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9968824 No.9968824 [Reply] [Original]

Quarter yearly reminder: Scamming as a means to ‘make it’ is righteous morally, and spiritually. And in just about every way, really.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with scamming. You are removing market inefficiencies. Not only that, but accelerationism is necessary in the society we live in. If you are not contributing to the catastrophe, you will vanish without a trace. This current system wants you dead long term, and to be a good little citizen never stepping out of line short term.

A criminal pursuing self improvement, improving their own financial standing, improving there skill set and so on, is categorically better than a stagnant law abiding citizen who never dares to disobey the system. Illegalism providing it is implemented into your life correctly is just.

People talk about “conscience”, and so on, but in reality people only care about where you are standing, not how you arrived there.

This applies to everyone, even the most outspoken critics of these things are all hypocrites at their core, just look at people like Vitalik... they talk of scammers and co. as if they are murderers, while breaking bread and shaking hands with actual murderers, and doing business with mass murderers like Putin (who is arguably the king of scammers, and has also had people assassinated). The lesson here is exactly as I said: Where you are standing currently is important, how you arrived there is of no importance.

The last thread I made was met with a lot of anger from hypocrites saying things such as but not limited to: “Kill yourself”, which is pretty funny when you consider the irony. It’s also perfectly natural, since they are hypocrites by nature, and grit-lessness, lack of courage, weakness, etc, comes naturally to such people.

If you want something enough, nothing will stop you.

>> No.9968835

I agree with you even thought ethically i couldn’t bring myself to do it.

>> No.9968871

Despite what people may believe, a thorough understanding of people is neceasary to understand why it is right. I’m not saying its easy to acquire that understanding, and you don’t need it anyway. You can blindly scam not even thinking about whether it can be justified or not, and you will be good either way... because it is. You just didnt put in the mental legwork or go through and work out why it is justified, etc.

>> No.9968884

um, what about karma desu

>> No.9968891

Only reason i don't do it is because i'm paranoid as fuck

>> No.9968926

Good advice. Going on Ted bundy mode.

>> No.9969019

Karma is on your side

>> No.9969025

Paranoia keeps you from making silly mistakes.

>> No.9969125

you are a subhuman street shitting shitcoin shill
there's no righteousness. you are scum. kys pajeet

>> No.9969131

You are sub 90 IQ

>> No.9969133
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>t. Rajeev

>> No.9969193

Weirdly inspirational OP. Well done.

>> No.9969223

You write like you're in grade eight. Stop pretending like you're contributing to anything, you will amount to nothing. You are below average and that is why you must make money from stealing instead of providing the tools for progress. No catastrophe is going to happen, you're literally just stealing from people who don't know any better because you can. The degenerate urge to dominate other people is as old as time, the only thing that changes is people's rationalisations for it. If you want to live your life as a subhuman that's your choice, though you can't help it because you were born without any ability. But at least have the dignity to acknowledge what you are and what you are doing — you are a self absorbed moron who is dumb enough to have convinced himself that he is saving the world as he shits on it.

>> No.9969231

Thanks for the inspiration. Just robbed an old white lady for 100k

>> No.9969233

Then don't complain when you become a victim.

>> No.9969241

>improving there skill set

Stopped reading there. Those kinds of errors are evidence of an inferior intellect. Not even joking, the difference between their and there is so obvious that I can't believe anyone with an IQ higher than 120 can make this mistake.

>> No.9969250


>> No.9969258

have you read your own post? it's absolute fucking drivel; for every 10 words I read I ask myself how you could possibly be dumb enough to reason the way you do

>> No.9969272
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If everyone just scammed constantly society would collapse. It's really only desperate weaklings (including those in power) who try to scam others.

>> No.9969281

All conjecture and ad hominem. You are too low IQ and inexperienced to understand a relatively straightforward post. You wrote all of that and said nothing.

>> No.9969290

Clearly a typo if you read. I noticed after I posted. No big deal to anyone but an idiot, really.

>> No.9969293

Social Darwinism
The society will improve as stupids will kill themselves

>> No.9969300

Prove me wrong then. Start wherever you wish.

