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11544213 No.11544213 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11544273
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Yes, yes - lets go back to Silver pls.

>> No.11544367
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all money is is a medium for exchanging wealth
work is what produces wealth—whether done by humans, or machines—and enjoyment and appreciation is what determines the value of that wealth
to enjoy and appreciate useful things, one has to be healthy
mercury poisoning is the cause behind almost every serious chronic disease that has hallmarked the past century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west, largely by making males brain damaged and physically impaired from a young age, left with mystery illnesses that nobody knows how to diagnose or treat, much more than it does females
emeramide is the only treatment known for this, and it cures (at doses of >300mg daily for two weeks) a wide variety of diseases that the government-assisted medical cartel the world over insists there is no cure or treatment to
it can be synthesized quite easily if you have standard lab equipment at hand:
you can profit off of this chemical—which is sure to be a medical revolution—by investing in emeramed

>> No.11544402

Wow. You deserve your commission after that spectacular segue.

>> No.11544500

>Exchange relative value with others in order to not have to anarcho-primitive till you die at 27 of malnutrition or the common cold, or rely on feudal lords (federal government) to decide just how much food/ medicine you don't get while working 18 hours/day in a bomb factory
Hippies should be sterilized.

>> No.11544592
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just doing my part to try to save the west from the hell that, even if the current insane SJWs and leftists who are trying to push us into ruin are defeated, we will invariably find ourselves back in in a matter of two generations—in even deeper trouble than the last time, just as has happened again and again for the last century
if you suffer from chronic headaches, bowel problems, sinus problems, tinnitus, poor circulation (very cold hands/feet included), are chronically fatigued, have poor ability to build muscles or put on any weight (or are conversely burdened by weight that you simply can't lose), have "spotty" vision (some objects/things don't register), or a wide variety of other problems that your doctor simply prescribes you pills to take away the symptoms of, you very likely are suffering mercury poisoning
emeramide (aka BDTH2, as named in the article i shared that describes its synthesis) has treated type 2 diabetes, huntington's disease, parkinson's and abnormal parkinson's, ALS, COPD, autism, and alzheimer's
it is completely and totally non-toxic; in a study with rats, a dose that induces toxicity literally could not be found, even at doses of 0.5% of the rat's body weight
emeramide is so effective because it is able to do what no other mercury chelation agent is able to do effectively—it's able to penetrate cell membranes and get everywhere in the body, including the brain, and permanently bind to mercury (and other heavy metals)
very importantly, it also binds to harmful free iron, copper, and zinc, all without touching the variants of those metals that are being used by the body
if you had low-copper or high-copper "silver" dental amalgam fillings—which are, in every case, actually ~50% mercury, by weight—this is likely how it happened, as these fillings emit mercury vapor
high-copper silver amalgam fillings release much more mercury vapor than low-copper variants
once mercury is in you, it basically never leaves

>> No.11544662

And if you don't have amalgam fillings?

>> No.11544764

Holy shit you are good at this

>> No.11545527
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thimerosal from vaccinations can do it
the continuous consumption of fish high in mercury, as well, can leave you with a considerable amount of mercury that remains inside of your cells
in any case, mercury tends to accumulate in the mitochondria of cells as it is an area so rich in thiols—which mercury is attracted to
mercury enters cells as elemental or organic mercury, and is while inside, is converted to inorganic mercury—which is a form that cannot cross lipid barriers
because of this, even if the mercury becomes loose from a thiol group, it stays inside of the cell practically permanently, going from one thiol group to another
it's like being locked inside of a building with a giant unstoppable boulder that's rolling around from place to place, and neither you not it can leave
organic mercury and the vapor of elemental mercury are supremely pervasive; they can pretty much go anywhere in the body
the younger your age of exposure, the more damage it can do to your developing systems
not even DNA is safe

if your mother had dental amalgams, or got a thimerosal-containing vaccination while pregnant, this mercury is able to enter your fetal tissue from her body and you get ridiculously high exposure for your body mass, at an age where you're extremely vulnerable to the damage that it can cause

mercury in any form is supremely toxic to every biological system, without exception
the fact that emeramide is able to cure so many diseases that everyone either denied or didn't suspect was caused by mercury poisoning is proof of this

>> No.11545542

Elemental mercury is safe and amazing. I played with it in a laboratory with my mates. Very heavy for very little volume and zero adhesion although excellent cohesion

>> No.11545787
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liquid elemental mercury is "safe" primarily because it is very poorly absorbed by the body; the vapor of elemental mercury, on the other hand, is readily absorbed, and is extremely toxic

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3514464/ - see "elemental mercury" section

https://iaomt.org/wp-content/uploads/Fact-Sheet-Mercury-Vapor-Toxicity.pdf - lists a variety of symptoms that have been documented to be caused by exposure to mercury vapor—which, as this document notes, is the exact same mercury that one is exposed to from dental amalgam fillings.

something that is also highly noteworthy with relation to how mercury poisoning has become so much worse over the past couple of decades is the fact that the kind of radio waves utilized in wi-fi have been demonstrated to promote the release of mercury from dental amalgam fillings:
so, if the radio waves from wi-fi promote the release of mercury from amalgam fillings, who's to say that this energy doesn't do anything to mercury inside of cells? who's to say that mercury in cells isn't made more toxic by the presence of wi-fi, as a result of the wi-fi making it more active in its behavior of going from thiol to thiol? what about cell phone radiation?
same guy, by the way—just posting over mobile

>> No.11546739
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shameless self-bump

reminder that if you suffer from unending disease that the only explanation to is that it's "genetic", then you're suffering from mercury poisoning and the thing that can literally permanently give you your life back is a drug called emeramide, and there allegedly exist ways to synthesize it for less than $0.25 per gram (but if you wanna synthesize it with the method previously mentioned (only one i know), you can make ~12g for $500)