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12316912 No.12316912 [Reply] [Original]

With the amount of visibility link has why the fuck is its value still so low?

>> No.12316920
File: 100 KB, 751x761, DBA5659A-74C3-4332-8B3F-3BEE4F9450E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it’s god damn founder supports FLO instead.

What if I told you that Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Bret Weinstein, and the entire intellectual dark web was quitting patreon? The picture is proof that they are considering a possible move to Alexandria OIP built in FLO blockchain.
And what if I told you SERGEY from LINK is a support of FLO!? LOL. FLO HOLDERS are retiring #2019.

LOL! Target changed from 100x to 250x confirmed.

3:30 - 4:00

These guys have tens of millions of followers across their platforms, speaking engagements and book reviews.

Don’t forget about all of the other projects also being built on FLO.

Blockchain with 500m and 1000M+ valuations don’t even have this many partnerships LOL. Imagine not buying this coin because you listen to someone making up fake lies to call it false.

Suicide insurance on FLO is a bag of 10k. Retirement bag is 300-500k Flo.
It’s already up 3x since I started letting biztards know a month ago.

New readers about Flo should check out the telegram with questions

But first they should STUDY these three articles:




>> No.12316939

Where do I buy a little stack?

>> No.12316957

Link is a garbage token for garbage investors who just want to burn their money - retards who unironically believe that they know better than the rest of the crypto sphere. You see, when you don't have extra chromosomes like the average linker, the project isn't mysterious, it doesn't need "dots connected" and it doesn't solve a problem. Why? Because it claims to solve a problem which DOESN'T ACTUALLY EXIST. It isn't talked about and it's not for some mysterious and indiscernible reason, nor is it because biz wasted time and energy fudding it, it just isn't talked about anywhere else because no one actually gives a shit about it because it's yet another unremarkable shitcoin with no real use case or future. That's how painfully fucking clear and obvious it is to anyone with a triple digit IQ who looks at this project.

So let's see - over a year of waiting and all you have are 6 chainlinks, a fucking alarm clock, and the token still being worth fuck-all. Congratulations guys - what an epic wipeout. And if that doesn't drive the point home, it's painfully clear that you have Stockholm syndrome so bad that you'll even try to defend this while the rest of the board just checks in for entertainment value.

I can see the responses now. You know better right? I need to uh, read the whitepaper and look at the pivotal even though I have done this more times than you have, all while understanding it better than you did collectively? Not that that's too hard, seeing as no link holder has any actual technical literacy. I genuinely pity you to the point where euthanasia seems like a kinder option than even encouraging you to drop this piece of crap. Why? Because being a linker is a strong indicator that the life you lead after it fails will be governed by the same gullibility which lead you to buy link in the first place. You'll just be a source of misery for yourself and others - but at least in the abyss you won't have to live with it.

>> No.12316958
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Be sure to DYOR research first

>> No.12317505
File: 135 KB, 256x257, zuccmyshit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the best way I can explain it.
Bitcoin is kind of like a tree, right? It has rings and stuff which can't be changed and you can open it up and look at the history and agree where all the rings are. And ethereum is kind of like the leaves. They're scattered around the branches off of the tree and have veins and shit on them for writing things on. But when you write on one, it copies over to all the other leaves. Which is good because if you look at 1 leaf you'll know that it is legit if it says the same things as the rest of the leaves.
So this is where Chainlink comes in. Chainlink is like a nigger jerking off on to the soil at the base of the tree. His cum is kind of like the external data which your bitcoin tree feeds to the ethereum leaves. So basically feeds the tree with stuff that it needs to give to the leaves which are asking for nutrients and stuff.
Hope this helps.

>> No.12317534

Most people are poor and impatient. Why would you want to be like them? Link’s Mainnet isn’t even out yet and it’s proven nothing. Once it is, and it does [successfully], it’ll be quite valuable. If you like dumbass speculation, watch Fast Money on (((MSNBC)))

>> No.12317544

Fake and gay

>> No.12317552

>Not Binance

Dropped into oblivion. Crypto requires me to make a new account on some fucking shady exchange every time a new coin is launched getting real sick of this shit.

>> No.12317580

It's honestly just because it's too difficult to understand for it to have any speculative hype.
The price will rise steadily with actual usage, we're just used to PnD scams. Have a look at the dotcom bubble and then Google's growth afterwards. It'll basically be a 10x faster version of that.

>> No.12317602

December 2018 buyer

>> No.12317634

January 2017 acksually. Went balls deep with $12 561 Jan 21. Sold half from September 29th and December 5th kept the rest.

>> No.12318461

This screams pajeet

>> No.12319327
File: 52 KB, 716x508, 7E18A723-A56D-4DA0-B115-3BD309E6EFEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12319526

The market follows BTC more or less.