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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 220x167, Daniel_Ortega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9939851 No.9939851 [Reply] [Original]

Nicaragua is completely shut down. Gangs running wild in the street and the women are resorting to prostitution. How many more countries are going to collapse under the Socialism meme? baka

>> No.9939887

So does this mean that if we can get several thousand armed biz bros we can go there and turn it into a libertarian/ancap paradise with no jew controlled central banks?

>> No.9939942

fuck that I like toilets that flush

>> No.9939981

Nope. All you will be getting soon enough are refugees, now pay those taxes brown people need your gibs

>> No.9940052

these dumb niggers have the opportunity to prosper but they keep going the socialism route. they could power their entire country using wind mills and become a tourist paradise but instead they keep cucking themselves and killing their economy.

>> No.9940129

I like toilets that can handle flushing toilet paper. What's the point of shitting in a toilet only to throw shit smeared paper in a bin next to the toilet? Lord knows where Maria disposed of that when I left my room. Savages. Only thing I liked about Nicaragua was the abundance of firecrackers and Xanax.

>> No.9940132
File: 24 KB, 720x755, 838357573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say we give our socialist friends a free helicopter ride.

>> No.9940217

>How many more countries are going to collapse under the Socialism
>blames socialism
The world bank get to decide how much money each county prints. The money is run from a central source. Hum, sounds like Communism.

>> No.9940273
File: 113 KB, 2560x1600, Agent H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite, in the case of south america its the united states CIAing them to advance american corporate interests

>> No.9940814

I will go. I have a gun and I will risk my life for this cause

>> No.9941034

That wasn't real socialism!

>> No.9941346


The United States is next if CNN and the Soys get their way

Then they’ll all hide in their gated communities or leave while the rest of us deal with the bullshit

>> No.9941386

It kinda wasn't. I think a very large portion of Nicaragua's economy is off the books.

This isn't to say that the FSLN isn't corrupt as hell and has basically been shit since Eden Pastora died, but they basically only paid lip service to socialism and pad a bunch of street gangs to maintain power.

>> No.9941412

That's how it works in all LatAm countries

The US will get LatAm style "socialism" soon. 2024 at the latest.