferring money?

>> No.16751996

The issue is the initial billing. You're sending them a bill for a service they didn't sign up for. That is the question.
Maybe I can add under "Failure to pay on time will result in removal from the network." So it's like their first month way free and if they do not pay they no longer get the service.

>> No.16752068

Scamming is for poor gypsies and kikes.

>> No.16752175

I don't send emails, I send physical letters. It costs a bit but it adds to the authenticity.
I search random registration numbers in my country's business registry and look at their official mailing address.

I use giro. Its a system that is basically a deposit slip for someone else's account. Businesses make them pre-filled with their information and amount and send them with bills for easy payment. If the biller send the bill via a bank, which I do, the billed party can set up with their bank to make it a monthly direct debit from their account instead, which is what my recurring customers do.
Its the same method I use to pay my regularly reoccurring bills like rent and utilities.

I'd say send them a giro, but I don't think you have that in the US. So I don't know.

>> No.16752834

>you send $5 from your original acc to that new paypal acc
why you should do this?

>> No.16752874

>Retards like him don't deserve spoonfeeding
fuc* oof scum.
''Just stop spoonfeeding''
You retarded.. as if I couldn't be able to check on google... you bain dead primate
The residential proxies you get on internet are all blaclisted you braindead primate

>> No.16752889

>Why would you want to cash out on those accounts? They are for paying!
And how do you load a complete new paypal account wihtout leaving traces of you?
Paypal doesn't let ou do shit with non verified accounts. Doesn't let you pay on line so easly

>> No.16753068

Literally kill yourself you fucking nigger.
Nobody can be this retarded

>> No.16753087

>The residential proxies you get on internet are all blaclisted you braindead primate

>> No.16753119

Bruh, with hipster demand these days avocados are hella expensive.

t. Nig

>> No.16754038


>> No.16754208

I send fake wedding invitations to billionaires and multimillionaires

I received over $20,000 worth of shit

>> No.16754429

such as?

>> No.16754484

ITT: Niggers

also nice job at letting this thread stay up you piece of shit mods

>> No.16754628

I choke on food in restaurants annd let people save me, then I make them my pen-pals and ask for money from time to time

>> No.16754804


(((they))) want this thread to stay up

Based psychology hack. Once people invest a little in you, they then want to invest more to reinforce their initial decision to invest in you.

>> No.16755030


>> No.16755136
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't do actual scamming
So you're basically wasting your time on scams. Scamming is supposed to be easy. Ain't nothing easier than stealing your mom's credit card information and using it to buy bitcoin. You wasted 100 hours of your life on this method and it's not even worth it kek.

>> No.16755181
