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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13483104 No.13483104 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13483113

fap fap

>> No.13483132

How are ya mate?

>> No.13483134

quack quack

>> No.13483137
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What do you have for us today, Drunkanon?

>> No.13483155

Evening. Lots of hullabaloo today with the media articles...Rory is looking into this FNZ ChainLink article as the team didn’t seem to be aware...can you give us some good news please? Also what you sipping?

>> No.13483161


>> No.13483213
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>> No.13483214

>weekly link larp thread

>> No.13483215

Oh no, not you again. Everything you said was false so far...

>> No.13483218


>> No.13483223


>> No.13483246

Pray tell pakeet, how does one measure time in Calcutta?

>> No.13483270

> 'old' id
>link larps getting old
Kek confirmed larping phase almost over, 1k eoy

>> No.13483274

>thinks link larp threads are limited to weekly

How do you measure time, fren?

>> No.13483285

Via sips of the Ganges, of course.

>> No.13483299

You may be right, im used to ignoring them by now. My hopium is long gone

>> No.13483301

I remember when I larped as Drunkanon

>> No.13483314

I've been holding LINK since pre sibos and there hasn't been anyone that has been right about anything having to do with LINK.

>> No.13483344

AB was right quite a few times before he was doxxed.

>> No.13483357
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>> No.13483364
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mainnet round the corner

>> No.13483417

Anyone remember the IOTA Marketplace? Main net = Chainlink Marketplace 50+ corporate entities

>> No.13483423

>IOTA Marketplace
Can you explain your past prediction fuck ups?

>> No.13483451

When mainnet? And yea what happens to your past predictions?

>> No.13483503
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What's on tap today, fren?

>> No.13483532

Everything will become more clear

What main net are you asking about? The marketplace of entities delivering their data to smart contracts is sooner than you think.

>> No.13483606

United Nations identity on blockchain... Is this rumour legit?

>> No.13483628

$ching $ching

>> No.13483656

I was talking about the chainlink mainnet, are looking at the next week or two?

>> No.13483717

I understand. Be prepared for a different kind of main net than you expect. We are about to get the lego pieces for the next generations of contracts. The data smart contracts will thrive from

>> No.13483732

wtf does that mean

>> No.13483738

will link holder benefit at all? or will only companies building with link benefit?

>> No.13483759

It means don't invest in CLCG

>> No.13483767 [DELETED] 

>oldfag detected

You have my full attentiom

>> No.13483772
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>> No.13483778

Shift-click. Bye.

>> No.13483781

Thanks just bought 100k linkpool, I look forward to staking 7 link in 2021

>> No.13483796

DrunkAnon, spill it brother and comrade in the memetic campaign to make us all filthy rich.

>> No.13483798

Great you posted it again, now ahead and call me Johnny, Tim O

>> No.13483807

Sorry, its spelt Jonny isn't it? Please forgive me. Also not Timmo.

>> No.13483856

Don't think of Chainlink as you and biz running their nodes trying to find apis to get ahead of the competition. Embrace the companies that have agreed to run their own nodes to provide mission critical data smart contracts that will power the Fourth Industrial Revolution

>> No.13483869

Ah thanks for reminding about that scam. Those faggots will have tough fund raise.

>> No.13483884

Ah, so their data will only be provided by one companies nodes. Sounds decentralized, thanks JUST BOUGHT 100K LARPS

>> No.13483888

The biggest benefit will be from holding link. Considering you are on biz, you probably can watch the fireworks. I don't think any project in crypto has gotten the kind of attention the marketplace is going to bring.

>> No.13483901
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>> No.13483907


>> No.13483908

Firstly, trips checked. Secondly, you are larping. People buying link on the promise that data will only be available from the companies that generate it via their nodes... Hopefully you're wrong

>> No.13483946

I'm not sure where my (You) is yet, but you're also the wrong timezone for drunkanon

>> No.13483959

Just the start of a long process. Bringing these powerful entities into the smart contract game is a big deal. Some of the apis will be able to be accessed by independent nodes for further decentralization.

>> No.13484007


mfw been in since ico

>> No.13484034
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>sip sip
>heres a sip toast to never being able to hold 50 cents lmao lmfao holy fuck rip

>> No.13484044


>> No.13484052
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Its a fucking failed larp again and again... i dont know who listen and believe to this anymore lol... pic related was almost 2 months ago...

Plus the fact that he is not commenting on his previous failed predictions tells you something about his legitimacy

>> No.13484099

Any hints at a timeline? Wink once if it starts at consensys

>> No.13484100

Only wrong until right.

>> No.13484109

done w\th that as you can see from other posts. What you need to know is the marketplace is coming you're not involved but you will like who is

>> No.13484121

Microsoft :^)

>> No.13484122

when will you die from alcohol poisoning?

>> No.13484141

>Only wrong until I've made enough predictions that one of them is right

>> No.13484142

So let's assume you're real. What's your price expectation for Chainlink?

>> No.13484150

So what are you sippin on anyway?

