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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9962674 No.9962674 [Reply] [Original]

>He makes his wealth through moving money around instead of actually producing a product with his hands or offering a valuable service to the community

Literally how do you people live with yourselves? Do ever feel shame for being such a leech on society?

>> No.9962688

good goyim
make money the "right way"

>> No.9962729

Lawyers, bankers, government beurocrats... Come on man..

>> No.9962734
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>> No.9962878

people who say this are almost always frustrated brainlets

>> No.9962960
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> "He makes his wealth through moving money around instead of actually producing a product with his hands or offering a valuable service to the community"


>> No.9963383

I hear they all make excellent furnace fuel.

>> No.9963476

Systems enable productivity to spike on an unprecedented scale. Due to the nature of the abstractions needed to keep the system running some are able to accumulate wealth without directly contributing to productivity. That's just a byproduct of living in a society which has taken division of labor to a new level of complexity.

>> No.9963587

>Free money
No thanks!, I couldn't take the shame!

>> No.9963650

Every profession you can make money with contributes something to the world.

Just because you're a brainlet that can't see the value in something doesn't mean its not useful.

>> No.9964233

> he thinks modern man cares about the very community which emasculated him
> he thinks modern 4channer cares about that community so much to feel ashamed not to help it

Where the fuck all this newfag cancer comes from?

Fuck off milhouse

>> No.9964460

The one rebuttal is that making money this way rarely directly impacts someone. We're only playing the game that was created long before we were.

>> No.9964495

what exactly are you doing for society by posting on 4chan of all places

>> No.9964516
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I like to view myself as a modern king and wagies as my personal slaves.

>> No.9964864

lol. only high IQ peeps move money to make money.

>> No.9964886

absolute drivel

>> No.9965015

Hate the game, not the player.
The system is set up so that actual wealth producers are mercilessly exploited by taxes, direct and indirect (regulations, licenses etc).

>> No.9965134


dont confuse them with the facts

>> No.9965168
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Anon, I actually make my money through providing a valuable service to society.

But I make more money than I do providing said service by moving money around on the side.

>> No.9965574

My job is largely automatization of processes. Recently removed 2 FTE's in one project. (They weren't fired, but their efforts were redirected into bettering other dept.)

But sure, would be better if I just joined them to prove my physical worth, and we slowly drained the company for money, until we became uncompetative and all lost our jobs.

>> No.9965679


To be fair the players made the rules of the game

>> No.9965697

95% of wagecucks don't do shit for the betterment of society.

>> No.9965701

Oy vey, antisemitism! Reported to ACLU!

>> No.9966408

>implying more than 5 people in my life deserve anything that I make
Most people are worthless, and those who aren't have different goals than I do, so fuck them.

>> No.9966457

You're only a leech if you get welfare from the government or live off someone else's direct support. Trading commodities back and forth for profit isn't unethical in the least. This is because we take big risks. We don't always pull profits, we can have big losses and many people on this board can attest to that.

The real question is what the fuck is the problem with the people who get triggered at the people who succeed, yet ignore the people that fail.

>> No.9966538

making me a fresh quarter pounder with NEVER FROZEN beef is a betterment for society. Try one today at your local McDonalds!

>> No.9966654

The problems are mostly due to democracy and Jews, in that order

>> No.9966778

Um, no one here is really making money...

>> No.9966790

Everything I consume I either make myself or pay somebody else money to make it for me. How the hell is that being a leech on society? OP has the mentality of a voluntary gulag prisoner.

>> No.9966811

Speak for yourself. I made $2100 this week through pennystocks.

>> No.9967016
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by moving around money I create liquidity in the market

>> No.9967049
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>He's a market mover.

>> No.9967077

you make more the harder you work XD

>> No.9967147

dick status: muh