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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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997757 No.997757 [Reply] [Original]

>doing a 40-hour office week after living the unemployed life for 6 months

Jesus Christ adulthood is horrible

>> No.997760

I know that feel, OP. Had an internship for about 2 months after graduating, and then rode a smooth 2 more months doing absolutely jack shit, and had the time of my life doing absolutely nothing and being comfy as fuck until I got a job to pay the loans.

After living the NEET life, work life is just awful. I finally understand how basement dwellers feel

>> No.997761

you and me both brother

I can't believe I ever used to complain about school

>> No.997765


The only thing that sucks is how restrictive my schedule has become. Living the unemployment life got depressing and my entire summer sucked since I felt like a bum the entire time.

>> No.997766

>40 hours is a long week


>> No.997768

40 hours working for yourself and your future is nothing

40 hours a week to pad the pockets of someone else is draining

>> No.997769
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my wagekek

>> No.997776

>had to take a semester off because I couldn't choose a major
>felt like total shit because I was a NEET
>finally found major that has halfway decent job prospects
>despise it, know I'm going to be fucking miserable
I wish I was able to enjoy being a NEET senpai.

>> No.998220

I get you
>be me 2014 20 yo NEET (was in college but in auto mode)
>madly fall in love with this 25yo engineer
>Country is shit so we decide to gtfo
>she starts her masters in Brazil
>I follow
>now i work 9-18
>study 19-22
>pay rent

Im ok with all this but a part of me want to go back to being a NEET

>> No.998223
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Completely agree, it's pure hell. That's why i quit and jumped on board to a startup for a nice position. More freedom, less hours and can work from home. Working for others means usually the repetitive hell and sucking boss's cock.

>> No.998257

>Living the unemployment life got depressing and my entire summer sucked since I felt like a bum the entire time.
I never had this problem while I was a kid/teenager. I could sit around and watch cartoons, read and play video games all day without feeling guilty. Now if I sit in front of my computer for a couple of hours between dinner and bed, I feel like scum.

What have you don't to me, society?

He never said it was a "long" week. Lern2reed, fagit.

>> No.998267

>not gambling instead of being an office drone
man with all the information out there it really makes me wonder why people prefer working their ass off instead of just placing a few spots bets every day.

>> No.998282

The fuck? Being unemployed is depressing as shit. It's always looking over your head that your days are being wasted and you will end up some old poor person forced to work some shitty job while all your peers and in nice positions.

What you do is get a job at a respected company. You will get paid to learn new things, enhance your skills and network with people. Then in a few years you will have tons of cash saved up, a decent resume and some contacts. If you want you can do a full time startup or even just work on side businesses until something takes off.

Being in an office all day isn't that bad, unless you work in some shitty position and get micromanaged all day long.

>> No.998302


Been there.


started my own business.

It's better on your own.

but yes adulthood is gay as fuck.

>> No.998402

What do you do brah? (Just looking for a vague idea, not asking for your niche).

I'm currently on the office drone life 830-5 with an hour commute each way and I'm honestly reaching the point of being suicidal after a year here. I accomplish nothing and have no prospects for moving up. I'd have no problem putting in the work if i was building something of my own, but I have no idea where to start

>> No.998473

Different self-employed anon. I do online sales mostly.

My advice: Don't quit your job, you need capital to get anything going. So just start doing someone on the side and scale it up until you can live off it.

Other advice: Find a job you hate less. Even if it has a pay cut. Also find something closer to you. 2 extra unpaid hours on the job each day is terrible and retarded.

>> No.998542

I've thought of that, but my career prospects are rather limited. I have a poli sci degree and work in state government, if I leave here there's really no where else to go. I should also add that on top of the commute, the last half hour of my day (and sometimes more) is unpaid but required. Just typing this out makes me realize I really need to get out of here.

Capital is less of an issue for me, I have 30k saved up and 12k in investments, I just don't know how to apply it. When you say you do online sales, do you mean flipping things or do you produce and then sell a product?

>> No.998856

>Being unemployed is depressing as shit. It's always looking over your head that your days are being wasted and you will end up some old poor person forced to work some shitty job while all your peers and in nice positions.
Holy fuck this.

>> No.998892

I posted in another thread, but yes it sucks.

>drop out
>Become cop in metro area
>work 70-80hr weeks for years
>save money and invest in real estate
>start ebay/amazon business
>Now make 150k a year passively
>Back to being NEET in my mid 30s
>shitpost on 4chan and go fishing couple of times a week


>> No.998896

because of social pressure. You feel its your duty to be stable and have a job and to provide and be adult, its the social construct.

