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9984557 No.9984557 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people act like inflation is 6% per year? From 2014-2017 inflation averaged 1.424% For the USD. Inflation hasn't been high in years.

>> No.9984606

House price

>> No.9984684


A special link for a special retard.

>> No.9984697

Inflationi numbers are mostly fabricated. The real inflation is student debt, housing prices, constantly increasing prices for consumer goods.

>> No.9984718

Inflation's around 2.5-3% nowadays: https://www.bls.gov/charts/consumer-price-index/consumer-price-index-by-category.htm

And if you're in a market for a house, or an education, or gas to commute with....by definition the CPI underweights that shit. Massively.

>> No.9984728

US keeps other countries at gunpoint to keep the current exchange rates while printing more money. You can't really tell how much is actually in circulation.

>> No.9984748

cost of housing
cost of education
cost of living

>> No.9984769
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The reason the USD isnt worthless monopoly money is the fact its the world reserve currency, the petrodollar, and I swear to fucking God we will Gadafhi you if you ever try to not use it anymore. Youre gonna buy it, use it, and like it you little bitch.

>> No.9984790

That's the official inflation rate, yes. But you have to account for all of the elite shitbags with access to 0% interest from the fed and benefit from "first use" of that newly created money only to splash the remnants onto the general public which does the exact same thing as inflation. This has been happening for decades and it's absolutely criminal. Check out Max Keiser he does a great job of breaking this down. Machiavellian economics has been the name of the game for decades

>> No.9984813

Watch Max Keiser explain the Cantillion Effect


>> No.9984948

>cost of housing
Live with family for free, or have a roommate.
>cost of education
It's extremely easy to go to a 4 year college debt free, or with sub 10k debt. In states like Florida good state schools like UF, or USF are only 5k per year tuition.
>cost of living
Stop being a consumerist.

>> No.9985158

could you be any more of a NEET faggot?

>> No.9985160

All things considered, I would say that it is far easier for a well-adjusted young person in 2018 to work and live independently on his own income, with far greater work benefits and hours, than ever before in US history. When compared to the average life in the 1950's, much of our modern 'necessary' purchases are extravagant and truly unnecessary. The white picket fence single family home with one breadwinner and one homemaker is not impossible, and with all the modern gadgets and scaled economy, is much easier to accomplish. The cost comes in the form of a cultural shift to massive McMansions, SUVs, fast food, etc. These are all personal choices.

>> No.9985187

As long as you don't start to do retarded shit like the Gayro crowd, USD every day

>> No.9985223

Because they are lolbertarians and they have to think that inflation is insanely high, official stats are manipulated and dollar is about to become valueless