>> No.13484156

>muh marketplace
You are not drunkanon. Those who know why, know why

>> No.13484183

Fuk off nigga

>> No.13484204

Yep, I'd say its safe to ignore any predictions here. Sorry biz

>> No.13484215
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Only wrong since 7 months ago. Give us real documents or connections, otherwise gtfo, noone is interested in this empty talk with empty promises and made up dates anymore :)

>> No.13484232

is CLCG a good investment

>> No.13484240

yes lol

>> No.13484271


>> No.13484273

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.13484296

This thread is all bollocks by the way. Fake drunkanon larping about something that makes little sense from a decentralization POV, and in a different timezone. Disregard it linkies.

>> No.13484301
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sip sip Ctrl F Chainlink sip sip

>> No.13484308

The oraclize insider predicted the exact day they bent the knee

>> No.13484355



>> No.13484381


>> No.13484392


>> No.13484405

fake and gay

>> No.13484420


I don't know what I'm more surprised about, the fact that that code is there... or that it's been there for 4 years

>> No.13484425


>> No.13484434
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idk guys every drunkanon post that comes has me believing more and more hes a larp. a lot of things hes said havent come true, and most things he said can be thought of from browsing biz. i guess he is drunk so maybe he gets over hyped...its not even fun anymore, im so tired of being edged

>> No.13484450

This one is absolutely a fucking larp. The absolute state of biz.

>> No.13484454


decide for yourself

>> No.13484481

i am quite convinced and already done the KYC.
however it just doesn't make sense that not a single shill is posting here, then we might not even reach the softcap

>> No.13484489

Thanks Johnny, just bought 100k CLCG

>> No.13484502

like how can this be in every single thread
biz isn't this organized

>> No.13484505

Timelines are variable and always will be with agile development and corporate product release schedules. Just because one is early does not mean they are wrong stay tuned

ocean - done
cb - going to happen
trx - going to happen
marketplace - going to happen

any others that you are worried abou

>> No.13484534

It's quite easy Johnny. How is link pool working out?

>> No.13484541

Drunkanon is aussie, wrong timezone larp

>> No.13484548

I'm worried about you being a larp, otherwise nothing about adoption concerns me

>> No.13484569

U really think clcg is a good investment? They're rushing the funding before mainnet so they can keep up the illusion they have value? The api providers have been lined up already, timo is not going to be doing anything in a few months time. Inb4 any linkpool association as I don't think they're a good investment either. Your best investment is link itself

>> No.13484574

could be that these guys simply don't have enough funds to pay for shills

it's a gamble, you want to shill it just enough to make it to softcap, but not so much that it diminishes the distribution bonus like LP. Burak is pretty based hope this works out for him

>> No.13484590

Thanks just organized 100k link

>> No.13484596

>best investment is hoarding a utility token without contributing to the network in any manner whatsoever

node operation will open up new industries and business opportunities. This is much bigger than just crypto and neet nodes. Not sure why you're willingly shooting yourself in the foot while attempting to drag others down with you, but at least there'll be less competition when mainnet goes live

>> No.13484628

I encourage everyone to contribute to the network.
I just don't see how selling link tokens to give eth to clcg is needed for that

>> No.13484666

Correct. Only a fucking idiot would invest in Clc, they don't even have the api's they have listed cornered. Anyone can strike a deal with them, api providers will want to make this as simple as anything to get connected, this is their business. Clc need this raise to end before mainnet is launched, any time after and it will be obvious that they bring no value to the table, just an opportunist cash grab.

>> No.13484672
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>however it just doesn't make sense that not a single shill is posting here, then we might not even reach the softcap
this is unironically the biggest concern with the community right now, instead of having in depth discussions about how critical clc enabled API economy will be to node running, biz still prefers to fud clc for fun or by stupidity; if they don't fulfill their soft cap, we will all be hurting as a result

>> No.13484686

Wrong. Fuck off clc shill. These kikes just want your link, don't be stupid. See Satan trips. >>13484666

>> No.13484689

DAML and digital asset

>> No.13484694

a language that is setup to use any oracles. For high value contracts - chainlink

>> No.13484703

keep alive, pouring some drinks will be back on bit

>> No.13484719

you need to start valuing the chainlink ecosystem as a whole because each piece will improve the network effect and leading advantage vs coming competitors ; you also need to start educating yourself further on what clc is REALLY doing because right now they're clearly misunderstood, since few here have actually attempted setting up a node and contacting api providers yet
start digging for real and you'll see 1. timo doesn't matter 2. burak is genuinely based and is thinking 5 moves ahead of everybody else

>> No.13484727

personal opinion is that an API marketplace that connects your node to all partnered API providers BY DEFAULT is an exciting prospect that drastically lowers barrier of entry for node operators - you don't need to have much technical background, just smart enough to anticipate demand

they're essentially building an exchange for tokenized API calls and you can speculate/swingtrade them like we do now in binance. I genuinely am dumbfounded by the lack of hype on biz for this

>> No.13484733

Fuck off and kys

>> No.13484741

Timo ur so obvious it's painful. In the whole community it's just two people, you and Burak that think clcg is important to node running. If we all thought that none of us would have the slightest confidence in link. Give up man

>> No.13484763

Amen! Imagine if chainlinks success was reliant on overweight German, who's name means scam and some eastern European Neanderthal.

