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File: 6 KB, 250x250, coinbene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9974426 No.9974426 [Reply] [Original]

Coinbenes 1 month long promotion of 100% dividend allocation nets a holder of 2k CONI the following

Dividend Calculations:
= (# of CONI you hold / hourly CONI volume) * Exchange Fees

-Exchange Fees: Assume 0.005 rate and $100,000,000 daily volume.
-Dividends are provided in ETH every 24 hours.
-CONI hourly volume currently is about 50/24= 2 million

Sample Calculation for 2000 CONI:

Hourly Dividends in ETH = 2000 / 2 * ($100,000,000 daily volume * 1 day / 24 hours * 0.005 (fees) )
Hourly Dividends in ETH = $20 USD / hour

Very approximate but you can see the potential. 2000 CONI is about $1.2k USD right now.

So 14 600$ in your pocket over the 1 month. 146 000$ for holding 20k coni
Seems legit ?

>> No.9974801

It doesn't fucking seems legit. You buy 2k coni with 1k$ and you earn x12 within month only by dividens. No way.

>> No.9974844

Then why is dumping you fucking gook pajeet

>> No.9974866

>So 14 600$ in your pocket over the 1 month. 146 000$ for holding 20k coni
>Seems legit ?
If you need to ask this question, you're too retarded to be trading.
fucking pajeet.

>> No.9974927

Fee is 0.1%, so here is the new calculation:

Dividend Calculations:
= (# of CONI you hold / hourly CONI volume) * Exchange Fees

-Exchange Fees: Assume 0.001 rate and $100,000,000 daily volume.
-Dividends are provided in ETH every 24 hours.
-CONI hourly volume currently is about 50/24= 2 million

Sample Calculation for 2000 CONI:

Hourly Dividends in ETH = 2000 / 2 * ($100,000,000 daily volume * 1 day / 24 hours * 0.001 (fees) )
Hourly Dividends in ETH = $4.2 USD / hour

>> No.9975074
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I don't give a fuck about dividends but brainlets do and if i true it's going to mars, so at what price per CONI the $20/hour is not atractive anymore?

>> No.9975099

It's actually 0.1% fee not 0.5%.

So thats actually $4/hour not $20/hour.

>> No.9975141

all i know is this chink has exchange has 99% fake wash trading volume and as soon as fees kick in, the real volume will show and make this shitcoin dump to zero

>> No.9975159

bingo, this is all fake volume to try and rope in retarded gweilos

>> No.9975232

But part of their dividends go to active traders, so even if it was mostly wash trading before, once the program starts a bunch of real trading will take place. Then the holder will make dividends from all the trading that’s going on, and when people see the holders making money, they will want to fomo in and collect ethe rewards. All this brings more money and more trading to the exchange, which means the dividends/price of coni will increase. It’s a pretty ingenious tactic to increase the volume of uiue exchange. We’ll see how it plays out.

>> No.9975247

*ueui = your

>> No.9975281

Hmm why will real trading replace the wash trading. If people wanted to use it they already would be. No one is buying the exchange token to save on fees like with bnb. They will be buying it to sit on it and wishfully making easy money from the dividends but that’s where the whole concept goes to shit. The bots stop once fees kick in and the volume dies and dividends with it.

>> No.9975300

Great short-term play here regardless

>> No.9975313


Bollinger band squeeze atm

>> No.9975316

Too risky for my taste, good luck bizbros

>> No.9975324

why would anyone want to trade on this junk exchange?

this whole chink scam is only known for its meme dividend token.

binance, kucoin and bibox actually had to offer something and partnered / push started many good icos.

this shit exchange has incompetent retards who have zero clue about nothing. i ask the whore of a ceo what the circ supply of coni is and she says, not memeing original quote: "idk hard to calculate" on tg

fuck em

>> No.9975333

The fees have already been running for 3 hours

>> No.9975358

big if true
completely discredits all fud

>> No.9975364

Same reason as why people would want to trade on Fcoin exchange, you get divs.

Fcoin still did 120x regardless.

Im betting on the market maker here.

>> No.9975654

you fucking retard
no one is telling you to marry this shitcoin
get in and play the game faggot

>> No.9975670

brainlet still doesnt know how to make money
who gives a shit about fake volume lmao
every fucking exchange is only fake volume
no wonder everyone here doesnt make any money

>> No.9975676

>Go to slip.gg
>Get 0.00007452BTC for free with the code "Mesper"
>Use a martingale

>> No.9975701


>> No.9975794
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>0.00155785 ETH
Who being motherfucking JUSTED here? I was promised $4/hour

>> No.9975830

How much did you invest?

