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File: 123 KB, 1080x1350, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9967929 No.9967929 [Reply] [Original]

so i decided to reveal which new projects are going to change the game in 2019, i made this list after weeks of research, i hope some of you will take notes:

Projects that currently trading on the market (except ETH):

Zilliqa is the only one desu, the rest are either scams or afwul from tech perspective.

ADA, FSN, ICX aren't that bad i guess

upcoming projects:

oasis labs
block collider


the next big flip coin is origo network, i heard that the guys who pumped quarkchain are behind this, i recommend you to join their telegram channel for more updates.

>> No.9967936

thats disguisting

>> No.9967945

I confirm.


>> No.9968089
File: 190 KB, 1080x1349, 130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get out

>> No.9968100

Do women with this little bodyfat even menstruate?

>> No.9968104


these guys are right


quit shitting up the board with your manly females.

>> No.9968376

how much ZIL for him?

>> No.9968446


>> No.9968457

You forgot Tomo

>> No.9968492

>sliced and butchered tit
>literally on steroids
>enlarged clit
>leather skin

>> No.9968508

name ?
instagram link ?

>> No.9968522

That dude has really long hair

>> No.9968563

From what I know seems like a legit list, thanks

>> No.9968729


You forgot BitDiem

>> No.9968831

i still hold some since the ico, i think tomo isn't as good as some of the projects i listed above but i'm bullish on it short-medium term, it's pretty undervalued rn.

>> No.9968856


>> No.9968885

tatoo ruins her

this is a mathematical law for tatoos on women

>Take her age and multiply it by 0.3.

>Then add that number to her age.

That is her true age now

So if a babe is 20 and has tats, she is really

> 20 + (20x0.3) = 26

>> No.9968992

>all those sentences
just say tattoos adds 30% to age nigger

>> No.9969147


> thinks biz neets know how to calculate that

>> No.9969780

>(except ETH):
Why not ETH?

>> No.9969808

i guess 50k would be enough in a year or 2

>> No.9969863

I would fuck her so hard.

I bet her kegal muscles are insane. That lady could boarderline pull your cock off with her puss.

Buncha queers round here yeesh

>> No.9969921



valuation is already in its right place

>> No.9970254

thanks anon not alot of biztards help others

I currently have around 1eth. What should I buy to make it?

Which of these projects have airdrops? I see origo has that.

>> No.9970411

zilliqa imo

check out vite, they just announced they will do airdrop in the future.

>> No.9970500
File: 58 KB, 575x523, 96276412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your disgusting fetishes make me believe you shouldn't be trusted with understanding good opportunities. I will add the projects you've named to my list nonetheless. As of this moment you will not be thanked for your time.

>> No.9970561

If you find this hot, you should literally kys.

>> No.9970816

I hope that's shopped

>> No.9970872

Tell me about Zilliqa. What makes it different from the bunch of other shitcoins that solve/claim to solve scaling? Doesn't seem to have many convincing partnerships or use cases in the pipeline. Just another platform gamble?

>> No.9970887

NA math right here LMAO wtf

>> No.9970890

what the fuck is wrong with you OP that woman is disgusting I would rather fuck a socket

>> No.9970997

Why can't capture the screen? I'm a newbie.

>> No.9971023

people who think muscle women are hot havenever seen a naked steroid woman, theyh ave fucking penises basically and cant have kids cause they are actually physically sick/diseased

>> No.9971073

2nd grader equation doesn't even take into account the number of tattoos

>> No.9971074

FSN is the one

>> No.9971087

Burger fat fuck detected

>> No.9971172

Been taking a peek, looks promising.
The main point is that it's a project built from the ground up to resolve the current problems with blockchains utilizing smartcontracts. Futhermore it's not just a whitepaper but there's a live testnet right now where the tech is working and deployed. They're also developing a smartcontract lang that allows for formal verification, aka a way to prove that the contract is 100% secure and predictable cost in relation to "gas" usage.

>> No.9971182

So yeah just another platform claiming 'superior tech'

>> No.9971292
