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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12314089 No.12314089 [Reply] [Original]

Now that tax season and a new year is here, is anyone willing to share how much they lost on crypto for the whole year? Anybody actually come out ahead? Me...I'm only down a few hundred bucks but I only put in a few hundred this year.

>> No.12314128

Nothing, I'm still up over 2x on Chainlink because I bought low

>> No.12315292

Hodling, haven't sold.
Portfolio was up 2500 last Jan. Now its at 430

>> No.12315483
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Down 6100 didn’t sell, been buying a little more.

>> No.12315528
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I hurt myself today.

>> No.12315544


5400 in unrealized losses. Fuck nkn kek

>> No.12315618

only $1300, on paper. Considering dropping another kilo in with this month’s wages.

>> No.12315642

Made 197k dollar profit

>> No.12315677

Am I the only one who sold on January 1st? I made about a $3000 profit.
My only regret is that I didn't buy more, which is why I'm still here

>> No.12315723

I'm down $103k. $100k of which is from a personal loan. I wish I was larping.

>> No.12315769

I put in 45k, ATH was 1.5 mil, now at 65k, but I haven't "lost" anything since it was all paper gains and is now paper losses since I am still holding and will hold until it goes back to at least a mil.

>> No.12315779
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>> No.12315803

down more than I care to admit, but I still got the BTC, because I believe.

>> No.12315810



>> No.12315847

Mostly ETH. My average buy-in was like $700. And I bought a lot of BTC at 8500.

>> No.12315872

I lost 30k, I'm only left with 1k. Fuck I could of bought a car and maintained it for 3 years with all expenses paid for.

>> No.12315892

still in the green due to railblock/steem pumps

>> No.12315924

I sold in the first week of January for $75k profit, used that to pay off my student loans. Then I bought back in a few months later with with a personal loan. I was mentally prepared for a nightmare scenario like this but it still sucks balls.

>> No.12315959

at least you can default on a personal loan and not student loans.

>> No.12315982

>tax season
kek imagine actually believing you have to self report your crypto gains

>> No.12316007

Lost roughly 80k GBP,
Can’t claim CGT as it was family money from another country from s land sale that the U.K. aren’t aware of. Mother does not know, it’s her money.

Thank fuck I make 120k/yr and she’ll never need to know..

>> No.12316012

It's whatever. I can easily pay the loan off by 2020 if I wanted. It just sucks that I rushed in too early. And my colleagues think I'm a financial genius for paying off my student loans so early.

>> No.12316016

Reason I did this was as it’s sidficult to get money out of that country, but easy to buy crypto via localbitcoins

>> No.12316029
File: 100 KB, 751x761, 6F3E7769-EF5A-43C5-8572-7F71A89BD0FA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you that Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Bret Weinstein, and the entire intellectual dark web was quitting patreon? The picture is proof that they are considering a possible move to Alexandria OIP built in FLO blockchain.
And what if I told you SERGEY from LINK is a support of FLO!? LOL. FLO HOLDERS are retiring #2019.

LOL! Target changed from 100x to 250x confirmed.

3:30 - 4:00

These guys have tens of millions of followers across their platforms, speaking engagements and book reviews.

Don’t forget about all of the other projects also being built on FLO.

Blockchain with 500m and 1000M+ valuations don’t even have this many partnerships LOL. Imagine not buying this coin because you listen to someone making up fake lies to call it false.

Suicide insurance on FLO is a bag of 10k. Retirement bag is 300-500k Flo.
It’s already up 3x since I started letting biztards know a month ago.

New readers about Flo should check out the telegram with questions

But first they should STUDY these three articles:




>> No.12316044

Down $2400. Was down about a thousand then I started margin trading and made a bunch put more in and made more. Then I lost almost everything.

>> No.12316070
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fake and gay

>> No.12316072

lol the majority of the gains when right back to the jews. Ugh, thats not how you're supposed to invest.

>> No.12316178

Down 18.4k. I let someone else be responsible for buying and selling and he never sold because he was too emotionally invested in his projects

>> No.12316214

why didnt you cash out some of this money?