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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 1000x667, 0 _KoWNSxqunv1Do9h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12448914 No.12448914 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming this will work as expected and not flop.. Won't it just turn into a safe haven for pedophiles and drug dealers?

I can't imagine what kind of content might migrate to it other than, uhm, child pornography.

>> No.12448935

Skywire uses a web of trust relationship between nodes, which allows node operators full control over what sources they permit their node to forward data from. They just ban nodes that originate the objectionable content, and the network remains decentralized.

>> No.12448955

>implying this makes any difference in the overall outlook of the network

>> No.12449031

If you were able to force other people to censor content you dont like then it wouldn't be very decentralized would it? You censor what you dont like from your own node and wash your hands of it. This is how things work in the real world anyway.

>> No.12449090

What do pedophiles have to do with a raspberry pi array in a transparent mini itx case?

>> No.12449152

>Users dictate the decisions made on the network and the network operates on a web of trust system where malicious nodes can be cut off from the main Skywire network

>consensus model allows Skywire to be immune from attacks, exploitation and manipulation.

sounds to me like you will be subject to the whims of the node mafia.

>> No.12449155

Sky has no consensus. Why are you lying.

>> No.12449183

that was copied and pasted directly from their website...

>> No.12449200
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>> No.12449201

So? Still a blatant lie.

>> No.12449204

Exactly. Instead of venal but mostly rational people like Jack Dorsey and Steve Huffman making these calls it will be gangs of angry power tripping man children like Roger Ver or the people in charge of bitcoin core.

>> No.12449256

You are confusing the Skycoin distributed ledger network, with the Skywire SDN.

>> No.12449303

What calls are you talking about?

>> No.12449318

It does, it's called Obelisk.

>> No.12449327

That's for people trying to run maliciously modified nodes. You can't see what content a node is originating or forwarding.

>> No.12449332

That's for people trying to run maliciously modified nodes. You can't see what content a node is originating or forwarding.

>> No.12449387

Yeah, what i'm saying is that you can blacklist any node you want to for whatever reason because you are the master of your own node. and do so if you believe they are originating objectionable content for whatever reason. And no group can get together to force you to blacklist nodes for their personal agenda.

>> No.12449445

>Yeah, what i'm saying is that you can blacklist any node you want to for whatever reason because you are the master of your own node.

Why would you want to remove possible profit though, unless you had a good, proven reason like distributing CP.

>> No.12449480

>Skycoin shills can't even answer at least 1 good question from legitimately concerned grassroots investors

>> No.12449524

don't forget the nazis too

>> No.12449547

I'd rather think you wouldn't do this. But people do all kinds of shit in rl.

>> No.12449687

Of course not, pedoshit is the most vile of degeneracy. But people are going to do it with or without tech.

>> No.12449726

Obelisk doesn't exist

>> No.12449759

It does, I've seen it.

>> No.12449770

imagine paying 2000 dollars for 8 orange pis

>> No.12449834

Imagine not knowing you can build your own DIY Skyminers
Imagine not being interested in how well $2000 Skyminers sell
Now imagine doing both of these while browsing /biz/

>> No.12449849

Typical skyshill, dancing with words. Never sincere.

>> No.12449912

pedoshit is the tip of the degeneracy iceberg

>> No.12449924

how can you connect to the internet without an ISP?

>> No.12449948

Who the fuck even writes like that. Go back to your brown person forum you came from.

>> No.12450004

i want to see obelisk or i'll never buy, proof of the consensus right now or skyshit stays a skyscam and only super pajeeters will buy and push your shit coin. no more moons, ever.

>> No.12450005

>Sidestepping in a true sophist fashion.
>Projecting his heritage
Is there a sincere fiber in the body of a skyshit? Nobody ever witnessed it.

>> No.12450043

You connect to the internet with an ISP, initially. When you have a meshnet of antennas though, you can connect by antenna to a different node, using their bandwidth. When there is a node set up in a colocation center, you can use bandwidth from that. Colos offer high bandwidth internet access for business purposes. These may be run by ISPs or they may be run by backhaul providers. It all depends on how things are set up in your city or country. Such a network effectively disintermediates the ISP because you bypass the last mile connection, where the ISP does most of it's work connecting each and every customer individually to the internet.

