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14673672 No.14673672 [Reply] [Original]

Here we go lads. Uptrend has started. It's time to go heavy on the dApp bubble of 2020.

Delayed boom as always on BMX / CHR, but volume is growing and should align with KuCoin volume as things pick up speed.

Circ is 34M, so you're looking at a $3M market-cap. Twitter will continue to pick up via this chart : https://twitter.com/valD90040793/status/1142353815317995520

Best under the radar buy of 2019, IMO.

>> No.14673757

Shill me

>> No.14673806

Read the website and keep an open mind. Follow breadcrumbs. Think if they pull of 25% of what they're setting out to do. This is a good hold, and still at a floor. It's not going any lower.

>> No.14674318

$1 will be the first real attention-grabber.

>> No.14674688


>> No.14675212

Hoping for higher.

>> No.14675215

also, this

>> No.14675232

I see the FUD going about on this is the tokenomics and the Ian Ballina thing

Could you guys help a brainlet anon out

>> No.14675622

Don't fall for this pos scam. You know anything Ian Ballerina touches goes to shit. Team is full of ass hats too.

>> No.14676075

what are they trying to do? Explain.
On their website they talk about relational database

>> No.14676081


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.14676119

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you'd suggest?

>> No.14676174

dropped a hard eth thanks

>> No.14676221

thanks anon

>> No.14676264

Damn wish I knew about this a week ago. Still, good arb

>> No.14676286

Is the arb opportunity still open?

>> No.14676297

>Circ is 34M, so you're looking at a $3M marketcap. Twitter will continue to pick up
>Best under the radar buy of 2019, IMO.

Moon when OP?

>> No.14676354

Okex one? Yeah

>> No.14676393

>dApps bubble

>> No.14676518

wtf is dapp

>> No.14676780

idk desu

>> No.14677476


>> No.14677693


>> No.14677902
