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9937643 No.9937643 [Reply] [Original]

It's terribly hot outside, so after eating my new double quarter pounder with cheese (add egg and mayonnaise), and an ice cold Monster Ultra Sunrise, my girlfriend and I went to Chipotle and have been staying inside all day even though we are at a vacation resort. (I got a large burrito because I was still hungry). Pitch perfect is on MTV and she isn't feeling like doing any physical activity today either so we're watching it and playing on our phones.

We might go lay by the pool later if it cools down outside before finding a nice buffet.

How is your day, wagie?

>> No.9937709
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Glad you asked

I got up at ten after drinking and playing pool with some friends last night at the most picturesque Alaskan dive bar.

Drinking coffee right now and soon I’ll head out on my bike and tear up some trails. Later on I might head into the National Park with my binoculars and see if I can spot a grizz or some moose. Sometimes I just sit and watch the beavers build their dams. They remind me of wagies....working just to survive to next season.

Never been one for the resort life, more about that natural survival. Y’all need to take the Alaska pill. The northern lights will be back soon

>> No.9937746

Your life sounds pathetic and boring lmao

>> No.9937763

I rather work than have diabetes and multiple cardiac arrests with 30

>> No.9937782

>on vacation
>selects mcdonalds, chipotle, and monster as his meal of choice
>watches MTV
>laying by pool

>> No.9937785

Woke up at 11am jerked off to pornhub. Went to a high end convience store by my place bought some lunch with my neetbux. Came back around 1pm ate lunch and looking for condos to buy with crypto gains / neetbux. Jerked off again to pornhub. Waiting for 8pm when I go on date from some girl I met on tinder. No need to go to a resort my friend I bring the vacation here.

>> No.9937791
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>eating shit tier pleb food
>dirty place with cans on floor
>cheap table indicating shitty 'resort'
>posting on biz looking for validation

op is fag confirmed

>> No.9937795


you made it bro

>> No.9937799
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What you want us to say:

I can’t wait until your ilk is dying off from health problems/suicide at a high rate, I’d say you’ll see repentance from these leeches in about 5 years time as they start losing limbs to diabetes.

>excellent b8 tried to trigger fats/amerifats/neets/wagies/incels/poors/europoors/and fits.

You should have added some anti-demotion for maximum faggotry. 6/8

>> No.9937816
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>> No.9937817

what is a "large" burrito at chipotle?

also you get more for your money by ordering a burrito bowl and having 2 tortillas on the side

>> No.9937857
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I think I'll be fine lol. I run almost every day and have completed marathons.

Just because I like McDonald's, chipotle, buffets, and sitting around doesnt mean I'll die of diabetes.

>> No.9937878

>woke up
>booted up comp
>bought 5k shares GEVO when it broke 5.92
>held til 8.46 and cashed out
>been spending the rest of the day shitposting, watching twitch, reading, enjoying a simple life being a miser

I should've held for longer b/c it went all the way up to 20 bucks per share, but you can never play it perfectly.

>> No.9937895
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Life is good.

>> No.9937897

Quality post

>> No.9937911

wtf is that egg burger called

>> No.9937938

It's a new double quarter pounder with cheese, add folded egg.

>> No.9937999

>watching tv and eating trash food is good living

>> No.9938057
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Fuck man I wish I was you. NEET life and got it made.

Whats your secret?

>> No.9938092

Please friend, try a Mango Loco Monster energy drink. You will be hooked

>> No.9938101
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Glad you asked
>way too hot to run outside, so I got up at 5:30 to run
>came back at 7:30 and made breakfast
>checked on my girlfriend and made some breakfast
>checked email to see if I missed anything
>checked stripe account and software backend to make sure everything was running smoothly
>answered all of the two support tickets I got the day before
>did some reading
>called girlfriend who was on lunch at work
>went to the gym
>came back
and here we are, shitposting here because regardless of how much I make, I will be here forever

>> No.9938106
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>> No.9938111

Jesus Christ that sounds depressing as hell. Why even go on living OP?

>> No.9938154

Good for you anon

>> No.9938178

>eating mcdonalds and posting on the internet
find something productive to do with your life you waste of space

>> No.9938190


fuck yes, you have excellent taste my friend

2 for $3 at my local Walgreen's.

>> No.9938191

You're probably prediabetic you are fat and disgusting your metabolism will slow down more and more from the shit food you eat and your gf will be a whale. Mercy kill her now

>> No.9938431

Buy Bitcoin a few years ago.

>> No.9938530
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Overweight OP btfo