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11720562 No.11720562 [Reply] [Original]

What age were you when you realized the world didn't revolve around you and that you are just like everybody else?

>> No.11720577

About 5, when I first met other humans besides my parents, why?

>> No.11720585


>> No.11720603 [DELETED] 

I'm 31 and I still don't care for all you NPCs. I'm just here to complete the task and get the reward I don't need your dumb backstory.

>> No.11720612

Hahaha, hilarious. NPCs have no self awareness

>> No.11720655
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I thank god everyday that I'm a nobody. I have the privilege of just being another jerkoff derpface when I go out in public. Malls, libraries, fancy restaurants, parks are all mine to enjoy without anyone caring who I am. Famous people will never have what I have no matter how much money they have.

>> No.11720668
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After reading this

>> No.11720687

It does revolve around me because I own it, dumbass. I'm nothing like anyone else.

>> No.11720703

at any time I can just snap and unleash my fury on any unsuspecting citizen of this earth and they'd nm have no ability to stop me
I can just like kill anyone BAM jjst like that in a second
I rule this world

>> No.11720778
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>falling for the "world doesn't revolve around you" meme
Do you really think the winners in life fell for "The world doesn't revolve around you and you aren't special so you should just give up"? KEK

>> No.11720785
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I think that you sound like someone who has never been in a real fight. That being said there are a lot of women and children, and old people around, and there are retards. I'm guessing you're including them. I don't understand why you would fight someone who can't defend themselves tho. Unless you're starving or whatever.

>> No.11720795

5th grade at an elite private school where literally everyone was smarter and more athletic than me.

>> No.11720802

I can understand wanting wealth, but wanting fame mystifies me. I don't want fucks coming up to me at the supermarket or when i'm eating lunch wanting to take a photo for reddit and expecting me to be nice. What sort of hell is that.

>> No.11720812

nice bait, NPC

>> No.11721255
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>i have reached drone status, which is the totally natural final stage in the development of my character/personality
that, or something is extremely wrong with your health

mercury poisoning is the cause behind almost every chronic illness—both mental and physiological—that has hallmarked the past century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west
emeramide is the chemical that will singlehandedly turn everything around for the majority of people, and finally allow western nations to re-establish that civility which runs in their people's blood back to their respective civilizations

>> No.11721382

My world revolves around me as all that I experience is through my single perspective

>> No.11721421
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shockingly predicted like that one song

>> No.11721449

REEEEEE the disappointment I generate makes me a unique intellectual. How dare you!

>> No.11721587

Never, if I die you'll all be gone

>> No.11721676
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20, nearly died from some blood clotting in my lungs. A humbling experience if I've ever had one, really does put some things in perspective.

>> No.11722356

the point is at any time any person has the power to take essential to someone's entire world away from them
it is suppressed by the most simple chemical reaction in the brain
so no I'm not an edgy faggot or whatever I was just making a half assed point about the power each individual has not only over their life but the lives of others