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996943 No.996943 [Reply] [Original]

So I didn't really know where to post this question so I guess /biz/ would be the best place.

Now that is out of the way here is my question; My boss on friday asked me if i could work at 10-6 on monday. I told him no. Nothing eventful happens satuday and i work my scheduled shift. I wake up this morning (sunday) and i have a missed call and a text saying I am "required" to work this 10-6 on monday which is tomorrow. I ask him why he is forcing me to work this shift i just declined a few days ago. His answer was "because i wont be in the building." What should I do /biz/ is this legal? Should I contest this? Should I call my union? I work in America by the way.

>> No.996947

>Can't adjust to covering the boss' shift.

Never gonna make it anon. You think people move up in the company by saying they can't work?

>> No.996949

I'm not trying to "make it" anywhere. I'm not even covering for the manager. I dont even work in the department he is asking me to cover anymore. I think you are not understanding what im trying to ask.

>> No.996957

Is this b8? Your boss wants you to cover for him and you said no. I assume you had big plans tomorrow

>> No.996962

Im not covering for my boss. nor is this bait. he has failed to tell me why i am required to work a 10-6 on my day off when i declined two days prior.

>> No.996963

Why the fuck did you say no?

Busy day of posting on 4chan, watching anime and playing videogaymes?

>> No.996965

more like i havent had a day off in about a week. which im pretty sure is illegal.

>> No.996967

Tell him tough shit, because you won't be working on Monday either.

Don't compromise when people try to fuck you, anon. The only reason why he is trying to stack this shit on you is because he thinks you will fold.

>> No.996971

My union steward at my place of work thinks i should work it and report it to our union. I am also trying to negotiate to make the shift be 10-2 since i have plans at 4. So far he hasnt replied to me.


>> No.996984


I wouldn't bother with any of that. Once you have said that you won't work, you should mean it.

Your prearranged plans on a DAY OFF are non-negotiable.

Running to the Union like a little bitch boy just proves you lack the constitution to stand up to your boss.

>> No.996993

its not being a little bitch, its using the union that takes money out of my paycheck to get what i want and not risk getting fired trying to be the little rebel you want me to be.

>> No.997003


>> No.997007


It's not about being a rebel, it's about being respected enough and being clear enough in your responses that your boss knows you're not going to be doing his shift for him.

Running to the Union won't prevent you from working it, even your Union steward told you so.

>> No.997029

Never going to make it

>> No.997042


well, we are missing a lot of details here....

so you are union?

Did you tell your boss why you coudln't work that day? Did you tell him you have been overworked?

If you really feel you are being disrespected, just don't show up.

>> No.997047

Never going to make it

>> No.997070
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>which im pretty sure is illegal.

get fucked bitch boy

>> No.997073

>being unreliable for your boss for literally no reason, not caring that helping your boss with this extremely simple task will help you out in the long run

Fucking faggot. I'm glad retards like you exist in such large quantities, less competition

>> No.997105

look at this faggot. You'll never make it anywhere wit that attitude. Did you even watch American Psycho? You'd be that hobo m8.

>> No.997133


>> No.997272

Hmm this is not a good attitude friend. Overtime is one thing, being asked by your boss to cover a necessary shift where the business is depending on you is something completely different.
When I'm asked to fill in an inconvenient shift, this is usually my approach
>"I can do it, but I'd prefer not to because I have plans. Is there anyone else who can fill in instead?"
If yes, great. If no, step in (unless you truly can't).
Put yourself in a situation where your boss knows that he can always depend on you, but don't put yourself in a situation where you get taken advantage of.

>> No.997577

Kevin I told you to be there and I meant it. Instead I see you posting on a Nepalese elephant ear admiration board about not wanting to work. If not wanting to work Monday is what you really want you're going to have Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off to think about it.

>> No.997652

Kek Union pussies amuse me.

>> No.997676
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I'd rather be a struggling entrepreneur or investor than another upper middle class wage slave. Careers are for weak people.

>> No.997684

Do you mean 10pm or 10am?

>> No.997686

>retard thinks being the boss's bitch makes him advance in the workplace

that being said op is a pussy for not just covering the shift

>> No.997690

>complaining that he got paid time and a half for two days which he wanted but didn't want to work for

>> No.998026

Kill yourself