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11744126 No.11744126 [Reply] [Original]

Oh look, we are under $6,000.

Your little "Golden Bull Run" has stopped. Big surprise.

Maybe this time you will listen to my advice, hmm?

There is no denying or stopping what is happening next.

You are simply destined to fail if you do not heed my warning.

Plead all you want and fool yourself into thinking we are bullish now.

But we are not.

We are far from the end of this down trend.

Sentiment may say otherwise but we are heading straight down for much longer.

Do not think even for a second that the rest of this year will be okay.

Because it won't be.

Some of you do not like me because you cannot handle truth.

Realize that you do not know what I know.

But here I am telling you anyways.

Bitcoin is going to $1,500 in November.

There is no way around it.

That is the bottom.

Do not worry as Bitcoin will not die.

But that is the lowest it will ever be.

Pay attention in the coming weeks and you can multiply your stack.

It is really that simple.

If you don't listen to me you will experience the past 6 months all over again in the span of 1.

I am trying to help you.

So once again:

Do NOT Enter The Market.

Things are not what they seem.

The plan has not changed.

Bitcoin is going to $1,500 in November.

You can choose to listen to me or you can choose to lose money.

My predictions are never wrong.

I am never wrong.

Bitcoin is going to $1,500 in November.

Clearly the backlash is because people do not want to go that low.

It is certain.

Bitcoin is going to $1,500 in November.

This is the final bull trap before it comes crashing down.

From there I will reveal my next prediction.

But for now, plan accordingly.

I am sure many of you won't apologize for when you are wrong.

I am not discouraged.

I will help as many people as I can.

It is the right thing to do.

Again, do not misunderstand.

Bitcoin is not dying.

But it must burn and rise from the ashes like a phoenix.

Many will think they've lost everything.

Seize the opportunity.


>> No.11744142

no one is going to read that , just buy link and stay in profit

>> No.11744150

It'll be back above $6k by the end of the week

>> No.11744172

Do you know what we call a carpet bagger that only shows up when something trends in his predicted direction and disappears like a coward when it doesn’t?

A limp wristed faggot. That’s what we call you.

PS I bought (the very obvious bottom) at 5555

>> No.11744216

dab on them haters renk

>> No.11744305
File: 6 KB, 249x249, 1533969267486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could have a lower entry point if only you'd listen.

You know what we call an American rap rock band from Jacksonville, Florida?

Limp Bizkit.
That truly is wishful thinking. You will be crushed come Friday.

>> No.11744346

So what do you know that we don't? a conspiracy to destroy the market? CSW?

>> No.11744426

>call it a prediction even though it is already happening

Ok faggot

>> No.11744441

Whales loading up their bags at a discounted price of their choosing.

>> No.11744443

Thoughts on this article? https://steemit.com/november/@bchainbastards/green-november-all-systems-go-for-global-revolution
Is this the final capitulation event as the global elite stocks up for the migration from the ashes of the petrodollar to the phoenix of bitcoin? Should prudent investors hold out for a bit longer and buy in later this month?

>> No.11744483

shit forced meme

>> No.11744498

based renkobro

>> No.11744522

Unironically kill yourself tripfag.

Tripfags are always attention seeking faggots who should kill themselves, no exceptions.

Nobody asked for your "predictions" especially since you don't even bother to present any kind of evidence.

>> No.11744605
File: 51 KB, 530x324, death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically kill yourself non-tripfag.

Non-tripfags are always attention seeking faggots who should kill themselves, no exceptions.

Nobody asked for your "input" especially since you don't even bother to present any kind of evidence.

See how stupid you sound holding those bags and making stupid comments?

This is not the final capitulation. Think of it as someone throwing a rock into the water before they dive from a very high place into it. They're mucking it up to make it easier for their next move.

I would hold out.

>> No.11744859
File: 304 KB, 640x864, kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you admit you don't have anything to support your claims. Rewording what I wrote doesn't change a thing, it only makes you sound like a child who has no arguments to actually advance.

Also pro-tip, for your LARP to actually be a prediction, it needs to be BEFORE the event, not after. Maybe you can lecture others about stupidity after you learn to do this.

You are literally no different than the normies who say BTC is going to zero.

>> No.11745025

I keep telling you guys but you never listen...you think I didn't warn previously? I did. You must be new.

Rewording what you wrote only reiterates the fact your comment is pointless and doesn't add anything.

Hurr durr kys XD! So original! I have never heard that before.

Why would I expose myself and give up such precious information to an ignorant mutt such as yourself? If you feel like what I'm saying isn't sufficient maybe you should do your own research? But yea, I get it, you need to be spoon fed.

There is no difference? Seems like there's a $1,500 difference. I never said this was the end and it would go to 0, either.

Go on, continue with your ad hom and ignorant fallacies. It makes you seem oh so brilliant!

>> No.11745063


You also warned us when BTC was at 3000$. You're literally salty for missing out on all the gains.

>> No.11745065

Tell me about XRP

>> No.11745482

No tripcode this time or picture. Brilliant, can't even keep up the LARP properly.

You never linked any of your previous threads and trip code faggots like you are a dime a dozen anyway. Always keen to project their fantasies only to disappear when they don't turn out the way they expected.

Claims without evidence are worthless. This would be bad enough but you have to be a LARPing tripfag on top of that, which is why the moral thing in this situation is just to end your life.

There's no difference because you are both making BASELESS claims. Baseless claims, like your posts, belong in the trash.

Ad hominems are morally necessary when OP has nothing of value to say and is so far up their own arse that they could eat their own shit.

>> No.11745558
File: 25 KB, 621x414, 234sdsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are doing it wrong faggot.The pajeet death larper always 1id posts his threads. Sad