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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13010480 No.13010480 [Reply] [Original]

how does it feel linkies
How does it feel that literal shitcoins are mooning all around you and you guys are dumping back to 1k sats
Holy shit this is great
Where are you faggots at that believed something as big as tron was going to partner with your shitcoin
Hey stinkies
I'll make a Twitter shill account and larp all the time about rediculous stuff for you to believe in

>> No.13010489


>> No.13010560

Shh nothing
Your project is in stealth mode permanently
Literal who's arent partnerships
If pajeet and ranjeesh partner it doesn't change they are still street shitters

>> No.13010613

Really, the main issue here is that oracles aren't even real.

How valuable is a node reputation system that votes on what data to use? Not very.

>Hmm, I have a lot full of used cars, how am I going to decide how to price them for?

Scenario A.
>I'll just look them up on Kelly Blue Book and maybe confirm on AutoTrader for the price.
>Or pay an employee that I trust to do it.
>Looks like each car cost me about twenty minutes of my time to evaluate and price.
>or about $10 for an employee to evaluate each car

Scenario B.
>I'll just upload this spreadsheet of cars that I have to a smart contract.
>Once the smart contract executes, it will send me car prices.
>I guess these prices are right? I wonder how they determine such?
>Do the node operators just use Kelly Blue Book?
>Why do I need to do all this stuff when I can just open a business account with KBB and pay for their Api feed?
>I guess I still need to go out and look at these cars to evaluate their condition
>Looks like it takes 20 minutes of my time per car still.
>Or $10 per car for an employee
>Plus whatever chainlink charged us.

>> No.13010637

Fudsters are getting desperate

>> No.13010658

How's that tron announcement going anon
How exactly are neet nodes going to gather data from vehicles for insurance contracts
How exactly are neet nodes going to have more information then the faa on flight paths
How exactly are neet nodes going to measure water damage from flooding for home insurance contracts
God linkies are so fucking retarded

>> No.13010660

Probably the worst example I have ever seen for a smart contract. Well done m8

>> No.13010711

Translation: TRX bag holders were hoping to pump their shitcoin by associating it with [redacted] the industry standard

>> No.13010712

Give me one real world scenario to use link.

Is reality fud? lol

Show me a better one. I'll tell you why you can't automate putting the real world on blockchain.

>> No.13010730

>top 10 coin price is going to be affected by a literal who coin by a philosophy major
God damn linkies are subhuman nigger retarded

>> No.13010739

>How's that tron announcement going anon
Imagine being so triggered by a (possibly) fake annoucements. Seriously.

>How exactly are neet nodes going to gather data from vehicles for insurance contracts
They probably arent going to do that. How and why would a neet node have access to that data? Unless they can transport it from somewhere trusted to the smart contract.

>How exactly are neet nodes going to have more information then the faa on flight paths
You only need publicly available information for these usecases to work.

>How exactly are neet nodes going to measure water damage from flooding for home insurance contracts
Why are you so obsessed with all these various special neet nodes?
Neet nodes will be able to relay any data thats available through public APIs or semi-public APIs that they somehow gain access to. All data is fundamentally centralized, information about an airplane must come from airplane itself, right?
Most data vil be made available to need nodes somewhere in the old web2.0 to be transported via Chainlink to web3.0.

>God linkies are so fucking retarded
The amount of energy youre expending on this, oh my god.

>> No.13010760

>only need publicly available information

What if the publicly available information is wrong?

>> No.13010770

>reddit spacing
You literally just spelled out how useless this project is with that high energy coping
Thanks for doing the work for me

>> No.13010776

>The amount of energy youre expending on this, oh my god.
Lol, yeah, why do people keep trying to understand if chainlink actually does anything or not. Just accept the "oracle" buzzword and buy, goys!

>> No.13010811

>What if the publicly available information is wrong?
Well then youre fucked. Youre arguing that automation is impossible because some value somewhere might be wrong.

If you create a smart contract depending on a singular data source then thats a risk. You could use multiple data sources, but thats more expensive.

>Lol, yeah, why do people keep trying to understand if chainlink actually does anything or not. Just accept the "oracle" buzzword and buy, goys!
Oh! So FUDing is how brainlets ask for spoonfeeding?