>> No.12450147

That's not an argument.

Obelisk exists. I've been shown the repo for it. Believe me or don't, that's fine.

>> No.12450161

>Something exists in my delusions
>it's real
Literal schizophrenia

>> No.12450214

There is obviously consensus over the state of Skycoin's distributed ledger at this time, and of the validity of blocks that are added. This consensus is secured by central masternodes until deployment of Obelisk. It is a very reliable solution that is used by numerous other projects as well. Futhermore, there is less concern about centralization in the case of Skycoin because there is no block reward in the protocol. Each block causes no inflation of coin supply. And no economic benefit is derived from centralized consensus nodes.

>> No.12450258

>This consensus is secured by central masternodes
So there is no consensus. Agreed.
Everything points to the project being a failure. Such a shame as the idea was grand, but incompetence destroys the best of ideas.

Luckily, there's NKN.

>> No.12450298

>Skycoin never answers your oh so sincere questions
Here are all your questions answered, but tomorrow you will just make another thread screeching about skyscam never answers questions. It's getting pretty obvious even to the absolute brainlets that lurk these boards.

>> No.12450315

NKN is a fucking scam btw you pajeet shill.

>> No.12450404
File: 336 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190115-124125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Skycoin shills can't even answer at least 1 good question from legitimately concerned grassroots investors
What is your question? I've seen like 6 answered very well in fact

>> No.12450553

Here is the code for the Fiber blockchain and visor that Skycoin uses.
A blockchain is an immutable data structure, and you can see that the blockchain is distributed to nodes that connect to each other p2p. If the blockchains on each node are synchronized, a consensus exists regarding the state of the blockchain. Being an immutable data structure, it is not possible for even a centralized validator node to alter the transaction history without being very obvious about what occured.

tl;dr There is consensus, today.

>> No.12450614

The question is WHERE IS THE FUCKING CONSENSUS ALGO that that faggot synth promised us last year? No fucking where!

>> No.12450652

That question was already answered you dumb fucking cunt.
>Obelisk exists. I've been shown the repo for it. Believe me or don't, that's fine.
>until deployment of Obelisk
It's getting deployed later nigger learn to pull your pants down before you take a shit.

>> No.12450677

Why the fuck would anyone believe those retards? How brain damaged do you have to be to give a psychopath the benefit of the doubt?

>> No.12450756

wireless mesh has already been debunked. it's a meme. It's a little thing called HALF DUPLEX. Basically it kills your bandwith. Even if you had FULL DUPLEX (the use of two radios on two different frequencies) you would still have shit bandwith because RADIO SUCKS. Maybe a full duplex laser setup but then you need LINE OF SIGHT.

So good luck with all that.

>> No.12450804

Did you even look at the muh 3d render antenna? It's a line of sight antenna already you absolute shit for brains. Thats what the dish shape is for, you see the dish shape? you stupid cunt.
Imagine believing any of you faggots

>> No.12450828

Temper there, don't project your nigger tier impulse control. Attempt to speak like a first-world country dweller for once.

>> No.12450850

Lol so node operators will be responsible for the contents of network traffic that passes through their system?

Good luck with that shit, kiddos. You have no idea what a can of worms you are opening.

You cant simultaneously censor content on your network, without claiming that you aren't responsible for it. You do one, or the other. Both is not possible.

>> No.12450856

your parabolic antenna still doesn't negate the fact that it's fucking HALF DUPLEX. you absolute MORON.

>> No.12450864

>projecting your brown person forum heritage

>> No.12450888

Also, if you are going to censor cheese pizza, then the cucked nerdfaggots excited about this shit CAN AND WILL leverage whatever consensus system you have to shut out any other "undesirable" element.

Your shit isn't even deployed yet and its already doomed to failure, or extreme mediocrity. You cannot be decentralized and authoritarian. Its completely free speech or nothing with an experiment of this type.

>> No.12450944

So basically a lefty controlled internet where 4channel isn't allowed.

