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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14134261 No.14134261 [Reply] [Original]

So when do we buy, /biz/?

>> No.14134271


>> No.14134293

i wanna sell 15k link and ride this for for next week

>> No.14134341 [DELETED] 

Some kind sir did a research.

>> No.14134467

Get in now before you regret it

>> No.14135270

let it bleed a couple more days. Didnt want to believe it but it still has some downtrend

>> No.14135335


>> No.14135380
File: 38 KB, 599x374, Bniw_ISIUAAbwot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double bottom is in. It's now or regret it

>> No.14135388

2000 sats

>> No.14135438

Is 18k ONE enough to make it?

>> No.14135543

Its double bottomed before and it meant fuck all. Volume is drying up again. If it stays away from 260ish sats maybe it will go up, but if it breaks that its gonna not pick up for at least another day.

>> No.14135717

It's currently at the average entry price which means whoever selling now is selling at a loss

>> No.14136315

38k ONE reporting in

>> No.14136328

200k ONEder child reporting in

>> No.14136369

1.8m reporting in

CZ will take us to the glory land

>> No.14136389

>there will be people excited to win $20 worth of ONE from the competition

>> No.14136409

Realistically we'll hit 500 sats

>> No.14136410
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I bought the absolute top, this is hell but I will wait

>> No.14136419


>> No.14136427
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"Plastic, right?"


>> No.14136441

I think $0.20 - 0.2050 is a good entry. You should understand that any whale or binance bots can screw up your entry.

>> No.14136461

The fuck?
275 sats is fine.
266 was better though.

>> No.14136493

i bought at 280 sats but will not yield. call me metal hand mike if you will

>> No.14136535
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>> No.14136577

My entry is 99 sats

>> No.14136838
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Awww he buyed chinkcoin again!

buy Matic or stay poor sirs

>> No.14136847

Harmony's gonna make matic look like a fucking firework when it blasts off. You know, assuming cz pumps it.

>> No.14137403

pump has started, volume is picking up - hope you're on the train!!

>> No.14137428


>> No.14137442

200k. I'm riding this bad boy

>> No.14137454

4.8 m here

>> No.14137504
File: 1.43 MB, 2048x1600, 8528CE89-C25E-4C15-A351-C825E25690AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all gonna make it

>> No.14137539

Let’s get it bois


>> No.14137600

Different angle of that bullshitter posted an in order balance to try to pass it off as a real buy

>> No.14137635

What you poor?
2m isn't much

>> No.14137677

I doubt you threw over 3 btc at it. Also it's a constantly reused picture

>> No.14137687

If I'm not throwing close to 30k at a more than likely chinaman scam then I'm poor?

>the absolute state of biz

>> No.14137727
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Of course not

>> No.14137782

Fair enough

>> No.14137796

Why so many buy orders?

>> No.14137854

150 sats will be entry for whales prior to mainnet. Check MATIC chart and you understand why.

>> No.14137885

I don't really care and i've never sold a single one. This is a multi month hold for me.

>> No.14137910

I'm hoping 600 sats. I'm thinking of dumping my entire stack into this but there's always a chance it flops.

>> No.14137914

FINALLY anon gets it

>> No.14137990

fair enough I bought back in its looking good

>> No.14138018


>> No.14138052
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>> No.14138060
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There he is

>> No.14138152

But to be fair. This Code review stated some more moderate advice


>> No.14138294

Dumped 15k link at 1.85 and got in at one at 273

It might test 250, but these CZ things have no rational movement. I think we can test 900-1000k sats by the end of next week desu

>> No.14138306

>1000k sats

holy shit
But yeah, if it's anything like matic we'll see 1000+

>> No.14138389

This board is very small. I posted this image and link

>> No.14138401

That's what happens when you market buy/sell.

>> No.14138426

There's only like 100 regular /biz/raelis. I like the small community

>> No.14138726

We are bruvers

>> No.14138758
File: 42 KB, 334x506, Toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we're ALL gonna make it. We're all gonna be rich fucks driving our expensive cars, flying all over the world fuckin bitches, and dabbing on normalfags. Wagecucks will SEETHE forever

>> No.14138928

I have bad feeling with the market. Maybe another big correction this weekend.

