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9990095 No.9990095 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen if he made recreational smoking and even growing weed legal in the US? The cartels would go ballistic, they'd be losing out billions

>> No.9990129

Weed markets' soo oversaturated, Oregon has 3x supply than their demand, Canada has soo much weed busting at the seems all the investors are selling this shit on black markets as they're losing money since there's so much weed floating around an not enough locations it's legal. You missed the weed bubble EOY 2017

>> No.9990192

Why Didn't you but ACBFF in 2016?

>> No.9990348
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Thats why you invest in companies that make value added products, not just raw fucking nugs you dumbass

go look into EMMBF and NMUS bioscience. weed drinks, extracts, oils, sprays, and pills will be the future of this market. Even better, FDA-approved cannabinoids. This will disrupt the entire pharmaceutical industry by offering products with higher efficacy and LESS SIDE EFFECTS than current drugs. we're on the verge of a huge multi billion dollar revolution and you are all too brainlet to understand

>> No.9990510

It'll never happen. Marijuana will go legal in a few extra states but since it's a political impossibility for legalization on a federal level (and no the STATES Act doesn't count) it'll always be crippled.

>> No.9990511

what do you think I'm in?? CBD oils and extracts are where its headed but it's now all comoditized

>> No.9990515

It'd certainly help with the immigration problems more than a fucking WALL would.

>> No.9990567

It's all part of the (((their))) plan. You ever heard of the fiction drug soma?

>> No.9990598

You know he's going to before the next presidential election. It's a super card that would get the weed people, and a new sales tax that could offset income tax cuts. It's the only move for a smooth operator like Trump

>> No.9990606


Cartels have started diversifying. They have more wealth than they know what to do with. They own property in the resort towns, and businesses that contract with the government. They'd lose money for sure if drugs were gone, but they've aged as far as criminal organizations go. In a way they're becoming institutionalized wealth now.

>> No.9990624

News flash. A huge majority of the weed being smoked in the US is already coming from legalized states.

>> No.9990628

>dude WEED lmao

Fucking retard weed is terrible they are creating an army of zombies, don't worry about it (((their))) agenda is to legalize it

>> No.9990652

Yes, I read Brave New World.
If that's their plan why is it still illegal?

>> No.9990679

lol this. weed being legalized is good for us. it means that we will have an upper advantage over the retards that choose to smoke it

>> No.9990683

Given he hates illegals and MS-13, if he legalizes it he creates a new american industry while weakening illegals and cartels. They won’t be allowed in to benefit from the industry and will resort to selling other drugs but most people are content with just smoking marijuana.

>> No.9990716
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Pol is that way you fucking faggot

>> No.9990774

>You calling him the faggot for keeping his mind sober

>> No.9990830

Trump knows his ratings are terrible.
The millennial and younger generations hate him.
"liberal" minded people hate him.
>inb4 pol
How will he combat that this?
He wants a second term.
Legalize weed in the next 2 years.
Just watch...

>> No.9990854

Weed is infinitely less destructive than the liquid Jew. People should smoke and never drink, never pharma. Losers create negative stoner stereotypes, but the would be losers wether the weed was there or not

That's a great question

>> No.9990892

Its not a great question.
Its an easy fucking answer.
We have a private, for profit prison system.
They get paid on how many people are in the beds.
Let's see, if there's more laws that put people in jail, especially for things they would do otherwise, it keeps the rich richer.
Fucking brainlets

>> No.9990924

Textiles are better, long term. The cotton and linen industry is shitting their collective pants, because hemp is just that good. And all those cheap, plastic ropes out there - buh-bye.

And, you're a dumbass if you think big pharma won't do to weed extracts what they've done to every other drug on the market. I'd be looking at the patent database for them locking down every cannibinoid patent they can think of.

>> No.9990959

Nonsense. They're putting their pot money into meth labs and making bathtub oxies and other drugs. Black market fentanyl is where the money is right now.

They will never be institutional, because none of them live long enough, even the guys at the top.

Do you just make shit up and then just post it?

