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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9978502 No.9978502 [Reply] [Original]

The Prince
The 48 Laws of Power

> was a care free neet trader up to February then i lost EVERYTHING spent 2 months contemplating suicide then 2 more reading everything from robert greene
then move on to everything thing from machiavelli and those type got a wage slave job 3 weeks ago fucked over a few people to get ahead and become boss lap dog secretly waiting to bust his throat if needed and now im almost back on my feet


>> No.9978608

Buy a .22LR pistol and shoot yourself in the head with it you degenerate scum.

>> No.9978611

Stoicism is a powerful philosophy for traders.

>> No.9978889

lizard blood fuck

>> No.9979374

One thing none of these books mention or emphasize is that people would remember what you did to them. If you screw them over, be prepared that one day you might encounter them again, but in a position where they have leverage over you.

>> No.9979415

in the 48 laws and in the prince that tell you how to deal with people you fucked over and enemies stop looking at it like you have to kill them and look mat it as destroying their standing with their community so that takes away their power

>> No.9979435

freshly harvested baby brains is the only way to make it

>> No.9979451

Art of War

the price and 48 laws of power are edge tier

>> No.9979462

the prince basically goes over how to do this in high detail, powerful people fucking eachother over constantly.

>> No.9979465

>the price and 48 laws of power are edge tier
those are the stepping stones i wouldnt shit on them they started off so many great people today

>> No.9979514

This implies your enemies haven't read the book.

Pro tip: if you play this game you will inevitably encounter someone smarter and more cut throat than you.

>> No.9979557



Fucking this

The Stoics had it figured out a long time ago, another other style of living is just a footnote

>> No.9979595

>Art of War
Wow, yeah, that part about keeping my army on a hill facing a sun really helped me clinch that 'sales meeting' by which I mean that battle against the Zhou kingdom.

That's what imo Stalin excelled at. He played backroom politics, played the fool, never let anyone think he had too much ambition until Lenin died - and (to some extent, he did hurry it along) then he did what in Australia we call a Bradbury: just stood back and let everyone else take each other out.

I can't think of many other people like that though, I suppose by design.

>> No.9979600
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>This implies your enemies haven't read the book.

that makes the game even more fun when i start reading these books and thought about what if others i start going through all my relationships



>> No.9979619

Probably gonna get diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and am absolutely livid. I too am looking for methods to conquer the planet in revenge OP

>> No.9979640

i'm into it so i can learn how to avoid it, recognize it and beat it. i have no interest in being a powerful business magnate. that's degenerate. i have to learn to protect myself from these types.

>> No.9979675

>3 weeks.

>mfw it's all in OP's head people just think the new guy is a weird asshole.

>> No.9979703

>48 laws of power
More books please! Some weeks ago there was a great thread about /biz/ books

>> No.9979721

This ironically

>Doesn't mention progress with women
>Doesn't mention business pursuits
>Climbing a corporate ladder
>Doesn't mention end goal

>> No.9979739

How does that work? You fucked over some people but most businesses rely on trust and cultivating good relationship with customers.
I don't see how this can work unless it's a one time sell like real estate for most people.

>> No.9979909

Exactly, as soon as you break people's trust, these stupid tricks won't work. The only reason these "laws" worked back then was because people were less informed and communication was more difficult.

>> No.9979938
File: 28 KB, 600x328, 555comeonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon... you know that The Prince is supposed to be satire, right?

>> No.9979975


I don't think that's been confirmed, I've heard that theory though.

The part about being feared rather than loved as a ruler actually struck a chord with me and made a lot of sense. Not that you should apply that logic to a business relationship, but to some relationships. It's the ideal relationship for a parent-child, for instance. And it's called "God-fearing" for a reason, people obeyed back when they were scared of God.

>> No.9979995

Yes, a lot of people are quite smart nowadays.
The remaining manipulation techniques are mostly about hive creation, where the affected don't recognize they are affected.

>> No.9980033
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>> No.9980063

What's your line of work, what's your IQ, and give a specific example of how you used one of the principles to your benefit.

>> No.9980068


doesnt matter it grab me at the brink of suicide and gave me back the drive i lose

>> No.9980235
File: 136 KB, 1819x460, 5431465136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you're way past trying to vote your problems away but
Democracy: The God That Failed
Toward Perpetual Peace and Other Writings on Politics, Peace, and History
Maybe that sounds like pussy shit but consider aiming for something better than the next neck to step on.
And Meditations for sure.

>> No.9980354

i live in a corrupted 3rd world country was thinking about gettign into politics but only if the /biz doesnt work

>> No.9980421

i work in one of the countries ministry all bureaucracy and bullshit office types

> Apply 48 laws or the prince in this environment & it easy to climb

>> No.9980444

you like the feeling of touching your keyboard?