>> No.13010818

>mommy i dont know what to say or how to come back from this so im just gonna insult him!!!!1

>> No.13010842

>reeeeeeeeeeeee maybe I did invest in a scam
Automation is happening but it's going to be from proprietary company software on private repos. Not some burger lovers deluded vision in solving the impossible non issue

>> No.13010846

I'm arguing that oracles don't exist and that voting on data only gets you a popular answer, not a correct answer.

Why would I use chainlink for multiple data sources when it's cheaper and more trustworthy for me to select them myself?

You fags are the ones shilling it on biz 24/7. You think you'd be able to provide a simple answer by now.

>> No.13010858

Chainlink is open source you imbecile

>> No.13010864


back to discord

>> No.13010874

Where did I say it wasn't
Reading is hard

>> No.13010891

So why should I use it? Exposing my data to competitors for cents rather than dollars to the highest bidder doesn't sound wise.

>> No.13010959

>I'm arguing that oracles don't exist and that voting on data only gets you a popular answer, not a correct answer.
"oracles don't exist"?
You can choose multiple sources for the ETHUSD ticker for example. CoinMarketCap, BraveNewCoin / whatever source you want.
But if everyone in the world is out to get you, then everyone could just lie to you about the data. Unlikely, but its possible. But you choose your sources depending on how much you trust them. If you have 5 highly trusted sources, then their aggregated trust would provide some guarantees.

But hey, Facebook could still block your account at any time. PayPal can freeze your account at any time. Your bank can close your account at any time.

Chainlink is just trying to provide a reliable way of transporting external data to the blockchain. How secure you want it to be is up to (You) and the size of your wallet.

>Why would I use chainlink for multiple data sources when it's cheaper and more trustworthy for me to select them myself?
First of all you can select your data source using Chainlink. Secondly, why on earth would anyone trust you to pick your own data sources? Why even use a smart contract then?

Derp. But why should I trust all this closed source? Again, why even use a transparent and open system like Ethereum when I have to trust some shitty companys closed source?

This question doesnt even make any sense. Chainlinks NODE SOFTWARE is open source. You can choose to sell data from YourFancyApi.com and charge $5 for each Chainlink node requesting it.

>> No.13011031

What automation are you trying to do anon?
Are you insurance?
Those jews are actively trying to get out of paying out. Why would they want transparency on the blockchain and have more payouts due to contracts keeping them in line?
Are you aviation?
Why would airport's use neet nodeswhen they have industry standards to work with that's guess what proprietary closed source
Are you shipping?
How exactly are you going to track every package and not use the centralized software shipping companies use? Sounds like it doesn't need a node to operate
Mass production
Yeah let's use this open source software that puts everything on an immutable blockchain to give out or industry secrets. Sounds like a good plan
Are you banking?
How are you going to tokenize a private asset and then track said asset and assure the tradeoff happened with in regards to mortgages?
Do you guys even think for two seconds about what you are talking about?

>> No.13011284

I'm waiting

>> No.13011299

>Chainlink is just trying to provide a reliable way of transporting external data to the blockchain.

If you're selecting your own data sources there's no point of using chainlink or a blockchain as a middleman. You might as well have API sources save to a spreadsheet or database and back it up to a few locations in a "distributed" manner.

>why on earth would anyone trust you to pick your own data sources?
Why on earth would anyone trust randoms to pick data sources? Two parties agreeing to sources is much more trustworthy.

>This question doesnt even make any sense.
Sure it does, why wouldn't I keep my data private and sell it to the highest bidder? Not knowing who you're selling data to and why vastly lowers the potential value data.

>> No.13011376

>Moves from outside the top 100 to 33 on CMC
>everything else is “mooning” around it.

>> No.13011399

>still below the 50c

>> No.13011436

You've got a real bad brain OP. I recommend going out for a while to get some fresh air. You've been spending too long behind a computer screen.

>> No.13011443

>t. link coper

>> No.13011506

I think we agree on most points. But Chainlink is still just an oracle framework. How to pick sources, how many and so forth is up to its users.

>> No.13011524

Youre looking fornproblems when you should think about what new capabilities Chainlink can give to smart contracts

>> No.13011537

Except that oracles don't exist.

