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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15516104 No.15516104 [Reply] [Original]

Really tho.. y u mad?

>> No.15516629

liquidity is too weak, but I'm still happy seeing that price

>> No.15517698


>> No.15518647 [DELETED] 
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Hey OP, looks like you're having some difficulty keeping your thread up. Let me lend you a helping hand.

>> No.15519303

Fake pumping your illiquid shitcoin in 2019. Nobody is falling for this Anon. Why would anyone buy this, shill it to me

>> No.15519319

Scams always pump the hardest

>> No.15519346

Look at the DAG trader TG channel. They are manipulating the price right in broad daylight. Just know when they dump there is no liquidity, you will be a long term DAG hodler forever. The last bag holders have been stuck for a year

>> No.15519404
File: 103 KB, 1000x700, image (71).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iliquid shitcoin
so retarded, actually all the volume is from kucoin which is real AF. again...

y u mad? y u no like top DAG project.

Raised more VC funding last week.
Solid af github.
Epic contributors.

you can still buy.

>> No.15519438

They raised $33M just 18 months ago and ran out of money. Please explain what happened. If you cannot explain then you are a fucking retard and your team is a bunch of scammers.
Your move faggot. I can promise you won't answer this question because you are a scammer and this is a fact

>> No.15519513

>They raised $33M just 18 months ago and ran out of money. Please explain what happened
They restructured and are raising big kid VC now. I don't think anything happened other than you disco trannys made up a bunch of FUD to hold the price down. I guess you are saying MoonRock Capital didn't do any DD. Did you let them know about this groundbreaking research?

>> No.15519514

What nigger. I aint touching this shit. Fuck DAG and their fucking scam.

>> No.15519529

Kucoin volume isn’t real you retarded nigger. But yea dag mooning

>> No.15519538
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>I aint touching this shit.
Ya, you sound like you need to save your money for a rope. These guys are taking in new equity funding, hiring more devs, and mainnet launch is next month... I mean anon I...

>> No.15519540

>moonrock capital
So they actually got a VC firm to bail them out of their money problems? Good for these niggers, but fuck them for lying to their investors for almost a whole year. Fucking white niggers.

>> No.15519577

>VC firm to bail them out of their money problems
Pretty common path for early stage companies, especially after the bear market wiped everyone's crypto gains.

>> No.15519581

oh wow the scam has "big things coming soon", that's completely unlike every other scam ever

>> No.15519895

https://youtu.be/dib8DdvvSRk?t=3899 [Open]

Proof they lied to everyone about the financial troubles. This was 8 days ago where they claimed they had plenty of runway. 4 days later they raise capital.

If you trust a word that comes out of this scumbag CEOs mouth your an idiot. Did anyone once ask what happened to the $33M they raised 18 months ago? And does this prove they lost millions day trading? If not how did they burn through $33M at record pace with nothing to show for except one small business grant.

>> No.15519914

Oh yes totally normal most startups raise $33M and burn through it with 15 employees and don't launch a working product. Nothing to see here folks please let us finish our PnD scam

>> No.15519925
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>> No.15519948

I'm gonna be so rich, bought this shitcoin at the bottom

>> No.15519964

>Oh yes totally normal most startups raise $33M and burn through it with 15 employees and don't launch a working product. Nothing to see here folks please let us finish our PnD scam
It's actually easy to burn that much in ~2 years hiring 200k a year devs and renting office space in SF.

That's what you don't understand. These guys are a legit SF startup not a few jeets or chinks in a basement somewhere. The code quality makes that abundantly clear.

You do you anon, but I'm going to stay on the rocket ship.

>> No.15520020

>code quality

>> No.15520049

Shut the fuck up you lying cunt. It is impossible to spend $33M in two years with 15 employees in any city. Rent maximum $20k so that's half a million. 15 employees at 200k is $6M total. So now you've accounted for $6.5M maximum. Where is the other $27M? They fucking day traded that shit and lost it all. You just invested in a team that lies to you and gambled away almost all their initial funds. Have fun being poor pajeet

>> No.15520071

This is true. And they did straight up lie about it here is unequivocal proof they lied

>> No.15520100
File: 518 KB, 800x1206, Screenshot_2019-09-02-20-32-19-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hai
fyi troll is that martini guy, raphael and his frens
enjoy the slander suit

>> No.15520110
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>> No.15520122
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>> No.15520129

So are you saying you have run a business, or even worked at one in SF? I know the answer but go ahead.

