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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12170670 No.12170670 [Reply] [Original]


CTRL F Chainlink:

>Each Reporter is a program running outside the Ethereum blockchain and inside a secure, trusted execution enclave. At launch, we plan to rely on reporters we build ourselves.

>However, decentralized aggregator oracle solutions such as ChainLink [11] are preferred.
We will likely switch over to ChainLink (or a similar solution) as it comes online and
gains significant adoption.

>The reporting period is a tradeoff. Factors affecting its value include market volatility, how quickly the protocol can affect prices, and the costs per operation of each Reporter. The protocol could dynamically adjust this period, though a static period has the virtue of simplicity.

>Like with the reporting period of 30 minutes, the slow-average period is a trade-off between how expensive we can make a market-manipulation attack and the protocol’s ability to quickly respond to natural changes in the market.

>Until ChainLink or a similar solution is available and trustworthy, we require the
following properties of a Reporter:

>• Each secure enclave provides cryptographic remote attestation of the installed
>• Each secure enclave provides read-and-tamper-proofing of Reporter memory.
>• Each Reporter runs a distinct implementation of the market-summarization program.

>> No.12170729

Here is a list of investors invested into Reserve Protocol, Coinbase is listed: https://reserve.org/investors

>> No.12170811


>> No.12171042

W-w--wwho r-rr-riiighhht????

>> No.12171060
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>We will likely switch over to ChainLink (or a similar solution) as it comes online and
gains significant adoption.

>significant adoption

>> No.12171076

This is known for weeks brainlsrt