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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14960753 No.14960753 [Reply] [Original]

What's the real life equivalent of grinding for gold in an MMO? Why can't we just go outside and start gathering resources to sell?

>> No.14960758


>> No.14960761

Add me, I’m in w342 GE.

RSN: Simians

>> No.14960762

>he doesn't know about shrimp farming

>> No.14960764


>> No.14960777

>Why can't we just go outside and start gathering resources to sell?
Hobos do this all the time, it's called salvaging for cans or stealing copper from construction sites

>> No.14960779


Because ownership of land and resources is the first thing that is expropriated in a capitalist system. It was all claimed ages ago. Which is why the successive frontiers of "gold rushes" are increasingly immaterial goods like data.

>> No.14960791

Name 15 better alternatives.

>> No.14960812
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>> No.14960816

Starting an online business has a low barrier to entry but it’s hard to scale and sustain

>> No.14960827

Indeed. MMOs are satisfying because they simulate our free roaming hunter gatherer lifestyle of days long past.

>> No.14960846

Meet me wildly

>> No.14960866

um, you can dig up gold out of the ground. where do you think it comes from?

>> No.14960871
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>> No.14960886

can confirm people steal any metal, even at cemeteries people steal those brass vases all the time.

>> No.14960889

You can become a farmer and sell your crops at the farmer's market

>> No.14960902

You can literally pan for gold.

>> No.14960908

That implies you can turn the gold you mine in osrs into fucking gp you retard.

>> No.14960932


>> No.14960958

Anything you do IRL can be a goldfarming method equivalent of runescape. PKing can be a really good money-making method because everyone is skulled. Bonus if you can lure some noobs to get their bank. Sucks if you get PK'd yourself by clans.

>> No.14960992

Crypto trading.

>> No.14961035
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Same as any MMO, killing lone or small weakly grouped NPCs in the wild and looting their corpse for money and selling the trash they had. If you want to raid you get even better gear and loot too, places like museums, vaults, and armories. Sucks you are always PvP flagged and there is a rep system.

>Because ownership of land and resources is the first thing that is expropriated in a capitalist system. It was all claimed ages ago.
Star Wars Galaxy earlyish and EVE online are exactly like that

>> No.14961048

i figured it out years ago
its composting

think about it!

>> No.14961068

pking is good money if you are legitimately skilled. In which case you probably make even more money staking

>> No.14961084

I don't need 15, just 1. Anarcho-syndicalism.

>> No.14961099

you just need a little elbow grease

>> No.14961119

If only we hadn't wasted trillions of dollars babysitting Africa and instead had invested that money into space travel programs. We could be mining other planets by now.

>> No.14961123


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor..

>> No.14961152

How would you stake IRL?

>> No.14961169

>Why can't we just go outside and start gathering resources to sell?
Who are you selling them to. In games there are typically NPCs or market places to sell on. Are you going to sell firewood, on what, ebay? To random people? There is no economy anymore, people can't use what you gather even if it is worth something.

>> No.14961170

>get really good at making gold in game
>real money trading
there ya go

other than that there's a lot of ways but you really gotta give it your all, I personally believe I can make at least minimum wage doing almost any activity at all if I put in the effort

>> No.14961186

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you suggest?

>> No.14961234

Yeah but like OP means in real life. Is there any way to "mine for gold" but in the real world? Like somehow to obtain gold out of the ground through some sort of work, perhaps with tools such as shovels and pans and sluices.
If only there were a way, right OP? To like "literally" mine for gold? Boy that would sure be a crazy world wouldn't it? If "resources" could simply be extracted from the earth?

>> No.14961253

because rain water harvesting is illegal LMAO

>> No.14961257

thanks anon

>> No.14961262

I don't know, but I'll never forget grinding weekends on end to stack 1000 gold for my epic Kodo

>> No.14961284

Turning tricks on a street corner, duh

>> No.14961287

Damn. Wish I knew about this a week ago.
Still, nice arb

>> No.14961308

Insider here. Money actually grows on trees.

>> No.14961313

>can confirm
I've been seeing this phrase way too often in here and other catalogs. Why do anons insist on regurgitating it?

>> No.14961327

This is a scam btw. Not the real token.

>> No.14961344

Real life grinding is hazardous to your health because if you run afoul of a mob you can't handle then you don't respawn at the nearest graveyard.