>> No.12451088

The data rates of the antennas are not a problem. First of all, there is an economic incentive for node operators to improve the network. Also, in the near term, nodes will maintain traditional ISP connections as well for redundancy. Signal polarization can double speeds with the current technology, and there have been promising technological improvements in recent years. A full duplex configuration would also double the speeds.
All content that your node forwards is encrypted so you generally will have no way of knowing whether or not you object to it. It is possible, however, that if a node is publishing large amounts of cp for instance, they can be identified as the originator and you would then have the option of blacklisting them.

>> No.12451108

No, as i said earlier, you are the master of nodes you operate. Nobody can tell you who to blacklist.

>> No.12451280
File: 241 KB, 1080x1067, airdrop-skycoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skywire is a new communication protocol that has both civilian and military application.
"If you have a war or all the submarine cables are cut and someone sends a message over HAM radio from California to Australia and one person in the country gets it, and there are wires within the country, the message will replicate…You can have satellite of only 200kbps of bandwidth they can provide the global network consensus state to that whole country and it will replicate across land…we put a lot of work into the robustness of this messaging protocol…”
The medium articles the team writes are quite informative to say the least. Here's an airdrop for your troubles.

>> No.12451361

No, content is not viewable. The above only refers to measurable bad acting like trying to manipulate the Skywire meshnet itself.

>> No.12451405

If you're unaware, the Tor network is an existing internet protocol that encrypts internet traffic. Exit node operators are also responsible for the contents of network traffic that passes through their system. Those operators however are not incentivized like they are in Skywire. If you're interested to know what its like to run a Tor exit note, there's a nice blog post about it here.

>> No.12451431

>however are not incentivized like they are in Skywire.
Yet TOR works beautifully. Sky is useless even as an idea, you're correct.

>> No.12451461
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Tor is slow as shit and is a government honeypot.

As apps are developed on Skywire, you won't even have to exit to the legacy internet anymore.

>> No.12451494

>using LEA honeypot as example

>> No.12451495

Tor is quite slow and there is a monetary incentive for exit node operators to use Skywire. It's simple economics anon. And Skywire goes beyond P2P capability to function as an easy-to-deploy meshnet as well. It is very useful for both civilian and military application as pointed out above.

>> No.12451884
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How do I decide on what color of Skywallet though :(

>> No.12451980
File: 51 KB, 474x708, sky-supporter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy skycoiner sir, very good. It will please you sit.

>> No.12452004

CEO is a confirmed autistic coke addict who lies about everything
Community manager Sudo is retarded and has created a toxic community of moonboys
Team is mostly anonymous, nobody knows who’s in control
Telegram room is dead - just bots and schoolkids bickering about the price
Insider trading is rife among the tiny community of autists and morons
Partnership with coke-addicted pensioner John McAfee mega-fucking-KEK
McAfee's tramp-stamp Sky Coin "tattoo" drawn with black Sharpie extracted from Janice’s pooper
Partnership with shady-as-fuck chink scam exchange Binance (funds not safu)
Working with corrupt international governments of Nicaragua, North Korea and Sudan
Sold miners to plebs for $20,000 at the peak, to mine a fucking pre-mined token hahahahaha
Claim to have 9000 nodes deployed but each Skyminer has 1-8 nodes so it's really only 1000-2000 nodes lol
Desktop wallet doesn't work, takes forever to sync and then the Sky Coin tokens go missing
Android wallet full of malware (steals private keys)
iOS wallet rejected by Apple due to malware
Antenna doesn't exist, just more CGI renders
Coin Hours literally worthless Chuck-E-Cheese tokens
Sky Coin token has no function on the network, not used for anything
The Sky Coin "blockchain" runs on Lotus123 on Synth's laptop (Obelisk is vaporware)
The only games or apps running on Skycoin CX are literal shit like pacman and flappybirds
Only activity on GitHub is updating PDFs with random text
Sky Coin CEO already faked his own kidnapping and exit scammed
All the bullshit projects launched on Skycoin Fiber have exit scammed

If you buy scam SkyCoin tokens you are a literal rekt pleb brainlet throwing money at Synth's coke habit and you should live-stream KYS today. Nobody is buying this shitcoin, it doesn’t even have decentralised consensus, the most basic requirement of any blockchain. This means it is literally not a cryptocurrency.

Time to ban Sky Coin from this board so more noob retards don't lose their money.