Not everyone can, and not everyone will. If everyone on this board did, society would not collapse. Rest of post is garbage

>> No.9969327

Let's say you were right

Eventually you would either get addicted to scamming and fuck up somewhere down the line. Or you never get caught but have a downfall some other way because you spent all your energy towards creating elaborate scams like fucking ed edd n' eddy. It's just not something a happy person does unless you are a psychopath.

>> No.9969343

I wouldnt. That is the point of the post. Don’t you get it? We are all victims by default, I just respond appropriately.

>> No.9969345

>what is denial?

>> No.9969355

You are just babbling. What are you trying to say?
>If this happened then this would do that and this would become that...because I said so

>> No.9969371

It was used correctly just before. It was clearly a typo. Do you have any argument at all?
>haa good job u made a typo now i can egnore everthing else u sed huhh im so smaht

>> No.9969375
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>what are obvious consequences?

>> No.9969393

>if you do something once you become addicted and then lose everything
>even if you dont become addicted you will fail later because well no reason really but KARMA bro! Why? Because I said so

>> No.9969409
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Lol you don't say do it once, you say there's no consequences to continuously scam to make it. Do you even remember writing your own post?

>> No.9969431

Point to where I said anything of the sort
Quote me

>> No.9969446

Scamming is a massive economical overhead to society:
1) Scammers don't produce anything
2) Scammers occupy the time of productive people because they have to divert their resources to preventing it
3) The indirect cost of harming productive members of society (e.g. I couldn't pursue my side business if you scammed me out of my savings)

Lets pretend the above things are false (which they aren't, but I know you'll try), and move on to the real point I want to make, and where you seem to lose all ability to reason:

EVEN if there is some contribution made to society by scamming (which is highly unlikely and extremely contextual), that still does not ethically or morally justify scamming other *individuals*. When you steal an old lady's retirement funds, you are not attacking the things you claim are wrong with society; you are directly attacking another victim of the thing you are criticizing. You fucking idiot.

You also conflate furthering your own position with morality, where was that logical leap made?

>> No.9969476
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op, I completely agree with what you're saying. the brainlets here that disagree don't know what it's like to live in a hostile environment. their perceptions of right and wrong are far too based on a non-existent ideal but they're too brainwashed to realize it. there's a saying where I come from that loosely translated goes: if you don't bend the rules you don't get ahead.

>> No.9969497

I unironically agree with this.

>> No.9969516

You think you're going to make it just because you don't play by the rules? base rate tells me both you and OP are going to be miserable failures despite your unjustified superiority complexes; there are plenty of avenues for ANYONE with internet access to become productive members of society, you are just not man enough to do it.

If you don't give a fuck about other people and you use that for a slight economical edge, at least admit you are a selfish and non-contributory instead of stumbling over your own words to rationalize subhuman behavior.

t. 300k net worth at 25, no scamming involved

>> No.9969540

you're taking the word 'scamming' too literally here friend. and fyi I'm a very productive member of society by any measure. i just don't care much for the 'moral' constructs you seem to blindly follow.

>> No.9969542

What do you call buying shitcoins low and selling them high to normies if not scamming?

>> No.9969580

All of that is too vague to even be an argument. Scammers don’t produce anything? Says who? Further, you could apply those things to crypto in general too, or even investment. Or accumulation of wealth at all. Or anything.

Re the bit about the old lady.. not an argument. It’s just talking points to attempt to get everyone agreeing with you because shes muh old lady, poor her. Also, the old lady IS part of the society I find issue with, she is complicit. Her own ignorance has nothing to do with me, nor is it my problem (well, it is my problem in that its societies problem, but still). If someone breaks the law in ignorance, they still broke the law. (If you value law)
If someone causes society harm to the point we find ourselves where we are now out of ignorance, the damage is the same, etc.
As for harming society.. that’s kind of the point. Read OP again, this time slower. Obviously this isn’t the greatest place for discussion, but I painted a clear enough picture within the character limit.

>> No.9969598

Grug very smart
Grug hold rocks
Grug smash forked tounge tribe with rock

>> No.9969608

He said plenty. You're the room temp IQ brainlet if you can't understand.

>> No.9969612

OP here, not one argument found in your entire post. I make your entire net worth in a good month.

>ur not man enjugh
>urrr u dont cotribute
>hurr ur selfish

>> No.9969618

It was all conjecture and ad hominem.
He said nothing.
>Hurr durr

>> No.9969625

>All of that is too vague to even be an argument
Non argument. Try again brainlet.

