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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9974179 No.9974179 [Reply] [Original]

What's gonna happen tomorrow REQ bro's?

>> No.9974192


>> No.9974196

- Coinbase
- Xero partnership

>> No.9974207

Binance Delisting

>> No.9974213

Hopefully a new team. If not, delisted by November. Cap this

>> No.9974268

probably drop to .06-.08 cents
team is lazy and will put out another half-assed update

>> No.9974295

Should have sold all of it the second they announced their big plan was to outsource work to any rando imaginable. fucking lazy baguette-chads the lot of em

>> No.9974359

at best we'll see an in-depth explanation of their new meme roadmap that will never be completed
expect it to drop to 1200 sats or below

>> No.9974387

Didn't they drop biweekly updates?

>> No.9974465

that was definitely the first red flag after the pump to $1
>new meme roadmap
its amazing they havent updated the roadmap on their site to be interactive yet. its still a static hard to read image lol. lazy as fuck team
they said the biweekly update will be of little substance and major news will be randomly announced

>> No.9974551

>be apple
>make great platform called the iphone that has nearly everything people want
>make appstore so people can add additional things people might want
>"fucking lazy steve jobs make my tetris and sudoku games for me you fucking cunt cuck"

>> No.9974629

Comments like these illustrate the heart of the issue better than the most refined philosophically reasoned argument could ever hope for.

>> No.9974660

REQ team will absolutely not be the ones to announce a CB partnership. They're the tiny fish, the big fish make announcements.

This is the laziest fud. I can't tell if people like you are just trolling or actually this dumb. Guessing trolling.

IMO update tomorrow will be pretty meaningless and REQ will continue to sink.

>> No.9974740

>This is the laziest fud.
look at the chart
even the PWC partnership couldnt stop the selling

>> No.9974835

What does that have to do with what you said?? People selling isn’t related to a claim of them outsourcing work being bad for a platform

I can’t even follow your train of thought. Do you have evidence that the bear selloff is directly related in some way to their decision to have developers build dapps on their platform, and not just a result of the general bear market?

If not then fuck off and stop shitting up the board

>> No.9974924

How is it lazy? Who wants to invest in a company incapable of completing the absolute basic fundamentals of their network on their own?

>> No.9975640


Probably some trivial bullshit that they announced ages ago, followed by a dump and then being de-listed from Binance.

>> No.9975663


PwC partnership is meaningless because it did not result in anything.

>> No.9976404
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>> No.9976482


>> No.9976553

this anon said something's gonna happen tomorrow

>> No.9976635
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Requested PROMISED to be the next PayPal.

It's like Apple saying buy our phone it's the best phone in the world. And after buying you don't get a phone but a weird letter talking about how they are going to focus on making a Tamagotchi

>> No.9976669

With no evidence as usual.

>> No.9976905

kek that was me, i was just teasing reqtards

>> No.9977330

Gonna bottom out at .02 cents tbqh with you senpai.

>> No.9977337

biggest moon

>> No.9977355

I'm all in REQ waiting for tomorrow's moon