>> No.9990963

Weed possession is being decriminalized tho. They're only going after the dealers now, you need to be caught with pounds to go to jail

>> No.9990977

>they are creating an army of zombies

Good thing I take xanax and multiple SSRIS, hahahaha degnerate stoners

>> No.9990992

Why are weedbros so insufferable?

>> No.9991001

>wasting all that moeny on overpriced capsules
>not just dabbing


>> No.9991003

He has a 45% approval though, god knows why

>> No.9991039

>People should smoke and never drink, never pharma

how about you dont do any of those things. drinking is fine desu as long as you only do it like once a month. then you can get absolutely smashed and hava good time without any real implications aside from bad hangover the next day or two,

when i smoke weed though, i get brain fog for the next week at least. weed is shit. how many people that /makeit/ smoke weed? almost none.

>> No.9991057

You're right, the FDA approved compounds are the future. Ever heard of GW? Sativex? Drugs that have been under development for decades. Unless you have $50m+ and former pharma execs+politicians on your board you are not going to get in to the new state markets, much less the federal legal industry when it opens up.

>but muh BHO/CO2/distillate extraction process is far ahead of any pharma company can provide

Don't kid yourself.

Wrong, the establishment is already into the industry. Some of Trump's biggest donors own dispensaries and cultivation operations. John Boehner, William Weld, former execs of huge companies are all getting positions at companies now.

That's how legalization will look. An oligopoly of low quality producers (see: Canada) and keeping any unlicensed production, sales, etc illegal. It will carry much more prison time than unlicensed tobacco or alcohol production

>> No.9991064

what a massive faggot

>> No.9991075

GMO weed. They're attacking kratom now. It's so ass backwards. You want fentanyl and the rest of the opioid crisis to be tamed, you don't ban one of the only supplements or herbs that can help with withdrawals. Kratom is even used by people who suffered spinal injuries and report good results. They want us to be drugged up, stupid, and law abiding slaves. Time for this bullshit to finally stop. Start using hemp again and bringing that industry to the front of textiles. Bamboo is good too. So much land available in the country to grow hemp and produce various products like oils. Has hemp oil ever been tested as fuel in vehicles? We could do so much with this shit.

>> No.9991093

not everywhere.
a lot states, sure, but not everywhere is decrim
sure he did

>> No.9991125

Yup, Henry Ford was a big supporter of hemp oil and textiles. Even some manufacturers like Mercedes use hemp as materials for their interior plastics now.

>GMO weed

Yuuup, there are a few companies doing simple stuff with marker assisted breeding and patenting them. It will only get bigger. I doubt Monsanto would get into the med/rec industry as it isn't nearly as big as corn/wheat/onions/etc, but they will probably make GMO hemp to yield more seeds and stalks.

>> No.9991204

Weed is for children. Seen what it's doing to Colorado. Nobody can adult for shit.

>> No.9991232

Worked at a weed firm. Statistics of weed cartels has been going down since medical has been passed. It’s a whale space. They’re getting monopolies of cultivation and dispensary licenses. Reason is because each town has to decide whether or not they’ll alllw weed. So zoned properties sky rocket once the ordinance comes out. The only real space for people to grow is manufacturing space. Oils, products, patches, foods, are the more likelier for success. Why? That’s something you can have intellectual property over.

>> No.9991237

the US is owned by big pharma so probably never.

>> No.9991246

Hemp decriminalized is like suddenly having an endogenous asteroid to farm.

Hemp decriminalized is a problem for the alien black goo nano ai parasite, like the kabaa stone, or Catholic alters, or Khazar bloodline.

>> No.9991284

look up John Stewart. hes working on slow release tabs, set to come out january 2019, all day pain relief with no side effects/risks of OD like with opiates. might go down the FDA path as well with new formulations.

NMUS will BTFO Sativex and GW. check out their pipeline/work. look Ole Miss work they've been doing

>> No.9991288

>making 50 dollars profit on each one sold because youre a faggot

>> No.9991317

Unemployment would be 0%.