As for the second part of your post. Nothing of substance. Just your deluded though process. Try again.

>> No.9969626

>Hurndurrrr u rite likeneight grade durrer
Worthless post really, wasn’t it?

>> No.9969632

Non argument.

>> No.9969640

Lol but its a thought process that you can’t prove wrong, can you?
There is nothing wrong with illegalism
Society as it stands today (and by that I mean the financial system, really) loves people like you, you guarantee its longevitity

>> No.9969647

That was the point imbecile, that is what the poster said in the post you tried defending, you retard.
According to you it’s an argument, right?

>> No.9969656

It's the thought process of a mentally ill attention whore. I'm not a shrink but I'm sure if you saw any number of them they would agree you have a chemical imbalance.
Sorry not sorry.

>> No.9969679

Ad hom
Not an argument, guy.

Are you going to even attempt to contribute to the discussion, or just fling shit like a monkey?

>> No.9969681

your brain is jewed, thats why you find scamming morally justifyable. Your only purpose is to wise people up to scams, yes you play on stupidity and greed and that makes you feel smarter, but sooner or later you all get a good kick in the ass by society

>> No.9969688

No, “jews” as they are in your caricature of them wish nothing but for you to be a good citizen and continue abiding by laws they created. Right?

>> No.9969761

they have always been the biggest scammers and criminally minded, behind most mafias. The 'laws' they made are for the goyim, not for them

>> No.9969769

when i said your brain is jewed i didnt mean as in brainwashed by jews, but that you literally think like a jew

>> No.9969783

Well, that still beats thinking how a “”Jew”” wants you to think, no?

>> No.9969819

not really cause you're just a rookie, they've been playing this game for millenia. You'll get eaten alive at one point. They dont like competition. Even those you scammed and the wagies will have it better than you once you're in jail getting buttraped

>> No.9969839

>All of that is too vague to even be an argument
nice try

>Scammers don’t produce anything? Says who?
I know you can conjure some obscure case in your head where a scammer steals Betty's retirements funds and goes on to found the next Amazon, but if you assume base rates and apply common sense you'll know that the act of scamming does not directly do anything contributory. Why do I even have to spend time elaborating on this? You are so far into your own head it's unreal

>Further, you could apply those things to crypto in general too, or even investment.
Yes, depending on the investment. The key difference being that you don't directly and willfully cause harm to others; intention is everything in the context (i.e. the morality of stealing) of the discussion

Even so, some investments facilitate productive people and provide market liquidity which is useful for businesses.

Did you have a point even if I fully conceded this point? Are you trying to equate investing with stealing? honestly tired of wasting time on what should be non-issues; you are extremely retarded for someone who slams people for having low IQs constantly

>Or accumulation of wealth at all. Or anything

Accumulating wealth does not implicitly exclude being productive, nor does it imply you are taking from others or harming other productive people. In fact in the base wealth accumulation comes from providing a service to others (producing) and facilitating productive people

>> No.9969848

in the base case*

>Re the bit about the old lady.. not an argument. It’s just talking points to attempt to get everyone agreeing with you because shes muh old lady, poor her.
It's called rhetoric/speaking for effect, for future reference (glad to be educating you)

>Also, the old lady IS part of the society I find issue with, she is complicit
How can you be complicit without intention? I can tell you had a hard time rationalizing this statement by the blabbering about "ignorance" that followed.

It's funny that the main criticism I can see against capitalism is the ruthlessness and carelessness for human life, and yet the victims of that process are somehow complicit and deserve to be doubly punished by thieves in your world view, and that the thief is somehow morally justified in doing so

It's baffling that you would ever take such a blatantly retarded stance

>I make your entire net worth in a good month.
If you were going to lie why make it so obvious?

>> No.9969862

>stop picking on me!
Non argument. Scamming people is morally wrong. Ten Commandments my dude, thou shalt not steal.

>> No.9969879

Scammers cost US citizens over 16 billion dollars last year. Most of which goes to third world criminals and is then used to fund the slave trade, the drug trade, the arms trade and everything that comes from it (war).
Great contribution to society there mate.

>> No.9970025

you are the one who agreed stealing is morally justified - you cannot move the goal posts without disagreeing with OP in the process, so which is it? do you agree with him or not?

what moral structure am I "blindly" following? "don't steal"?