>> No.13484770

>Anyone can strike a deal with them
yeah? have you? would be nice if you would post proof to back up your statement then
if you can't understand why a decentralized marketplace for per call APIs will be absolutely critical to the network and specifically the smaller node operators, then you don't understand the value of chainlink
I was in the same boat as most fudding clc until burak started opening up about their long term plans, whether they'll succeed to achieve this vision remains to be seen and it is a gamble, but once you understand, the valuation makes a lot more sense, if anything they're under valuing themselves

>> No.13484805

Fuck off Burak, the onus of proof is on you. I'm not trying to steal people's links. Also noticed how you didn't refute my claim. Why the fuck would API providers allow only you to resell them? They don't, because they wouldn't. Good luck with your overvalued bullshit, why don't you take your hustle over to China.

>> No.13484817

>will be absolutely critical for the network
you are trying desperately to save this cash grab that you fucked up in the first place

>> No.13484842

>they're essentially building an exchange for tokenized API calls and you can speculate/swingtrade them like we do now in binance. I genuinely am dumbfounded by the lack of hype on biz for this
it really is baffling, I guess it really is just a matter of first impression, the crowd has decided it is a scam for superficial reasons and for a laugh without actually thinking deep about the implications, it's easier to just spam "hurr >timo" in every clc discussion but I've never seen any fudder actually address all the points made in their tldr posts, even after the statue anon thread

>> No.13484854

>why the fuck would any cryptocurrency want to be listed at binance

we seem to have a different understanding of what an API marketplace entails

>> No.13484885

once again: they're building an EXCHANGE for TOKENIZED API calls. This is how simple node operation could become:

>register for LP NaaS
>register an account on Honeycomb with your NaaS node ID/wallet address
>instantly connects to every API provider that Honeycomb lists, exactly like an exchange
>buy and sell tokenized API calls or consume them for your NaaS node

not to mention reputation services like Nodary or whatever smartcontract dev products they come up with.

>> No.13484894

That's not the argument, the argument is your overlay isn't worth the money you're asking for it. Your offering an interface to api's, that anyone can source. Why don't you build it and we'll see if there is any value, but anyone who gives money to clc at this stage is retarded. You guys have your backs against the wall because everyone can see that the investors are getting ripped off, this isn't a communication issue, it's not that no one gets it. The issue is the value proposition isn't there, the FUD is ironic, because you guys can't even see the forest from the trees. We get what your offering and we don't like what your serving.

>> No.13484935

API providers are NOT your friend. They could sell their services to a larger competitor 10x cheaper while bankrupting your node. Availability of an API exchange offers arbitraging opportunity and ensures fair prices. It'll be as easy as swingtrading shitcoins - you just need to be smart enough to anticipate where the demand will be. NFL coming up? Insurance companies announces to revolutionize their products? Anticipating growth in hype for CS:GO tournament this year? Long relevant tokenized API calls or consume them for your NaaS node. No need for technical knowledge.

>> No.13484939

absolute brainlet tier post
the point is that a well funded marketplace with ten people working full time to build a dex and gets partners would be able to reach out faster and more efficiently to more and more providers therefore be able to establish a complete marketplace with hundreds and hundreds of premium apis at affordable costs for all the neet nodes the sooner as possible which would also ensure the link network to be a lot more functional and decentralized and delivering high value data to high value contracts before its competitors can catch up, without a solution like clc the network will have to rely on centralized nodes ran by providers themselves, with a solution like clc the neet nodes will start making more income which will also contribute to establishing node running as "the new mining", ie fomo and high spec bubble ensuing. do you understand what a network effect is? the same advantages link will have over its competitors, clc will have against its own, and since clc is link exclusive, then it's extra beneficial for the link ecosystem; a solid dex marketplace with hundreds of valuable apis made affordable is good for the network, good for the neets, good for the api providers, good for the contracts devs
nobody ever said the apis would be exclusive to clc, and if they get more competitors then great, that means api calls marketplace are valuable so all the more reason to invest in the first moving leader, dumbass

>> No.13485005

daily reminder that if link succeeds you will get better returns just from holding link that stuffing some discord normie motherfuckers' pockets, fuck em, buy link, don't buy their useless trash

>> No.13485010

I agree their PR has been terrible, they should have let timo go on the spot even if it was superficial and meaningless, and they should have explained their long term vision before asking for funding, if they fail their soft cap it'll be deserved, but the community is also being dumber than it should about all this

>> No.13485017

based and linkpilled

>> No.13485032

Pretty sick, thanks burak. Ill throw a couple hundred at your thing

>> No.13485065

step out of the biz bubble for a second, I don't think you realize how small and fragile we still are as a community, take linkpool for example we all thought they'd have a lot of competitors and a year later they're still the only announced staking platform with no competition in sight, if jonny hadn't stepped up then perhaps we'd have none right now, link is fantastic and the team is doing a great job but they're still a small team themselves with limited means, the project is overly ambitious and as a result also has its flaws, weaknesses and shortcomings, some clc are helping to address

>> No.13485073

How shit is your life that you have to post a screencap of your quads in every link thread?

