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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9940937 No.9940937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9940941

5'6" manlet :(

>> No.9940956


>> No.9940958

its okay fren i understand im a manlet as well
5'7 checking in

>> No.9940961

6'1" but extremely average sized dong.

>> No.9940964

5'9 manlet

>> No.9940966


I hate my life bros

>> No.9940973


>> No.9940982

195 cm
Wish I was slightly shorter sometimes. A bit tired of people going OOOoooOOOOoo you are really tall. Yes, thank you, I didn't know that. Especially when I was studying abroad in Tokyo.

>> No.9940984

6 2 ... Still have probes getting a gf

>> No.9940990

Same. 5'6". When I make it I'm going to get leg lengthing surgery and be a comfy 5'8" or 5'9"

>> No.9940991

= 6'4.77

>> No.9941002


>> No.9941015
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hope i'm 6'0, but have a feeling i'm only 5'11

>> No.9941020

6.5 everywhere
Height n length

>> No.9941022

6'5" it's not all it's cracked up to be, in fact down right frustrating sometimes. dont be down on yourselves frens.

>> No.9941030
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>> No.9941035

> 5’6”
> 29 y/o
> $140,000 salary
> work remotely
> two cash flowing rental properties
> “digital nomad” when I want to

I still have some insecurities about my height, but I’m doing pretty well and it’s never held me back from pursuing my goals.

>> No.9941036

I tell the doctors to check again when they say I am 5'11".

>> No.9941046

I feel your pain... i mean compliments. Stop complaining

>> No.9941056

7.5 inch dong

But ginger so girls hate me
We are doomed arent we?

>> No.9941068
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send help.

>> No.9941089
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>> No.9941097

nice desu, what you doing? software?
t. guy nomading in spain right now

>> No.9941107


I wish I was a little bit taller
I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her

>> No.9941114

It's not always a compliment. I prefer being too tall over being too short, but I do feel too tall sometimes.

>> No.9941130
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5-5 ...weird that i like tall girls. most my girls have been taller than me...5-7+

>> No.9941131
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5'9 with a 7 inch cock. 5'9 is basically the master race of height, hitler and pewdiepie both 5'9. European study shows 5'9 is the perfect height for a male as far as energy consumption and expenditure.

>> No.9941140

wth are those proportions

>> No.9941158

Usually they measure me at 6'3, sometimes 6'2 though. After I went above 6'0 back in my teens I stopped giving a fuck.

>> No.9941159

>tfw you realize drs are the chads of wagies.

>> No.9941169


More like masters of overcompensation lolol.

>> No.9941171

185cm with an 8 inch dick

>> No.9941173
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I wish I had more stinky linkies in my bag
And a six foot jawfu

>> No.9941176

T. someone who isn't part of the 5'9 master race

>> No.9941177

Indeed. Perfect lifting height too.

>> No.9941178

5'8 king of manlets tier

>> No.9941210
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Please tell me 5'8" is an okay height


>> No.9941252

179cm, I'm Asian so I guess it's ok.

>> No.9941270

5’2 dwarf here am I going to make it?

>> No.9941275
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You have a couple options. I'm 5'9 master race and have a bulkie pair of doc martens boots. With a thick insole it adds 3.5 inches to my heights so im standing at just over 6ft tall. I have a pair of bulkie doc marten shoes as well but the lift is 3 inches so I stand at 6ft. You could do the same easy. I only had one girl say anything when she came over to fuck, she was like, "wow wtf you're so short now haha" then proceeded to suck my dick. Also you're welcome, us 5'9 master race have to help out the less fortunate when we can.

>> No.9941288

WTF is cm? Use inches faggot, us Americans don't use that faggot gay nigger cm shit.

>> No.9941300

only good post in this bullshit thread

>> No.9941314
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6'2" here..225 lbs
work out 5 days a week, girls love having a big muscular man on top of them...they all do...been in a drought lately tho

>> No.9941317

5 8 masterrace

>> No.9941327

Have you considered dudes?

>> No.9941395

yes...met a couple traps off craigslist last year...cute and very passable but the most whiny, narcissistic people i ever met ... gave me through the roof blowjobs so not all bad. ..never told anyone in person about them though

>> No.9941462 [DELETED] 

Not using the metric system is unironically beyond retarded. Even your scientists realized it and started using it kek.

>> No.9941488

Not using the metric system is unironically beyond retarded. American scientists use the metric system too kek.

>> No.9941504

It doesnt matter what y have a 3 inch dick and good skill in fucking bitches

>> No.9941505

Girls want Chad. It doesn't matter how tall you are. If you're not Chad, then you ain't getting a gf.

>> No.9941509

5'9. Is this manlet status?

>> No.9941533

lol wtf

>> No.9941535

5'10 or 5'11 something. I've had people say im like 6'2 which is weird as fuck. been measured at the DMV and it said 6'0. Measured at the doc recently said 5'9 and a half. so IDFK

>> No.9941600

>be American
>use imperial system
Muh murica

>> No.9941615

I hate my life

>> No.9941637
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everything below 6ft is manlet dumb fuck, lurk more

>> No.9941643
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>> No.9941644
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How he FUCK do I get a womanlet gf?

>> No.9941647
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>> No.9941685

I'm 5'9.5... wish I was 6'1, but w/e
I feel tallish when I'm in the city (immigrants), but when I go home I feel like a midget

>> No.9941692

5'8" and its fucking hilarious that everyone else is a manlet too

>> No.9941696

170 cm

>> No.9941753
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>adding the .5 to your height
lmao, the absolute state

>> No.9941774

6'2 but I really wish I was 6'4.