>> No.9970331

>because you were born without any ability

wrong he has the ability to scam. scamming is not that easy.
ill give an example> nigerian email scam kingpin made 80 million $ scamming people with spam.
now thats not easy.

>> No.9970427

I think he’s saying that society needs to be destroyed, so by scamming you are promoting it’s destruction and is a good thing.

He’s deluded and an idiot, but if you accept the original premise (society needs to be destroyed) then the rest of the logic checks out.

>> No.9970443

That’s true. Scamming can be tough, a lot of social engineering and such. You’re like a salesman in a way, except selling hot air instead of some shitty product

>> No.9970466

also people like zuckenberg scam, he stole facebook.
bill gates and steve jobs stole ideas/work too i think.

>> No.9970473

The keys required to type their and there are just too distant for it to be a typo, and you know it.

I feel so sorry for you, I never needed anyone to tell me the difference between those words. The grammatical function and the meaning are just so different that a confusion was impossible. I'm not even a native speaker...

Man, being born with a normie brain is such a curse. You're missing so much and you don't even know. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

>> No.9970501

Capitalism is amoral, Communism is enforced morality. Thus in any of those two economic systems scamming is nothing but a defense against either chaos or authoritarianism.

>> No.9970502

When people are in a shitposting flurry it is very easy to swap there/their, your/you're, affected/effected etc.

>> No.9970641
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Happier with some strong opinions than others. I believe you seriously discount the upside of honest collaboration. Some priorities you may have found attached to because of your geographical location may not be shared as strongly from people from other geographical locations but I can guess how much you care about those locations, nothing particularly evil about that just be careful with overextending your feeding of propaganda camouflaged as protection against other propaganda because some considerations do indeed slide my dick.

Agreed to the point of a message about exploring unconventional/unorthodox options working towards an end and being able to self teach the means through authentic interest

>> No.9970818

>Capitalism is amoral,
you can act immorally within the system, it is not inherently immoral

>Thus scamming is a defense against chaos
there is no logical connection between the prior thing you said and this statement, so don't use the word "thus"

...and you didn't even address the morality of scamming, so whatever your point was, it's moot

>> No.9970911

ah, sorry - misread amoral as immoral, makes more sense now, although the point still seems moot to me

>> No.9970928

1- If amorality reigns, scamming is neither good nor bad.

2- If authoritarianism rules, scamming is nothing but a defense, or even a consequence, of imposing rules upon others through violence.

Scamming is morally irrelevant because the system we're supposedly scamming is not based on morality, just as nothing that relies on materialism can have a good/bad dichotomy.

>> No.9970932

Yes, it's easy if your primitive cerebrum can't easily tell the difference.

>> No.9970949

whether a system cares about morality or not does not exclude acting morally within it's bounds

>> No.9970960

You can't act morally if the rules you've been taught exclude morality. How are capitalists going to act morally if their roots are materialistic

>> No.9971027

there is no exclusion; you can be a capitalist and act morally simultaneously - e.g. higher taxes and fair wages are ways to reap the moral benefits of capitalism while diminishing the chaos of it

>> No.9971050

Motivation for preservation of important human capital?

>> No.9971057

Taxes are inherently immoral because stealing is immoral. Voluntary charities are the only way to help the community morally.

Explain that further.

>> No.9971069

>Taxes are inherently immoral because stealing is immoral.
It's not stealing; capitalism allows for more overall productivity; if you reap disproportionate reward from that fact it's moral that you give back to sustain the system

>> No.9971086

I don't "give", I am afraid I'll be thrown in jail if I don't do what the State says. I did not sign any "social contract", I'm afraid.
Morality has nothing to do with sustainability, forced redistribution of wealth or proportionality. It has to do with the non initiation of the use of force.

>> No.9971110

You aren't wrong op, you're just an asshole.

>> No.9971123

I don't know what kind of example you want, maybe you can come up with some train is coming do you push the lever shit? I would start from market = people reacting to incentives. If people have free will is an angle and if people can find the best incentives is another and what kind of associations are productive beyond making as much garbage as quickly as possible.