Users voting on data sources is a matter of "popular" information. Not "true" information, which is what is needed if you're going to promise that the real world can be put on blockchain.

"Chainlink, where can I get the best steak?"
>Applebee's or McDonald's

>> No.13011539

About the last point, you can yourself choose who youre providing data through Chainlink.

But if the data is too sensitive then it probably shouldnt be handled on-chain amyway

>> No.13011542

Don't listen to his fud
We know brainlets like him are going to be left behind

>> No.13011565

TEES can provide cryptographic proof that the data was fetched from a specific source.

You can either vote on data or do aggregations if you want/can.

Thats a subjective opinion considering the steak, but why couldnt Chainlink execute a query for the best rated place serving steak?

>> No.13011571

That's the problem, nobody can seem to, even people working with chainlink.

What's the example from the guy from the other week? He was talking about airline rewards programs, lol.

>> No.13011579

The term oracle is also not sufficient enough to describe Chainlink. Read Ari Juels blog post on Chainlinks blog for sauce

>> No.13011601

The best rated place is Applebee's still, lol. (the popular answer) Not the place down the street that charges $600 for 8oz of sirloin.

It's almost like you need to get your information from a food critic or something. Good luck validating restaurant reviews in a smart contract.

>> No.13011608

No, I just defined oracle. You're asking me to read a justification for marketing jingo.

>> No.13011611

Chainlink isnt optimal because there is no such thing as optimal.

Because of the issue you describe, data can never be decentralized. It is inherently centralized.

Chainlink just provides a framework and network to get this data onto the chain with various security / reliability / decentralization guarantees to make the end-to-end guarantees good enough for (You) and your very specific use case / smart contract instance.

>> No.13011624

>spews this level of retardation
>doesnt understand the simple concept of overhead

Smart contracts will save companies hundreds of millions, as they wont have to employ people to deal w all the bullshit you just mentioned.

>> No.13011633

Then thats probably not a good use case because of the fundamental limitation.

Sigh.. Its a blog post written by a highly intelligent computer science professor at Cornell Tech. Hes the previous head of something at the RSA.

Dont be a brainlet and do the needful, read the article and try to understand why Chainlink isnt just a simple oracle

>> No.13011654

>Chainlink cant be used for everything imagineable so its shit
>same with http or other technologies, if it cant solve every fucking problem in the universe then its useless

Different technologies for different use cases

>> No.13011659

My point is that there's no need for a middleman. Chainlink is a pointless, over-engineered Rube Goldberg machine.

That nobody can give a coherent use case, even the people giving talks on chainlink is the problem.

Can't be bothered to, but if you can't outline the argument here, I don't have much faith in whatever tangental point a real smart Cornell computer man says.

>> No.13011700

It has real use cases in real industries. Nobody gives a fuck about searching for restuarant recommendations

>> No.13011720

I wont spoonfeed you the content of the article.

If theres no middleman, are (You) going to provide your smart contract with data? Then you could just fuck over your counterparty

>> No.13011812

Such as???

The presentation from the other week was some guy talking about airline rewards like an airline deciding to put their own customer data on blockchain so they could determine what rewards to give out to corporate clients. Zero point in doing this since it's all the airline's data to begin with.

>Hey, counterparty, would you like to:

>Agree on three data sources to contract and provide us both with copies of the results they determine. They'll record the data to a smart contract because we told them to.

>Agree on three data sources to contract and provide us both with copies of the results they determine. They'll record the data to a smart contract because we chainlink told them to. Also, we have to pay Chainlink.

>> No.13011860

Ill give you a hint: logistics

>> No.13011868


'Smart' modern day contracts are fucking useless. The Ethereum way of doing them is dumb as fuck. In the real world. smart contracts will never really take off. If you think they do, you don't have any programming or legal knowledge. Smart contracts are an order of magnitude more complicated to implement, vulnerable and not truly trustless.

>> No.13011948

there is no counterparty/trust problem in this example, there's no reason to use a smart contract. This isn't even FUD, this is you not understanding the problem chainlink solves.

>> No.13012008

Can any other digital contracts provide the same determism guarantees as smart contracts on Ethereum?

