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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 200x200, EOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9975400 No.9975400 [Reply] [Original]

what you see future of EOS

>> No.9975429

literally don't know anything about this coin but people seem to hate it with a passion which is always a good sign, I'm holding a few because of how much hate it gets.

>> No.9975453

lets vote to see it's future. ill start : its shit

>> No.9975461 [DELETED] 

its very cheap now, do you agree?

>> No.9975468

100b MC and 300b Ecosystem

>> No.9975478


EOS is down now about 50 % from its ATH

or do you see it going lower price?

>> No.9975563

most coins are currently down 80-90% from their ATH, some even more than that. no reason EOS won't do the same.

>> No.9975706

POS staking with minimum 100 coins. I'll take some dividends and airdrops.

>> No.9975734

Block.one won’t let this go below $10.

>> No.9975876

>lets vote
Did you staked your tokens before that, sweetie?

>> No.9975927

>the average EOS holder

>> No.9976015
File: 833 KB, 1200x630, eos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9976252

is Mainnet live ? I heard it was the biggest scam and the mainnet would never go live.

>> No.9976705

>unironically shit coin

>> No.9976727

>be eos holder
>get into fight
>punch someone in the face a little too hard
>get thrown in jail for 3 years
>my coins get repossessed

lmao the absolute state of eos'lets

>> No.9976811
File: 7 KB, 235x251, 1524002400122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem I have with EOS is that it goes through all of this "effort" (if you can call it that) to develop a blockchain, while sacrificing the most important aspect of a blockchain, which is decentralization. Instead of just doing the right thing and grinding through the problems to make a great end-user product, they dealt with their scaling and speed issues by just saying FUCK IT, 21 block producers. This gives only a handful of entities complete control over the network. You see it already happening with everyone's funds being frozen involuntarily. This shit is nowhere close to being an Ethereum killer. There is literally no reason to use this platform as a dapp developer because it is a bungled mess and is barely more decentralized than a normal network while having an ocean of separate flaws and problems to go along with it.

Most of the people who bought this piece of shit are edgelords who watch The Dollar Vigilante and actually believed that douchebag's paid shilling of EOS.

>> No.9977270

Outperforms the rest of the top 10 with only possible exemption being bcash

>> No.9977452

will die as soon as the speculators get bored, no one is actually using the network. between the constitution and constant voting to enforce the rules, it's too complicated for mass adoption.

>> No.9977457


>> No.9977491
File: 169 KB, 640x753, Tb6SZ-vy4CUjO4eEcmGpLWLEsmKkqy5DB9R-VK2xRzc[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have a Bingo ITT yet?

>> No.9977504

>t. brainlet

>> No.9977519

Optimistic outcome:
- steemit clone(s) with minor variations
- cryptokitty clones
- twitter on the blockchain
- a failed fork of wikipedia that hopes to prevent death by using eos as a marketing scheme
- decentralized exchanges to trade airdrops for airdrops
Result: lots of transaction with zero economic value. Steemit^2.

Realistic outcome:
Due to completely ignoring security EOS repeatedly gets pwned, during some hack exchanges lose millions and EOS gets delisted.

>> No.9977534

>literally not one single correct thing said
We're still early eos chads! The brainlets will catch on after $70

>> No.9977554

so how am I wrong then? launch only happened because a whale voted the last 4% all at once to push it over 15% since the community had no idea what they were doing. now deps/withdrawals are open so people with start to unstake and dump in 3 days since they're only in it for the money. it literally costs 0.6 EOS to create a new account and literally no one knows how to do it regardless. how does the #5 coin not have a way to create new accounts weeks after launch? they simply don't care, they are just speculators.

>> No.9977556

>t. brainlet

>> No.9977587

It already has more transactions per day than Monero and Zcash lmfao but please don't buy I want /biz/ to stay poor forever

>> No.9977613

Very promising future but EOS people seem to believe the bags I'm more interested in acquiring are for retards so I may not be the best judge.

>> No.9977623

They're also reusing the same technology from bitshares.

>> No.9977626

considering deposits just opened and people want to dump now, yes, of course it has a spike in transactions.

these are literally the average EOS holders, they are almost too retarded to function

those were just on the first page, these posts are constant

>> No.9977707

>lowest drop past 24h among top 10 coins
I'm here only to laugh at you

>> No.9977774

No future

Link 1k EOY

>> No.9978059

god you are a stupid

>> No.9978095
File: 14 KB, 920x116, filedclaimagainstourselves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9978111
File: 22 KB, 818x144, ifnecessaryresign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]