>> No.14139008

Νο. Harmony is a last chance for us nulinkers and nolinkers to redeem ourselves. If you should have learned anything is that you DON'T FUCKING SELL

>> No.14139059


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor.

>> No.14139065

Nice. Dropped a eth.

>> No.14139098

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you'd suggest?

>> No.14139113




>> No.14139131
File: 52 KB, 759x712, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this aint it boys, you didn´´t listen to me.
you didn´t listen last week you didn´t listen this week
you didn´t listen yesterday

i told you again and again but you just didn´t listen

>> No.14139151

Nice gem anon

>> No.14139163

this is not matic it will never be.
there is not another pump this coin already x6 after release.

it will bleed and bleed and bleed and bleed
everytime it pumps a few % massive sellorders dump it even more.

so comfy here watching from the sidelines because i sold the top lmao and you delusionals still here explaining me
>muuuh mainnet uga uga

>> No.14139189

Wish I knew about this a week ago. Still good arbtriage though.

>> No.14139226

Lmao good fud

CZ would be disappointed

>> No.14139244

trends are meant to be broken mate

>> No.14139265

I'm accumulating

>> No.14139278

How does one calculate/find the average entry price?

>> No.14139299

correct, and and this trend is still not broken.

we are still going down and it will last.

>> No.14139314

cz can read charts and prices as well.
this is a textbook downtrend bleeding.

you can see the markets after every litle % gain massive dumps follow.

>> No.14139322

270 seems to be the support.

>> No.14139396

Exactly who did 6x? IEO was limited to $1500 and we pump to 200 sats 2min after release.

>> No.14139452
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>> No.14139620


don´t ask me, im just analyzing the price chart.

fact is, people are dumping on you all.
where they bought or when they bought is another question which i can´t answer.

>> No.14139658

You are just a clueless retard pretending to be smart

>> No.14139668

flipped .2 btc thx

>> No.14139685

ok than explain me, who is dumping right now ?
im here to learn..

>> No.14139700


Are they trying to build a data set for machine learning consensus?

>> No.14139807

redpill me on this shitcoin. Is it a p&d?

>> No.14139838

no its easy money

>> No.14139853
File: 108 KB, 1519x836, harMOONy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can try to answer this.

Pic is 30 min chart. VWAP in pic is a little different to the traditional one you find in all charting tools. Essentially the same except:

>No VWAP reset when new day starts
>Price and volume of IEO winners taken into account (I approximated the dollar value to 39 sats), hence why VWAP starts well below first candlestick.

Point is, below the yellow line, the average seller is selling at a loss. I doubt there are any whales who would want to dump at this price. Only people selling now are those trying to chase pumps/bored biztards.

It's interesting to see the price stops tanking around the yellow line when the LINK pump chasers exited. Also the fact that the price is currently the same distance below the 'true' VWAP the first time it crossed below (day after IEO), and doesn't seem to want to go any further, I'd say its a decent argument that we've found the bottom.

Chart doesn't say anything about it mooning though so there's that.

>> No.14139937

"easy money" = p&d

>> No.14139962
File: 54 KB, 767x754, celr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sounds logical to me.

the question is why would it moon all of the sudden out of nowwhere like matic - which everybody and their moms think will happen.

matic had 10x times the volume and a 1 in a 1000 pump

at the moment i even expect celer to outperform harmony, when it comes to the chart.

>> No.14140026

Yeah true you're right about that. Reason for not going down =/= it will moon.

I'm holding some just incase it moons. Maybe a mainnet pump which induces fomo but no other reason desu

>> No.14140069

>matic had 10x times the volume

what the fuck are you talking about.


During the first 2 weeks of trading ONE outperforms MATIC in terms of volume by far. This is a whole other level of washtrading than on your "1 in a 1000 pump". ONE has a huge volume for a new coin being in accumulation phase. Once it picks up Harmony is going to make Matic look like a midget.

>> No.14140549

i am just in awe how this coin consistantly manages to go down. day by day, minute by minute. it's fascinating really. just wish my whole net worth wasn't in it at 320....

>> No.14140566

That's what I said about Resistance.

Buy during IEO.

