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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9959812 No.9959812 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9959829

Ask me to take them on vacation

>> No.9959846

>hasn't made it

>> No.9959987
File: 28 KB, 601x508, tfw no friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha. Good one.

>> No.9960028

Legitimately would never tell them. I'll say this once on biz ever - don't tell anyone if you make it, whether it's through crypto or otherwise. Keep it to yourself. If you want to live a lavish lifestyle that's fine. People will ask you how you do so, just tell them you made a few smart investments and now trade full time so you're free to travel etc. and are doing well for yourself. Don't tell anyone how much money you have. Don't tell them what you trade(d). If they seem like they want handouts, tell them you've made a blanket rule to not get involved with giving money to friends or family and distance yourself from those people. True friends might be jealous but they'll be respectful enough to not bring it up or genuinely let it affect your friendship. The people who are still around after a year or two and are much poorer than you but have been awesome friends and never even really brought up your financial situation past maybe wondering what changed - start treating them to shit. Take them on a vacation with you, treat them to dinner when you go out, etc. Don't make it a very regular habit, but every now and then it's fine. They have proven themselves, and life is more fun when your real friends can enjoy the same things as you.

>> No.9960029
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>Why didn't you tel us anon? I could have been rich too! ITS NOT FAIR

>> No.9960059

oh but I did remember, but you brushed me off then went to work

>> No.9960074

100% they will ask for money, I am flying under the radar. If I really make it and moving to Finland.

>> No.9960084

This. But if you have money there is nothing wrong with helping out an immediate family member who is in need if you know deep down they would do the same for you if roles were reversed

>> No.9960131
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this 100%

Thankfully my friends all make pretty good incomes, all engineers or work real hard and save smart.

We've all kind of agreed, if anyone gets insanely wealthy, we start a cul-de-sac and build a big community center. Have a pool, gym, sauna, movie / game theater. If I made a ton I'd probably sink some money into that so all my friends can live next door to each other and raise our kids together.

They all moved away even though we stay in touch, i have some poorfag friends around me, no idea if they would beg or not. If they did beg, I'd give them a firm "not gonna happen" and if they didnt respect that I'd drop em.

Always keep hidden how much you have though. People have this mindset of "if its 1-5% of your income, it'd be fine to give away to a loved, cherished valuable friend.

"it'd be like I gave you 20$! I just need 10k! You have 5 million! cmon!"

>> No.9960142

I've been practising at being friendless so that in case I make it, I won't have to deal with any 'friends' asking for money.

>> No.9960153
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Lmao, I love this one too. My one friend who made ~1.2m on crypto, will still not give me advice on coins because he doesn't want me to blame him if it doesn't pay out.

I told people I was investing, and after they found out I made profit they asked why I didn't tell them exactly what to do to make money too. Mind boggling.

>> No.9960167

>Anon, the coins you told me to buy are 20% down. I panic sold. Can you pay me the difference?

>> No.9960234


not ganna make it

>> No.9960269
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Was about to post the same thing

>> No.9960286
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already told my friends about my riches, they are mad jelly and I bully them everyday with it in some way.

>> No.9960335
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>> No.9960764

What wagecuck friends? Where we're going, we won't need wagecuck friends.

>> No.9960799

Nice way to increase the chances one of those 'friends' double crosses you and attempts to make off with your money via threats, framing you and taking it in court, etc. Never ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER tell just anybody how much money you actually have.

>> No.9960830

they will never know

>> No.9960887
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shit man had that idea ever since i was like 10

my highschool class waas around 25 fuckers
in 12 years of school only 1 left to another school and another 2 guys joined in highschool
everyone is spread all over the world now, havent seen any of them since 2013
live my dream for me anon

>> No.9960906

not if fagget. when

>> No.9960966

I have almost no friends left after Trump. The "tolerant liberals" won't have anything to do with someone that wants to not be killed in communist food riots, or jailed for offending Islam.

It's lonely being right. But at least I have my shitcoins.

>> No.9960986
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There is nothing they can do. if they get uppity I just bully them some more.