>> No.13485074

the network will have to rely on centralized nodes ran by providers themselves

Absolute bullshit. Why has the chainlink team been on boarding data providers? So they can run a centralised data stream on the decentralised oracle network? It's typical you fuckers are trying to obfuscate and make it appear that what your offering is necessary for the ecosystem to work. Once again your acting as if neet nodes aren't an important part of the ecosystem and that without clc's grace they would all be fucked. But the network doesn't work without said neet nodes, the chainlink team understands this and that's why they are on boarding data providers, not to have them as a centralised source, but to dessiminate that data through the fucking decentralised network. That's the issue, you greedy fucks have to spin your bullshit this hard to make your project appear indespensible, when it isn't and that will be shown as soon as the network launches. Good luck with the cash grab fuckers, shame that the moneys harder to extract in a bear market.

>> No.13485076

lol ok

>> No.13485099
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>> No.13485114
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Bump for comfy larp

>> No.13485119

So not having to make an account is worth 7 million, or paying them monthly. Fark me the value proposition, it was staring me in the face.

>> No.13485158

He was right about the Tron x Chainlink partnership

>> No.13485228

okay now I'm convinced the clc fudders are just being dense on purpose
chainlink is onboarding providers but they're not helping the neet nodes afford expensive apis
chainlink is not building an api marketplace to help the neets run profitable nodes
could chainlink succeed without this marketplace? yeah. but would such a marketplace accelerate and grow chainlink's success, while also capturing some of the improved value flowing through the network? yeah.
do you really think 5000 neets are each going to subscribe to monthly $500 plans to offer a handful of niche apis? do you really not understanding the concept of per call pricing and marketplace availability?
IF, and yeah that's a big if, if clc successfully establishes itself as the leading marketplace of api calls, which helps both the providers (more decentralization = more calls = more profit) and operators (cheaper api = more apis serviced per node = more link rewards), then I don't see how 7 million is unreasonable, unless you don't actually believe link will succeed to usher in a whole new economy connecting the immensely valuable api economy to potentially disruptive and incredibly valuable smart contracts, or understand how fundamental a marketplace at the intersection of said api and smart contracts economies should prove to be
7 mil is nothing compared to what's coming next

>> No.13485278

Why have CLCG rushed to do a nonsense ICO that "we totally promise will be replaced by a share later"?

They know the Chainlink team themselves are building a marketplace that node operators will also be involved in, and they recognize their slice of pie is going to get very small, because they underestimated the Chainlink team

they want to sell their (((shares))) to take your money now, because CLCG is going to be useless very VERY soon

>> No.13485289


>> No.13485298

Wasn't that a hoax?

>> No.13485306

I won't spoonfeed you

>> No.13485341

>the Chainlink team themselves are building a marketplace
who's building it? is it on pivotal, can you show me a link? is this outlined in the whitepaper? they haven't even started working on reputation and staking, but they're already doing work that should be coming after a fully functional mainnet?

>> No.13485359

>but they're already doing work that should be coming after a fully functional mainnet?
think you know better than them? what their customers needs and wants are?
or is your opinion just based on how hard you pull your little pud while watching loli porn

>> No.13485752

Hi clc team member!

>> No.13485807

>small team with limited means

With $30 million you could pay 50 people $100k annual salary for 6 years and then they would still have 65% of the total supply to keep paying these people for the next decades.
But for some weird reason (greed) they try to get the job done with a couple of devs.

>> No.13485818

Sri Morarjibhai Desai, the former Prime Minister of India and a great propagator of this Urine therapy, used to drink his urine and massage the same on his body for 40 years till his death at the age of 100. That was the secret of his reddishness till the last minute. His skin was healthy and had no wrinkles. It was smooth and glowing. At the age of 61, cataract started in his eyes. He started using his urine, as eye-wash and cured his cataract and had no need to get cataract removed till the age of 91-thus he prevented cataract formation for 30 years. URINE THERAPY by Devendra Vora, M.D.

>> No.13485828


we all drank our urine for 9 months straight, in the womb. Amniotic fluid is urine. For the first 3 months it’s mainly your mom’s pee. And for the remaining 6 months it’s mainly yours. There’s no umbilical cord attached to your genitals. The umbilical cord is attached to your intestines. And that should be another proof to people that urine is not a waste product, waste goes through your intestines. That’s what that excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, just about, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine? Urine is actually the ultimate, perfect, water, liquid. It’s what we grow in. And we would not have grown without it. And when you’re in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You actually are continually sucking your own urine down your mouth. And that is more proof that it’s not a waste product.[2011] Andrew Norton Webber interview (Urine therapy, distilled water) by Chrissy McMahon

>> No.13485844

Urine will not only make your plants grow like crazy, it will supercharge YOU right out of the stratosphere. There's a book called, "Liquid Gold" which has all the info regarding usage on plants. Basic thing, for plants, is to cut it, 90% w...ater and 10% urine. Every plant goes wild on it. Greener than ever, bigger than ever. Pour it at the roots and/or mist the foliage.