>> No.14961383

heck, it made me money. i thought that at first too

>> No.14961429
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>I don't need 15, just 1.
alright alright, let's see where this goes.

>> No.14961435

>he doesnt know about yard stalls
Dude normies sell firewood all the time. They put a sign in their yard saying "firewood $120/cord" or some shit and people stop by to buy some. There's a half dozen people doing that per town in southern Massachusetts and we're not even that rural, I imagine its half the damn town in places like Vermont and Montanna. Same thing goes for hay or chicken eggs.

>> No.14961470


>> No.14961479


>> No.14961514

dropped a hard gp kek

>> No.14961530
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whats a gp?

>> No.14961712

>Real life grinding is hazardous to your health because if you run afoul of a mob you can't handle then you don't respawn at the nearest graveyard.

>> No.14961806

because you cant just log out from life making you not to require basic human needs like food, water, place to sleep and take a shit. You dont get golden cones for shooting magic at wild pigs and you can not respawn after failing.

>> No.14962008

>Star Wars Galaxy
I miss it

>> No.14962082

stop wasting your time, buy OTO, be wealthy, then have time for your hobbies.

>> No.14962084

Bc it came from Reddit. I've seen it there a few years back.
>inb4 redditfag
I had no idea what hellhole I was in. The only good thing is I gtfo a year in without ever posting. Fuck your karma and your gold Alex

>> No.14962201

>Why can't we just go outside and start gathering resources to sell?
you can, buddy

>> No.14962221

mining crypto

>> No.14962233


find your runecrafting irl. Where you have for stable income for investing to merch crypto irl :D

>> No.14962234
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>Why can't we just go outside and start gathering resources to sell?
you can its just tremendously inefficient, you're better off accepting your fate and wage cuckin' it.

>> No.14962273

Hard work, literally a job, big initial investment, not much to be made at markets once you take out costs and time put into it. But still, it’s a nice healthy hobby.

>> No.14962318

Short for gold piece.
It's the currency in RuneScape.

>> No.14962399
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>1 post by this ID
not falling for your curry tricks samefag scammer

>> No.14962464

stay poor pajeet

>> No.14962655


Wagie job

>> No.14962865

being a camgirl

>> No.14963215

yeah i was thinking fast food or retail

>> No.14963237
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>> No.14963253
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stacking stuff for lifetime income like UND and LINK

>> No.14963342


>> No.14963508


>> No.14963539


people have been posting "can confirm" for like a decade+

>> No.14963669

online poker

>> No.14963745

My nephew sells firewood in the winter once his landscaping work has dried up. Plenty of people around here have wood stoves so he makes ok money doing it.

>> No.14964250

Working to obtain that fake currency called the dollar. Or euro. Or whatever other shitcoin is popular within your geographical area.

>> No.14964287


>> No.14964309


>> No.14964531

I keep seeing this argument pop up lately but it’s pretty nonsensical.

We would need many tremendous tech breakthroughs to get spacemining to deliver a return on investments.

We wasted a lot of moneyvemon Africa. Elsewhere too. And space exploration is awesome! But spacemining isn’t a magical solution to our problems

>> No.14964670

Get a metal detector and search for coins and jewelry. Be sure to follow local laws or city ordinances or ask for permissions on private property of a friend or family. It can be a very fun and rewarding hobby if you dedicate time to it.

>> No.14964795

You've sucked much more money out of africa, compared to what you've given them. Trust me on this, retardo

>> No.14964993

Because we have a developed economy the best way of making money is providing services for rich players aka getting a job

>> No.14965470


>> No.14965548
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there are no unclaimed resources on this world.
the people in power declared it to theft.

>> No.14965701

there's a lot of shit you can just go out and gather, but you can't make much money doing it. I used to collect mushrooms and different wild edibles in my free time, then just call up local restaurants and sell them. restaurants are always interested in a wild harvest so selling is super easy. it's play money though, not a real job.

>> No.14965722

this is actually pretty fucking based. you can even get people to pay you to take their food scraps, then you sell dirt back to them in the spring time. only hangup here is you need to scale your operation up so that you're moving large amounts to make a living on it.

>> No.14965763


>> No.14965772

fuck of nigger. anyone can check the contract address and see for themselves. go back to spamming twitter giveaways.

