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9981837 No.9981837 [Reply] [Original]

>just got diagnosed with HIV

what next?

am I fucked?

does it matter?

is it the next cool thing?

cheer me up biz and let me know how you feel.

im kinda upset. im only 20.

>> No.9981845

I assume you already got fucked. How’d you get it?

>> No.9981855

HIV isn't even a big deal anymore
it just has normie stigma attached to it
you'll be fine

>> No.9981871
File: 270 KB, 727x1083, 1529407366372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking 50 big ass pills per day is not a big deal

>> No.9981890

I think you can't have kids, but I could be wrong.

>> No.9981894

it's 1 pill and no it's not a big deal unless you're an alien robot and don't already eat 3 times per day

>> No.9981907

false. HIV doesn't transmit to the newborn baby, and if you take the pills it doesn't transmit to your partner either.

>> No.9981928

are you a tranny faggot? Your immune system gets worse and you take more pills as you get older
have fun with your death

>> No.9981960

salty incel detected

>have fun with your death
kek didn't know incels lived forever, thanks for informing me

>> No.9982019

I didn't know that straight people even got HIV. who did you have to fuck without a hat on to get AIDS now a days?

>> No.9982123


>> No.9982265

Take your meds, and in five to ten years there will be a cure. I know it sucks, but try to look at look at the bright side. You’ll still be alive, young and healthy when a cure is available.

Keep fighting the good fight, OP. Best of luck.

>> No.9982329

Depending on how early you were diagnosed there are actually some post exposure treatments that you should probably try such as Truvada. Otherwise, you'll be taking the ART therapy. Do you know what combination of zidovudine, tenofovir, emtricitabine, nevirapine, raltegravir, lopanavir you're currently on (these aren't the only drugs you might be taking but just the ones that come to mind)? Overall, with a viral load under 50 or so you shouldn't be contagious and can live a healthy sex life, moreover, if you keep an eye on your lymphocyte count and initiate prophylaxis at key intervals (starting at 500 or so for a lymphocyte count) you'll stay healthy. The most dangerous sign for your condition to develop esophagitis due to candida albicans since that usually means you're kinda fucked. Best of luck anon and I'll field any questions the best I can.

>> No.9982388

10 posts in and we have a perfect example why faggots are not ok. they get infected with a deadly disease, and their concern isn't even "did i mess up" or "what is this going to cost", but "can i keep getting a cock in my butthole". they view the people they call partner as masturbation aids, and lack any empathy. nevermind that HIV medication over a lifetime costs 7 figures to society, it's clearly more important to treat a nihilistic, psychopathic fag than to fund education, infrastructure, or even just healthcare for people who didn't get their illness by willfully spreading their asshole and fucking random strangers without protection
this is the ultimate truth on "live and let live": their shit does affect you. we live in a society, not as hermits. HIV would have never existed if niggers didn't fuck monkeys in the middle of the 20th century, HIV would have never spread if kikes didn't import niggers to America and Europe, and HIV would have been extinct long ago if faggots didn't fuck each other in the ass causing anal fissures with a much greater risk for infection, coupled with a rampant culture of casual sex and even bugchasing
images of men kissing each other evoke in straight men a subconscious reaction of disgust equivalent of watching a rotting corpse. there is a reason for that. your biological instincts try to protect you from disease and death no matter how much brainwashing society puts you through

>> No.9982410

rope yourself faggot

>> No.9982427

How did you get it OP

>> No.9982432

green ID

>> No.9982435

>actual doctor answering questions respectfully
did i accidentally stumble onto rebbit? yeesh.

>> No.9982436

While I agree with your sentiment, at this point it is perfectly possible for him to have caught it from a woman. Not to mention the fact that condoms are only 97% effective in preventing pregnancy and less effective in protecting against HIV. What if the guy is married and his wife cheated on him and that's how he got it? What if he got raped by some degenerate chimp? Without knowing more context we can't really say anything about anyone with HIV at this stage since the demographics (while still completely gay skewed) include more of people who aren't degenerate scum.

>> No.9982444

I had to diagnose a child with cancer today and tell the family so I'm not in a particularly dick mood. I'm just trying to unwind and be helpful.

>> No.9982451

>10 posts in and we have a perfect example why faggots are not ok. they get infected with a deadly disease, and their concern isn't even "did i mess up" or "what is this going to cost", but "can i keep getting a cock in my butthole"
checked those dubs, but explain where someone even said anything about sex except >>9981907
which was more of a matter of fact relating to transmission on the whole

>> No.9982466

checking those trips. my solemn condolences anon, you keep doctoring away. despite not being /biz/ related you are making the board a better place with quality posting.

>> No.9982479

>im kinda upset
Nigger you better fucking be upset you’ve got aids

>> No.9982482

o snap nigger u got the aids

>> No.9982494


Hey doc, I've had a deviated septum since I was a child (21 now) My insurance is blue cross blue shield. Do you think they would still pick up the bulk if I got a cosmetic operation under the same knife? I hear they call it something too when they do both at the same time.

