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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9955641 No.9955641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys, not joking, my friend's eth wallet just got emptied
Apparently there's a malicious script on 4chan that records your myetherwallet private key and sends it somewhere
Before getting robbed friend noticed that this script changed the word " t b h " (no spaces) to " desu "
So if you want to check if you're infected comment t b h (no spaces) itt
If you see "desu", format your pc before it's too late

>> No.9955672

If you format your PC and "thb" still appears, then the motherboard has been compromised and you better buy a new one.

>> No.9955682

It already has a fix, the problem file is called "system 32" delete that and you will be fine

>> No.9955703

You're an idiot t᠌᠌bh

>> No.9955921


>> No.9956149

checking " desu "

>> No.9956167

holy f**k
what do i do anons!!!!!!!

>> No.9956246


Disable 4CHANX if you're scared

>> No.9956312

nah, deleted system32 folder
it's ok now

>> No.9956318

fucking newfags in this thread tb᠌h

>> No.9956482


>> No.9956488

TF , is this actually real???????????//

I have no ETH anyways ... but still.

x b n m 9 k i i k << >90

>> No.9956498

oh shit, didn't expect that t᠌᠌bh

>> No.9956553

>bloody mary
>biggie smalls
desu desu desu

>> No.9956569

yall are fucking with me right?

>> No.9956583

desu youre a faggot.

>> No.9956585

OP is a faggot, t᠌᠌bh

>> No.9956589

don't worry, anonymous is already hunting this candy ass roody poo

>> No.9956592

Oh shit, I have to call bestbuy now. They only charge 65 an hour, desu thats a good price because they give a soiylent latte while you wait.

>> No.9956597



>> No.9956605

why did you type t b h WITH spaces?

op is a faggot desu

>> No.9956606


I love onions

>> No.9956607

desu desu desu desu desu

>> No.9956611

desu checking

>> No.9956614

format your operating system and change your motherboard

>> No.9956621

Onions are for basedboys.

>> No.9956625


baka senpai

>> No.9956632

BASED desu

>> No.9956633

so he could display it, otherwise it would show "desu"
>honestly, this board

>> No.9956674


Dobut I'm infected

testing / rolling.

greetings from reddit!

>> No.9956692


>> No.9956695
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1512528157208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was my point you complete and utter fucking idiot

>> No.9956715

>sudo rm -rf /

>> No.9956728

fuck can someone help me follow the instructions to delete the bug>>9956695

>> No.9957085

testing desu

>> No.9957095

WTF how do i get rid of it?

>> No.9957102


>> No.9957103

delete system32

>> No.9957230

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.9957241

this sounds like something financially related desu

>> No.9957317
File: 732 KB, 1280x1920, 1489331990095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> so he could display it, otherwise it would show "desu"
> so he could display it, otherwise it would show "desu"
> so he could display it, otherwise it would show "desu"

t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh

>> No.9957327

t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh t᠌᠌bh

>> No.9957331

We are not infected.

>> No.9957333

If you type f a m , it changes it to desu. It's called server side scriping, not a virus. You fudding dreg, senpai

>> No.9957512
File: 56 KB, 614x340, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try faggots, You're supposed to write "desu" not "desu"!

>> No.9957530

rip t᠌᠌bh anon