Youre acting like the web didnt have solvable problems, much like you describe, in the beginning

>> No.13012086

My linky stay stinky
I will never fucking sell fudders
Fuck you

>> No.13012151

Yeah, retard. Other blockchains have them but the difference is that they've not been Turing-complete since the beginning. Same thing with other kinds of contracts. Make them too complicated and they'll be much more bother than benefit.

>> No.13012185

Chainlink is useful in situations where there arr trust issues. In the end the consumer decides and if im buying an insurance thats using a smartcontract to pay me if something happens, i dont want them trying to screw me over.

It is not the companies that decide, but us, us with our wallets you retard

>> No.13012430
File: 42 KB, 415x332, caracas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future of smart contracts is in multi factor authentication, think optical with GPS and a dash of every type of physical sensor imagined helping to "determine" the final state of the data. Such determined data will have a realiabilty rate denoted in exponential expressions for validity acceptance.

>> No.13012567

>not understanding the problem
You don't either; you can't cite an example that Chainlink actually solves, lol.

>> No.13012586

Yeah, so what actual application does that have.

Also, I can just set up a bunch of node sensors and jostle them around and have the camera point at a nice print of that image of Caracas.

>> No.13012648

>you have no programming or legal knowledge

This line alone tells me you haven’t the slightest fucking clue what you are talking about as it relates to smart contracts and the potential for thier use in the multi trillion dollar logistics industry

>> No.13012802

Good bait / trolling in this thread
Goes to show how dumb the average biz user is when they would seriously try to engage with this kind of boomer's-first-blockchain-exposure tier garbage.

>> No.13013688

Op is a fag
Chainlink was mentioned by name in a book about the 4th industrial revolution
This is just nolinker cope
Ignore them

>> No.13013961


Flight insurance dude, it’s the most basic god damn example

>> No.13014038

Lol, fucking flight insurance.

How does link bring any value whatsoever to just looking at airline/airport status APIs? How is there any benefit to putting that value on blockchain?

Why wouldn't the flight insurance provider just run their own automatic claim processing server and deal in whatever currencies they want to, crypto or otherwise?

>> No.13014049

Is this really as far as your nutrient starved brain can get you?

>> No.13014075

Hahahaha, just try to explain a situation in which chainlink benefits car dealerships in any context.

>tfw your erc20 token is too high IQ to give example use cases

>> No.13014174

Name me a AISP or any form of currently existing contractual agreement that is a better protocol then a smartcontract.
>you can't

>> No.13014204

IFTTT, Zapier, Portia

>> No.13014223

what are you listing me?
Give me a specific protocol that is deterministic like a smart contract.

>> No.13014263

Those are deterministic protocols.

Are you going to list an example scenario or not?

>> No.13014396

You're going to sit here and tell me IFTTT is a deterministic protocol?

>> No.13014435

Is that you moon? Just buy already and stop embarrassing yourself you fucking unemployed brainlet

>> No.13014455


Wow, I didint know a human could be this moronic. Its like hes not even TRYING to use his brain to any degree.

>> No.13014461

no joke how do I determine if my brain is nutrient starved?

>> No.13014493

> Chocolate cake and hot sauce are bad, therefore chocolate cake is bad.

Great logic. Obviously haven’t seen the sir gay interviews where he mentions how smart contracts aren’t necessarily valuable in every situation. I’m not fucking selling.

>> No.13014802
File: 20 KB, 620x274, oliver-twist-can-I-have-some-more-620x274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it not?

Please sir, can I have one feasible example of chainlink being used in the real world?

>> No.13014843

I'm not moon, I'm a person understands what oracles are and are not. The oracle problem is unsolvable and Chainlink's solution of voting on data sources is a far cry from being anything useful.

Really, the only way that these things are going to be useful is if you put more of the application on blockchain, using a deterministic programming language. That way whatever data you do collect is controlled within a validated space within the application, like capturing a high score of a player in a game and trying to ensure that they didn't cheat or use assisted tools to better their game.

>> No.13014861

Yeah, but you're telling me I NEED to buy hot sauce in order to better enjoy my cake.

I hope you go broke holding your hot sauce bags.

>> No.13014953

Maximum COPE

>> No.13014977
File: 294 KB, 1550x661, Ephialtes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May you live forever.