>> No.9991324

Legalizing drugs won't solve all your probems; Cartels will all turn to human trafficking and child sex trafficking probably and then continue to compete with each other for territory resulting in an explosion of violence and a sharp rise in murders on both sides of the border.

>> No.9991332

Without Cartel Cash infusion, the 2008 implosion would have ended with heads.

Hsbc, Jpmc, Bofa, WellsFargo, would not exist. Fraud, money laundering, is the business model.

>> No.9991342

how much are those?

>> No.9991351

>Cartels will all turn to human trafficking and child sex trafficking
"Turn" to it? They're already THE pipeline, you idiot. They've been getting Chinese sex slaves and terrorist shitheads across the borders for years.

>> No.9991355
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>hurr lets give up all medical research because some kids in colorado smoke too much weed

>> No.9991378
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you know what you have to do

>> No.9991384

FDA approves cannabinoids. More like their rulings, that have no authority, said cbd show no negative impact. This Doesn’t mean shit if congress can’t declassify weed from a schedule I drug.

But yes. CBD are underrated.

>> No.9991458

Juicing; and other raw edibles of the whole raw plant will become the product.

>> No.9991469

I know Emblem.

They will probably do much better, as their distribution connections are stellar. But do not count out GW, they got all the cannabis IP they need from Ethan Russo and David Watson. Not to mention they have recently added former R&D heads from big companies like Pfizer.

CBD is overrated and is quickly becoming a meme soccer mom cure for everything. Not to say it's useless, but it will become oversaturated soon.

>> No.9991569

Oversaturated ? Not quite. It’s more that the science and brandish has to play catch-up for major adoption. As it is now are these potheads recommending doses or selling bullshit claims. It’s still in its infancy. Akin to bitcoin 2014.

>> No.9991665

Hemp cultivated humanity for millenia, biology was born feeling cannabinoids.

Crypto is the newest tally stick.

>> No.9991699

weed being schedule I, but companies such as NMUS and INMED are going to create synthetically extracted cannabinoids- ie specific cannabinoids (not just whole plant products). if weed is schedule I does that mean all related cannabinoids are also illegal? even if theyre synthetically made?

>> No.9991845

>synthetically extracted

look at synthetically produced instead. hyasynth produces them from yeast, pretty good company

What states was your firm a part of? Why are you not working there anymore?

>> No.9992003

The way the fed law works (sch 1) with cbd, is if the cbd derived from hemp it’s perfectly legal, if it derived from MJ, the cbd could only be derived with a specific set of CBD/THC numbers. Hemp industries is the legal authority case on that. Interesting side note: cultivation of hemp is illegal but the importation of hemp is legal. So whatever company has to follow are compliance issues.

Yeah it’s funny because companies can technically be listed on the stock exchange under that format to be “legal”. ZYNE is a good example of that as well.

>weed lawyer of two years. Then I quit because i hated working with idiot pot head lawyers.

>> No.9992038

Depends on what the DEA decides. There's a company in New Jersey that extracts cocaine from coca leaves, and sells the leaves afterwards to Coca-Cola for their soda, the leaves are perfectly legal once the cocaine is extracted (which is sold to big pharma for products that use cocaine). It's the only company in the US that legally imports coca leaves - with specific license from the DEA. They're the overruling authority.
If the DEA says that they can create the synthetic products, they're good to go.

>> No.9992044

Cali. I like to earn my keep and be professional about it. People i worked for did half ass work. Can’t stand half assing shit. Maybe it’s a learning experience, who knows.

>> No.9992161

Cartels make their money off cocaine and heroin. Weed is something they deal in, but it’s already been squeezed due to the legal marijuana trade in many states. The real powers that want to keep weed illegal are pharmaceutical companies, alcohol conglomerates, police unions, and especially the private prison industry. They spend millions to keep it illegal and have admitted it’s because legal recreational weed would hurt their bottom lines.

>> No.9992207

How the fuck do you make money on fentanyl

You’d just end up killing all your clients.

>> No.9992248

The agenda is commencing.