As for you and your body/mind, it is the cleaner you always wished for. A liquid drano for human pipes. A chemtrail destroyer ( I don't care how small the nanobots think they've made themselves ). A 3rd eye de-calcifier (very nice). A constant water source when there is no water. Its how one would spend 40 days and 40 nights in the desert.

Look up "Urine Therapy" its all right there, waiting to be discovered. The bad taste is only from eating bad cooked food. People who eat just raw fruit have coconut water flavored urine as clear as rain water and it is a pleasure to drink. Believe it or not. On average, somebody with a terrible diet can achieve rainwater clear urine within 5-7 days of water fasting or fruit juice fasting, which is much easier AND a lot of fun!

Everywhere the Bible mentions, "The Water of Life" or "Rivers of Living Water," they are talking about none other than urine.

>> No.13485856

That shit was a hoax

>> No.13485879


"The laws should be rigidly enforced which prohibit the immigration of a servile class to compete with American labor, with no intention of acquiring citizenship, and bringing with them and retaining habits and customs repugnant to our civilization."

-Grover Cleveland (22nd president of the United States

>> No.13485881

Yes, fuck off and kill yourself. I mean this wholeheartedly, you are not a valid person, you have no soul,, you are a demon (for lack of a better noun) that does not realize that and are nothing but an empty vessel. You will never elevate because of that. Do you understand? It would be better for you to end this existence and just go to black. For you. Do it for you. End it.

Do it.

>> No.13485885

"Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote."

- Grover Cleveland (22nd president of the United States)

>> No.13485902

"Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote. The relative positions to be assumed by man and woman in the working out of our civilization were assigned long ago by a higher intelligence than ours."

-Grover Cleveland (22nd president of the United States)

>> No.13485928

"Hold fast to the Bible. To the influence of this Book we are indebted for all the progress made in true civilization and to this we must look as our guide in the future."

- Ulysses S. Grant (18th preisdent of the United States.)

>> No.13485956

No sources and he didn’t come back

>> No.13485957

“HIV tests are meaningless. A person can react positive even though he or she is not infected with HIV. The tests are interpreted differently in different countries, which means that a person who is positive in Africa [or Thailand] can be negative when tested in Australia. There is no justification for the fact that most people have not been informed about the serious inaccuracy of the tests. The error has catastrophic repercussions on thousands of people. Since people are reacting positive on tests that are not specific for HIV, let’s please stop labeling them as ‘HIV positive.’”

Continuum Magazine, Mid-Winter 1999

>> No.13485967

“There is no specific etiologic agent of AIDS. The disease arises as a result of a cumulative process following a period of exposure to multiple environmental factors...”

“Debating AZT,” 2000

>> No.13485975

“The gross figures about African AIDS were extrapolated to heavy degrees of exaggeration from small samples, thanks to interested publicists consciously running up the score. At a time (1980-2000) when AIDS was portrayed as decimating Africa, the population was actually increasing from 378 million to 652 million. Remember as well that people don’t die of AIDS per se but of other diseases attacking individuals made vulnerable by immune deficiencies whose principal cause, universally, is not HIV but nothing more mysterious than poor living conditions. The more selective precondition of AIDS can thus be posthumously assigned, presumptively.”

AIDS Reconsidered. 2006 Oct.

— Richard Kostelanetz, MA. Fulbright Scholar. Prolific writer, musician, videographer and artist.

>> No.13485982

“There are many people with AIDS but without HIV, and a great many people with HIV but without AIDS. These two facts mean that HIV=AIDS is much too simple. Plausible, alternative, testable causes of impairment of the immune system which may ultimately lead to AIDS should become part of regular AIDS research.”

Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994

— Dr. Henk Loman, PhD, Professor of Biophysical Chemistry at the Free University in Amsterdam.

>> No.13486002

“There are many people with AIDS but without HIV, and a great many people with HIV but without AIDS. These two facts mean that HIV=AIDS is much too simple. Plausible, alternative, testable causes of impairment of the immune system which may ultimately lead to AIDS should become part of regular AIDS research.”

Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994

— Dr. Henk Loman, PhD, Professor of Biophysical Chemistry at the Free University in Amsterdam...

>> No.13486136

most based poster on biz this year by far

>> No.13486240

im back.

>> No.13486253

Where do you get your information?

>> No.13486257

Hell yeah
what do you have to say about clc group? Worth our time?

>> No.13486258


(when) am I going to be rich? -- two questions there

t. 115k stinkies

>> No.13486266

Give us one concern you have with link and one thing that your completely confident saying will happen.

>> No.13486272

I'm somewhat familiar. They will pivot when they realize what chainlink and linkpool already have in the works. I haven't looked into their fund-raise.

>> No.13486274

Why? Why didn't you off yourself in than time? Please die. Please.

