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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9963356 No.9963356 [Reply] [Original]

How come this coin bleeds every fucking day

>> No.9963378



>> No.9963540

Everything it says it's gonna do some day - Tezos already does & is releasing this weekend.

Shit token that's been pumped to the moon. I mean even shitty EOS actually has a functioning product.

>> No.9963577

Vaporware and tranny devs.

Got scammed hard on this one

>> No.9963688
File: 88 KB, 800x674, J-Curve-e1510167450909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many times do I have to post this until you Cardano dipshits understand how this market works?

>> No.9963716

Same here, one of the worst mistakes I have made besides putting money in REQ.

I want to cut my losses but as long as TRON is in top 50 it would be stupid to dismiss the idea of normies picking my bags one day.

>> No.9963735
File: 340 KB, 1258x1677, 80645AF8-BA37-4778-86EC-11CFD28B90EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this be the fabled Golden Ponzi Schem?

In 1876 economists and mathematicians theorised the existence of a economic-ecosystem that had reached a form of transcendence - creating an endless positive feedback loop of endless wealth. They proposed that such a system entering this state would begin what they called the Golden Ponzi Scheme. Various mathematical models were created to show what this Golden Ponzi Scheme would look like.

Through my PhD research I believe that EOS may be entering the early stages of a Golden Ponzi Scheme. In this stage early investors could potentially earn an endless supply of wealth - as the system generates tangible wealth through computational power rather than just moving it around or having the federal reserve print and endless supply of money.

Bitcoinists, mETH heads and John Oliver believed that the slow nature of the year long ICO meant that harmful players could sabotage the emergence of the Golden Ponzi Scheme before it could get started. However it looks like the extremely fast paced nature of EOS and 4 Billion dollars raised means it is not susceptible to these types of attacks.

If I am right we could see something never before experienced in the history of the universe. Hold on while you can - takeoff is imminent.

>> No.9963742

or you mean the dev's pocketed 1 billion and have no incentive to do anything now

>> No.9963775

that too
also isn't that Hoskinson guy a known scammer?

>> No.9963780

Worth picking up 1k of this shit?

Seems worth a hedge

>> No.9963786

You can post this all you want you won't be the one firing the tranny autismoid.

>> No.9964005

Cause gonna be ethereum classic and even buterin admitted it twice.

>> No.9964031
File: 33 KB, 363x540, cuckdano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9964359

this is one damn fine orchestrated EOS shill fud thread. every one of you braindeads just regufgitated old fud memes thinking you're contributing something new. you're posessed by a cult mindset.

for the non-idiots, go to cardanoroadmap.com and watch some hoskinson interviews on youtube to see that this fud is created by complete buttfuck dumb fucks and gay as fuck EOS bagholders. or buy EOS: quick to market with a total shit project that is imploding due to poor design and code vulnerabilities and dev incompetence.

>> No.9964398

it bleeds because like the rest of the market, it's overpriced.

>> No.9964428
File: 731 KB, 283x215, DBA81BE7-B29E-47E8-9497-3E030437EC48.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bleeds everyday

When trannies have their cock and balls removed it never heals, blood and puss always fill the shunted wound.

>> No.9964435

How long until the devs release a fucking working product?

>> No.9964459

has already happened - why so uninformed?

>> No.9964494

> No smart contracts
> No scaling
> No PoS

*Working = less functionality than peercoin

>> No.9964611

mainnet live - scaling coming - pos this year. wallet working smoothly - multisignature wallets coming. 1st of two testnetS live for smart contracts. live testnet is for eth conpatibility - allows ERC 20 tokens to migrate to ADA. you sound like an ignorant fuck who measures success as 'first to get a clusterfuck coin to market while clueless as fuckall on how to bring a solid scalable secure system to market that doesn't crash and burn like every fly-by-night shitcoin and doesn't end up in total governance failure like bitcoin and all its forking fiascos . good luck with your shit project you dumbfuck

>> No.9964662

> No functionality
> "Coming" (for the last year)
> Why m token not worth as much as Ethereum????

>> No.9964680

>Putting money into something a tranny has touched

Sell everything now, even if its a loss. Jesus christ man..

>> No.9964691

you are ignorant