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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9970731 No.9970731 [Reply] [Original]

I figured out a super easy way to get rich and its working and im not telling u xd. Have fun losing money on the dying crypto game!

>> No.9970747

2x(I figured out a super easy way to get rich and its working and im not telling u xd. Have fun losing money on the dying crypto game!)

>> No.9970755

Same, found an easy way to always make a big profit yearly from cryptos.

>> No.9970767

I found a way to 100x my money, but I have to wait a year for it. Still better than wagecucking though.

>> No.9970781

let me guess, it involves acquiring kneepads?


>> No.9970857
File: 400 KB, 1196x1137, 1527151540663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured out a super easy way to get rich that's 10 times more effective than OP's and its working and im not telling u xd. Have fun losing money on the dying crypto game!

>> No.9970865
File: 118 KB, 559x476, 1528601401479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured out a super easy way to get rich that's 100 times more effective than OP's and its working and im not telling u xd. Have fun losing money on the dying crypto game!

>> No.9970868

Does it include betting on red?

>> No.9970879

100x $0 is still $0 anon.

>> No.9970914

I figured out a super easy and fast way to get rich but you have. I'll share it with you all in this free course that has a $5000 nominal fee

>> No.9970933

Guys you will get this message only once so listen carefully: I'm losing money on this very limited time offer to share my wisdom to make you guys rich. I got filthy rich and I just want to make other people happy now. My lambo and wife with huge titties agree with me. Just for a nominal $10000 fee you can join this one time exclusive opportunity to earn money beyond your wildest dreams. I'm burning cash, doing this all just out of the kindness of my heart so be quick before this opportunity is lost forever.

>> No.9971072

Guys I’ve found a quick and easy way to make 1000x on my money. Instead of me keeping to quietly to myself and accumulating wealth, I’ve decided to sell it to you for 100,000 because I want you to be happy. The happiness of strangers is all the matters to me (for a small fee of 100,000)

>> No.9971079

bought bitcoin?

>> No.9971377

Fellas I have found a way to get clinically depressed and want to kill yourself for free but I won't tell you how to do it haha :^)

>> No.9971413

I figured out a super easy way to become poor and its working and im not telling u xd. Have fun earning money on the crypto game!

>> No.9971573

Is this you?