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998668 No.998668 [Reply] [Original]

Which programming language should I learn if I want to have a finance related job?

Which programming language will get me a job the fastest? Any job that is.

>> No.998670


>> No.998671

We use Python to create trading algorithms on our team.

>> No.998674

How long would it take for someone to become proficient in programming?
Taking into account I'm good with maths and logical thinking and willing to practice every day.

>> No.998680


A year or 2 of every day coding is generally about right to be at a "professional" level of skill. Most companies are going to want 3-5 years experience but you can blow them away with a good porfolio

>> No.998685

Professional dev here:

Java, Python, C# are used in banking/finances.

Actually it doesn't really matter if you're a total noob because if you learn one inside out you can learn another in an hour.

C is beautiful and all but its completely useless unless you plan to get into hardware and vidya (but thats also C++)

>> No.998686
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well I guess it's time to git gud

>> No.998687

>finance related
Don't they just use Excel all day long? Learn that. Also

>> No.998695

Also I'd like to say that noobs and normalfags often talk about "coding" but this is a retarded concept.

Learning a language is one thing, but learning the API's, the libraries and tools etc. is another.

You wont be a Java programmer for example without knowing shit like GIT/SVN, Maven/Gradle, a framework of your choice (Spring for example), knowing various databases and platforms, operation systems, and of course then you have the theory part i.e. algorhitms and math.

You wont get a job unless you know all this, and especially at start ups because they are known for looking for the know-it-all geniuses (who dont exist of course).

>> No.998901

If you want to work with current infrastructure and learn something extremely versatile, C and C++

If you want to hold an old world torch and get paid tons of money for writing in literal tribal runes, but not be able to do anything else besides maintain relics from the 70s, FORTRAN

>> No.998911

Can someone offer advice?

I create algorithms and programs in my spare time with a range of languages using Python/R/C++ and also can use VB6 and MATLAB. I've built regression analysis series for currency markets, forecast models, arbitrage crawlers and site scrapers.

Problem is, I'm an mech engineer with no professional experience in programming. How do I go about showing my CV to an algo job?

>> No.998912

>Which programming language will get me a job the fastest? Any job that is.

if you've got some maths/finance knowledge then:


banks run on spreadsheets, getting a job as an excel monkey could be the quickest way in... learning C++ as well is useful but that isn't something you can achieve quickly, VBA on the other hand is

if you've not got the maths skills/finance knowledge then you're probably better off learning Java and trying for a general IT role, scala is also being adopted across banks

if you've gott deep stats knowledge or similar then python, R etc.. are useful but this is a moot point as if you'd already likely know R if you were a statistician

>> No.998919

Java is for fucking retards.

Why would you ever learn Java when C# exists?

>> No.998921

you probably don't.... doing some hobby coding probably isn't going to cut it for the software engineering roles and doing a bit of regression analysis and having some basic undergrad maths from an engineering degree isn't likely to cut it in a researcher role

you're probably better off either getting some professional dev experience or getting some post grad education in a relevant area: Statistics, Machine Learning, Signal Processing etc... then again doing a PhD just to land a job isn't a good idea ither

>> No.998926


>> No.998929

because it is used in lots of enterprise systems and there are dev roles in banks that require it

why you'd want one of these roles is another matter but the OP might

>> No.998933

That's odd considering C# is basically a better Java in every single way.

>> No.998949

where is the money?

>> No.998963

The language yes, the platform, no.

>> No.998966

Well that's disappointing somewhat. I suspect it would be like starting again, but fucking engineering is sucking the life out of me right now.

>> No.998975

>where is the money?

Huh? .net developers are quite high in demand and make quite a bit of money. Look at some job postings.

>> No.998977
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Nobody has mentioned R. What a bunch of faggots that doesn't know shit.

OP if you want to get into financial engineering or any sort of job that deals with big data, then you have to know R. Finance is nothing but statistics, and everybody uses R to quickly build models, graphs, etc.

Also risk management trading systems and other research projects are coded in Python usually.

C# is most popular among companies that develop trading platforms.

Java is used for market data pricing systems, order book platforms, etc.

C++ is most popular among HFT firms.

Pick something and get really good at it. You don't need to know everything. They hire different people for different things and you'd just be wasting your time trying to be average at everything. Finance isn't your one retard that manages an entire shitty apartment complex.

>> No.998983

>has mentioned R
Thanks for not reading the thread, kai, thx.

>> No.998985

better for developing enterprise software to be deployed on unix/linux servers?

>> No.998987

>better for developing enterprise software to be deployed on unix/linux servers?

Mono exists, and it's getting consistently better because Micro$hit is making it more and more opensource and actively fixing bugs.

>> No.998990

specialist stuff


FPGA programming

decent C++ devs will be well paid

on the other hand Java or C#, well every other graduate from India can program in java or C#

>> No.998992

enterprise software not desktop apps....

>> No.998995

COBOL, JCL, DB2 SQL, other zOS utils

>> No.999007

That's pretty meme like.

C++ is also a nightmare and has a million ways to shoot yourself in the foot if you're not a pro dev with 10+ years of experience.

>> No.999036

My comp sci professor worked in the finance industry and he used C++

I'm sure for the crazy HFT stuff they use C for speed, possibly even some assembly

>> No.999040

>My comp sci professor worked in the finance industry and he used C++

>Oh you want to access the 7th element of an array of only 3 elements? HERE YOU GO
>Oh your program has numeric overflow which completely fucks everything up? Here you go :^)
>Oh you wrote a bunch of unsafe pointer arithmetic? no problem it just has a bunch of vulnerabilities and memory leaks

>> No.999078

>looking for the know-it-all geniuses (who dont exist of course).

>tfw I'm a full stack java developer

I can work anywhere. It's comfy.

>> No.999082

It doesn't matter if someone can do it in india when you can do it in the US. Companies that are hiring programmers are not looking to contract shit out to a team of indians, they're looking to hire a programmer.

>> No.999617

>Don't they just use Excel all day long? Learn that.
I've been told the same, along with V Basic.

>> No.999646

Thats not know it all. They usually look for guys who are:

early 20s
10 years experience
knows 10 platforms without ever needing documentation
math genius
nerd who doesnt ask for much money

But what do you expect from a bunch of finance guys who think Mark Zuckerberg is the epitome of a good developer?

>> No.999666

Is that infographic correct? Those salaries seem a bit high, do programmers really hit six figures?

>> No.999668

the average gets pulled up by "rock star programmers" that get paid 6-7 figures for their expertise. in ordinary places a salary might be like $50k but in places like los angeles it could be $100k+ even for entry-level or mediocre programmers and developers.

nice digits btw

>> No.999684

I think you missed the point

Java and C# are known by lots of people - the poster asked where the money was... well it isn't having a skill set that loads of people have

on the other hand a good C++ dev can earn a heck of a lot more in finance working on projects where performance is critical

>> No.999687

so what

the question wasn't what is tricky to work with it was where the money is...

the big money in techie roles in finance is for specialist skill sets that are used in the actual process of generating alpha - the guys working on the back office or accounting or risk systems aren't the most valuable.... the guys who's contribution affects the performance of a trading system or allows researchers to better find alpha is much more valuable

>> No.999689

to put this into context a 'good' C++ dev with the right finance experience could potentially earn up to £2000 a day

a good Java or C# dev with finance experience is more likely to be on £500 a day and working on rather mundane IT projects

>> No.999710

Scala is king
Use protobufs and do your computation and manipulation in Scala