>> No.13486278

Couple weeks, tops

>> No.13486284

I hate you and will exact revenge on someone. Someone is going to get hurt bad because of you.

>> No.13486286

No price predictions but you already know the answer.

>> No.13486290

OP you are a fucking degenerate I hope you get killed by a white boy.

>> No.13486292

On a scale of 1-100, how certain are you this is going to happen? Pls no larp

>> No.13486295

Fucking die forever you piece of shit.
>piece of shit demon revels in reply

>> No.13486301

Good question. Chainlink will be utilized by 100's of entities. These entities will be using the node software without token for an unknown amount of time. Sergey and team expect them to "come around" eventually. I don't think all will but even if 10% do, chainlink is in a league of its own.

>> No.13486302

It’s the when everyone is looking for.

>> No.13486304

what hasn't Joe lubin ever shilled link on Twitter like he seems to do so eagerly for other projects?

>> No.13486307

KYS you faggot monkey nigger.

>> No.13486309

Why do you lie? Is it because you are alone in this world, and every other world? Can you not help yourself? Weak.

>> No.13486321

“Magnesium deficiency can produce symptoms of anxiety or depression, including muscle weakness, fatigue, eye twitches, insomnia, anorexia, apathy, apprehension, poor memory, confusion, anger, nervousness, and rapid pulse.”
― Carolyn Dean, The Magnesium Miracle

>> No.13486322

You'll never be human. It must be hard. I have empathy, you don't so cannot understand.

>> No.13486324


>> No.13486326

“Magnesium deficiency contributes to abnormal heart rhythms, possibly because magnesium is responsible for maintaining normal potassium and sodium concentrations inside heart muscle cells. A balance of potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium allows for normal heart muscle contraction and maintains normal heartbeat.”
― Carolyn Dean, The Magnesium Miracle

>> No.13486327

What would attract them to using the token? Using the public ledger and having more decentralization?

>> No.13486330


>> No.13486341

The team already told you. It's just not the main net you think. This is more of a marketplace unveil. The building blocks

>> No.13486346

"We are a country where people of all backgrounds, all nations of origin, all languages, all religions, all races, can make a home. America was built by immigrants." - Hillary Clinton

>> No.13486347

Conflicts of interest.

>> No.13486349

Again, no when.

>> No.13486355

I am going to dump so much Snowblossom and Veo on you stupid dumb fuckers in a couple months with no remorse. This fucking board, I swear. Filled to the brim with idiots who will give me their money easily. Only if I can control my fucking white empathy.

>> No.13486359

When you say pivot do you mean the Pivotal Services Marketplace?

>> No.13486362

Fuck you and fuck your dead mother.

>> No.13486367

Certain entities are going to require public ledgers and trustless oracles.

>> No.13486375

"I've got the long hair and kind of androgynous look. It's love-hate; it's sexy, but not sexy. So it's either you get it or you don't." - Carrot Top

>> No.13486396

You're a lying nothing meat bag you sorry fuck. You know nothing. Thanks though, I've finally realized what a dumbass board filled with stupid fucks this place actually is. Thank God ETH is fast, transferring stack now. I feel so stupid but will cash out with a 30% gain. Thanks for that I guess. Fucker. When are you fucks going to start with the RLC shilling again?

>> No.13486411

Which entities are most likely to use the added security of the token mechanism?

>> No.13486412

Do you think any project other than link has a good shot of making holders rich?

>> No.13486414

What is the benefit of requiring this?

>> No.13486420

Hi value contracts. Lo trust between counter parties

>> No.13486424

Check yourselves. Are you really this stupid to engage OP or are you part of the "team"?

>> No.13486451

>650 million unaccounted tokens
>no plan what to do with them

Kek. What gives

>> No.13486464

Good question

>> No.13486475

>11 posts by (you)

>> No.13486477

This is so obviously a controlled pump attempt. You are all damned.

>> No.13486480

Ocean protocol are obviously integrating the token, so I don't see why there would be some great avoidance of using it


>> No.13486490

Yeah? So? You are a bunch of evil fucks, coordinating a shill. Or addicted to hopium. Either way you are worthless pieces of shit.

>> No.13486492

Even if OP is a larp I want to hear it out so I can decide for myself. I’ve done my research but it’s good to facilitate discussion. Are you trying to keep discussion to a minimum so that information isn’t being exchanged?

>> No.13486525

Op is staying silent cause he/she doesn’t know shit.

>> No.13486549

How can I or anyone control discussion here? Are you new? I have over $10k into this shitcoin, I make $85k and live on the California coast. Do you think I can afford to lose over 10k? I'm sick of this shit. You shilled me into RLC and I lost over $1000. Almost a grand in GVT. About a grand in ZRX. I want/need Chainlink to moon as well, and I believe in the fundamentals - smart contracts need it and it's serious tech when you use your brain. I am REALLY SICK AND TIRED OF THESE LARPERS. They are evil and shill nonsense for a dopamine release at the very minimum. They are robbing us of money at the worst. Fuck them and fuck all of us for falling for this shit again and again. Fuck me I don't need this shit I've lost everything - family, my testicle to cancer, etc etc etc, I dopnt need to explain myself to some rando fucker on this shithole.

