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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 580x964, WYS_WOLF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9958380 No.9958380 [Reply] [Original]

At the moment there are not many people trading actively on IDEX for the WYS token. Some of them do compete strongly for the highest bid and lowest ask. Unfortunately the spread is at the moment only about 8% between 0.00012383 and 0.00013499. Whoever is trading should allow a bigger spread to make more profits please. Come on faggots dont be shy, this is a nice moon session.

>> No.9958413

is there an actual wys wallet that operates on their blockchain or whatever they use for consensus?

>> No.9958435

It's an erc20 token

>> No.9958453

They dont have an own blockchain. It is an ERC20 token, so you can check on etherscan.

>> No.9958478

Ah, forgot to tell you, you can see the details on livecoinwatch.com and also on blockfolio and delta.

>> No.9958583
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, 1516916509930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you cumguzzling faggots fuck off already with your shit token and cringy as fuck memes. Seriously go KYS!

>> No.9958589

Bought 34k, will I make it

>> No.9958601

Not if you dont trade... trade till the exchange falls apart...

>> No.9959501


Lol you fuckers are so desperate to unload your bags for this imploding shitcoin

I can even tell who this fucker is, like anyone who took 2 seconds to look at their manipulated TG and everything about this coin

This is the nigger with at least 3 accounts in the TG, 'TheMexican', 'H S' and, more aptly named 'Bag Holder'

You are literally buying this shit from a cunt who names himself 'Bag Holder'

>> No.9959542 [DELETED] 

LOL that's the faggot who leaked "insider info" from his sister who was just hired by shytsker, just to get her fired for unimportant information HAHAHAHA what a bunch of niggers, I fucked the sister tho

>> No.9959566 [DELETED] 



>> No.9960332

Lol this shit should be renamed to WYSCONNECT

Man, even bitconnect didn't hunt for buyers THIS much

Stay fresh /biz/

>> No.9960357

How was she, got pics?

>> No.9960600

Yes, good that I took all the screenshots from TG. This shitcoin is doomed to die and the pajeets can't sell their bags

>> No.9960614

Good job, you saved many people from beeing scammed by pajeets.

>> No.9960625

They are even coordinating to anti fud. They are so desperate, I also dumped my stack, this fuckers will never learn.
Are you still in this group?
Good job bro

>> No.9960638

Shitsker will fail like odn and skycoin. Kek, sry for all the bagholders you should dump as soon as possible.

>> No.9960651

odn team was sacked. New team working on coin split called odin. It's hush hush right now, but it's definitely worth a look now that the autists they had before are gone

>> No.9960653

Yes, this is like wysconnect. ROFL lol kek

>> No.9960657

See y’all at $1

T. Deluded wyskie

>> No.9960658
File: 15 KB, 260x234, D8B82F05-1CAC-433A-AE4A-EFF156056F4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice meme Patel

>> No.9960674


Fuck dat shit, ODN is so tainted that no one will risk touching ODIN, even if the tards are gone

Unfortuinately same thing can't happen for WYS, since they are all autistic fags trying to dump their basg since day 1

>> No.9960708

Kek no. Kek this is a dumb coin, kek this shit will go down. Dump fast niggers.
Dump all it will be worth nothin.
Don't buy when it's cheap cause of dumping it can never be a success.

Dump all and dump now

>> No.9960717

Sheet how stupid are these fudders for real man?
Gonna buy some now just for fun

>> No.9960719


delude yourself harder and harder bruv

You have mental issues to sort out tho if you believe that faggot CEO will succeed after a decade of failed startups


>> No.9960731


lol yes very convincing reasons to buy this absolute garbage

kys you fucktard shiller, wysker is already dead

>> No.9960734

>Fuck dat shit, ODN is so tainted that no one will risk touching ODIN, even if the tards are gone

The thing is, ODN was never even that big. Plebittors never even found out about it. If the new team does ODIN right, it'll take off. Currently the market cap for ODN is only 1 million. Their website is pretty at least: http://launch.odinblockchain.org/

>> No.9960765

is she hot or what? lets see some pics. This wetback writes like a 13 year old on tg i want some dirt on him

>> No.9960776


Rule #1 of crypto: If you've made money with a shitcoin, never ever go back to it again, no matter how attractive, risks of failure are too high

I stick by it, but good luck to you

wysker is odn phase #1 and it will never even go as high as that shitcoin as wys is dead on arrival

>> No.9960809

You can't even call Wysker live yet deluded idiot. Nothin to say about it at all before they release the app on iOS and start marketing.
Fudders are really fucking idiot's and all they have is ad hominem attack. That's a clear buy signal in my eyes

>> No.9960819

Fair enough, but it's basically a new coin altogether. New blockchain, new exchange listings.

Thanks. Good luck, man.

