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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9948390 No.9948390 [Reply] [Original]

>we're looking for a team player

>> No.9948411

I got into crypto in hopes of never needing to work for someone again.

>t. on my lunch break

>> No.9948439

>mfw I actually want a job so I can socialize with other people and develop skills

>> No.9948449

last thing I want is to work with someone who doesn't contribute or who can't communicate

>> No.9948486

>last thing I want is to work with someone who doesn't contribute or who can't communicate
get out HR roast. "team players" are more often than not social retards who can't get the job done and over-communicate to the point of job overlap and non-productivity

>> No.9948531

disgusting normie

>> No.9948639

I was like this till i had my first internship
I think i changed like 2 sentences with the coworkers in 2 month

>> No.9948672


fuck weirdos lmao

>> No.9948732
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>please indicate in your application if you belong to an unrepresented minority

>> No.9948755

HR fags ITT. You guys contribute little and are kept around to cover the company's ass in case of legal trouble

>> No.9948764

can't fix autism with a job

>> No.9948826

Team player = doing what's told of you without complain and then as soon as you can't for whatever reason your back on the shit list

>> No.9948839
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>please provide an explanation for any period for which you were unemployed longer than 6 months

>> No.9948857
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>tried to do the same by joining the army
>mfw colleagues know me as "Lieutenant Autismo"

>> No.9948863

Pretty much this. You're there to make money for other people and cause the fewest headaches. If you can find a way out, do it. Sometimes it takes a while and a few failures before something takes

>> No.9948929

if you are actually a butterbar it would remarkable if you didn't have autism
I think the government gives it to them somehow at officer training

>> No.9949503
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>Applicant must have a bubbly & energetic personality.

>> No.9949541

Offices are filled with useless extroverts that only feel productive when they call for meetings for every fucking task. Before they even start a project they'll call for "Kickoff" meetings which is literally a meeting to talk about future meetings.

That, is what a "team player" looks like.

>> No.9949821

I hope that in the software industry I can reach an autism chamber and focus on coding all day

>> No.9949844
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>tfw a gaping, 6 years hole in my CV

>> No.9949860

You'll still spend all morning worrying about who you're gonna sit with at lunch.

>> No.9949888

I don't really care as long as I won't get fired. can always skip lunch

>> No.9949909

>Please send your resume, along with a cover letter...
>cover letter

Is there any meme worse than the cover letter? The job market is already terrible for potential employees, and has been for years now. People are sending out resumes to a dozen companies or more, just hoping to get an interview, and these cock-suckers expect each applicant to take the time to write them an individualized love letter to sell themselves to your specific company? The application process is already heavily-skewered in favor of the employers, yet they make applicants jump through the additional hoop of having them write this letter that they will probably only skim over at best. Any pertinent information on a cover letter could just as easily be obtained on a general resume. There is absolutely no reason to require these people to draft individualized cover letters to a dozen different companies or more when most of those places probably won't even have the dignity to call the applicant back.

It's a disgusting practice that only exists because employers have all the bargaining power

>> No.9950008
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>be me
>apply for forklift job
>50 year old 6'5" 350lbs Grizzly Adams interviewing me
>'i think you missed a year on your application there anon'..nervous laugh
>'no...i voluntarily committed myself due to suicidal thoughts and depression'
>staring back and forth for a minute
>'i wish my son did that'..stares down at application
>i grab his hand
>8 years later, im still driving that forklift and he treats me like a son and he's the dad figure i never had

>> No.9950057

i get everyones frustration, but think about being a business owner...your number 1 investment are your workers in which you have to pay healthcare for. For a company, thats additional $10,000 or more on top of the individuals salary, on top of the risk of paying them unemployment if they need to fire them. Now take into consideration all the time it took to find that applicant.

I am an educator at a vocational school. I can tell you first hand 70% of the students i teach, i wouldnt hire, but 30% of those will fall through the cracks because they know how to play the game, but may eventually get fired.

I think the whole education system needs to change, because whats more important about getting a job is who you know. Thats what it comes down to. Someone who can vouch for you and your skills. Schools are missing these critical softskills classes. If schools actually cared about their students they would get their programs sponsored by business so recruiting can be stream lined.

Just playing devils advocate here.

>> No.9950125
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>If schools actually cared about their students they would get their programs sponsored by business so recruiting can be stream lined.

>> No.9950129

yeah, it should be replaced with an IQ test, because that's all school ultimately is. One long, expensive, IQ test.

>> No.9950296

Will my office have a library?
That's where I spent it in high school

>> No.9950653
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>Has a cookie cutter Hallmark™ inspirational quote in their email signature

>> No.9950678

The fucking worst..
What the fuck am I suppose to do ?
Pass some shit to the right ?
Or do any other's job ?

>> No.9950784

You know what, I noticed I was learning way more when I was in limbo looking for a job. I underestimated how productive I was in front of my PC 24/7, I thought I was wasting time playing video games but usually I get bored pretty fast so I take a break and do programming, learning, browsing sci papers and whatnot. Used to have hobbies involving electronics, repairing stuff, doing DIY shit.

Now, what do I do? Wagecuck all day long, and browse memes in the evening, rinse and repeat. Don't get me wrong my social game upped a lot and I have a really good job, but it suffocating. I also learn a lot of stuff on the job, but it's not what interests me the most.

Crypto is my gateway to freedom.

>> No.9951413

thanks for sharing anon