You think Biz actually knows good advice when it sees it ? Nah.

>> No.14140774
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>Point is, below the yellow line, the average seller is selling at a loss. I doubt there are any whales who would want to dump at this price. Only people selling now are those trying to chase pumps/bored biztards.

people are still dumping right now.

we aren´t at the bottom yet and it is still a looooong long way.

there are people who are selling if at profit or not i can´t say but the charts dont lie.

maybe the whole "1500$ was max IEO" is disproven as well, a lot of people selling and with this chink pnds, nobody for sure know who has coins and who is dumping.

>> No.14140796

í can only say it again: get out as fast as you can, you get dumped on in some highly manipulated chink market

i wouldn´t be suprised if the developers gave themself millions of lottery tokens on other privat accounts and now theyre unloading on some delusional hodlers.

>> No.14140816

It's just being forced down

For fuck's sake

>> No.14140838

its highly manipulated after very successfull IEOs in the past and they just use delusional people to dump on who still believe it will moon like matic did.

they even created some "trading competition" the first week...

this is such an obvious manipulated scam.

>> No.14140850

So 11 posts by you itt, some basic TA applied, to only tell people to sell at loss and that it's a scam?

Trying to justify team dumping probably

>> No.14140866

Too dangerous buy at 250 sats. I think sell presure will increase a lot and dump under the last support.

>> No.14140870

In retrospect, it seems like CZ set One up to capture funds from dumb investors. He posted that IEO multiplier chart just to sucker in people for Harmony, knowing he would take a financial hit from these US regulatory issues and from tether losses.

>> No.14140940

possible yet

everytime when people think "the only possible thing that can happen is another guaranteed success" - is when you have to be careful and it was 100% the case with harmony.

everyone was explaining how it can´t fail. everyone.

this is what happens in highly manipulated markets.

>> No.14140962

it hasn't failed yet. 250 then to 2500 is what the one anon predicted at 330 sats. I'm praying he's right

>> No.14140965

He needs Harmony to pump to keep BNB afloat. Futher ONE dumping -> less IEO demand -> less BNB demand -> BNB dump ->...
It may sound exaggerated but ONE price directly impacts the future of Binance

>> No.14140982

pump soon

>> No.14140997

Hindsight. You know they can just announce some shit regarding the mainnet with massive green candle coming of nowhere causing fomo.

>> No.14141007
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>> No.14141017

Well of all the IEOs, Harmony has the most high caliber, well connected team along with a usecase (platform) that could’ve led to a cardano/cosmos marketcap. But the timing now seems off.

>> No.14141055

it's been two weeks, man

>> No.14141079

I am financially destroyed

>> No.14141134
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>Important insider information >>14140788

Official Binance/Harmony market maker here guys.
Only telling this because you guys are my family and I love you!
>I am going to tank the price to sub 75 sat and will keep it there for at least 7/8 months to take out all the weak and newbie hands.
Best buy would be CHAINLINK and sell your Harmony ONE.

>> No.14141138

so youre telling me were talking about the "tech" again?

dude, this whole crypto thing is not about the tech, it is about gambling money on more than 1000 different crypto where maybe 2-3 will have some usecase ( some day) and the worst of them ( bitcoin) is the most sucessfull.

can we please stop with this tech bullshit.
nobody buying harmoney, matic, nano, link, xmr , or whatever cares about the fucking tech.

>> No.14141164

Sadly this and I fell for it. It just seemed like the most promising pnd yet. It was so chinky in a good way, I was blinded by TRON gains.
Nobody here is dumb enough to actually believe it was a good project. It was all about the money, maybe that was the problem. Maybe it was all about scamming people when there was no one to scam but ourselves.

>> No.14141635

I also lost ~1000$ and allmost all of my ONE lottery profits because I didn´t realized the cut off early enough.
but i learned my lesson and as soon as there is any change - i can still buy in again and maybe don´t make as much profit...but at least i make some and don´t have the risk.

AND i can sleep at night and don´t have to worry that some manipulated pump and dump coin will dump even more.

>> No.14141648

addition: bnb is in a nice correction right now, most people will be far better off with that which of course don´t moon times 10 over night but has a stady uptrend the last months.