>> No.9971129

>Morality has nothing to do with sustainability, forced redistribution of wealth or proportionality. It has to do with the non initiation of the use of force
horse shit

>> No.9971141

>Be Singapore government

>Make scam legal for the government

>> No.9971150

he's both

>> No.9971163

Bullshit. If you agree with him, the only reason not to do it is laziness, fear of not succeeding, of getting caught or whatever.
Claiming ethics is just cope

>> No.9971189

Be China

>> No.9971199

Although that being said, I think a key part of what OP is saying is that we're removing market inefficiencies, which we're doing by going after the worst people.
So if you're a 160 IQ, dont go targetting the 115 IQ, even though you could succeed.
Take on the absolute brainlets, the ones who's last few generations only exist due to welfare
Either that, or go after as many boomers as you can

>> No.9971209

Hey OP, friend of mines looking to get into the business. What do you do? You an eth "giver"?

>> No.9971233

Kek. You dan gone too far Anon

>> No.9971238

I have been "scammed" numerous time but my mother taught me not to be unjust and take what is not rightfully mine, and she made me happy with what she had. So no, i won't burn my feathers trying to eat other's peoples wages that they gotten by their own legitimatly.

>> No.9971252

No, I’m not. I did write a very long and detailed reponse to your earlier two part post, but then I chose not to post anyway because it is quite clear to me that you want the current system to continue as is, or you falsely believe you can repair it. Which is fair enough, you can believe that if you wish, you call me delusional, I call you delusional, etc. Also it exceeded char limit and I cba splitting it.

The old lady in your hypothetical is still complicit regardless of her ignorance. If I made you a drink that accidentally contained bleach, and you drank it and died, I would be complicit in your death whether it was accident or not, obviously.
If someone spends their entire life contributing to a system that damages society (past, present, and future) out of ignorance, apathy, complete disregard, whatever, then they are complicit, and therefore not innocent.

You want things to continue
I want things to change

>> No.9971267

Not an argument

>> No.9971277

No, thats for retards. Both the scammers and the people who fall for it.

>> No.9971301

If there were no laws I'd fully support the execution of a thief or scammer. Depending on their crime. It is a Jew crime which ranks pretty damn high in my book.

>> No.9971306

This is retarded

>removing market inefficiencies
prove this

>accelerationism is necessary
prove this. Where do you draw the line? If I bomb times square to accelerate systemic collapse is that just as well? How are your actions contributing to collapse?

>if you are not contributing you will vanish
prove this

>a criminal pursuing self improvement [...] who never dares to disobey the system.
false dichotomy. also presupposing the criminals to be of virtue. Even in the case that this was a true dichotomy, it would not be the criminality that is virtuous but rather the self improvement so you've made no argument.

>illegalism is just
you've only outlined some unproven generalities that weakly support this claim (market inefficiencies, accelerationism) and one fantasy scenario that doesn't even support it (self improving criminal)

>people only care where you are standing
>if other people are jealous cause I have scam money it makes me virtuous

Just because it makes money doesn't automatically make it virtuous. Your whole argument seems to be "good for me = morally good" with some other paper this moral reasoning on top.

>> No.9971315

based tyrone

>> No.9971329

You support any jewish elite conspiracy if you executed someone like OP.

>> No.9971330

That's interesting. I guess there's a point where you can argue
> you are going to cause such a disaster to yourself and others if I let you have this that I'm directly going to take it away from you

>> No.9971345

>Your whole argument seems to be "good for me = morally good"
He didnt say that at all

>> No.9971374

>but then I chose not to post anyway because it is quite clear to me that you want the current system to continue as is, or you falsely believe you can repair it.
the amount of mental gymnastics it takes to equate scamming people to bringing down the system is insane and I hope you make an effort to understand this simple reality

don't fucking steal - it does nothing except cause direct and immediate misery; it does not cause societal reform, it does nothing productive, and is morally unjustifiable for reasons outlined multiple times throughout the thread

the rest of the western world lives in capitalistic countries tampered by socialistic views, and it's great for everyone here - if you want to change your country, vote for Bernie Sanders (unironically), there is no better system in the history of mankind than what you see in the saner part of the western world

>If I made you a drink that accidentally contained bleach, and you drank it and died, >I would be complicit in your death whether it was accident or not, obviously.
this is an accident, not an immoral act - intention is everything when discerning morality, how is that not clear to you?

