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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12107833 No.12107833 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12107841


>> No.12107876

I’m doing my 30 years and I’m done
6 out of the way already

>> No.12107931
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42 more years to go

>> No.12108529

This but unironically

>> No.12108541

This but it’s actually 60 years

>> No.12108650

tfw only 3/50


>> No.12108664

7 years in, 39 to go


>> No.12108672

Don't forget to buy lots of brand new cars along the way to give you that extra bit of motivation

>> No.12108695
File: 18 KB, 460x388, 7853ebacc8cf7689a3eb9d531f213e62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 8 more years until the house is paid off.

>> No.12108711

how can I even achieve this goal when I'm unemployed half the time?

>> No.12108949

I've got about $33k saved up. STEM degree. 27 years of age. Have only worked a total of seven months in my life earning $15/hr and that's only because the job was given to me out of pity. I think I'll stick to living with my parents as long as humanly possible. Decades of slavery just isn't worth it. I'd like to get into the system, save every dime of what I earn and get out as fast as possible. I was hoping the STEM degree would get me out of Hell faster, but I kind of doubt it will. I regret not getting a job at WalMart when I was still in high school and just making bank.

>> No.12109014
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i plan on wageslaving my entire life

>> No.12109052
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>Still in the housing market


>> No.12109084


>> No.12109164
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>Only 8 more years until the house is paid off.
try 8 months poorfag

then on to retirement at 35

>> No.12109192


Will Sir Gay deliver?

>> No.12109203

almost done

>> No.12109230

Dude just do nothing and help no one and it will all work out fine lmao

>> No.12109283
File: 75 KB, 413x549, stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 years
boomers are going to spend every cent of social security to keep themselves alive as long as possible. by the time you're 65 the retirement age will unironically be around 90 or retirement will simply be outlawed.

>> No.12109313

Nice brosef

>> No.12109317

this is what we get for capitalism
not that socialism or fascism is any better but this is what we get for picking this bad choice

>> No.12109327

Who here /fucking lost everything/?

>> No.12109356

>retirement will simply be outlawed.
But you'll still get fired around 65 for not being productive enough and then no one will touch you because you're over-qualified

>> No.12109857

Other than medicine and some niche clinical positions, all STEM degrees are brainwash. Good for hobby, extremely harmful for career.

>> No.12109934


Just live with your parents man. The only reason why people with half decent jobs are forced to wage slave for 50 years is because they pay 30-50% of their paycheck on food and rent and buy the latest iPhone with a leased luxury vehicle to go with it. Just fucking learn to live frugally and be happy that way. You can escape the system in 25 years or less if you have a decent career and a good savings rate.

>> No.12110669

I agree 100% but the phone is a very important purchase. You should have a reliable phone because a phone doubles as a laptop these days. You can set goals, write, listen to books, watch videos, bail yourself out of a shitty situation. And you want the best phone you can get. Of course some people just buy the new one yearly, and THAT is when it becomes irresponsible. But the difference between having a regular phone and a GOOD smartphone, is night and day.

>> No.12110837

But I didn't pick shit though. Neither did you.

>> No.12110907
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Nah, should just be 10-15 years without breaking a sweat.


...assuming you don't get divorced like he did lol.

>> No.12110960
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I have been waging for just over 2 years and I am very confident I will kill myself within a decade. My job, although salaried and comfy, has sucked all motivation, inspiration and creativity from my life. I am a shell of who I was before wagecucking. Worst part is that my parents fucked up and lost our house and got divorced so I can't go back to NEET life no matter how badly I wanted to.

I don't even know what I am waiting for. I really don't know why I don't just kill myself right now.

>> No.12111007

hello newarkfag

>> No.12111094

if ur gonna kys might as well quit and go on a bike(motor) ride through yurop. nothing left to lose

>> No.12111154

Do you feel like a loser living in your parents’ basement at age 27?

>> No.12111155

I dont want to, i have no interest to do or see anything. All of my energy goes to being a good little wagie, at the end of the day/on the weekends i desire to lay and stare at the wall and wait for monday,

>> No.12111173

>Spending 20 years paying off a cuck box.

>> No.12111179

You mean work until you drop dead

>> No.12111192

you literally have to go do something drastic and burn the ships behind you if you're feeling this way otherwise you will be cucked forever

>> No.12111207

Literally a portrait of me

>> No.12111212


>> No.12111222
File: 67 KB, 689x795, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i could wageslave, being a NEET is suffering idc what other NEETs say.

>> No.12111226

i just want to slowly drift apart from everyone i know and isolate myself from my family for a few years then quietly overdose on sleeping pills lad.

>> No.12111291

My dad was a doctor his whole life. He worked until he stroked out closed his office and the hospital finished him off for good.

>> No.12111298

I am sorry to hear everyone's experiences. I worked for free for two years because I am set to inherit my father's small fortune. Work to me is volunteering and charity. I hope you all have a good day.

>> No.12111299

Comfy suicide fuel bro. Inspiring

>> No.12111381
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I consider myself pretty lucky actually
My parents are the typical boomers with too many properties and savings that had me pretty late, so I will inherit enough money to retire, I dont know, around 40yo/45yo.
They gave me a small flat, I only pay gas/water/food...etc and I have an above average job for my country, so I can save half of my salary.

>> No.12111464

Idk what you're talking about I just made 8k in a month after tax and I'm 23

>> No.12111911

How reliable is that income tho?

>> No.12111929

for you its 100 years

>> No.12111967


>> No.12111988

Days, surely, chainlink will soon moon to over $1000 a token

>> No.12112017

>living with parents at 27
>don’t wanna be a slave
Oh my sweet anon.

Keep grinding, the desert awaits!


>> No.12112108
File: 225 KB, 600x718, 19384793745654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude just take tens of thousands in student loans it will work out great lmao

>> No.12112156

Just say you're African American and apply for dozens of scholarships.

Protip: We all come from Africa.

>> No.12112164

I can't believe that ad is real
Boomers are the scum of the earth

>> No.12112326

I'm 27 and still living with parents /biz/. I have $150k saved up though from wageslaving since college.

Should I move out? I feel like I'm slowly becoming more autistic each year by living at home.

The only problem is that a Studio Apartment costs $1600 around here.

>> No.12112342

Idk how you guys do that shit lol. Leave ASAP. Cucking yourself hardcore by delaying it and staying in your safety/comfort zone.

>> No.12112600

try paid of mortgage, poorfag

and i'm 30

>> No.12112652

Richard D. Wojack

>> No.12112654

>implying you did it all on your own without copious help/hand holding from boomer parents
Did you build that house in KEKistan by any chance

>> No.12112689


>> No.12112812

hey nomadic life of our ancestors doesn't seem so bad! Hell yeah, finally living free.