>> No.9961056

Go back to pol you fucking retard your kind is not welcome here

>> No.9961082

shut up nigger

>> No.9961223


>> No.9961250


Id have to hide it otherwise I would always have to buy the drugs

>> No.9961272

>forgets comma
>expects people to respect him
I'm tired of you kids using terrible grammar, honestly.

>> No.9961273

Who cares? They all are focused on the wrong things. AI is coming.

>> No.9961283
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>> No.9961397


>> No.9961431

Having made it, it's not that exciting.

Each friend that you tell or finds out will either attempt to get closer to you out of admiration or push you away due to jealousy. Depends on their philosophy.

>> No.9961486

>If you make it, how will your wagecuck friends respond?
>how will your wagecuck friends respond?
>your wagecuck friends
you have to go back...

>> No.9961876

I'm with you on not telling anybody how big your stack is and not flaunting your wealth, but you don't need to be as secretive as all that. I have some close friends and family that I love to talk to about all of my kooky trading and business ideas. When I have something going well, I tell them how to the strategy works and encourage them to try it themselves. So far, nobody wants to follow in my footsteps with the trading, but we do have a little family business that we're trying to start up. Most of them make more money than I do right now, so if I actually do make it and they don't, that's on them. I also don't associate with leeches in the first place, which I guess is kind of key.

>> No.9961923

that's how socio economic class works. most people are actually poor so if you become rich you basically become the class enemy of 90% of the population. the ones that want to be your friend are probably trying to size you up.

>> No.9961942

Look here, you liberal arts fag.

You can suck my two commas and oversized m dash till you learn to stfu

>> No.9961949


I only surround myself with people that i want to surpass in some way. Once i do it i find new *friends*. Normies should evacuate biz or kts

>> No.9961955

>the class enemy of 90% of the population
>class enemy

lol where do you live that the whole population are literal marxists? Wherever it is, you should probably move away.

>> No.9962008

Well.. They all become unrelateable. B/c they work all the time, and I have all the free time in the planet. They get a lil jelly. And every conversation always some how ends up being about money b/c they are insecure. Tbh. I should just cut them off, and get new friends that are on the same tax bracket.

>> No.9962018

the hate is not ideological, it's genetical, you don't have to be a marxist to be jealous

>> No.9962167


Yeah, stop hanging around with poor people. They suck.

>> No.9962548
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Implying we'll actually go outside, our neet lifestyles probably won't change much.

>> No.9962638
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>IRL friends shitpost on discord everytime my alts dump
If I ever make it, I'll pick up one of them in my lambo, drive em around, then ask for gasmoney. Fuck you.

>> No.9962647

>moving to Finland.
In this shithole they literally publish on the most read newssites detailed descriptions on everyone making over 100k every year. They even have "toplists" of highest earners under 30 etc

Fucking impossible to keep your wealth hidden

>> No.9962803
File: 89 KB, 406x406, jewdar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jew spotted
Fuck off and die nigger loving kike. Fucking Jew I bet. YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE MOTHERFUCKER? THIS WHOLE SITE IS RIGHT!

>> No.9962838


>> No.9962853

absolute wisdom

>> No.9962951

Enjoy your suicide

>> No.9962967

is /biz/ the friends you're talking about here?

>> No.9963007

that's solid advice right there

>> No.9963118

>pre 2017 bullrun
>introduced him to crypto and told him what I hodl
>"Hey faggot I'm losing money with the bitcoin coin like you shown me pay me back"
>2018 january bullrun
>"Why didn't you tell me about this? WE could have obtained lots of money!"
Yes learnt it the hard way, god damn how I regret ever talking to this (((friend)))

>> No.9963166
File: 445 KB, 968x928, 4E707449A5B248D5BACF4A5FD2C4204E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got a cha outside the 4chan coin thread
Noo my $3 monies

>> No.9963204

>"If I make it, I'll bring my rich friends with me and buy them houses. The poor friends need to leave, though."

>> No.9963225

damn dude