Also, I take biotin, zinc, a multi, maca, and l-arginine daily, should I add or cut anything from there?


>> No.9982498

Anon are you straight or gay? Just curious.

Didn't know people still got HIV often anymore outside of shithole countries. At least I'm pretty sure there will be a cure someday. It just means you won't be able to be as promiscuous I guess.

Thread makes me glad I stick with one partner and that person is a complete fuckup who no one else would wanna fuck, lol...

>> No.9982519

lol, right. Have fun telling that to a girl you're interested in. Not that it would matter since OP is a literal faggot.

Just because you read "lol HIV is cool now, don't be so judgemental!" in Vice or similar Jewish garbage, doesn't mean the rest of society doesn't see an HIV positive person as the disgusting degenerate they are.

>> No.9982532

Nature at work, you caught a lethal disease via voluntary sexual degeneracy (prostitution or homosexuality or the mental illness when men pretend to be women) and you should be left to die. The only tragedy that instead of people who deserve and need medical attention through no fault of their own a human plague carrier like you will have it wasted on them.

Hope you die soon.

>HIV isn't even a big deal
>no it's not a big deal

Plague carrier. should be put on an island with the rest of them and left to die. Not a big deal?

>> No.9982533

You're taking vitamins what for? I'm not too savvy on insurance but my general understanding is if you have an HMO you're kinda fucked in terms of having free choice in treatments and plans since they exclusively stick to their network and require referrals for everything and won't cover treatments that aren't supported by current evidence based medical practices. If you have a PPO then they probably would cover it so long as you have a good enough reason. For example, I've heard of some kids getting some cheek operations while getting a cleft palate corrected, but if it's a completely different operation I doubt it. You'll have to speak with the surgeon and see what their experience is and you'll probably have to ask your insurance.

>> No.9982579

>At least I'm pretty sure there will be a cure someday.
HIV integrates itself randomly into your DNA and potentially goes dormant for extremely long period of time. It's basically impossible to get it all out of your system. So at the very least it's guaranteed to stay with you for life and will always be there to opportunistically kill you in a weakened moment. Even that guy who had a bone marrow transplant that seemingly wiped out the disease for a decade or so had his come back.
We'll probably figure out ways to genetically engineer white blood cells to keep it under control but it'll still be there, dormant, waiting.
Remember to take your PREP, anon.

>> No.9982595

>y-you don't have HIV, you must be incel

You're a fucking retard.

This, OP should do the world a favor and neck himself desu. Stream it for us.

>> No.9982604

If we could kill all of the fags, how long would it take for faggot culture to infiltrate society again?

>> No.9982622

How many dicks did you take up the ass before you were diagnosed? you'll never be with a half-decent woman again, but i'm sure there are plenty of bug chasing trannies who would more than welcome your AIDS tainted dick.

>> No.9982694

>Remember to take your PREP, anon.


>> No.9982699

>prostitution or homosexuality or the mental illness when men pretend to be women


>> No.9982787

How many faggots taking daily pills for diseases caught through their 'lifestyle' or scum who use prostitutes necking expensive pills does it take to break a health system.

>> No.9982796

>If we could kill all of the fags, how long would it take for faggot culture to infiltrate society again?

It a natural process by which self grown mental defectives are selected out of reproduction. Killing them won't help that. Picking an island and dumping them on it will.

>> No.9982844
File: 39 KB, 719x543, Dibujo%205a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just like tom hanks in that movie now. Well done you degenerate fuck.
(melancholic choking out under respirator in hospital follows)

So what was it, abusing impoverished and desperate child prostitutes or mentally ill men dressed in women's clothes? Or was it mental confusion about what your cock was for and sticking it in another mans bleeding anus or did he stick it in yours?

How did you get pregnant with death?

Have you considered getting HIV tattooed on your forehead, because that's the only possible compensation to the rest of humanity you can make for being a plague carrier.

>> No.9982982

We would be the best of friends anon

>> No.9982990

Disgusting. See if they'll prescribe roids.

>> No.9983054

Stay positive

>> No.9983100

Depends what country you live in.
If its a western country with good medical you will still have a long life. Hiv is manageable these days.

>> No.9983119


>> No.9983181

Just move to California. They passed a law so that there is no penalty if you don't disclose your HIV status to your partners.

>> No.9983184

kys faggot

>> No.9983191

>HIV integrates itself randomly into your DNA and potentially goes dormant for extremely long period of time. It's basically impossible to get it all out of your system.
edit cells so they can recognize the HIV sequence and prevent it from replicating. new cells replicate a provirus in nature, but once we have genetic editing fully unlocked (and "get" protein folding, and understand how DNA encodes functions) we can have the infected cell create a protein which recognizes the provirus encoded in it and snips it out of the new cell as it replicates.

we dont have the technology to do this yet, but we might in a couple decades.

>> No.9983429

I saw that TED talk too.