>> No.13486554

What's your contribution?

>> No.13486571

>You shilled me into RLC and I lost over $1000
kek. bby's first shitcoin

>> No.13486572

Over 10k. I've never shilled nonsense to you (us) dumsasses either. Why? Because I don't know anything. Like the OP. What the fuck are you trying to convey to me? What have you contributed asshole?

>> No.13486575

Let me try. “Chainlink will have companies provide them with data sometime in the future. It may or may not be when mainnet is launched. When mainnet sometime “soon”. (2 years later.). I said soon any day now. 4IR!

>> No.13486601

Lol yeah, and it's still worlks apparently. Like I said earlier, I mined my own shit I'm going to dump on this retard cage in a couple months. At least I'm smart enough to be able to mine some shitbits to dump on this hole in the future. And I will, and I will succeed. Thanks for that much /biz/. Already dumped $2500 free snow on you in November.

Here come the captchs. Fuck off all of you. Stay stupid for me. See you in a few months. Be ready to buy VEO and SNOW.

>> No.13486617

Wasn’t CB supposed to be last year? Come on.

>> No.13486621

>lives in California with 80k
>can’t invest 10k
Kek. Go back to plebbit

>> No.13486644

I'm helping push this scam, obviously. Thanks for the 14 bumps, dumbass.

>> No.13486646

This doesnt make sense. Are you in a poor country or something? I don't get what you are trying to say here. $85 after tax dont get you shit in the bay area. Forgive me we dont have flags in here if you are in Bulgaria or something.

>> No.13486647

salty attitude of a faggot with one ball

>> No.13486649


>> No.13486655

I saged every one of those, my new dumbass fren, but yes you are over the limit now pretty much so no matter.

>> No.13486663

TLDR; strap in boys

>> No.13486664

none, shit thread

>> No.13486665

That's all you got? Okay then if that's your best. I know everyone told you you were special your whole life kiddo.

>> No.13486687

My birthday is in september
Will I be happy with my link investment?

>> No.13486693
File: 43 KB, 441x748, 1551734301310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are not a valid person
>you are not a valid person
>you are not a valid person

>> No.13486697

LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.13486702


>> No.13486713

Keked. Rent free. Good night boys. Rememberm buy SNOW nad VEO in August. Im and insider. This shit is going big. 100's of partnerships. Insurance, finance. Hot roastie crypto chix. Get in early, I'm warning you.

>> No.13486763


So when you say marketplace. Are you talking about a marketplace for APIs? like CLC?

>> No.13486776

I hate these LARPs, but I still feel compelled to read them. Just...

>> No.13486805


>> No.13486813
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>> No.13486828
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>lego pieces

>> No.13486860

how is John Levi and Hacera tied to chainlink?

>> No.13486872
File: 158 KB, 900x645, levicenter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here dipshit.

>> No.13486914

absolute moron holy shit I hate biz

>> No.13486918


>> No.13486936


have sex

>> No.13487027

Break down your expenses. Do you shop at Whole Foods for toilet paper too?

>> No.13487037


all posts by this ID
finishes with"obv I'm scamming"

I didn't leave the thread. Somethings fishy here. 4chan shows 5 posts by this ID on hover. I only see four. Why? Check for yourself. Is this a bug on the board, or is this ID actually OP?

I think we've been played guys. Like RLC. Damn. I give you credit CL shillers. Diabolical.

There is no long term riches. Sell.

>> No.13487045

Where do you live? I live in East SF Bay, Pull up realtor.com and tell me what you see for property. Pull up craigslist and tell me what you see for rentals.

Again, shiller, we dont have flags. Where are you. post proofs.

>> No.13487049

That's right, it's me, the OP. You have figured it out. Why must you ruin my plans you meddling supergenius?

>> No.13487083

Are you going to buy my free electricity mined at work on boomer and (you) overpowered taxpayer funded 5000 unit snowblossom bags in August or what? If not you someone else on this board will so no matter. Haha I'm going to make 10 grand on you dumbass normies who thinks you arent normies taxpayers in a couple months when the pnd groups shill my mined shit again. Fuck you /biz/. lolololol I'm already up on you

>> No.13487157
File: 1.49 MB, 500x567, 1555078128680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump come back and give me more hopium I hurt my back and I'm laying here in pain. My link stack and other shitcoins are my ticket to freedom. I'll still contribute to the economy and I'll even run a node provided its no harder than setting up a miner.

>> No.13487409

guy claims chainlink team is launching an API marketplace soon, akin to clcg's shit, a crucial step in decentralization and trustlessness of the neetwork

>> No.13487436

>2k rent
4K spending money

>> No.13487587

im fucked up at this point anything i need to respond to? ? if not my next post wont be til post marketpace

>> No.13487601

Are we gonna make it?