>> No.9975874

I have almost 3k CONI

also now is 0.00230986 ETH
still feel JUSTED tho

>> No.9975919
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I have 2k CONI.
At that rate, that's 20 usd per day, 140 per week, 600 per month.

That's not bad at all lmao.

Totally justed lmao.

>> No.9975955

i have 60k of these niggers, why haven't i gotten anything ?!?!!?!?!?!?!?! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9975975

wait for the 23rd gooooyyys
I mean A CHINK told us it's gonna fcoin right?

>> No.9976002

At this rate, I expect more of a giant red dildo taking us down more than anything else

>> No.9976056

Try day trading. You earn so much more from fees. Dividens gives me 1$ per hour but from trading i've got 0,47eth accumulated.

>> No.9976072

I’d explain it to you, but you’re obviously just trying to get your buy order to hit.

To anyone else listening, Coinbene is a real exchange, trying to up their real volume permanently. They might even keep the bot trading going through the beginning of the div rewards if they think it’s necessary to make this whole operation work. If they’re successful at it, CONI holders will get a fat pump. IF. We’ll see when the first div rewards come in, which I guess is in 18 hours from now (midnight China time).

>> No.9976094

i daytraded my stack from an initial 45k to a now 60k stack, but this shit is getting fucking manhandled by bots now, and it's beging kept at a 1 gwei spread. It was much easier earlier, when it had a lot of spread and volatility. I feel like if i sell my stack now, i'm not going to get it back lul

>> No.9976097

To be precise it's 467 coni. It's just worth now 0,47eth.

>> No.9976137

You can trade smaller stack. Sell and buy within 1 gwei. Sometimes it dips so you can even get more conis but main profit is trading and mining. They have 50mln to give. I just started trading because getting dollar per hour is a joke.

>> No.9976182

is a bot going to buy into a relatively big order though? all i see in the market trades are 10-500 quantity buys. None of the big orders are being touched

>> No.9976183

so you mine it by trading? but how the fees part work?

>> No.9976208

aaaaand my entire order got swooped up, and it blew up 20 gwei from my sell lmao

>> No.9976417

mfw only 2300 CONI.. life is hard

>> No.9976495

You pay fees but you're getting them back next day when they pay reward. You pay 0,1% fee and you get 100% back.
It swings but i trade my whole stack which is 8,4k. I don't have to nail it every time. Usually it dips.

>> No.9976607

Last hour I got 0.04566035 eth

>> No.9976762

what do you mean last hour?
dividends are gonna paid out tomorrow right?

>> No.9976792


>> No.9976802

yeah I saw that, but is it hourly or for the whole day: "The dividend to be credited today"

>> No.9976854

They update every hour and then you collect reward tomorrow.

>> No.9976865


The "The dividend to be credited today" is updated hourly and paid once every 24h

>> No.9976867

Talked to the admins its a total for the day. Although the day isn't over yet. You can see the cumulative revenue increase for the day and your dividends to be credited today increase as you refresh hourly.

>> No.9976870

perfect, thanks! already was worried about the dividends, shit is gonna get gud

>> No.9976899
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EZ 100 usd a day, feels comfy

>> No.9976904
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So far I'm averaging at current rates around $518 usd per month off of 2079 Coni.

50% dividend per month. Tasty.

>> No.9976970

Volume has been increasing ever since the promotion has been put in place. The dividend payout is just getting better and better

>> No.9976985
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A drink to the health of the company!

>> No.9977131

To the brainlets, the site listed below only accounts for the trading reward, NOT THE DIVIDEND REWARD.

The dividend reward is the promised $4/hour I calculated in the telegram (the one you see in OPs post).

I’m at home now away from work but feel free to ask me questions.

I’m from North American by the way - not some gook or chink.


>> No.9977170

Anon you have information listed for both trading and dividends. It updates every hour and it shows how much you accumulated so far. You don't have to calculate your dividens because it shows in this site.

>> No.9977185

it's much much lower than you calculated probably because the fees are only from some trading pairs and not all of them

>> No.9977291

Brainlet you provide a url to the damn site and fail to even read it. Your calculations are wrong thats why it isn't giving as much as you anticipated. Can't even do friggan math baka

>> No.9977318

I bought 2k coni a couple of hours ago, and it tells me i should be accredited 0.00333414 and/or 6.31 coni?

