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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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996211 No.996211 [Reply] [Original]

How do you escape bad childhood /biz/? Just how? Is it even possible?
>No higher education other than secondary school
>Low experience

I recently got fired from my job as a customer service guy for not showing up to work because I was homeless. I was homless from 15 to 17 years old too so I didn't get a chance to actually gain the qualifications I wanted when I was younger.
I'm not homeless anymore but fuck, I've lost all hope. I'm in debt, have no job prospects and have no motivation anymore.
I'm fairly certain there is no way out of this for me. I can't bear the thought of having to work some shitty 9-5 for the rest of my life knowing its within my ability to do more.
I'm pretty sure if you're born poor and have a disturbed upbringing, you are fucked for life. Of course there are exceptions but they are rare and even then you still need to be fortunate.

Employers expect me to have a degree or a lot of experience, of course I could explain to them why I don't have any of this but they don't care and nor should they. I wouldn't If I was a business owner either. I'd have sympathy for their situation sure, but I wouldn't hire them.
It's a fucked up feeling seeing your old school friends do a thousand times better than you because they had support in place, especially when you are more intelligent, harder working etc. One of my friends has actually said this to me:
''If you had a better childhood, you'd be making so much more money than me right now''

If you had a relatively decent upbringing, you should thank your parents.
Rant over.

What do?

>> No.996220
File: 99 KB, 720x960, Peter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a ball python.

>> No.996223

Buy Bitcoin

>> No.996224

I don't like snakes

>> No.996225

>I was homless from 15 to 17 years old too so I didn't get a chance to actually gain the qualifications I wanted when I was younger

Don't they have shelters and foster homes for homeless children?

How were you homeless tho

Anyway can't you get into community college with grants and such? It is surely almost free when you're this low income.

>> No.996230

Get whatever shit level job will take you.

-Fast food
-Baggage handler airport
-Cleaning offices

Literally people fresh out of prison land these jobs. No way you can't.

Enroll in tech school near you/get associates degree/become not nigger

>> No.996235

You know, Warren Buffett acquired 99% of his wealth after the age of 50

>> No.996240

I have negative money, my friend.
I was aware of bitcoin when it was about 10 dollars per coin though. I didn't have money then either.

Yeah but I didn't want to stay there for obvious reason and decided to stay with a distant family member, until they kicked me out because ''I wasn't their responsibility''
By homeless, I mean on the actual streets for a while, actually starving.
I'm from uk so I don't think we have grants etc. I think theres a small bursary but wouldn't be enough for me to live on. Other than that, have to pay for education etc.

Yeah that was my plan anyway but that won't work now. I wouldn't have enough to live and to pay for education. I'm stuck

>> No.996243

Yeah he had a good upbringing, his father was rich and I'm pretty sure he was given large loans etc.
Completely opposite circumstances.

>> No.996250

Loans or work big job until scratch together 500 to take even one class a semester, better than nothing.

Ask me how I know this works.

>> No.996251

You are only twenty, he is 85 now so if you start now you can make about as much as he was worth at 65, retirement age. Remember me when you're a billionaire anon

>> No.996257

Nig (big)

>> No.996266

try /r9k/

>> No.996277

why? this thread is relevant to this board in some way

>> No.996278

I came from a pretty similar situation. I got into sales around your age (29 now) and I learned everything I could about sales and marketing by reading books.

I got into car sales, went to work to work instead of fucking around all day and focused on repeat customers and referrals. Worked by way into management and made some bank. I burnt out at 26 plus alcohol.... Anyways now I'm getting back on track again and I'm focusing on SEO and affiliate marketing.

Anyways it's possible for you to hit $100k/yr right now in sales if you train hard and be productive. Just stay away from drugs and alcohol if your family has problems with it...

>> No.996282

Do you have a criminal record?

>> No.996284

Get so many forced new experiences it makes the past irrelevent, every time your about to make a decision or choice in life, your mind will instinctively 're stimulate you on a past experience, do the opposite.

>> No.996286

What are you currently reading? Where are you getting that from?

>> No.996300

No. Never commited a crime despite coming close at one point when literally starving to death. I'm no criminal though.

Thats difficult to do with no money or job.

>> No.996304
File: 24 KB, 394x458, jew pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are not nearly as much behind as you think, in fact you could be easily ahead of most people your age. just get a job, buy a car and rent a cheap apartment. at 25-27yo people will have student debt and they end up same jobs as you anyways loool. so at that time you have already made a decent money while they are just starting. it's not like the job market is getting any better in future


>> No.996310


This guy gets it.

A ball python is the obvious solution here OP.

The inspiration you derive from the snake will help you overcome your situation.