>> No.9980497
File: 103 KB, 800x800, 1525921095935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on mdma you feel an uncontrollable urge to communicate with anyone and my GF IS SLEEPing

>> No.9980511

so its just me and you


>> No.9980540

The only time I've ever done MDMA alone was when I licked some residue when I wanted to see what it was like editing videos alone.
>totally worth it btw
Otherwise I couldn't imagine doing it without other people around, more specifically without other people on drugs about. I'll have caps sitting in my draw for weeks.

>> No.9980601

was gonna take it and go down on the beach with my GF but after i take it and was giving her one she said she need to push out a project tonight

so ill here with you losers waiting for the world to burn sso we can meme it

>> No.9980620

Had a point of mdma for 3 years. Rare to find it so saving. I tried to talk to my ex on it and she was pissed she didn't have it and that I was warming up to her. It would be amazing to have an awesome time with someone on it. Never did raves. mdma at the crib is chill with a good stereo.

>> No.9980653

I thought you said she was sleeping? Oh no matter.
What's book do you think is the essential 'power' book?

>> No.9980654
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nice one, hope you have a relaxing time

>> No.9980663

never went to parties buy fucked "MADE DEEP LOVE to my gf on it in the beach i rather spending time with people that raving on it

>> No.9980690
File: 11 KB, 177x285, sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know its played out BUT make this book your foundation and you will ALMOST all batters and the one you lose will teach yu to strike again

>> No.9980753

Yeah I've already read it twice. All it taught me was
>All war is deception
>Never use the same tactic twice - musical notes
>Know your capacity and your enemies
>Avoid wars of attrition, but don't go into a battle unless you have more reserves than the enemy.

All the stuff about marshlands and fighting in the morning and 'when your scouts drink water from the well first, your army is parched.' didn't seem useful.

>> No.9980810
File: 9 KB, 190x266, csds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it wasnt only about war but how men think and how the will respond

did you read this it translate the war part of AOW into practical uses

look into Scott Adams he is the master of translating these things

>> No.9980831

anon please don't do Mdma it kills your brain

basically what I learned from art of war is to treat entering a position as entering a battle and to treat holding or closing a position as staying in battle or retreating etc

>> No.9980861

>look into Scott Adams he is the master of translating these things
"Doo Dooo... Dooop Di Dooo. Hey everybody come in here."
Nah I'm very familiar with Scott Adams self proclaimed hypnotist and the guy who constantly reminds you that 'the facts don't matter', and also Cialdini/Godzilla, Lakoff, Grant Cordone, , Derrida, Aristotle's Rhetoric, Quintilian, and that other Roman Rhetoric book. and a little bit of Chomsky's theories (both linguistic and anti-imperialist), Frank Luntz.

>48 Laws
I have that sitting on my desk right now.
The one thing I've gained from that is the idea of 'Thumbscrews' and it made me feel a little bit better about being 'theatrical'

>> No.9980920

Machiavelli looks like a Wojak

>> No.9980921

Interesting, yeah i think I even remember the passage you're talking about too.
When it comes to power and manipulation - I just think it's not a very 'efficient' source of knowledge that book, I'm now much more into reading biographies of successful people who climbed from nowhere. Then again as you can see here >>9980861 I don't think there is much more literature on persuasion and discourse analysis left for me, and certainly not any more which is going to offer me life-changing insights.

>> No.9981012


I kekd even though this is of course an incorrect misrepresentation of the usefulness of the book.

Also 4 Hour Work Week is the only book you need. Treat it like your bible and you will never need a wagie cuck job. I am living proof. Changed my life.

>> No.9981042

>Also 4 Hour Work Week is the only book you need
Yeah I read a few summaries of it. I think that idea of 'mini retirements' is a startling revelation. However other than that it was utterly useless to me: how the fuck am I suppose to just suddenly get speaking engagements? Fuck that guy.
If I could do that I wouldn't even need his book.

>> No.9981058

Your complete lack of punctuation makes this seem like gibberish

>> No.9981061

>speaking engagements

That is maybe, at most, one paragraph of that entire book. Not even remotely about that.

>> No.9981136

Dude I’ve been thinking this exact thing for a while now

>> No.9981177

That's the part that's relevant to me and also how he became Tim Ferris - through launching his personal brand to release all these books and make the money he has.
I am aware that his book is mostly about how to ease yourself out of a dayjob through progressively building up an online business, and how to develop that business incrementally and iteratively: it offers a lot of tricks on how to price the product, but most importantly tells you what kind of products to go for, and how to do it.
It's not relevant to me and like I said - he sells books and motivational advice, emulating HIM is what I need to do. Not sell freaking candles or plush toys from China.

>> No.9981271

I mean after all this is a thread about Machiavelli and soft power: which is closer to personal branding than it is to small startups on the internet devoid of interpersonal dynamics. And also I didn't misrepresent Sun Tzu, the ambiguity of translation has been used as a kind of business Rorschach test.

>> No.9981275

>tfw I sell plush toys and candles online and have never had a job my entire life and my income is 100% passive

Except it’s not plush toys and is software, but yeah. Im 30, I’ll never work. Good luck with your speaking gigs. Kek.

>> No.9981733