>> No.14141680

You're a damage control shill, aren't you?

>> No.14141683

I'd hold off on BNB for a while until this whole US being banned from using the site thing gets cleared up.

>> No.14141686

Shill me on Harmony, /biz/

This is a scam, do not fall for it. If you browse /biz/ regularly then you will see this post showing up once in a while

>> No.14141712

I too, would like to be shilled on harmony.

T. 100% 19/1 Link/Holo split Chad

>> No.14141722

Unironically CZ's only hope to keep interest to his exchange after today's news

>> No.14142063
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>Harmony's gonna make matic look like a fucking firework when it blasts off. You know, assuming cz pumps it.

>> No.14142700

binance is the biggest exchange, why should he need to keep it "interesting"?

I am here to learn why im wrong about ONE but all i read is complete utter bullshit from delusionals

>> No.14142760

It’s the biggest exchange now. Wait till Americans can’t buy alts on there. It’s just going to be bots left.

>> No.14142762

>so comfy here watching from the sidelines because i sold the top lmao
>I also lost ~1000$ and allmost all of my ONE lottery profits because I didn´t realized the cut off early enough.

You're the one delusional here, faggot

>> No.14142813

No that mutts are banned everybody are not so sure about BNB future. He NEEDS ieos to keep pumping BNB. And if people realize that ieos are not easy money anymore they would stop buying them. You see the picture?

>> No.14142887

but didn´t CZ already earned money from americans who traded there?
they bring crypto there, they trade, they pay fees.
now they "cashout" pay fees again, and withdraw.

what exactly does he lose except volume which he can get back from other markets?

africa, india, are the markets he needs to reach for, not to mention that there are possibiliets for us citizen..theyre just not completely legal.

>> No.14143114

The competition will be way stronger now. He just lost one of his advantages. The IEOs was binance's hot topic why would he abandon them if this scheme has been working perfectly so far
>africa, india
how do you even compare these to the US

>> No.14143222

more people = more potencial user

not to mention that a lot of us citizen have no useage for crypto because theyre old ass boomers.
therefore almost every person in africa has a usage for crypto or an exchange

>> No.14143284

Broke ass niggas

>> No.14143428

>not to mention that a lot of us citizen have no useage for crypto because theyre old ass boomers.

do you have any use for crypto? it's bs and you know it.

>> No.14143443

hungry broke ass niggas

>do you have any use for crypto? it's bs and you know it.

for sure its bullshit, for me its gambling to make money

>> No.14143492

Quality over quantity. If you really think losing America is not a big deal for binance you're complete brainlet, man.

>> No.14143516

>for me its gambling

yeah, I know. We're all in on the scam.

>> No.14143585


>> No.14143633

price probly being suppressed to satisfy late OTC customers wanting in before mainnet... it's lit.

>> No.14143674


People are riding BTC rn to 9k

Although I don’t like one going down, I’d rather have btc fly as opposed to it crashing

>> No.14143737

I was all in ONE but market sold upon the US ban, but going to keep watching the prices. If it starts making the massive pump we’re expecting, I’ll send my BTC back to Binance to buy back in.
Sadly I missed MATIC as I was focused on other coins and was hoping this was gonna do the same. Sigh.

>> No.14143776

Why are burgers selling now, they still have weeks to make it

>> No.14143844

It’s probably uncertainty like I felt. If it recovers then we’ll be back up until the cut off point lol

>> No.14144057

Be greedy with others are fearful

And fearful when others are greedy

>> No.14144079


>> No.14144093

>about 30% of the market leaving
>buy now

>> No.14144107

stop posting you fucking nigger holy shit kys

>> No.14144118


CZ bits dont care about market

And I’m sure Americans are gonna stop trading 3 months in advanced

>> No.14144235

>they missed Matic x8
>they will miss ONE x8

>> No.14144344
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>>14141134 BOW to me I am your GOD now

I will drop this piece of shit project to sub 75 sat.
I am going to destroy all your dreams, make you cry like a little bitch in the corner of your room.
I am going to financially ruin you.

>I am the Harmony One market maker, I am your deity now, you will worship Binance BNB and CZ or this coin will go to 1 sat.