>> No.9941779

I see r9k has arrived. Go back to your incel board, /biz/ is only for chads.

>> No.9941808
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kys manlet; money cant solve this and its every woman's #1 priority in a man, 6 ft or taller

>> No.9941970
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I'm a 5'9" manlet with a tiny dick and man boobs. Feels bad man.

>> No.9941996


>> No.9942074
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>> No.9942152

>tfw 6'0
>tfw an all-legs lanklet
>tfw bench almost 2pl8 but 5ft long arms still look like spaghetti
im never gonna make it

>> No.9942154

Is it okay to lick manlets' foreheads?

>> No.9942395

5' 1 3/16ths

>> No.9942702

King of manlets 5'11"

>> No.9942760
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>> No.9942850

I'm 6'2" and I feel like a giant here in burgerland.

>> No.9942873

6'0, the average hight for a man

>> No.9943039
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6'2 Slavic master race


Been lifting since I was 15 and been hitting the juice for past few years so 220lb of solid muscle. Bench 350-360 depending on the day. Just deadlifted 550lb earlier today.

Girls miring literally everywhere I go. Hitting on me to the point of it being annoying.

200k in crypto even after the crash. Own 2 online businesses making 70k per year almost completely passively, working on a third right now that should bring me to 100k/y easy.

Wow yall niggas never going to make it. I'm not bragging or larping but goddamn life has dealt me a good hand. When you realize there are people out there like this that you will be competing against... lul good luck

>> No.9943057


i have a 199 in dick that i wrap around and fuck my ultratight vagina with ever day before i have hot sex with my harem of wives. i then look at my crypto hodlings and see my portfolio is green in everything except for linkies which are still stinky

>> No.9943080


Pretty much the optimal height. None of the social stigma attached to being short plus none of the daily inconveniences of being too tall.

>> No.9943100

5'11.75 and very bitter about it

>> No.9943107

Solid 6'0". And by solid I mean slightly over 6'0" but rounded down because I don't want to be one of those guys who tries to make himself seem taller than he actually is.

Btw this is like my second time on /biz/. Do mods allow threads like these? This one's been up for a while.

>> No.9943111
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everyday I'm happy to be tall

>> No.9943117
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>and Asian

>> No.9943130

5'5" Master race checking in
When giving hugs I always get a face full of tits

>> No.9943178

6'4 and it feels fucking good. I can sense the envy in most men desu. Just standing next to them and watching them shift around, look up at the top of my head, down at my shoes to see if I am wearing lifts etc. Hillarious. No I'm not wearing lifts and Timberlands. Yes you are and you are still 6" shorter than me. Lmao. I thank God everyday for blessing me with top tier genetics.

>> No.9943258

5'5" but handsome face. 29yo boomer. last girlfriend was 5'11" and swallowed every single time. do be faggot OP lift

>> No.9943371

I'm 6'2
I'd give anything for great hair.

>> No.9943378

Don't lie. Chicks are your height on avg manlet

>> No.9943403
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6"6, but I have a small dick so there's the tradeoff, like literally 3cm flacid, goes to about 5in erect.

>> No.9943459 [DELETED] 

Doesn't matter.
Which is below average but not freakishly so. It's long enough that you could make up for it with over 5" girth (which is what matters most desu) and a good body. It is also possible to hurt a girl with too much length, while you can always stretch to accomodate more girth, which is why my 7"x4.5" pencil dick will never see any action.

>> No.9943468


feel like Im a good size depending on who I'm aroud

>> No.9943479

Doesn't matter.
Which is below average but not freakishly so. It's long enough that you could make up for it with over 5" girth - which is what matters most desu - and a good body. It is also possible to hurt a girl with excessive length, while you can always stretch to accomodate more girth (which is why I'm too scared to let my 7"x4.5" pencil dick ever see any action).

>> No.9943483

This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

>> No.9943526

5'11 female

fucking end me
i fucking hate being a giant

>> No.9943531

6'4 and I wish I was shorter.

>> No.9943537

5'2 here have a 18cm cock tho

>> No.9943542


noooo embrace it tall women are GOAT

>> No.9943552

same height.
How you doing bro?

>> No.9943672

not when most men are shorter than you

>> No.9943693


5'9 is manlet tier? wtf

>> No.9943726

stfu talletes and womanmores are obviously superior specimens

I pray every night for an amazonian /biz/ cryptothot and you come around here with this tall girl FUD


long x100 tall girls

>> No.9943792
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I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller. I wish for a rabbit in a hat and a 6 4 impala

>> No.9943801


>> No.9943818

Stop fucking lying you desperate faggot. Nobody wants that bitch but the 76ers

>> No.9943826

6'7, big dick and very handsome face. pretty lazy with my body because my height and face are so elite so i'm not jacked or anything but not a fat fuck either. i also have a solid personality, very charming.

for some reason i can be introverted tho, i just get really sick of people/socializing and like being alone most of the time. feels like i'm always on a stage because of the way i look

>> No.9943868

u guys will never believe me, but im 6f69 (2m11) im from the netherlands, so yeah... life is good.

>> No.9943928

76ERS already have Embiid they don't need another big man

>> No.9943929

6'4 but 5 inch dicklet ;_;

>> No.9944005
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>> No.9944277

Girth matters most.