>> No.13487605

just give us a breadcrump to dig into
there are a bunch of bored retards on here that need some stimulation

>> No.13487637

In order for you to truly understand how big Chainlink is going to be I need you to look at Maker's dilemma with oracles. They are getting heat for having their 14 oracles feeds ran by trusted parties and forced to use link and potentially others. That's makerdao in an unregulated space dealing with millions of dollars. JpMorgan, Goldman, Insurance, Derivatives, are all getting into automated smart contracts with oracle inputs/payments - do you have any understanding how many chainlink nodes they will need to select to even seem credible? You hold the new standard.

I think I answered above

>> No.13487653

I just realized who you are :^)

>> No.13487654

What's the best way to sell the idea that you need a token? Protocol level insurance that is guaranteed?

>> No.13487674

How about one new bit of info?

>> No.13487676

This makes more sense than NEETs running nodes in their basements. It's also exactly what will happen. Any data provider will get a stack of LINK to throw in a node so smart contracts can call their data directly. These will be white labeled nodes. If you only use ONE WL node for a smart contract, it's not very decentralized. But if you can call several WLN, It definitely can be decentralized even if the info is coming directly from known entities. The next step becomes finding how many WLN need to be called to satisfy the needs of all contracting parties in one (likely very expensive) smart contract.

Where shit gets real is when these data providers start earning more LINK back into their nodes. All the sudden they can back more contracts AND they have incentive to pump the shit out of LINK itself by buying up the supply so they can yet again back more contracts.

>> No.13487678

is 1k enough to make it?

>> No.13487689

enough for a nice sensible Homda Civic SI and a small house deposit

>> No.13487692
File: 90 KB, 500x276, sergeyslist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13487845

Thanks Johnny, just bought 100k linkpool shares

>> No.13487877

Decent thread by drunkanon standards, not sure what to think

>> No.13488016

Only thing that gives me comfort is that the price will explode. we will be at 0.50$ seemingly forever and one day it will be like 2017 again: a constant pump, week after week with some cool-offs in between. Just hope I can hold long enough to secure my future before selling. It will be tempting to sell at 10$. Just hope the jump from 10$ to 100$ doesn't take that long.

>> No.13488021


>> No.13488025

>linktards falling for shit bait again
you are probably the dumbest userbase in crypto.

>> No.13488129

...at least if you have 1'000 stinkys or more...

>> No.13488264

What do you think about the time remaining till everyone and everything including big bank will have to switch to chainlink to keep their biz running competitively?
When do you see the wisdom bubble burst into broad public attention and recognition of chainlink's potential?
How far are we from seeing kneebending of the whole financial industry?

>> No.13488281

4 years
You will see that accelerate if any of the chainlink swift partnership guff turns out to be real

>> No.13488355

The specific use of ran as opposed to run here does in fact mean that you are probably Jonny.

>> No.13488662


>> No.13488706


>> No.13488710
File: 2.67 MB, 3520x3120, 1550065374596okk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 140k enough to make it?

>> No.13488766

Anything to say about tdameritrade?

>> No.13488841

Based Lego anon

>> No.13488875
File: 208 KB, 960x1280, 1541654959935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point I couldn't give a shit anymore about the larps and yes, no, maybe's. Stinky rich as fuck or continue living a comfortable life of mediocrity. ride or die. nothing is permanent. come with nothing leave with nothing. we all get the same size coffin.
t.100k on the fucking nose.

>> No.13488945

THats fine and dandy but don’t want to be rich when I’m one foot in t the grave. What’s the fucking point?

>> No.13489302

Why do you say that?

>> No.13489314

Ride or die

>> No.13489559

Holy fuck you fucking dipshit faggots are still fucking in this thread?

>> No.13489647

You are all insufferable faggots. This shit might make us rich in 2026. Who gives a fuck anymore? I could fucking see the excitement even now after a year of all this bullshit if link was at like $2,50. But even some section 8 housing dark black nigger with AIDS could easily afford getting 5,000-10,000 link with his dice playing profits today in Mid 2019.

It's done fucking NOTHING though. FUCKING NOTHING. If you faggots put 1/3rd the effort on learning how to attract bitches as you do perusing this Uruguayan bait and tackle image board, you'd be getting your dick sucked weekly by a different THOT.

>> No.13489649
File: 266 KB, 750x901, 1556704354357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High on hopium

>> No.13489943


>> No.13489998
File: 2.69 MB, 530x620, 1555797241545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all going to make it

>> No.13490006

why doesn't he just fly away

>> No.13490020
File: 150 KB, 720x929, 1552265826108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have made it thru my filter. Pic is your prize.

>> No.13490110

>650 million tokens

>> No.13490135
File: 229 KB, 900x1200, D3jsR6xW0AENLrA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because he knows he's about to make it.

>> No.13490141

Good God I hope you are wrong. I did read the white paper and have confidence in backers such as Ari Juels, Gavin Woods, Tom Gonser.. so I feel pretty comfy. Patience is the issue. Just one confirmation from SWIFT or another biggy and LINK is gonna pop like a sailor in a brothel after 6 months at Sea.

>> No.13490312