>> No.9992283


Not true. They only focus on busing dealers, but even it’s decriminalized by state and local law it’s still illegal under federal law, allowing arrests for trivial amounts. Police unions want to keep it illegal for this reason: if they pull somebody over, they can search their car and find weed, which gives them an excuse to not only lock that person up but also seize all their shit (cash, car, property, etc.).

>> No.9992305

I mean if you were working at a firm as opposed to a farm/extraction lab/dispensary I'd stay in the industry unless your management team is doing illegal shit. If your company has an adequate amount of capital, all you need to do is follow regs and you'll survive and become insanely successful in a few years.

>> No.9992314

You must be 12, if you think drug dealers give a fuck about their customers.

And you must be a complete moron to not know about the fentanyl issue in the US, as a recreational drug.

>> No.9992318

Everyone that has millions of dollars smokes weed and gets drunk, but they can also do crazy ass experimental stem cell therapy and many other forms of mental and physical alterations. Seems the human bean just enjoys being intoxicated in some way.

>> No.9992355

You kind of need your customers to be alive to get a consistent income stream.

I always just assumed the fentanyl epidemic were intentional murders.

>> No.9992381


They already have. Cartels don’t worry too much about weed. Human trafficking and harder drugs (coke and heroin mostly) are their bread and butter. They’ve also been buying a lot of legit businesses (and crypto) to use for money laundering. It’s rumored they collectively have stakes in Bitfinex and use that to launder their money.

>> No.9992413

Do you not know anything about drug users? They'll make more. One dies, there's 10,000 more to sell to.

Again, you must be 12 or a complete moron to not understand how this shit works.

>> No.9992427


No. Fentanyl is a prescription pain killer. It’s mostly sold to people who already have high tolerances to opioids from using OxyContin and similar opioids. People do OD and die on it, but they don’t do it as easily as the media would leave you to believe because they’ve already developed serious tolerances to those kind of drugs from years of use.

>> No.9992466

Yeah, just kill everyone. Great business model. As if that isn’t going to have consequences going back to them.

>> No.9992491

Good point. In house counsel for manufacturing is a career move I may go with. That’s the place where they can do real growth.

>> No.9992612

CA started that process a long time ago. We stopped smoking mexican dirt weed a while after mmj was legalized and the cartels have been at each others throats since.
But there's still $ in cocaine, amphetamines and opiates. Those will not be legalized in the near future.

>> No.9992651

Why are you being a butthurt faggot? I don't deal drugs, or sell them. Go whine like a little girl at the people who do. Nobody fucking cares, you pointless sniveling waste of electrons.

>> No.9992843

Tetra BioPharma will break out in near future. But don't tell anybody. It's a secret.

>> No.9992888

I agree, but NMUS will do better overall. theyre dealing with more than just muh cancer pain

>> No.9993004

It's interesting here, once pot was legalized...nobody talks about it anymore. They just go buy it, and smoke it.

It's almost as if smoking pot was something people did to be edgy tryhards. Or something. "Oooh, look at me, I'm a rebel, I smoke pot!"

I voted to legalize it, don't use it myself, and am fine with how it's playing out, it's just interesting how boring it is now, now that it's legal.

>> No.9993260

Correct. One of the reasons the war on drugs has been total failure. Whole theory of it was that, if drugs were legal, you'd get chaos in the streets. Only people causing chaos in the streets are leftists and blacks protesting Trump and police involved shootings of good boys who didn't do.

>> No.9993286

They would probably move onbto other avenues of money, like heroin, meth, xtc, other hard drugs

This is why guns should never be banned, imagine if the fucking cartels had the monopoly of firearms sales

>> No.9993391

They do, stupid. Why does everything have to be explained to you, idiot?

Guns are imported and MADE in Mexico and South America, for the cartels, and then sold across the border. Where do you think niggers get guns? From the Sons of Anarchy larpers?

Just with one model, the Colt M1911, there's a flood of bootlegged guns flooding the market. I want one, and will only buy one that's provable to have been made by Colt, because most guns show and private sales are shit counterfeits made down south or in Asia.