>> No.15520132
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>> No.15520153
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>> No.15520160
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>> No.15520168
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>> No.15520177
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>> No.15520178

>Say they have capital?
>4 days later announce they raised capital?


>Say they have capital
>Announce capital


>Have capital
>Announce capital

are you a complete brainlet?

>> No.15520185
File: 174 KB, 800x521, Screenshot_2019-09-02-20-39-42-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is to raphael who deleted all his messages

>> No.15520201
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>> No.15520212
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>> No.15520220
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>> No.15520226
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>> No.15520240
File: 287 KB, 783x536, Screenshot_2019-09-02-20-36-27-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wyatt being pizza guy is the same fud they use here every day

>> No.15520255
File: 228 KB, 468x412, Screenshot_2019-09-02-21-09-04-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this freak is the one who has been trolling dag
look at his vids
total sociopath on all kinds of drugs

>> No.15520266

Oh I see, a you tube fag.. makes sense I guess.

>> No.15520296

Cant explain where $27M went. Better make fun of the guy you "think" said it. That is DAGs defense for losing $27M of investor funds, some troll is at fault because he supposedly told people the truth.

>the absolute state of the DAG scam

>> No.15520324

Why are you so obsessed with this youtuber? You want his cock?

>> No.15520356

This man has a point. They couldn't have spent much more than that, we can give them another $2M wiggle room for random expenses. That still leaves $25M unaccounted for. That is a huge problem has anyone addressed the team about this?

>> No.15520403

This is a strawman arguement the DAG shills use. Everyone hates them, so they blame a single youtuber from a year ago for the 1000000 internet comments everyday claiming they are a PnD scam.

But please people ignore that satsgang and pennygang run their TG and spread misinformation all day and publicly artificially pumping their coin and dumping in the process as each new idiot buys in

>> No.15520451

Lol 83k/month for wiggle room. Kek legal fees are likely high. But honestly

>> No.15520486

Where is the $25M? Why won't they talk about it? More important why nobody asks about it. It's like a cult that refuses due dilligence

>> No.15520503

Give up dude. This project is launching mainnet next month and taking in equity investment to support it. A bigger questions is why are you butthurt that you want other people to fail? Sorry things aren't working out for you anon, but you are going about this all wring.

>> No.15520513

That's a pretty chill burn rate for what they are doing if true.

>> No.15520556

Im a bagholders dude. Im asking a question and it's very relevant to this token.

This is not an $83k burnrate this is $83k for travel, t-shirts, dinners etc. Its a huge amount of money unless your flying everyone business class everywhere. Regardless if it's 4x that amount there is still $20M missing.
Should I not be concerned about it? Why?

>> No.15521177

Yeah give it up bro. So they lost $25M and cant say where it went. People lose things all the time. Your just jealous because its mooning past 1 cent motherfucker. It doesnt matter if they are incompetent, they are mooning bro. It doesnt matter they are manipulating the price on purpose and Satsgang and Pennygang run their Telegram channel now. Its mooning bro you gotta get in a HODL

>> No.15521304
File: 79 KB, 750x750, fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cringey crypto youtuber spends all his free time FUDing the coin he lost big on because he has no life and no job

You can't make this shit up

>> No.15521335

Dumb investor watches a company lose $25M in thin air. "I better double down this team is amazing"

You can keep calling me some youtuber, you dont know me. But keep thinking you do.

Why dont you care the team cant account for $25M? Are you on the team? Or are you retarded? Pick one.

>> No.15521442
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I'd give a shit if I bought in in 2018 during the crash like you. But I didn't. I bought in when it was cheap and now they are making big headways, so the monies there, you get fucked youtuber.

>> No.15521560

But the team scammed their last investors out of $25M. Does that make you feel comfortable. I have a smart investor Bernie Madoff you need to meet

>> No.15521730

The people who don't care are only in for a quick pump and dump. How could you not care? This is how you know it's pump and dump the whole community don't care. Bad sign for hodlers

>> No.15522329
File: 80 KB, 739x215, Screenshot_2019-09-07-21-57-40-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they locked in all eth at 900 actually.

>ah but this is before the day trading

least we have you back on the point everyone can laugh at you over

>> No.15522898

This is a lie. Brendan Playford is a liar and lost huge money day trading for losses. The team literally said we cannot confirm or deny and our lawyers have told us we cant speak about it.
Why are you people constantly on biz lying to everyone. You realize we can see your own community is manipulating the price, its right there in their telegram channels. GTFO scammer bitch

>> No.15522999

youre calling evidence a lie now?
show me where they said we cant confirm or deny