>> No.13014985


>> No.13015173

Fuck you fudshill. I'm not selling my stinkies

>> No.13015185

If it is pointless then why is every project in crypto lining up to partner with Chainlink.

You can't answer this because Chainlink is the most vital component to taking the whole crypto space next level.

Without Chainlink smartcontracts are dead and not used for anything other then token trading and online gambling.

>> No.13015229

By using Chainlink duh!
This is the embodiment of the oracle problem. There's an API for that information but you have to pay muh NEET node thousands of dollars for it.
Top fucking kek!!!

>> No.13015290

One feasible example of chainlink being used in the real world?
Chainlink is an oracle solution.
Do you understand the functionality of a smart contract in finances? Yes? Do you want to take advantage of the functionality but you require data off-chain? Then you have your use case. Your not building dapps off of chainlink so your question is worthless. The use case of chainlink is simply data delivery. If you want the usecase of a smart contract thats another story.

IFTTT lmao. Ok bud.

>> No.13015326
File: 219 KB, 1280x954, sergey fat ocean protocol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are all of your points in this thread. A lot of posts, but not a lot of material. I have grouped them for you

1.THINGS THAT ARE UNCONTROVERSIALLY INCORRECT (most educated/professional people would agree you are wrong on these)

>Really, the main issue here is that oracles aren't even real.

>If you're selecting your own data sources there's no point of using chainlink or a blockchain as a middleman.

>My point is that there's no need for a middleman.

>nobody can give a coherent use case

>How is there any benefit to putting that value on blockchain?


>What if the publicly available information is wrong?

>Exposing my data to competitors for cents rather than dollars to the highest bidder doesn't sound wise.

>I can just set up a bunch of node sensors and jostle them around

>How valuable is a node reputation system that votes on what data to use? Not very.

>Why would I use chainlink for multiple data sources when it's cheaper and more trustworthy for me to select them myself?

>voting on data only gets you a popular answer, not a correct answer.

Why did I write this post? To demonstrate that I could answer your questions, but I won't, because I think you're a fuckface kek DYOR NIGGA

>> No.13015520
File: 49 KB, 800x450, B6A2055A-DE6B-4758-BE2C-93BFF48B1343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no need for a middleman
>I’ll just trust the other party to the contract with millions on the line
one of clown world’s finest

>> No.13015552
File: 245 KB, 894x575, 95AF08D0-237B-46DD-9478-67C394C05FDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scary nig id

>> No.13015673

Why are so many projects idealistic failures? Because there's money to be made. That's why they feed their supporters, "don't worry, we added oracles, they're going to help us."

Except that they can't cite why link is helpful either. Can you?

>> No.13015704

Node voting is not an oracle solution. It's a solution to get a popular vote answer.

You can't automate getting accurate data off-chain.

Let's do an exercise. How would you reliably get temperature data in a city on to a blockchain?

>> No.13015720

You're going to have to show your work, cheeseburger. Oracles aren't real. Nobody can cite a single example of real use in this thread so far.

>team has addressed the fact that the oracle problem is unsolvable
lol, no they haven't

You haven't answered any questions and you won't because you can't.

>> No.13015731

Or just contract a reputable escrow. Or hire some arbiters.

You think you'd want to hire a lawyer or two rather than some neets, Pagliacci.

>> No.13015750
File: 2.58 MB, 1440x1740, sergey with craig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oracles aren't real.
This is such a dumbshit statement. It's literal nonsense and so by definition is unaddressable.
It's like if we were talking about the travelling salesman problem and you started going "the salesman isn't real". What the fuck nigger open a book.

>> No.13015751

kek you unironically don’t understand the project nor the difference between Chainlink and smart K’s

>> No.13015753

>Except that they can't cite why link is helpful either. Can you?
er, b/c smartcontracts can only execute when triggered by off-chain data, therefore need a reliable way to bring off-chain data onto the blockchain.

just how fucking new are you?

>> No.13015792
File: 653 KB, 1125x1049, 008B934D-9F2A-4021-B665-E70563D80886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please all stop addressing this moron who constantly FUDs so he can buy in cheaper. It was the same anon with the same talking points as the thread a few days ago .. using words like “rube Goldberg” and that the “oracle problem doesn’t exist”. I can’t begin to understand why someone would go to such an effort to prove their point.