>> No.9977325

dividens pay out once a day, calculation is hourly

>> No.9977454

desu the dividends are a bit underwhelming

>> No.9977470

I'm still averaging between 400-520 usd per month off of 2k coni.

That's 40-52% per month which is not underwhelming at all.

>> No.9977489

A real exchange for sure, but honestly if the dividends and passive income is true on this one it should just be a matter of time before a exit scam. If not, CONI will sky rocket.

>> No.9977512
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Planning on getting another 2k, sadly this is everything I have as a poor student to invest.. If this one turns out to be true tho long term it will be a lifesaver.

>> No.9977522

>EZ 100 usd a day, feels comfy

How much are you holding to achieve that?

>> No.9977523

In bear market it's actually ok. Try to trade once per hour and you get more conis or just wait, chinks probably are going to pump coin.

>> No.9977536


I'd grab another 2k but I don't want to re balance my portfolio.

>> No.9977558

>I'm still averaging between 400-520 usd per month off of 2k coni.
>That's 40-52% per month which is not underwhelming at all.

That's insane - surely can't be sustainable. Divs are paid in CONI, right? So people will have to sell to realise their div profit. Unlike BIX where divs are paid in ETH, which stops people selling their new BIX.

>> No.9977583

It’s gonna be a pass from me on this one, dawg. Basing it 100% on the coinbase logo/color scheme ripoff. This has chink nigger scam written all the fuck over it. Good luck

>> No.9977589

you forget that they will release another 50m which doubles the circulating supply

>> No.9977596


Divs are in ETH. Trading divs are in CONI

>> No.9977602

everything chinese is a ripoff lol. bibox is a binance copy for example. there's a lot of money to be made here, just the early guys that bought at launch is miles ahead of everybody, but still lots of money to be made here

>> No.9977618


Wtf I have 4k coni

>> No.9977629

>Unlike BIX where divs are paid in ETH, which stops people selling their new BIX.
>Rules:100% trading fee will be released based on a formula: the holding volume of Coni per hour divide the hourly total volume of Coni and multiple 100%. The trading fee will 100% exchange to ETH by closing price hourly and will be return at 15:00 next day.

>> No.9977645

well I have 4k coni and so far have $4

>> No.9977883
File: 85 KB, 2072x372, 3456345265243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dont think this is going to hit 1$ next month you've got to be kidding yourself

>> No.9977889

Name and exchange without api bots. I'll wait.

>> No.9977917
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Dem COONS work hard

>> No.9977982

So you're trading your whole stack instead of holding? Which pair are you trading?

>> No.9977999

Trade once per hour. I've got 844 conis from mining.

>> No.9978012

How big is your stack? I have 1.5k..

>> No.9978026

>If you dont think this is going to hit 1$ next month you've got to be kidding yourself

kek, it's going to dump so hard. They're releasing more tokens all the time, why is it going to moon?

>> No.9978037

They release 50 mil and that's it for the time being

>> No.9978040

it's 8,5k. I trade my whole stack. I use coni/eth pair. Even trading within 1 gwei do the work.

>> No.9978053

How many total trades have you done if you don't mind answering?

>> No.9978104

2 or 3 per hour, i gain between 120-150 coni. That's enough because it swings too much for me.

>> No.9978141

this thing is going to blow up. This is a Chinese exchange and they are sleeping right now. Yet the volume is starting to grow as people are catching on about the trading and divs.

>> No.9978149


Marketcap is not that big yet, even with 50 million coins being added. See cuckcoin shares

>> No.9978160

>Yet the volume is starting to grow as people are catching on about the trading and divs.

It's all botted, you fool. The chart has been bearish all day, and enough people are awake to make this moon if they wanted to.

>> No.9978162

Do you guys think that the coin will moon once the 50 mil coni have been mined? I think right now its heavily manipulated by trading bots keeping volatility low, what do you think?

>> No.9978176


>> No.9978188

Why are you not trading the btc usdt pair, 0 volatility

>> No.9978204

They give 100k coins per hour so it takes almost 21 days to give all 50mln conis. It doesn't have to moon to earn money and they can dump bags on you.

>> No.9978217


>> No.9978224

I hold conis for dividens, now it may seems poor but i think volume will increase with divs.