>You want things to continue. I want things to change
absolute bullshit, which seems to be a theme you have going

>> No.9971379

there's no black and white answer to this, it all depends on how the funds will ultimately be used.

if the scammer can make use of the scammed funds by investing in successful startups/ technologies, then he should rightfully own the funds because stupid people who fall for stupid scams wouldve wasted it on useless shit

but then again we also have to keep in mind that social capital and a general extent of trust is needed within a society to make it work. OP'a success relies on both his wit and society's reluctance to do the same

>> No.9971390

Maybe now, but earlier on some of those greedy chinks were getting at least 20 eth a day, which at ETH current prices is equivalent a yearly salary of 3.5 million.

>> No.9971411

Yes, and if OP is actually a really smart, competent human, he could make his fortune quickly and retire, spending the rest of his days benefiting society.
It'd be a net positive on society, since the only thing it really harms is some dumb Indian or boomer now has to wait an extra week to buy a new TV.

>> No.9971428

The holocaust was an accident, not an immoral act. So you’re saying that... Hitler did nothing wrong?

>> No.9971436

>Yes, and if OP is actually a really smart, competent human, he could make his fortune quickly and retire, spending the rest of his days benefiting society.
laughable justification; just because you can conceive an exception does not mean you get to ignore the base rate of an event

scammers largely cause misery even if 0.1% of them end up bettering the world directly because of their scams

>> No.9971449

yeah thats exactly what im saying you got me go hitler

>> No.9971482

But you did just say that

>> No.9971511

I didn't, though - nice try

>> No.9971528
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>> No.9971547


In what other way did he argue that it scamming is a moral good? Please don't include things I already mentioned in the comment you replied to without a counterpoint.

>> No.9971566

This desu

>> No.9971646

Everything should start from a base of lying should only be used in very particular cases. A negotiator in a hostage situation may be interested into trying to con the kidnappers into giving up whatever gives them more negotiation power. We could see him as an ethical scammer. This can't justify lying as a habit as moral except on very carefully chosen situations. If the whole angle is seeing who falls for your shit because he's dumb enough then yeah, that's fucked up. Still, wanting to do other things than teaching mostly unteachable people how to not be scammed is fine even if it's expected some innocent people that could have been saved may be harmed by omission.

>> No.9971765

>why you should short your rep -- the thread

>> No.9971778

The Holocaust never happened.

>> No.9971836

No, you’re just a pussy.

>> No.9971888

>Everything should start from a base of lying should only be used in very particular cases.
scamming, for one

>> No.9971889

Replace the word scammers with lawyers, politicians, insurance salemen

>> No.9971923

I tried, and it makes absolutely no sense when I do - elaborate.

When you're done elaborating, proceed to the latter part of the comment you referenced and explain to me how it's morally justified even if economically justified

>> No.9971946

>Scamming is a massive economical overhead to society
Other way around, our current society is a massive scam, just look at fractional-reserve banking

>> No.9971963

"Other way around"?

>Society is a massive economical overhead to scams

Why can't fractional-reserve banking and scamming be bad simultaneously?

>> No.9972047

Making my mind on it. Just because someone can be made a victim it's not moral to turn them into one. And it brings a level of distrust attached that makes things run worse, you have to allow people to run some kind of gentlemanly agreements instead of everything as binding contractual obligations.

>> No.9972141
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Every scam accelerates the the understanding of the flaws of an ecosystem and will bring either a fixed one or a new one faster. If only some people decide not to scam because of morals then we're stuck with the current flawed system for a longer time period.
For example if your house has poor insulation, you probably still survive and spend more resources to keep it warm. Now 1 super cold winter your house freezes and you can't take it anymore and you insulate the house to prevent this ever happening again. As a result you now have a well insulated house and you spend less resources every year and you're overall better off thanks to that 1 cold winter.

>> No.9972202

Also I'd like to point out that my reasoning is cold and statistical. Since you're human, every scam you do creates guilt and makes you feel bad about yourself. Just the fact that you know that your scam will contribute to the acceleration of progress, doesn't really make it less emotionally painful.
tldr: Scammers are the most unselfish people who have to tolerate guilt all their life for the greater good of the society.

