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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9945017 No.9945017 [Reply] [Original]

explain to a brainlet how to participate in airdrop
do i need high end pc?

>> No.9945247


>> No.9945332

>Ixex team will create a pool
>You'll join a pool with your shit tier laptop
>You will do some calculations
>Team will give you more RLC than you deserve so that in future you could use it for staking

So for airdrop you will most likely have positive ROI even with your old laptop as payout will be arbitralily increased

>> No.9945359

Wait, there's an airdrop for RLC?

Fucking when / where

>> No.9945380

July. Youll have to connect your pc and do some calculations for it.
All details will be revealed in July

>> No.9945441

Do you have a site that explains it a bit more how it works or is there no info?

I mean, what calculations? You mean my computer is supposed to do calculations? What are the system requirements?

>> No.9945455


>Connect Your Machines and Earn RLC

>To celebrate this mainnet launch, a Worker Airdrop will be organized soon!

>This worker airdrop is an opportunity for you to register your machines as public workers before the official release of public worker pools in September. You’ll be able to run works and get rewarded in RLC. Some random works will have an inflated amount of RLC attached to them for you to seize.

>In the coming weeks, we will configure a workerpool specifically dedicated to this contest. We will choose an application for the airdrop, define an RLC reward policy for participating workers, dry run it on test network and test workers beforehand, prepare out-of-the-box worker clients in order for everyone to participate, prepare the associated marketing… and launch it. Stay tuned for more details!

>> No.9945503

Thanks, that sounds pretty cool, will definetly keep an eye on that.

>> No.9945695


>> No.9945758

Ryzen 1600/gtx 1050ti here. Will I get at least 50 rlc?

>> No.9945825

No one knows how big the rewards will be yet

>> No.9945861

Any realistic predictions?

>> No.9945866

I ask this almost every week but did no one besides me read the white paper? Do you guys not understand proof of contribution? You can't earn RLC without already owning it. You have to use RLC as collateral to prove you will finish the project.

>> No.9946023

Impossible to make, as it is not revealed how many rlc team is planning to airdrop

>> No.9946047

Hmm, I actually have a GTX 1080Ti mining rig, wonder if i can get some juicy rewards for it.

>> No.9946058

People here are to stupid to understand what iExec even does.
They just read airdrop, and think it's some free money bullshit like with the other shitcoins in this market.

>> No.9946067

Anyways, don't expect people here to even visit the homepage of a project.

>> No.9946076

Gpu is not suppprted yet

>> No.9946247


And that's why so many people think iExec is a shitcoin / scam.

>> No.9946317

Woah. So buy a bunch of ryzen cpus and hope for a big payout?

>> No.9946379

Lol. If you are some sys admin just go rogue on the servers and connect it to ixec

>> No.9947342
File: 87 KB, 500x418, 1526497455984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading the whitepaper i went all in.

>> No.9947428


Did it 2 months ago

>> No.9947435


>> No.9948001

I see no evidence to connect this to the worker airdrop. Iexec even airdropped rlc for signups with no buyin necessary. Either provide evidence the airdrop will require an initial rlc investment or shut it.

>> No.9948032

then how do they support blender in any remotely efficient way?

>> No.9948056


>> No.9948197

They will. It's on their roadmap.

I think they're putting their efforts on b2b like banks, research, powering dapps, etc...

They will get to the GPU market eventually.

>> No.9948415

There are no details on this future airdrop, but they are doing this to test public worker pools before they go live in September, so i would assume they would require staking some RLC since that is how it will work in the future.

>> No.9948955

“Since that is how it will work later” is not a justification.