>> No.9960842


lol delude yourself harder you fucktard

an app that NO ONE buys from is all you need to know, iOS or not

even if it's just android, the fact that the troglodyte moderator Jonathan is the only one who bought some socks is fucking telling you all you need to know, iOS won't change jackshit

12 year olds will download the app to play with the "gamification" components and you'll be left scratching your head why so many users are active but no one is buying

fucking idiots claim that "we can fire everyone until the app becomes profitable and then hire everyone back, so the fact that e are running out of cash is not a problem"

go fuck yourself with your fist you nigger scammer, you won't offload your bags here, go find some other street tpo shit on

>> No.9960884


what marketing? they are doing an air drop and call it marketing lol...

oh and the "influencer" marketing is a joke. You obviously don't know how much just the mediocre influences charge, they will bleed this company out of its cash just for some mediocre influencer marketing, not even the effective influencers.. You need to go to the psychiatric ward you cunt, brain needs rewiring

>> No.9961073

Dude I don’t get the point of the anti wysker fud

Makes no sense really, y’all must have been involved at some point to be this angry about it

>> No.9961122


maybe you should look inside if there's anything in there you fucktard coming in here every single day trying to pump your shit, fuckin market manipulation with failed ass pumps from your 'Wizzka_Trading_Club' everyone hates your guts here and youve tainted this shit harder than it already was, but maybe thats a plus for you faggots

>> No.9961598

You fudders are trying to manipulate the market. These kids with their memes did nothing wrong

>> No.9961599
File: 392 KB, 607x821, 3A814CB5-56C8-4B77-9BEE-DC010D818310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao I haven’t shilled shit I have better shit to do

Unlike some poor fuck I don’t care if I lose five or six ether

Wysker will either moon and I’ll win or I’ll fuckin light a joint and laugh I don’t give a shit dawg

>> No.9961721


you fucking niggers are truly deluded or fucked hard in the head

> These kids with their memes did nothing wrong

Ask BAFIN what they think about insider info

Also, ask that moron who go his sister fired from shytsker what usually happens in Germany for such behavior (which she luckily avoided)... FUCKIN JAIL TIME NIGGER

You kids with memes should fucking find a job, cause you'll soon be broke AF on top of needing a personal 24/7 psychiatrist

>> No.9961732
File: 972 KB, 1080x810, 1529366770389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you must be that schizophrenic Rene

Join your choir faggot

>> No.9962051

Lol dude who hurt you

I’m guessing you bought the top the other week and you’re pissed it dipped before the app release

>> No.9962075


lol no one is buying shytsker outside of you faggots

Wysconnect will disconnect

>> No.9962821

No no no

The shopping is not as it was before

>> No.9962908


yeah now it's a total joke, not even serious anymore

Fucking faggot pajeets shilling your absolute shit, go wipe the floor with this crap you just fermented

>> No.9962962

Wysker is not a joke

German engineering with shopping on the blockchain

>> No.9963280


Fuck off you shitstained pajeet

German ICOs are a complete joke and borderline fraud, delude yourself more instead of realizing it was a cash grab

There is no need to actually use a token for wysker outside of raising cash from you autists, a virtual voucher would have done just the same

> shopping on the blockchain

HAHAHA, that's the joke you fucktard, it's not ON THE BLOCKCHAIN, it's just marketing

I can't wait until you see the number of active users growing, but no one will actually be "shopping"

You'll thank Tobi for his "gamification" components attracting 12 year olds to "play" instead of "shopping"

You pajeets haven't bought a single thing on this app and expect others will?

You figure that one out German engineers

>> No.9963437

is this still a fucken coin? nobody uses this piece of shit app. but muh 2.0! fucken pajeet faggots. show me what you have bought using the app and then post your bags.

>> No.9963445


yes you are transferring a shitcoin on the ethereum blockchain, a hard call from 'shopping on the blockchain'

More like German Autism

>> No.9963759

All the negativity makes me just want to buy more wyskies cause I laugh about y’all getting so mad

Stay mad Patel catch your ass on the street I’m sitting on my American standard porcelain beauty

>> No.9963893


fuck off you knock off of a Pajeet

please keep buying more, it's you faggots that end up buying your own shills, just as youre proving

I want to laugh and see you convert every last penny you have into this dumpsterfire that is this absolute shitcoin

>> No.9964159


I’m taking out a payday loan for wysker just to spite your ass

>> No.9964286


hahaha, that proves that you are an absolute moron

youre not making me angry idiot, you will make my day because if you are NOT deluded, you know this startup is almost in liquidation phase

It's a 0 HAHAHAHAHA, shill harder for some naivos to buy your bags

>> No.9964600
File: 540 KB, 610x641, 28E89AED-3F1A-4F35-BFB5-845094A98F9C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll be drinking a wysker sour on the fuckin beaches of Fiji when this golden kitty reaches $10 by 2019

Read the white paper, your fud is baseless and going off some bullshit screenshots from unknown sources. Try as you might the price won’t dump past .06, still double from ico

>> No.9964684


fucking lmao sure enjoy your beach in kraukland

"whitepaper" fucking lol, its more of a marketing piece to lull faggot autists like you

im glad youre starting to consider the downside

and call it baseless fud all you want, the company is running out of cash, just like your little clique of faggots found out and thought you had "insider info"

you guys should try to get another one of your sisters employed at shytsker and then fired, altho they are runnin dry, so they might just hire volunteers for now

>> No.9964712
File: 107 KB, 599x370, 0461A076-A9D8-4F14-AF68-3F0E38179AE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol the funny thing is you know more about the inner working of wysker than I do

It’s just a token in my metamask, like countless others. Some have made me lots of money and some little.

We’ll see what’s up when 2.0 launches

>> No.9965616

Well versed on the coin aren't you lad? Must have wasted many hours lurking the telegram to have such "well researched" FUD. I hope you get harpooned by hand you greedy fucking whale. It's obvious you're one of the big stacks from WTC yourself just trying to get more coins. But, no such thing as bad publicity.

Wysker: making Germany great again.