>> No.998902

You get paid by the hour?
Get $$ via comission mother-fucker!

>> No.998944

It takes most people until the age of 30 now to have a positive net worth and security fund. Around 35 they've saved up enough to make decent investments, 32 if they skipped kids/marriage.
>So just start doing someone on the side and scale it up until you can live off it.
Best advice for females on /biz/
>Invested in real estate at the start of the bull market
I'm not even mad, I'm glad for you anon.

>> No.998969

I wish I had bought most properties after the collapse but unfortunately it is more like half and half. I bought quite a few at the very height of the market, but I also bought when they were cheap.

Yeah, it's always great to buy when things are dirt cheap, but really in my area there is no appreciation honestly. Most of my properties bought at the crash are worth maybe 10-20k more if that. The houses aren't worth much to begin with.

What I did can and is still done today. I buy for cash flow, not equity.

>> No.998996

I'm jelly anon, I live in MA and the entry point for real estate investing is absurd. 250k for mediocre properties that need repairs and rarely, if ever, rent for 1% of the cost.

Moving to NC in a couple years after I save up enough for a down payment or two.

>> No.999065

You got it...
I just want to be NEET again. Working on my PhD now which is a decent substitute because I get money and can pretty much work remotely and asynchronously. I'll probably kill myself after I'm done though, if I don't find a way to extend this lifestyle by then

>> No.999108

no, you'll be fine. My gf's working on her PhD right now, and getting out into industry is not the worst thing evarrrr like all the PhDs seem to think. You get twice as much money for just as interesting work. "Selling out to the man" is an overgeneralization, there's great companies that actually help people out there.

If you're not a bleeding heart sucker, and think that being nofriends physics researcher or whatever is the best thing evarrr, grow up. Working in labs is exactly the same thing, except you get paid. It's all a fucking scam dude. Grow up.

>> No.999151

nah, I don't care about platitudes like "selling out." I just don't want to work. Maybe 10-20 hours would be ok, but I can't do that in any kind of job that requires any kind of mental capability. so it's looking like suicide right now, although I still have a few years left to find another option

>> No.999161

Switzerland. A vast majority of the population speaks English and they have actual part time work over there. As in "This job pays 200k for 5 days per week. You want to work 2 days per week? Okay, this job pays 80k for 2 days per week."

My aunt was fucking flabberghasted that nobody had that option in America. She fought so hard for a work visa, found out she has to work 40 hours per week or flip burgers, and left.

There really is no reason that the US doesn't offer this option aside from keeping the general population busy. Most companies would thrive from paying people for 3-4 days per week instead of 5.

>> No.999172


I was working as a sales rep at a payroll company. Your basic office job, plus cold calling, and door knocking. Worst job of my life. Money or no, being stuck behind a desk doing something you don't care about is soul sucking.

Anyway, after some bullshit left and right I ended up doing manual labor for this contractor for like 6 months. After I understood the basics of the business, I just went and formed my own LLC. Did a website, some flyers, and started getting customers.

>> No.999181
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what the fuck u smoking :DDD

>A vast majority of the population speaks English

> "This job pays 200k for 5 days per week. You want to work 2 days per week? Okay, this job pays 80k for 2 days per week."


>> No.999195

I don't know what you're laughing about, they do fractional pay. Each day per week is 20% of the base salary.

>> No.999238

Yeah I sell solar d2d, no desk. Best job ever

>> No.999276

Solar guy:

Are you independent or work for a company?
How do you get leads?
How many hours a week do you work and how much do you make or what comission do you make?

>> No.999291


40 hours of working for someone else is pure misery

60 hours is straight out suicide hotline time

80 hours is literally purgatory

>> No.999298

for real? that sounds pretty decent, although I can't find any more info on it. plus immigration there is very difficult, no?

>> No.999329

I'm an independent contractor for a company.
I knock doors (D2D)
I work <20 hrs a week and make $8-10k a month. There a guy's clearing a mill a year in the company.

>> No.1000122

>60 hour warehouse work with only a lunch break and 2 8 minute breaks
>from getting up to getting home it might as well be 72
Just kill me desu.

>> No.1000131

How much would it take you to work 60-80 hrs?
200k? 300k?

>> No.1000141

I used to complain about this until I started earning money and getting promoted. But I think its different for me, I sell capital equipment for a German firm. I travel a lot around the States, so I'm not stuck at a desk.

