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9980882 No.9980882 [Reply] [Original]

We are still early adopters in the same sense people who bought during the dotcom bubble were early adopters.

>> No.9980892

Assuming it goes up again like that did.

>> No.9980901

Right, this is my concern.
I'm pretty sure NASDAQ went up like this recently because of USD printing, not actually because of increase in value.

>> No.9980913

it will and much higher, it's beyond me people still not understand it

>> No.9980927

Something better than blockchain/bitcoin could come along. Or maybe we've already seen the peak and it turns out there's not enough real use cases. Could be anything.

>> No.9980937 [DELETED] 
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ok esmeralda

>> No.9980991

blockchain is a meme

>> No.9981017

just hold your bags for 15 years and you'll be even.

>> No.9981039
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From gold, to cash, cash to checks, checks to card, card to chip, chip to phone, phone to digital.
>You are here.

Toknization of wealth is truly the next step in our society- We are just getting started guys.... Like, for instance.. Instead of buying GOOG stock, i bought GOOG token... same thing, easier to move, never closes, instantly trade-able and trans actionable - Can be redeemed at google for shit. Theres just too many possibility with this new style of market... And that is exactly what we are seeing here. Its a emerging speculative market that truly doesn't know where its headed, but its understood that it will be around.

Look, for instance.. in my mine of work i talk to alot of people.. Alot, and i know a few traders, brokers and a protofilio investors. Ive spoken with them and they all tell me the same thing which is " Yeah crypto is gonna be around, and it will find uses, but i cant tell people to invest in it yet its too volitiate and has no regulation" - So if these people who deal in finance daily all agree upon this, but are told not to by their boses to invest into it because the green light has not been given yet. We are defenily 100% going to see this market space explode exponentially.

Especially once you see products that are build of this marketplace that have uses- Whatever X token / Coin is just the backend product, people can use a service/app or whatever daily and not even know the entire thing is build on LINK - Thats what crypto is - Sure we might trade litecoin for a pack of smokes- But whats probally gonna happen is your gonna put your dollar into a casino and play a game and the entire backend of the machine will be run on the FUN network for all you know.

its a completely new marketplace... there are those who see it and those who dont. Crypto opens too many doors .

>Truthfully, i dont think bitcoin will be done growing until it absorbs most of the worlds fiat because that is in a sense why it was made.

>> No.9981048

Have fun waiting 15 years to reclaim prior highs

>> No.9981078

>Comparing memes to real companies

Crypto toddlers are a joke

>> No.9981114
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> HODL by bags

>> No.9981152

Now adjust for inflation

>> No.9981161


>> No.9981174


.com was a much smaller, slower moving market- it was something new and exciting that attracted people and grew into the internet as we know today. BUT it was a different time, this time around we have faster networks, MUCH faster networks- people have the entire internet in the palm of their hand with a smartphone and information travels freely and faster, updates are quicker, news spreads like wildfire.

If you think 18 years later the speed at which technology advances isnt a huge game changer then your deluded. Swapping from a 56k network to fiber optics. Going from a group of dudes in a basement who build a linux system with zero prior knowledge vs someone who grew up on this and went to a 4 year school to learn exactly how to write a if-then-else or setup an array IS HUGE.

We aren't pioneering in a sense that bringing the web online was pioneering- at this point we are refining the web and tailoring it to fit our needs... application of this technology and its idea can be implemented and executed as a exponentially faster time frame then back in 2000

Waiting 15 years is not even on the table...

>> No.9981197

this system is superior for long-term storing of value, there is no fiat. there is no inflation. the system already works and has been proven to work.

it's not a function of can it work, it's a question of are we going to let it be destroyed and controlled before it even has a chance?

what possible reason do you have to fud an operation with goals that however absurd, are a legitimate attempt to fight back at the financial status quo, and its need and desire of total enslavement and domination of the planet.

why would you tow the company line and fud such a global project?

>> No.9981206
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Oh and fuck you suck my dick homo.

>> No.9981222
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fucking reddit fags. go home.

>> No.9981267

Not to mention the status and, therefore, psychology of the average investor during the dot com bubble was way different than today. The average man is present in much larger numbers in this market than the dot com era - my guess is that this accelerates the lifecycle of the bubble and therefore the tech. Trends, ideas, companies, networks etc are evolving now at a much faster rate than ever before due to economic pressure and scrutiny from normans, including us. Blockchain has matured much more quickly than the internet and will only continue to move faster going forward

>> No.9981356
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Agreed, the entire market is completely different from back then.
Hell, ive been doing some research about the coming stock market crash coinciding with the growth of the crypto market. But explaining that would be lost on these retards- however... with my last few years of research i have come to believe it wont be a market crash as much as a market shift...

We see the SEC is not flat out killing crypto, huge company's are buying up exchanges - and futures markets are opening on this emergence. coupled with the fact that older company's traded with stocks are falling (sears - toys r us - Kmart ) those mega company's are faltering and being replaced by shit like amazon... buying clothes has been replaced with blizzard micotransations and CS GO skins - Going out for entertainment has been replaced with watching your favorite jewtube or streamfags -

The entire market is shifting digitally; exactly at the time crypto is being seen by the masses; its it a coincidence i think not....
>Pic related

>> No.9981402
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Stop using logic and let OP live in his own bubble.

20 years of round about 3% inflation...it is basically nothing :^)