Oh wait ....

>> No.13015835

That's because I'm breaking the reality that you live in.

You can't put the world on blockchain. Oracles (or what you propose is the solution to the oracle problem) provide outside information. You can't guarantee with much accuracy at all that this information isn't a lie, or flawed, making it useless.

Your only hope is to use existing data sources, which entirely defeats the purpose of anyone using link.

>> No.13015855

Sure I do. Why would you use a smart contract for anything remotely valuable?

>good news guys, I saved us $50 by outsourcing this $7,000,000 contract fulfillment. I think it's right I hope.

>> No.13015864

Yeah, and how do you propose doing that?

I need temperature data for a smart contract, how are you going to provide it to me?

>> No.13015879

>is reality fud?
Fucking kek. I'm starting to kinda feel bad for linkies... Then again, they ruined biz, so fu k'em.

>> No.13015898

I don't know why but I'm convinced he's deep into skycoin. It's that same almost-understands-but-not-quite vibe you get in their threads.
>Why would you use a smart contract for anything remotely valuable?
Lazy as fuck fud. If you don't think smart contracts have potential Idk wtf you're doing on biz in 2019

>> No.13015966
File: 142 KB, 1280x903, photo4922734435292522590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have zero interest in purchasing erc20 tokens.

I'm annoyed that such a simple lie is so effective, so I'm hear to clear up some things. Don't expect me to leave anytime soon.

My writing style and arguments are consistent with previous threads. Draw your own conclusions.

I'm on biz in 2019 because there's better projects to bring forward. Time to start clearing the table, starting with tokens.

>> No.13016122

>Draw your own conclusions
I'll take that as a yes. You would do well to remember that skycoin only survives in the gutter because intelligent people don't pay attention to it. You don't want that to change.

>> No.13016287

>Let's do an exercise. How would you reliably get temperature data in a city on to a blockchain?
ok bud, I've already seen this argument a hundred times. Ill say a sensor, you'll say the data around the sensor can be falsified and therefore the system is irrelevant because every node is pulling data from a single faulty source. You're nothing special, this is not a crazy new argument we havent heard before and you are not as smart as you think buddy, so I will not be playing your game.

The argument you were about to make shows a clear and simple understanding of an oracle system. Guess what, you cannot find total truth in this world. Chainlink is not promising some sort of advanced AI like HAL9000 that gives 100% correct outputs, it simply guarantees a level of security when delivering data from point A to point B. And if you were particularly scared about a faulty data point, you could decentralize the data itself.

At one point in the train of decentralization are we going to have to pull information from multiple universes? Will that make you happy?
Dont be so ridiculous.

>> No.13016832

that greentext doesn’t even make sense retard

>> No.13016893

You’re making the argument that a decentralized data system is not offering more security than a centralized data system. Chainlink is basically bitcoin for the world’s data ecosystem. Could bitcoin technically be compromised and therefore completely valueless? Sure. But the higher the network usage the less likely that becomes. If you don’t believe in blockchain as a more secure data system I don’t know why you’re even here.

If companies want secure, third party data from unlimited sources without having to go through the laborious multi-year task of building trustworthy relationships with those companies and their data, a decentralized oracle is a great solution. It will open up doors for businesses to make a shitload of money in a plethora of ways with practically zero risk and zero time to execute.

You’re making the assumption businesses only want to connect with data sources they currently already connect with, and only want to sign contracts and do business with people and businesses they currently do business with, but most businesses want to grow and therefore that assumption is wrong. Blockchain and oracles make business growth much cheaper. That’s where the value is.

>> No.13016942

It’ll also reduce time to execute on high labor tasks intra-business. You basically have a bunch of trusted nodes doing the work a human would have done, except instantaneously and for much cheaper. If you think businesses just take data and it automates and integrates into everything else they do, you’re wrong. Some numbnuts gets paid to manually review and process every shitty docusign contract. Shit gets backlogged for days or weeks and in the meantime businesses are losing out and overspending. There are tons of inefficiencies like this having blockchain and trusted oracles will solve. Trillions of dollars globally will be saved.