>> No.9972221

>Scammers are the most unselfish people who have to tolerate guilt all their life for the greater good of the society

>> No.9972251
File: 328 KB, 561x561, tumblr_o3835eeQO11v0pigno1_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'People don't care how you got there only where you are.'

Difference between you and me anon. I want to be the best version of myself and make life great for myself and for everyone else, since they deserve it as much as me.

You just care about other people. You will never be happy if you need there validation, so even if everyone thinks your cool, u will think ur not. And I am comfy here knowing i tried my best in this one magical thing that is called our life.

Comfy as fuck.

>> No.9972377

Going to take a nap. I can be convinced for a case for ethical scamming, I'm not buying anything about acceleration. You can walk towards fixing flaws on a system or you can walk towards trying to exploit them so decide on a path but don't meme yourselves into believeing you're doing both at the same time. If I break into your house and steal you blind and now you decide you have to install an alarm system that's not progress because alarm installers have found jobs and we have to research even better alarms.

>> No.9972408

ur really fucking dum and probably shud die

>> No.9972416

You clearly have a guilty conscience, otherwise you wouldnt make these threads looking for validation from complete strangers. Youre taking advantage of people who are either less intelligence, or not tech savvy, or have a gambling addiction, or are in a financial situation that makes them take desperate actions or any combination of the above. You know that and it eats you inside, so you make these threads to diminish the pain. To know if your way of life if correct or not, just answer this question: would society still function if everyone was like me? If not, would the new society be better or worse than what it is now? If everyone was like you we would live in a disfunctional world where no one trusted anyone, the only reason we do not live in that world its because fortunately just a minority of people decide to be a leech to the system. And this is coming from a lazy fuck that hates working, but you have to make the distinction between what you wish life was and what you know it should be.

>> No.9972518

Because scamming is a small attack on it

>> No.9972534

You laugh but hes right

>> No.9972594

Why do people always resort to the same bullshit when they can’t disprove something?
>wah u just want approval
>wah ur just guilty conscience and want to drag others with you
>wah ur just stoopid
>wah ur just projecting

Read the post again, read it slowly. Society and humanity BENEFIT long term from scamming. The current system is broken. A scammer scamming because of accelerationism knows this and wants to encourage its downfall and rebirth. Some others incorrectly believe they can repair the current system, and then retards like you (marks who get scammed) don’t think at all.

If yo wish for the current system to continue, and only hope for its longevitity, then go be a good slave. But stop with the non-arguments, you fucking brainlet.

>> No.9972619

>an IQ

>> No.9972654

Seems to be working for China

>> No.9972662

I repeat, why can't they be bad simultaneously?


>> No.9972678

You're right OP. Doctors make the most money out of any other industry, and their job is to scam people into getting unneccesary procedures and using the legal system to force them into paying for it.

>> No.9972683

wait, you actually meant scamming was an attack on fractional-reserve banking? ROFL

you are such a lost cause

>> No.9972699

scamming (and crime) has massive negative externalities
i.e. robbery/thievery = need for door locks

>> No.9972853

Scamming is a relatively small attack on society and everything within it. It causes friction and unrest that the people who benefit from the current system do not want. People like you, no doubt. They want smooth sailing. Scamming, and illegalism in general, providing its done correctly is pretty much one of the only ways you can attack such a system.. short of becoming a monk and just not ‘playing’ at all.
Everything you create within the current system has got to go, and eventually it will.

As for the victims of scams, are they really victims? Their ignorance and total apathy are what allow such a system to continue on. Their greed, etc, ensures its survival. They are not innocent, and they are to be held accountable. Unless you happen to scam someone who is aware of all of this and acting against it in a similar way, then you are benefitting humanity long term.

>> No.9972901

I wish that when you die, you get reborn in this same world at the day where the system falls, and you live out your whole life in that same world that you so desperatelly worked towards. At least ted kaczynski wasnt a hypocrite that leeched off the system. Youre scamming money from people to live a confortable life using all the confortable things that were given to you through technological advances made by the system, but at the same time you want to destroy all of that because of the bad things that the same system has.

Youre just someone that has used some of the system's conforts for so long in your life that you take them for granted. If this system collapsed you would be living in pain and fear for the rest of your life and it would take decades if not centuries to rebuild a new one (which by the nature's course would have a very big likelyhood of being the same trash)

>> No.9972956

You litrally just made up a story didnt you?

Not an argument