>> No.14965793

try $250-$300 a cord. you gotta earn that money though. you know how much work it is to cut and chop a cord of wood? cord is an 8' x 4' x 4' stack. takes half a day just to stack it.

>> No.14965820

i never spammed twitter giveaways
but newfags are retards so

>> No.14966088
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>> No.14966132

Bitch plz. That takes a couple hours by hand with nothing but an axe, or 15 minutes with sweat and a splitting machine. Get gud, son.

>> No.14966200

Cmon 7 or 9

>> No.14966208

That's ok too

>> No.14966233
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extra go for dubs?

>> No.14966812


>> No.14966841
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>> No.14966853

Uero please

>> No.14966859
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>> No.14966922

look at this fucking pajeet reply with his VPN's

>> No.14966958

stay poor pajeet, its legit i thought that too at first

>> No.14966989

Don’t roll the nigger pls...

>> No.14966993

The real life equvalent is the Sleep work eat repeat cycle while spending nothing more than the absolute necessary (Food and water thats safe to drink)

>> No.14967009
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>> No.14967011


>> No.14967021

Saffron is really good money.

>> No.14967022

not really my type(s)
they lack slanted eyes and yellow skin

>> No.14967027



>> No.14967838


>> No.14968002

We've given Africa the equivalent money to like 30 Marshall plans.

>> No.14968044
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>> No.14968052

1 is best in pic

>> No.14968085
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>> No.14968135


>> No.14968144

roling for qt

>> No.14968170
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4 & 1

>> No.14968306


>> No.14968354

people go and collect metal from houses. they put ads on craigslist, will take appliances and scrap metal for free. some even charge to take it away, they take it to the scrapyard and get paid for the weight. copper is worth more then say a cast iron sink, but if they get enough they can make some money.

>> No.14968378
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>> No.14968409

i hope you're not that sad bro

>> No.14968505

>he doesnt own a collection of e-thots

>> No.14968540

no im not a virgin incel haha sorry

>> No.14969366

yes you are

>> No.14969377

no im really not lol if you save hundreds of pictures you;ll never fuck or even speak to then you dont deserve to live but probably wont reproduce anyway so

>> No.14969572

>having pics of womens makes you a virgin
what are you a fag?

>> No.14969612

no i fuck pussy not my hand lol

>> No.14969962


The first correct answer

>> No.14970074



>> No.14970145


>> No.14970148

Fpbp as usual

>> No.14970178

Can confirm. I've seen it everywhere too.

>> No.14970459
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Change it up. I thought biz was for high caste scammers. embarrassing.

>> No.14970549

nice looking driftwood pieces sell for a fuckload to aquarium hobbyists, also pretty rocks. seriously.

>> No.14970594

>whats the real world equivalent of farming
The absolute nigtarded fucking state of /biz/

>> No.14971350

It's wageslaving

>> No.14971741

Its called prospecting. The license is pretty cheap and there are TONS of properties that can be advanced and readied for sale. Problem is you dont actually want to go outside

>> No.14971802

Yeah we should just let the whole continent crumble. That way every person living there immigrates to Europe. That would be so based.

>> No.14971828

ive seen that show in the history channel.
people going to alaska and setting up huge machinery to get a few ounces of gold.
Not worth it desu.

>> No.14971830

This, can confirm.

>> No.14971869

>Are you going to sell firewood, on what, ebay?
How much of a NEET are you, that you think people only buy wood from Home Depot? You can buy wood all over the world, and in the US, in regions where it snows, it's pretty easy to sell off wood if you cut a tree down. Most people don't think about it and let the tree service haul it off - it's a couple hundred dollars of firewood. If it's a maple or oak, or any kind of tree that can produce furniture grade lumber, it's even more money, mills and small independant millers will come get the trunks and pay you for them.

Leave the house once in a while, for fuck's sake.

>> No.14971922

All you need is a chainsaw and an axe. Oh noes, you have to sweat! Chopping a cord of wood is a fucking great workout. Granted, most of the anons here would die of heatstroke after 10 minutes of actual work. But if you're chopping logs for money, you hire mexicans to stack it for you.

>> No.14971963

rolling for 0

>> No.14972002
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you got 3

>> No.14972569

you dont mine the gold yourself you sample the property then sell it to a junior