The one thing I absolutely abhor, more than anything, is the cheap airlines that my company uses for travel. Spirit Airlines. Fucking awful experience, even in business class. Fuck Spirit. If Spirit Airlines was a black man in the deep south during the Recession I would raise a lynching party and hand that son of a bitch from a sycamore tree. That goddamn airlines doesn't have cushioned seats. They don't offer complimentary drinks. Should you want a beverage, you are charged $6 for a goddamn sip. OH YEAH AND THEY'LL CHARGE YOU $50 FOR YOUR CARRY ON . . . TWICE. And my company won't reimburse me for that sometimes. GOD I WISH I WAS STILL A VIRGINAL NEET GRAD WITH NO MONEY LIVING WITH MY PARENTS. FUCK YOU, SPIRIT AIRLINES.

>> No.1000158


>> No.1000166
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I love my job (and it pays relative well) time flies really, within the blink of an eye the workweek is over .. I don't mind working 40 hours a week and would even do more if possible.

>> No.1000183

200k would get me in for 1 year. 300k might keep me for 3-5.

>> No.1000319

I flew spirit once and wanted to kill myself. It was the worst flying experience of my life

>> No.1000359


This is my goal. I got a degree in engineering and I work for the federal government with opportunity for loads of overtime. I plan on working 700-1000 hours OT a year, making >100,000/year, and investing it into real estate and quitting my job in my 30s.

I just turned 23 and if I keep working OT like I am now I'll be making 80,000 this year and 100,000 the year after.

Any advice?

>> No.1000388


>> No.1000461


thats good. sounds like you believe in it.

I hated my product and my company.

fucking life insurance, merchant services, and payroll are the fucking worst shills ever.

>> No.1000471

>fucking life insurance, merchant services, and payroll are the fucking worst shills ever
Add 80% of most SaaS startup companies to the list. There are some good software startups out there, but then there are some poorly managed and tanking companies out there. Most of these operations won't even pay a mediocre base wage.

>> No.1000475


Depends on the job, if it's something I can tolerate then I'd do it forever at the highest price. If it kills my soul I'd do it for 4ish years then drop down. College was basically that anyways.

>> No.1000496

Personally, I'm a guy who can work 16 hours a day all year round(I don't, but I could, still work a lot though), but I'm not the smartest or most innovative. Personally I'd just buy dividend aristocrats(not the fund but the companies) and enjoy that compound interest. That's what I'm doing right now. Unless a meterorite falls I will be retired before I'm 40.

>> No.1000502

How do you do it? I get fucking depressed if I do that. Also people that tend to love to work like you do, never retire early. Not because you won't have the funds, but you're going to be one of the fuckers that works until their 70 and screw over new grads Lol

>> No.1000535

I don't love work. Not at all. I don't hate it either. I just turn that part of my mind of completely and go on like a train. It runs in the family, my father is the same and my grandfather was the same too. I grew up on stories of insane periods of extreme workloads.

Guess I'm an all or nothing person. Working 40 hours or even part time has little appeal to me, but I would really like to be completely free and not work at all except you know with my own stuff like writing a book or fixing my house or whatever.

My average week is probably 70 hours, but I usually take a couple of weeks of around Christmas so the actual average is slightly higher.

>> No.1000546

You sound like me when I was younger. I did this for for about 12 years or so until I had worked and saved enough to be financially independent.

>> No.1000548

I work in the casino industry.

>> No.1000586

That's my goal. And I see no reason why it won't become reality, unless of course a meterorite lands.

>> No.1000593

How much are you making right now?

>> No.1000608

I'm not American, transferred to dollar it's something like 60.000 $ net. Mind you I have no degree or anything, I just work with my hands for a couple of different companies and pull the occassional shift at my dad's firm.

My living expenses per year are roughly 9 k dollarinos.

>> No.1001067
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Get it up to 60 or 80 hours, use the additional capital to get other sources of income. 40 hours leaves you with time but no energy, so your spare time is worthlessness and unenjoyable. 80/60 hours takes up your entire day and you'll realize how little 'relaxation time' you really need.

Build up your shekel pile, get income from other sources, and once it is enough for you, you can quit your job and jerk off at home with almost no work.

40 Hours is the way to stagnation. Do something different if you want out. Hell, you can do it in a completely different way that what I am saying.

>> No.1001071

> get income from other sources
Such as?

>> No.1001078

Stock portfolio, ownership and then renting, start up a company, etc. There are many ways to do it, be creative.

I'm not saying it's easy, shit is going to be hard.

>> No.1001082


Great advice m8.

>> No.1001188

just be neet family