>> No.9978485
File: 218 KB, 1639x911, coni koni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh 2k coinbenes is a lot

Pic related coni traded in the past few hours, people literally trading millions of these fuckers. Link here:


>> No.9978495

Your point? No one saying 2k is much lol

>> No.9978568

Its kind of stupid that mining coni generates more coni than holding coni for eth (and then selling eth for Coni).

>> No.9978613

only until 50m are mined

>> No.9978669

>we will release 100 thousand Coni per hour with the total volume of 50M, when 50M runs out ,this activity will come to an end automatically..

I didnt to the math but this should take some days. And where do they get the coni from you are awarded from trading?

>> No.9978697

I'm still accumulating.

>> No.9978742

wow the second i bought i lost 20%. thanks /biz/.

>> No.9978763


Don't ever listen to /biz/

Every coin shilled here is shit

>> No.9978796

I just dont get the incentive to hodl coni if you make more from trading non stop. The people who had the funds to buy heavily into coni probably have trading bots too so they can trade non stop and generate more coni than hodling until the trading event is over. Correct me if im wrong.

>> No.9978858

The event starts tomorrow not today right? So trading shouldn't be crazy right now?

>> No.9978897
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 23435345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motherfucking JUSTED

>> No.9978904

nope, been going on for a while now

>> No.9978923

The event started 8 hours ago and for example the usdt/btc pair is bot traded heavily and you get coni through trading heavily.

I will do the math once dividends update when a new hour begins, but I think as of yet trading is way more profitable than hodling. Why would the market makers let coni moon if they accumulate more coni through trading? It takes 21 days till the trading event is over afaik

>> No.9978924
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>> No.9978927

unironically kill yourself for supporting such degeneracy

>> No.9978979

you can literally just trade ur whole stack up and down the entire day and you'll gain a fuckton of free coni, plus the holding dividend if u hold a stack before every new hour hits. Literally free money

>> No.9978980

The holding program itself is pretty solid actually, but the trading program destroys everything imo as long as you make more coni with trading than holding.

>> No.9978986

you can do both...

>> No.9978988

Can I trade the btc/usdt pair for 59 minutes and the coni/eth pair for one minute to get both bonuses?

>> No.9979016

Yes, but I dont think that the people that dictate the price do this..

>> No.9979849


>> No.9980086

me too fren. cuckbean team fucked up but it sounds like they're trying to fix it THANK FUCK

>> No.9980175
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how they fucked up?

>> No.9980387

The trading makes more than hodling right now. However they will announce something "soon" so I stopped trading and wait for an re entry

>> No.9980724

What the fuck, why we crashing so fucking hard?

>> No.9980755

Seriously? I thought all coinbeaners were larping, this is the most pajeet coin I've ever seen.

>> No.9980771

Because every one who is in CONI dumped their stack to trade other pairs and accumulate more coni. The announcement will be made soon. IF it makes hodling more profitable than trading people buy back in. Personally I dumped my stack tonight and now im on the sidelines looking to re enter if the announcement will be good for hodlers.

>> No.9980773

All fucking coins on here are pejeet coins, so stfu. How is this not a good buy right
>muh muh it's shilled by biz so must be a pejeet coin

>> No.9980794

What's the announcement meant to be about, sorry been working so have no idea what's going on

>> No.9980837

Right now there is no incentive to actually hold coni. You generate more money through the trading event (dividends in coni based on the amount of trading fees you paid) than through the holding dividends so most people are trading other pairs instead of holding coni. This was recognized by the exchange owners and now they will announce something.

>> No.9980931

yep. Just been swing trading btc/usdt back and forth lol. Been making a pretty decent amount in CONI because of that. Sometimes I even buy back into CONI before the hour and it pays you the dividends as well.

>> No.9980936

Stupid chinks, well I got most of my coni at 700sats, so I should be ok to get keep hodling through this

>> No.9980966

At this rate the dividends would be $2.5 per 1000 coni a day. Has it been full 24 hours yet?

>> No.9981011

Yea I'm getting about the same rate per 1000 coni a day atm. So much for $20 / hour lol

>> No.9981016

No man the dividends will be payed out "on the following day at 3pm". The program was launched 22.07.2018 00:00 gmt +8

I think so, like I said it just depends on the announcement. Pajeets in the telegram are freaking out right now. Pretty funny actually if it wasnt that sad that a good amount of people in crypto is fucking retarded

Thats the way to go, I stopped trading though as I dont want to get caught in a trade when the announcement comes out.

