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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9937638 No.9937638 [Reply] [Original]

>watch crypto for the last 2-3 years
>don't actually buy
>decide fuck it, buy in December
>downhill ever since
>any coin I touch goes to shit
>any coin I consider, but don't buy suddenly moons
>anything I sell immediately moons

I swear, I cursed crpyto... or I am in some fucked up Reality TV show seeing how getting JUST'd can affect people

>> No.9937648
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>> No.9937658


>> No.9937675
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You thought we were memeing? These aren't accidents.

>> No.9937697
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>> No.9937703

Are you me?

Only difference is I actually bought a bunch in Feb 2017 then sold after a 2x thinking I got away with murder... all of that shit is like 5-10x now even in this shit market. Shoulda just held.

>> No.9937710

believe in yourself, let yourself fail and try to understand that you cant control everything. Buying something on a whim is not necessarily bad

t. went from $1500 to $125 000, started in mid feb

>> No.9937725


Went from $125k to $1.5k myself, feels good man

>> No.9937742
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>buy 1000 MAN @ 1$
>watch MAN crash to 0.30$
>Goes to 1.30$ buy 3000 more
>crashes to 0.80$

>buy 10k TRAC @0.30$
>leave on a vacation to the carribean
>return, TRAC @ 0.15$


>> No.9937743
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Are you me? That is exactly my scenario.

>> No.9937769
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Saw EOS @4$

>Nah, too many competitors in the market, does nothing that different

moons like crazy

Saw Holochain

>just a meme, just like chainlink

moons like crazy


>another fucking meme-coin from /biz/ things gonna dump

moons like crazy


>I want to invest more in the projects I already know and love, would Diffie make that big a difference?

>mars mission.

Thankfully I bought AMB pre node economics release, sold that at a nice loss.

Also bought COSS @1$

accepting charitable advice so I don't end myself.

>> No.9937824
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you'll be fine in the end
specifically for you

>> No.9937845


Do not even consider selling the COSS until like 2020

>> No.9937896

>Nah, too many competitors in the market, does nothing that different

But this is exactly your problem. You don't have enough technical knowledge and intuition to tell what project makes sense. I bough EOS at $0.55 even with people screaming "scam" all over. If you read the whitepaper and went like "oh nothing different", then you can't see a moon even if it penetrates your asshole.

>> No.9937903


now that its so cheap and provides dividends I almost want to drop 500$ on tokens so I can actually get some decent dividends

>> No.9937919

better than, i lost a chance of making 900% on a shitcoin, everyday i feel like a retard for not seeing the rally

>> No.9937992

If you don't business cycle theory, you will lose. Crypto winter til halvening.

>> No.9938041
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million dollar idea

if none of u want to learn TA
just counter trade yourself?

95% of traders lose money

statistically you are in that 95%

do the opposite of whatever you really want to do
sell when you feel like buying more
buy when you start to panic



>> No.9938052


>> No.9938053

Nice. I hope their are millions more like you that'll buy my bags again in the future.

>> No.9938113

Don't worry anon, FOMO got me into the market in December too. I just have 1k in BTC lying around bleeding, figure it'll go back up eventually

>> No.9938212

this works the first time, then you start to /want/ to buy the dips and sell the pumps, and you're back at square 1 because its back to doing the opposite of what you expect

>> No.9938250
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>> No.9938267

How? Mind sharing a couple of things u invested in, or your rough strategy?

>> No.9938282

Hey anon, don't be too hard on yourself. Every day I always think I'm the common denominator of every coin that dips every time I buy. It made me think if I just buy the coin that's being pumped, I can make it (((their))) mark and crash it so everyone including me held bags because I was the chosen one.

>> No.9938291

yeah id thought of that

figured that if you always stay hedged you'll be objective
cause if corn goes down, sweet you can by cheap
and if corn goes up, sweet, your holdings made you money

failing this ^ however, if you switch round to wanting to make the correct trades, hopefully classical conditioning kicks in and after a short while you get the hang of it regardless

failing that just market make on mex, you berak even with your bids and asks because youre hedged at a 1:1 ratio, but you're always getting paid funding, so free money
site set it up like that to engineer liquidity
more liquidity = more people getting filled
more peoples trades getting filled = more liquidations (95% lose money)
so site wins and you win

>> No.9938293
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Hey man can you sell XMR/REQ/LINK/ETH/FUN and QTUM
thanks bro

>> No.9938469

This but unironically

>> No.9938497

1. buy in 2017
2. profit

>> No.9938502

Crypto has existed for 3 years?? I thought it started in January 2017 when I first bought bitcoin