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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 499x499, 3a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9991484 No.9991484 [Reply] [Original]

You must accumulate your bags in this bear market slump. It is a good coin with the tokenomics solid from Germany team. This is the one coin that we will be saying...oh I should have listened to the /biz/ team. This is solid coin.

>> No.9992123

New Snapchat wysker filter is for all the normie stacy girls and chad boys of the world. Snapchat.


>> No.9992773 [DELETED] 


>> No.9992950
File: 2.79 MB, 252x446, 20180623_083211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this trash. Who would think this is cool?

>> No.9993129

It is very cool and catchy actually. For my cousins they are loving the new Wysker snapchat filter.

>> No.9993143

KYS coordinated telegram shill faggots.

Literally nobody is gonna buy this garbage useless shitcoin

>> No.9993188
File: 1.92 MB, 300x225, 1527894275201.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pajeet impression is pretty good but i think you're trying a little too hard. and mix in some 'sir's next time. not bad though, 6/10.

>> No.9993207

Are there any smart contract betting platforms? I'll wager an ETH that this coin goes 10x by EOY. Wanna put your money where your mouth is?

>> No.9993376

only pajeet thread in the catalog, congrats

>> No.9993414
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1528935922845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do ya mean? I'm sure every bizraelite is loading up their bags after such a quality shill.

>> No.9993423


Sure, set up the smart contract you street shitting american

>> No.9993531

I'm better off putting my eth into wys but I 'd be willing to forsake gains just to take your money. You make the move since you're so confident and it's surely just a free eth eh ?

>> No.9994116
File: 51 KB, 640x640, ReneFag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck these pajeets coordinating with their 'Wizzka Trading Club' faggots to shill

Remember, this is the autist Rene you are investing with, who got his recommendation to invest in shytsker from a german pump and dump penny stock magazine

fuck these hitlerites

>> No.9994297

Tritnity, if I will meet you at a wysker party in Berlin I will bump your head into a toilet ! I swear it !!

>> No.9994348

you fucking boomer all your gym exercises arent enough to lift a stacy off the ground, ill fuck your face right up nigger

>> No.9994441

Is that because you'll be attending the party too and you're only half arsed fudding to try get cheap coins?

Chances are you'd get smashed you angry screeching retard. More than just Rene think you're a fuckwit

>> No.9994461

If you are a man we will meet at the wysker 1 Dollar Party and then you can tell me this face to face !! But I think you haven’t got the cojones for that

>> No.9994473

lol you fuckers love to talk a big talk, fucking ugly autists

you guys can have your homo party in berlin

>> No.9994551

what products have they purchased? none. now fuck off pajeet. it's bullshit. nobody bought shit on version 1 and nobody will buy shit on version 2. post your purchases you faggots

>> No.9994567
File: 59 KB, 662x900, 1528243845687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 chad here you feeble cunt. Keep projecting though it's obvious what you're up to. You've clearly spent the same amount of time in the telegram keeping up to date with everything. Pathetic, weak, greedy, snivelling faggot trying to act like they're /biz/ by dropping nigger pajeet boomer in every bit of their piss poor FUD.

>> No.9994599

you clearly think youre some mastermind

there is no FUD you moron, just a dead on arrival project

idk wtf youre talking about, but i was never in no telegram, this shit smells like a scam from a mile away

>> No.9994638
File: 16 KB, 483x479, 1527474854824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh shit, better double down on the lying. If I just deflect they'll forget the fact I've got saved pics of Rene, I know the name of the wtc, I keep recycling the same phrases I use to FUD in the last half a dozen wys threads. We can all see the big wallets accumulating brainlet. How many more have you scooped up cheap while you try keep the handbrake on this rocket?

>> No.9994656

lol that faggot was posted in here this morning with the description i just copy-pasted.. that guy is UGLY AF so i kept it to remind myself who these faggots are that come in here everyday and to remind everyone else not to be one of you ugly faggots

>> No.9994665


>> No.9994686

Sure buddy. We all believe you. You fooled us so good. Now quick, there's 1300 under 0.0001289 on idex. You're fudding has worked!

>> No.9994696

deluded fucks no one is accumulating this shitcoin lol volume is 8 eth nice try shilling.. shill harder tho pajeets

>> No.9994724

Kek, keep samefagging you retard, you're totally tricking us again.

>> No.9994764
File: 40 KB, 716x352, wysker2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wysker is unironically the best buy on Idex right now. If you want some low cap bags, buy wys. As market sentiment recovers this summer wysker will boom in popularity and eventually the token price will reflect it's usage.

>> No.9994767

you guys always end up fudding your own shills pathetic post pics of your purchases using shytsker faggots. No one bought shit using 1.0 no one will buy shit with 2.0

>> No.9994801

Sauce or better a name pretty fucking please anon

>> No.9994826
File: 113 KB, 667x690, 1526777930786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would i buy shit when I could put my money in wys and buy 100x more in a year? Last thing I bought online was a hdmi cable 6 months ago. I've definitely found plenty of things I like in what is effectively a demo and imagine I will end up buying a couple of things once I play around with 2.0 and the geolocating is working. Come on buddy, you know 2.0 is gonna be a huge improvement as you surely saw the announcements yesterday since you follow the TG so obsessively.

>> No.9994887

nah you guys have been waiting for 2.0 forever.. it will be just an improved demo, keep stacking up on hdmi cables faggot. last thing i read here was tobi said no geolocation yet until a good while lul

>> No.9994914

Muh 2.0 Muh 2.0
ceo also shills his shit prolly in here right now shilling to sell his bags

>> No.9994924

Wysker has a cute logo so I'm buying

>> No.9994963
File: 72 KB, 490x427, 1524993949903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep stacking up on hdmi cables faggot

Absolutely rekt. How will I ever recover?
Again, betraying the fact you're quite up to speed on the ins and outs, though another blatant lie. Just give up and kys. You don't deserve the sweet gains wysker will bring.

>> No.9994970

>that 40 year old boomer that thinks cat branding will appeal to millennials

>> No.9995077

>That pathetic samefag that has fuds a coin but paying out a few of the top holders...

Sorry for your pathetic life bro.

>> No.9995113


No, you're a fucking shilling street shitting subhuman american, like all the others in your shill group.

Your "WYS" tokens will be worth 0 soon enough because nobody else is buying your trash shill crap

>> No.9995205
File: 407 KB, 220x220, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So wrong, again. Keep trying though, hopefully some bizraeli's can see your absolute bullshit as a buy signal from a greedy whale.

>> No.9995342

Yiu are putting all your eggs in one basket by waiting for 2.0 thinking it is going to be the second coming. In reality you will see X2 if your are lucky and than a massive crash once when the app only has 1k downloads.

>> No.9995449

Nah, I got plenty of other bags. I know this app will be the killa app for crypto though. They've already given apple a bunch of material to be featured in the apple store.

>> No.9995937


Whales in Bangalore

>> No.9996199
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 1510568033273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your words have lost all meaning, cocksucker. Put it to rest for the day.