>> No.9981044

12 hours as of now

>> No.9981085

Are you sure? I understood that the program was launched on 00:001 22.06.2018 so in 12 hours only the 23.06.2018 started and they said "3pm following day".

https://t()me/coinbene pajeets on suicide watch.

>> No.9981142

it's 12:39 pm gmt+8, so yeah should be 12h right?

>> No.9981175

Current Time:
12:41:54 PM
Current Date:
Friday, Jun 22 2018

Im tired, but 12 pm is around noon, no?

>> No.9981292


>> No.9981340

Holy fuck it's still dumping, fuck. Just was well I don't go all in like some biztards do.
When is this announcement meant to happen?

>> No.9981369


Its name is a literal fucking plagerized copyright infringement suit/cease and desist waiting to happen. What fucking bottom dwelling creature thinks that this is a legit operation AND a good investment? Go back to sucking algae and shit off the ocean floor you fucking troglodyte. I can’t wait until every single one of you mouth breathing, tube sock, helmet wearing motherfuckers lose everything you fucking own and get insitutionalized. I wish the fucking bitconnect guys took you all for more because you keep falling for the same fucking thing every god damn day.

>> No.9981393
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>> No.9981459

A-Are you still holding Anon? We bought days ago and flipped this for a quick 100%

>> No.9981548

alright, who just fat fingered?

>> No.9981564

Alright explain to me the 15% swings in 2 minutes each way

>> No.9981621

I am still hodling cause was at work and couldn't sell the top, sick of work getting in the way of my trades

>> No.9981867


>> No.9981994

what is a stop-loss

>> No.9982022

coinbene is #6 exchange with fees in volume

So is CONI undervalued compared to kuckcoin?

>> No.9982374

so we are fucked yes?

>> No.9982405

coinbene doesnt have a stop limit function

Heavy bot trading

If you are still holding and the announcement will be shit, probably. If they reduce the dividends you get from trading and holding becomes more attractive it looks pretty solid. Only thing you can do is wait for the announcement and act based on it

>> No.9982490

>Only thing you can do is wait for the announcement and act based on it

When should we expect it?

>> No.9982530

We dont know Anon

>> No.9982585

Even if holding is less profitable than trading right now. It is still safer than getting screwed over by bots. I am amazed at the returns that i'm seeing for myself. Will post at first payout to confirm.

If this is what it's going to be, this coin HAS to shoot up by alot. The price right now is criminally low for these expected returns.

"We don't know the exact formula" It's on their site right now, you can check for yourself http://www.coinbene.com/#/coniactivity

Sometimes i really do think biz hates money.

>> No.9982631


bot trading not count towards dividends?

>> No.9982639

Bot trading creates a big part of the volume. The reason its dumping: Right now there is no incentive to actually hold coni. You generate more money through the trading event (dividends in coni based on the amount of trading fees you paid) than through the holding dividends so most people are trading other pairs instead of holding coni. This was recognized by the exchange owners and now they will announce something.

>> No.9982692


Source on getting rid of the trading incentive in favour of holding? Was it just a telegram thing?

>> No.9982746

Kill yourself brb

>> No.9983251
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paaamp it

>> No.9983386

I said that they recognized the problem and now they will announce "something" which is PROBABLY something which makes holding more attractive again.

>> No.9983840

All in coni

>> No.9984471

Regulation of Coni dividends
Dear CoinBene investors:
To satisfy users need for trading Coni, we launch the new version of this activity:

Activity 1: Mine Coni by Trading

Date of activity:the old version will be end at 24:00 on June 22th, 2018 (GMT+8)
The new version will start from 0:00 on June 23th,2018(GMT+8)

130% trading fee users produced will be returned in the volume of equal-valued Coni at 12:00 (GMT+8) in the next day. The exchange rate depends on Coni’s closing price hourly. The total amount of Coni 47480000, the sooner the better.the activity will end automatically while Coni runs out.
the trading pair participated in this activity involves: CONI/BTC、CONI/ETH、BTC/USDT、ETH/USDT、ETH/BTC、LTC/USDT、LTC/BTC、BCH/USDT、ETC/USDT

>> No.9984726

So what's the deal with the mining by trading thing. Do I get more if I trade with all my coni per transaction? Or is it better to trade piecemeal?